

5725 Uppsatser om Child health clinic nurses - Sida 29 av 382

FN:s barnkonvention : Demokratins positiva inverkan på staters implementering av barnkonventionen. Fallet Nigeria.

Even though many states have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and sworn to protect human rights, viloations occur every day both in developed and developing countries. United Nations gave Sweden critique for not implementing the Convention conrerning article 11, which raises the question how respected the Convention is amongst other states? Does democracy contribute to a higher level of implementation?.

Utvärdering av Sensus amningsutbildning för blivande föräldrar

ABSTRACTStatistics show that breastfeeding prevalence for Sweden has fallen since the mid 90´s. Studies show that breastfeeding offers health benefits to both mother and child and that the mothers' belief and confidence in their ability to breastfeed is a key factor to having a positive breastfeeding outcome. In 2010, Amningshjälpen in collaboration with Sensus studieförbund, started a nursing course, for mothers-to-be, who wished to breastfeed their babies and its aim was to prepare them for a successful and enjoyable experience.Objective: To examine whether a preparatory breastfeeding course can affect mothers' confidence in their ability to breastfeed and if that ability can affect the breastfeeding outcome when the child reaches four months. A further aim is to investigate the experience of  perceived problems surrounding breastfeeding and what affect these might have on the mothers' confidence in breastfeeding when the child reaches four months.Design/Methods: A quantitative approach with prospective experimental design was used to evaluate the study. The questionnaire Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (BSES-SF) was used three times to measure women's trust in lactation.

Socialtjänsten och mödrahälsovårdens arbete och samarbete kring gravida risk- och/eller missbrukare

The aim with my study is to highlight, illuminate and examine the social and maternal health care motivational work of pregnant women with a risk or abuse of alcohol and / or drugs, and what actions can be considered for these women. In addition, the aim is to explore how social services and maternity care might interact in this type of case. The aim is to convey the subjective experience of each of the interviewees. For the purposes of this study, I have chosen to use the qualitative research method. I have interviewed social workers in individual and family care, and midwives.

?Något fel är det med honom, han kommer säkerligen aldrig att bliva en god medborgare? : En studie om barnavårdsnämnden, skolan och de avvikande barnen i 1930-talets Malmö stad

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

Individanpassad omvårdnad för det för tidigt födda barnet : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the meaning of individual care according to Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment programs (NIDCAP) to the early born child. The care around the early born child has shown a big importance. NIDCAP incorporates many care aspects that give structure for an individual tailored care. A fast care planning within three days and night after the birth according to NIDCAP has a positive effect for the cognitive development. The early child has showed that the surroundings environment has an important role for their development.

Tiden, hälsan och familjen : En intervjustudie av tidsbrist och dess konsekvenser för hälsan

Aim and scientific issuesThe aim was to identify potential health risks, for full-time working parents with small children, caused by time shortage. The intention was to better understand and help this particularly time-pressured group in society to achieve a healthier lifestyle. The identification was built upon their own opinions about possible health risks and upon an interpretation of the health risks from a health promoter?s perspective.How do full-time working parents with young children handle time-shortage in a health perspective, specified in the categories: sleep, recovery, nutrition, physical activity, social health and mental health?What consequences for health does time?shortage have for full-time working parents with young children?What do parents with young children think could help them to obtain a better health in everyday life? MethodThe study was based on a literature overview and semi-structured interviews with 6 people who were strategically selected: the interview objects were all full-time working or studying, had one child under 7 and lived together with a partner. All interviews were recorded using two dictaphones and were implemented, transcribed and analyzed by both writers of this essay to increase the reliability of the results.ResultsTime shortage is shown to be handled especially through priorities in the respondent?s lives.

Hur sjuksköterskor kan bidra till följsamhet av basala hygienrutiner inom kommunal vård och omsorg

Background: Basic hygiene is an important measure to prevent healthcare associated infections, save patients? lives, and reduce economic costs for health care. Healthcare associated infections are a threat to patient safety. In community care persons who are the care takers are a risk group and nurses must make sure that basic hygiene procedures are followed.Method: Literature studies with descriptive design, article search in databases Cinahl and PubMed. The results found are based on twelve chosen articles.Aim: To describe factors related to adherence to basic hygiene and how nurses in community care can help to improve compliance with these procedures.Results: In the nursing staff and leadership in health care interest in and the understanding of basic hygiene is described as being of most importance.

Beslutstödssystem använt av experter

Abstract In this report I describe the Health Care Advice Bureau?s (sjukvårdsrådgivningen) historical background, proposals for its development according to a committee from the Blekinge County Council (Landstinget Blekinge), the Health Care Advice Bureau?s cooperation with different external operators e.g. the SOS and the Care Centers [Vårdcentraler]. I account for how I, in the same county council, aided by ethnographical methods observed or investigated the following: The nurses? interaction with the patients, the nurses? interaction among themselves, the nurses? participation in the development of the system and also the computer based system?s technical qualifications.

