

3817 Uppsatser om Change leader - Sida 2 av 255

Samverkan för en hållbar landsbygdsutveckling - en studie av EU:s leadermetod

This study aims to illustrate the Leader approach and analyze the work of collaboration development within Leader. The idea has also been to describe some of the difficulties that might be encountered in this type of development work. By highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this approach we hope to enhance the chance that future work in similar projects can be implemented more easily. Leader is a tool and methodology used in the European Union (EU) for work on sustainable rural development and it has been used since 1991. The purpose of Leader is that by supporting rural projects they will gain social capital and development in the rural communities.

Change Lab : Att arbeta med lärande förändring

In order to be able to change, to maintain competitiveness as a company in a world where rapid changes is part of the daily life, it is crucial to have knowledge and methods in how to change. One method, originally developed in Finland, is the Change Laboratory. This method is said to be efficient, not only concerning change aspects but also learning, since change and learning in this method is intertwined. This Master Thesis (20p.) tells about the process of conducting a Change Laboratory with a Swedish high-tech company and analyses factors in the process that makes change possible..

Svenskar skattar ingruppens egenskaper lägre i närvaro av en utgruppsrepresentant : en studie av ingruppskorrektion

Psychological research concerning correction of stereotypes has mainly focused on how individuals adjust their negative attitude towards the out-group due to the apprehension of appearing prejudiced in front of out-grouprepresentatives. This study though, does not deal with estimations of the qualities of the out-group; it deals with estimations of the qualities of the in-group. Does Swedes correct their estimations of their own group when the experiment leader is of another ethnicity and has a different colour of skin? The participants were students at Halmstad Högskola and they were all born and raised in Sweden. Half the participants got to meet a Swedish born, white skinned experiment leader, whereas the other group got to meet an African born, dark skinned experiment leader.

Att införa Balanced Scorecard : en studie av en implementeringsprocess

Background: In our case study we have been studying a company that during the last seven years have tried to implement the control system Balanced Scorecard. They have during this period made three attempts. According to Kaplan and Norton, the creators of Balanced Scorecard, it should take about 16 weeks to implement a Balanced Scorecard. Purpose: Our purpose is to investigate which factors that influence the possibility to implement Balanced Scorecard. Method: We have conducted a case study where we have studied implementation at three levels in a company.

Förskolechefens ledarskap : En studie om fem förskolechefers syn på sitt ledarskap

The purpose of this study was to examine how five preschool managers are looking at theirleadership and what difficulties they see in their leading. To live up to my purpose I askedthe following research questions: Which parts in their mission do the five preschoolmanagers see as problematic in relation to the curriculum for preschool and the schoolsinspectorate quality investigation? How do the preschool managers describe their leader styleand leader ideals, and is their any difference between the two of them?The method of this study was qualitative interviews with five preschool managers. Theresults that I found was that the most of the preschool managers see their leadership as coproduced(like in Ludvigssons research 2009) with the teachers and that the preschoolmanagers often find other difficulties in their mission compare to the quality investigation(School inspectorate 2012). I also found that three of the five preschool managers thoughtthat they weren?t present enough in the preschools because of their many tasks.When I tried to classify the preschool managers leader style I found that they vary betweendemocratic and authoritarian leader style in decision-making like in Tennenbaum andSchmidt?s (1973, p.

Emotioner i arbete : En studie av fritidsledares upplevelser av emotioner och arbetsmiljö

Abstract The sociological problem of this C-essay is sociology of emotions. This paper deals with experiences of emotions and work environment for people who work in human service organizations, and has been limited to the profession of recreation leader.The purpose of this paper is to examine how emotions affect the recreation leader?s work. For this we used eight qualitative interviews with recreation leaders from different youth recreation centers. What we have found in this study is that recreation leader?s work includes both positive and negative aspects.

Det dygdiga ledarskapet - politiskt ledarskap ur ett etiskt perspektiv

A question that is asked far to seldom is what it means to be a good leader. The answer is not all that simple. It is a comlex and multi-faceted question that varies between the values and what ethical perspective you choose to have. As the title indicates, this essay has one particular ethical-theoretical perspective in focus, virtue ethics. According to the virtue ethics perspective a good political leader is a virtuous leader.

Handledande samtal i förskolan : -kompetensutveckling eller akut problemlösning?

