

1755 Uppsatser om Child healthcare - Sida 40 av 117

How to work with parents of malnourished children: The experience of six Kenyan nurses

Background In Nyanza in western Kenya are 30,5% of children estimated as malnourished. It is a family situation that nurses often come in contact with. Therefore it is of interest to know how nurses work with parents of malnourished children when they have a significant role in developing the family's knowledge and child health. Aim. The aim is to investigate how nurses experience that they are working with parents of malnourished children.

Framsta?llningen av barn i den nya sexualbrottslagen : en inneha?llsanalys baserad pa? fo?rarbeten

The last major change occurred in 2005 when the new sexual offenses law came into force with an increased focus on children. The purpose of this study is that through a content analysis to identify and understand the construction of children in the new legislation on sexual offenses on the basis of preliminary work. Based on the purpose we came up with two questions: How are children constructed in the preparatory works to the new sexual offenses law? Are they attributed to child characteristics and responsibilities in the new legislation on sexual offenses and if so, how? In order to achieve the purpose of the study we have chosen the preparatory works to the new legislation on sexual offenses from 2005 until today. The study's empirical work has been further narrowed to the children, which means that a distinction is made in the new legislation on sexual offenses to 6 chapter 4-6 §§.

Ett hem eller två hem: hur vuxna skilsmässobarn tolkar och beskriver sin uppväxt mot bakgrund av den boendeform de vuxit upp i efter familjeupplösning

The break up of the family unit leads to new living arrangements and significant changes for children. This can be an extremely upsetting experience for a child, especially if the child is old enough to understand what is happening. New living arrangements can effect a childs fundamental sense of security as well as having consequences later on in life. The object of this research paper was to examine how a group of seven people (children from split families who are now adults), interpreted and described their childhood in relation to the living arrangements they grew up with after the breakdown of the family unit. The main question areas we have examined are: How have the interviewee's living arrangements during childhood affected their understanding of themselves today? In what way has the adult's present day lifestyle been influenced by the split up of the family that they grew up with - using their own words? How do the children from split families describe and interpret concepts such as family and marriage, based on their own experiences? Our research was conducted with the help of seven people from split families who are now adults and who experienced different types of split family arrangements as a child ? permanent residence with mother/father or alternate living with both parents.


The purpose of this study is to describe how dandelion children has experienced their childhood and how their childhood has formed them in their adulthood. The purpose is also to examine how the attachment between the child and the parents has come to expression. To search for the answers of the purpose the following issues has been created: How do dandelion children experience that their upbringing has formed them as a human being in adulthood? and How do dandelion children experience the attachment to their parents have been expressed during childhood? The empirical material of this study is based on a qualitative approach where the material has been assembled by semi-structured interviews with five respondents. The result shows that all the respondents has experienced their childhood as a problematic existence due to their parents lacking in their basic care of the child.

Det dolda förhållningssättet till barns självkänsla : En studie av förskolepedagogers intryck och uppfattningar kring barns självkänsla

The pre-school is seen by many as the place where children get equipped for the future and the challenges there of. One of the most important aims according of the curriculum for Swedish preschools is that children get the opportunity, in interaction with the pedagogues, to develop their identity and to feel secure and satisfied with themself. Although, in the curriculum of the Swedish preschool system there is a comprehensive focus on the children?s competencies and learning, the importance that the children feel secure is not that prominent. Consequently a paradox occurs between the focus on children?s competencies and their need for care.

Föräldrars behov och uppfattning om information från vårdpersonalen när deras barn insjuknat i diabetes.

The aim of this literature review was to describe how the literature presents parents? need for information and how parents perceive the information from care personnel when their child 0-18 years of age is diagnosed with diabetes. The literature search was performed in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Thirteen articles that met the inclusion criteria were studied. The results showed that when a child is diagnosed with diabetes the whole family faces a new situation and the parents are in great need for adequate information from care personnel to be able to deal with the new life situation and participate in the care.

Lyssna på mig! : Barn & ungdomar med funktionsnedsättningar vill vara delaktiga i möten med samhällets stödsystem

Children?s participation in their planning in health and social services is important. To make children?s needs more considered they need to be involved in the cision-making processes. Children have the ability to reflect.

Barnbibliotekariers kompetens och kärnkunskaper på området litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande arbete

This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with six childrens librarians. The purpose is to put a perspective on the librarians competence and focal knowledge within the area of reading promotion and reading stimulation aimed for children, and also to examine how this competence and knowledge is constructed. The work is based on the following questions: How do childrens librarians experience reading promotion and reading stimulation within their profession? Which competence and what knowledge do childrens librarians experience as most important in order to make their work with reading promotion and reading stimulation function? What can be concluded regarding the construction of their competence and knowledge? The analysis is carried out from theories about competence, tacit knowledge and reading promotion. Following primary conclusions are drawn from the study: The professional role is mainly experienced as promoting reading as pleasure, but also as an important factor for childrens language development.