Barn i familjehem: En studie, om långtidsplacerade barns fysiska och psykiska hälsa, tonårsgraviditet, skolgång samt om föäldrarnas psykiska hälsa och mortalitet, i en undersökningskommun

The main purpose of the study was to analyse the well being of children placed in foster care for at least two years, in one sample municipality. An assessment was made of how the social service admistrated and took responsibility for these children in terms of schooling, physical and mental health. To further understand the situation of the children three areas of investigation were added concerning; teenage pregnancy, the mental health and mortality of the biological parents. To receive answers to those questions a qualitative interview method was used, with structured questions to social workers working with foster care. The author also studied journal notes and child investigations to receive a more comprehensive picture.

Relationen mellan familjehem & biologiska föräldrar: En (o)komplicerad relation?     Synen på familjehemmens kontakt med barnets biologiska föräldrar, samt det stöd som ges från familjehemssekreterare i denna kontakt.

With this research we aim to examine foster parents and social workers perceptions about the relationship between foster parents and the foster child?s biological parents and their perceptions about the support to the foster parents in the contact with the child?s biological parents. The research will provide a deeper understanding of the actors? perceptions and explain possible differences in their opinions. This study has a qualitative approach and contains eight semi-structured interviews with foster parents and social workers in a smaller town in the south of Sweden.

BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och hantering av förlossningsdepression hos nyblivna föräldrar.

Bakgrund: Mer än en av tio nyblivna mammor visar tecken på depression efter en förlossning och detta kan ha negativ inverkan på barnets utveckling och föräldraparets relation. I Sverige screenas alla nyblivna mammor för förlossningsdepression då barnet är 6-8 veckor. Nyblivna pappor kan också drabbas av förlossningsdepression men det finns ingen rutin för att screena dem.Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och hantering av förlossningsdepression hos nyblivna föräldrar på BVC.Metod: Studien är baserad på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med BVC-sjuksköterskor. Datan analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats.Resultat: Av analysen framkom fem kategorier vilka är; svårigheter att identifiera förlossningsdepression, känsla av otillräcklighet, att stödja föräldrarna, användning av screeninginstrument och att observera samt med 13 underkategorier.Konklusion: BVC-sjuksköterskor upplevde att det inte var vanligt med förlossningsdepression hos nyblivna föräldrar. Det var ibland svårt att skilja på förlossningsdepression och depressiva symtom av andra orsaker.

Humor i mötet mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor / Humour in the meeting between patients and nurses

Abstract på svenska: Bakgrund: Studier har visat att humor är en betydelsefull faktor inom hälso- och sjukvård och att olika former av humor kan skapa en känsla av välbefinnande. I interaktionen mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor har skratt och humor visat sig ge positiva effekter vad det gäller att skapa en avslappnad atmosfär. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa humors betydelse i mötet mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor. Metod: Studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie som baseras på 8 utvalda och granskade artiklar. Resultat: Sex huvudkategorier framkom under artikelanalysen, Humorns betydelse för mötet mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor, Humor som copingstrategi för patienter och sjuksköterskor, Humor som försvarsmekanism, Sjuksköterskors användning av humor i mötet med patienter, Humor som arbetsredskap i komplicerade omvårdnadssituationer samt Vid vilka möten bör humor undvikas.

Kroppsuppfattningen hos kvinnliga och manliga högskolestudenter. -En kvantitativ undersökning.

Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.

Socialtjänstens stöd till familjehem ur utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv - Fallet Linnéa -

The aim of this essay was to investigate how social workers, within chosen Social services districts in the northwest of Skåne, work with children placed in foster care. Our purpose was to investigate the interaction between the child and the foster home from the perspective of the Ecology of Human Development. Our questions were:* How do the social worker prepare the child and the foster home before a placement?* What kind of support is offered to the foster home with the purpose of supporting the child?* How do the social worker make the childs contact with the biological parents easier?* To what degree does the social worker work on strengthening the child's network?* Which factors do the social worker decide the allocation of support?* What do the social worker think affects the work with the foster home from a society level?To answer our question we have interviewed nine social workers. We found that the social workers were generally good at perceiving how the micro- and meso-systems, and to a certain extent the exo-system, influenced the foster child.

Hälsa i ämnet Idrott och hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares perspektiv på och arbetet med hälsa i ämnet Idrott och hälsa.

The aim of this qualitative study was to study high school PE teachers´ experience of health in high school and how they work with health in their physical education. This was examined by interviewing five high PE school teachers. The results show that all teachers were in the category humanistic approach. They saw health as more than only absence of sickness. The methods for using health in their physical education were divided into three different categories; physical health, improve the individual and theoretical health.

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