Preschool is a place that is continually undergoing change at a rapid pace and developing the skills of our educators is essential for their ability to keep up with these changes. Guidance conversations can be used as a vital tool for the educators competence development.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how educators, special educators and preschool principals think and reason about the use of guidance conversations in preschool.A qualitative method has been used in the shape of interviews with educators, special educators and preschool principals working within different districts of a medium sized city in the south of Sweden.These interviews revealed that the use of guidance conversations is often controlled by specific needs and is used when a problem arises amongst the children. There are many expectations on the special educators role in these conversations, one of which is the role of conversation leader with the purpose of guiding the conversation amongst involved parties and give them the tools they need to resolve problems by themselves instead of delivering packaged solutions..

En studie i "situationsanpassat följarskap" : att välja att följa en ledare baserat på frivilligt engagemang

Title:A study of ?Situational followership?.Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Lykke SilfwerbrandSupervisor:Jonas KågströmDate:2011 ? JanuaryAim:This study looks at the new concept: ?situational followership?. It discusses howfollowership and leadership are connected and takes the approach of the follower. The studymainly looks into the following questions:·How can situational followership can be described?·What is the most important parameter for a follower?·Does the choice of leader differ according to the situation?·How is situational leadership and situational followership connected?Method:This is a qualitative study with ten respondents.

Ledarskap och Stress : en kvalitativ studie om ledarrollens betydelse i stressiga situationer

Previous research in the area of leadership and stress has shown that the leader plays an important role but in what way is still an issue to explore. A qualitative approach was used in this study to develop an increased understanding of the leader's experience of stress using four themes; leadership, stress, control and organizational factors. A total of 12 semi-structured and un-structured interviews were carried out with 6 leaders, three females and three males. The data was transcribed and thematic as well as narrative analysis was conducted.The results indicates that leadership stress is caused by a lack of control and that factors intrinsic to the role as a leader both facilitates and complicates the leaders situation when facing stress..

Reaktioner på en organisationsförändring : En kvalitativ studie om chefernas upplevelse av förändring

Vi har kommit fram till att chefernas reaktioner inte beror på omorganisationen i sig utan hur förändringsprocessen har gått till. Deras reaktioner speglar ett motstånd mot sättet som förändringsprocessen har genomförts på. Det är personerna i organisationen och inte organisationsformen som är det viktiga för cheferna. Vi tycker att de faktorer som påverkar en lyckad förändringsprocess är medarbetarnas delaktighet, möjlighet till en bra dialog innan beslutet är taget, kommunikation samt känsla av sammanhang..

Change Lab - Att arbeta med lärande förändring

In order to be able to change, to maintain competitiveness as a company in a world where rapid changes is part of the daily life, it is crucial to have knowledge and methods in how to change. One method, originally developed in Finland, is the Change Laboratory. This method is said to be efficient, not only concerning change aspects but also learning, since change and learning in this method is intertwined. This Master Thesis (20p.) tells about the process of conducting a Change Laboratory with a Swedish high-tech company and analyses factors in the process that makes change possible..

Anpassningar till standardisering inom Software Configuration Management : En fallstudie om standardisering inom mjukvarukonfigurationshantering

Change is inevitable when software is built and deployed. It?s not particularly problematic to manage change if there is just one system. But in a large global IT organization, with several systems and people who develop, problems may arise. If organizations don?t control change, change will control the organization.

Drivet bakom klivet - en studie av drivkrafterna bakom steget från näringsliv till ideell sektor

The Swedish nonprofit sector is experiencing a sectoral change, moving closer to the corporate sector to become more commercialized. The recruitment of leaders with corporate experience constitutes one of the factors influencing this development. Hence, to create an understanding of this sectoral change, the thesis aims to investigate the motivational forces underlying the leaders' decisions to work within the nonprofit sector. Additionally, the thesis seeks an understanding of why the leaders' decisions were made later in their careers. Through conducting qualitative interviews with leaders representing top management of six humanitarian organizations in Sweden, the study finds that nonprofit leaders with corporate background, analogous to volunteers and employees, are motivated by a sense of relatedness to the vision of the organization.

Ledarens användning av feedback från medarbetaren, för teamutveckling : En studie om hur systembaserad feedback från medarbetaren kan hjälpa ledaren att utveckla högpresterande team i företagsvärlden

In today's changing society, companies need to work with continuous change and improvement to evolve with the market. It is therefore important for managers to learn how to manage teams because they are expected to streamline selected products or processes in the business. Employees and teams need to develop in line with the changing environment in this process feedback is a tool and an important pillar. Leaders must learn to manage and transform feedback into something useful.The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of how systems-based feedback in the form of employee surveys can be a support for the leader in team development. We wanted to identify relevant behaviors and actions of the leader that may increase the work with feedback.

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