Terapeuters föreställning om och med barn - varför involvera barn i familjeterapi

The purpose of this essay is to understand how children and adolescent regard participating infamily therapy sessions, and the children´s views on their own contribution to the therapy.Another focus is weather family therapy can strengthen children´s identity and sence ofcoherence, and thus help them being more able to coping with dificulties in the future.Important questions for this work is to investigate how the attitudes and abilities of familytherapists can help the children become participating subjects, and how the collaborativeapproach contribute to bringing new perspectives and opportunities in the family's relationalcontext and life situation. By using Antonovsky´s salutogenic theory and narrative theory, theaim of this paper is to bring forth ways to approach children as family therapist that helpsstrengthen the childrens identity, self-esteem and sence of coherence.By analyzing family therapists known for being child-focused, such as Jim Wilson, MichaelWhite, David Epston and Haldor Övreeide, and compare the approach as therapist to theconclusions of the recent studies, this paper wants to emphasize how to approach children,adolescents and parents in a way that helps children contribute to solving the problem and thatbrings forth new narratives about the childs identity and relational context..

Oscar Wildes A House of Pomegranates : Makt som tema

Denna uppsats undersöker Oscar Wildes sagosamling A House of Pomegranates sagor: The Young King, The Birthday of the Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul och The Star-Child. Med en modifierad form av den tematiska kritiken analyseras hur makt tar sig uttryck i sagorna ?hur makten utövas, vilka som har tillgång till den, vilka som drabbas av den och vilka konsekvenser den har.En slutsats som dras är att samtliga sagor påvisar att makt innehåller något ont eller negativt i sin natur, på samma gång som godhet är relativt inkompetent. Då någon av de grymma makthavarna omvänds i sagorna slutar det ofta med deras död, som The Star-Child är ett exempel på. Begreppet makt definieras med hjälp av handboken Vad är makt? av Fredrik Engelstad, som också erbjuder utblickar mot olika både nutida och äldre maktteorier, och därmed sätter in analysen i en maktteoretisk kontext.Det är tydligt att A House of Pomegranates inte är ämnet för forskares och kritikers ögon lika ofta som andra av Wildes verk, varför denna uppsats har förhoppningar om att fylla en viss del av det tomrummet i forskningen..

Intern marknadsförings inverkan på extern marknadsföring

Children's Need In Focus (BBIC) is a processing and documentation system used in child welfare cases to investigate, plan and monitor interventions. The BBIC has had a breakthrough in Sweden and out of the country's 290 municipalities, there are 284 that use the system daily as a tool in cases involving children. The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers experience the BBIC as a working system and what strengths and weaknesses there are in the BBIC concept. We wanted our study to examine how the BBIC could possibly enhance the quality of childcare matters, but also how the BBIC could potentially increase children's participation in cases. We have performed qualitative interviews with eight social workers who work in four different municipalities where the BBIC is applied daily.

?Barnets bästa? i asylprocesser : - En diskursanalys av innebörden hos begreppet ?barnets bästa? i arbetet med ensamkommande barn i asylprocesser

Denna uppsats är en kritisk diskursanalys vars syfte är att studera hur begreppet ?barnets bästa? används och tolkas i asylprocessen för ensamkommande barn. Jag har undersökt hur de tjänstemän som fattar beslut om asyl i fall med ensamkommande barn formulerar föreställningar om ?barnets bästa? och hur begreppet förhåller sig till andra begrepp i den diskursiva praktiken. Detta har jag gjort genom att dels analysera de styrdokument som ska ligga till grund för besluten och dels beslut ifrån migrationsverket och domar ifrån  migrationsdomstolarna.

Riskhanteringen ingår i kulturen : En kvalitativ studie av riskhantering i en ideell idrottsförening

Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.

Barns boende : socialsekreterares konstruktion av principen om barnets bästa i förhållande till materiell standard

The purpose of this study was to examine how a selection of social welfare officers based on the principle of the best interest of the child construct a minimum level of the material standard in a home. Another purpose was to examine whether different units with varying socioeconomic prerequisites in the municipality of Stockholm construct this level differently.The method used in this study was Sociology of Law and two focus groups were used for the gathering of the data. A social constructive theory, a class perspective using concepts of Bourdieu and a perspective of law were used to analyse the material of data.The results showed that the courses of action varied from enactment and the policies of the municipality of Stockholm, unspecified theories of the development of children, the conception of what is normal and what children needs, the context in which they work, the development of the society and what they estimate that children needs when attending school. The results also showed a difference between the two units concerning the minimum level of the material standard in a home.

Hur den interaktiva skrivtavlan används av gymnasielärare

Children's library's primary task is to encourage children to read. Promoted readingleads to increased reading skills. A common method for this purpose is booktalk. This studyaims to examine how children?s librarians work with booktalk aimed towards children andhow it can be developed as a working method to support the library's reading promotionactivities.

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