

3817 Uppsatser om Change leader - Sida 12 av 255

Framtagning av en sängcykel för sjukvården

This bachelor?s degree thesis was conducted in mechanical engineering at Halmstad University during spring semester 2010 in close collaboration with the company Gremo AB, located in Ätran, Sweden. Gremo AB produces, developes and sales forest machines in both Sweden and on the international market.Gremo AB belongs to one of the market leaders in forest industry, especially with their forwarder. In order to become a market leader even with their harvester, the company decided to change the harvester to have a swivel and a leveling driver cabin.The aim with this bachelor?s degree thesis was to develop a design concept for the harvester driver cabin, which Gremo AB can apply on the new harvester.

Biogasanvändning vid Käppalaförbundets Reningsverk: ? en värdering av miljöeffekter

This thesis calculates and compares the values of improved environmental quality due to future possible investment alternatives in biogas production facilities at Käppalaförbundets Reningsverk (Käppala Sewage Treatment Works) in an attempt to determine which alternative yields the highest such value. Käppala faces three investment alternatives for the usage of biogas. The alternatives are production of vehicle fuel, district heating and thirdly, heat and power production. Estimates of the value of environmental change are calculated for each of the three investment alternatives, and these estimates are then compared. The environmental change in question is the change in discharge levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particle matter.

Upplevelserna av ett coachande ledarskap : och vikten av emotionell intelligens för ledare

Det coachande ledarskapet är ett ledarskap som fokuserar på samspelet mellan ledare och medarbetare. För att studera detta ledarskap så har syftet med denna undersökning varit att undersöka upplevelserna av detta ledarskap som personer med beteendevetenskaplig utbildning har. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna värderar relationen mellan ledaren och medarbetaren som det grundläggande i ledarskapet. Förutom det coachande förhållningssättet i ledarskapet så handlar det också om hur ledaren är och vilka egenskaper han eller hon har. Det viktigaste är att ha kunskap om sig själv och sitt eget beteende som ledare och här är emotionell intelligens betydelsefullt.

Förändringen av en organisation : Lean i Växjö kommun

Is it possible to conduct a joint organizational change despite different circumstances and different starting points, and still talk about the same organizational change? Can all the work that leads to more efficient operations fall into the same category? How can such concept gain legitimacy? The result shows that by talking about a concept, in this case, Lean, as something that leads to a better and more efficient organization, without for that matter have to set a defined content of the concept you still can present the process as one concept. Tough the concept will be practically blank. But there is still a rhetorical value in the concept of Lean. The organization institutionalizes the concept and obtains in this way legitimacy from its surroundings.

Jämförande livscykelinventering

This bachelor?s degree thesis was conducted in mechanical engineering at Halmstad University during spring semester 2010 in close collaboration with the company Gremo AB, located in Ätran, Sweden. Gremo AB produces, developes and sales forest machines in both Sweden and on the international market.Gremo AB belongs to one of the market leaders in forest industry, especially with their forwarder. In order to become a market leader even with their harvester, the company decided to change the harvester to have a swivel and a leveling driver cabin.The aim with this bachelor?s degree thesis was to develop a design concept for the harvester driver cabin, which Gremo AB can apply on the new harvester.

"Jag gjorde det dom betala för" : En narrativ berättelse om en kvinnas liv och vägen ut ur prostitution och missbruk

This study aims to find out what happens with the roles that are seemingly left behind. Are there roles that are harder or easier to exercise? Available roles with us through life and affect our future decisions or we switched completely away from them and create new roles based on the situations we find ourselves in at the moment? The aim is also to see how the relationship looks like between closed roles and new roles in life. To try to find this out, I have used the narrative method. The study is based largely on Goffman's theories of roles, behind and above the front- and back stage.

Hälsosamt förhållningssätt mot stress: En kvalitativ studie om att vara enhetschef inom LSS i Kalmar kommun

Stress is part of everyday life and in the working conditions of the social services in Sweden. Thus each and every person has resources and strategies to cope with those stressors that construct the assumption of stress. The aim of this study was to understand how persons in leading positions of the LSS of Social Services in Kalmar experience and cope with stressors in their leadership and organization and to investigate what factors during working and non-working hours promote health. Influenced by the theoretical approach of Aaron Antonovsky´s Sense of Coherence seven qualitative interviews were conducted with persons in leading positions. They were asked about stressors, coping strategies, resources and health promoting factors that help to cope with stressors.

Alternatives for another world?: En kritisk analys av Occupy Wall Street-rörelsens idéer för strukturell förändring

In the wake of the latest financial crisis, a group of individuals launched the Occupy WallStreet movement. It wanted to change the structures that economic and political life arefounded upon. They believe that the established structures are unfair and exploit the majorityof the population. Researchers critisised the movement saying it was ambiguous because itcould not produce any realistic ideas for change, while others thought that was a success forthe movement.Therefore, the aim of this Bachelor Thesis is to examine the different ideas articulatedby the Occupy movement and present them systematically. Through an inductive qualitativetext analysis six different themes are identified regarding how the movement wants to changethe structures in society to make them fair.

Klimatinducerade fenologiförändringar och dess effekter i näringsväven

The climate affects animal populations through several processes. These processes includereproduction, phenology and the success of hunting. By influencing the phenology of species theclimate also affects the way species interact. If a climate-induced phenology change promotes abasal species to bud earlier in the spring for example, this will affect the links to other species inthe food web due to a time lag in the tropic levels above. This dependence, that a predator has tobeing synchronous to its prey, is called the match/mismatch hypothesis (MMH).

Miljöpartiet de Gröna - från antiparti till stödparti. En analys av Miljöpartiets förändrade partistrategi

The overall purpose with this thesis has been to study the strategic development of the Swedish Green Party, Miljöpartiet de Gröna. From its first appearance in the Swedish parliament 1988 to its decision to cooperate with the Social Democrats and the Left Party in 1998, the Greens has gone from a radical antiparty to a pragmatic support party. The analysis has concentrated towards identifying the causal factors behind this strategic move made by the Greens, and to determine how this party change has affected the party's strategic goals. In order to do so, a qualitative case study has been conducted where an integrated theoretical approach has been used. By studying official statements and internal debates the thesis concludes that the strategic change made by the Greens was due to the evolvement of a new dominant coalition of within the party.

Byggfel på plåttak : - Bristande kommunikation eller bara slarv?

The mistakes and failures on the roof are noticed during inspection of the construction, many of the commentaries are recurring. A contractor should only need to get a commentary once and then learn from the mistake. It has in this study been brought to light that the solution is not to tell the contractors to "stop slattern", it is more complicated than that. Today, the biggest problems are found in leadership, communication, feedback of experience and that the entrepreneurs take too little responsibility.To minimize the amount of commentaries all contractors need to work with a clearer leadership where the leader is both respected and appreciated. The leader must in an effective way be able to convey all the information to all employees.

Ka?ndisar i politiken : En ja?mfo?rande analys av Sverige och Finlands anva?ndande av ?ka?ndisar? i Europaparlamentsval

The main purpose of this study is to examine celebrity candidates in the European Parliament election in Sweden and Finland. The theoretical background assumes that candidate voting is beneficial in the election to the European Parliament. Previous research also shows that there are some opponents towards candidate voting, claiming it personalizes politics and it might lead to celebrities getting elected simply because they are well known to the voters.This study is a comparative analysis and analyzes the differences between Sweden and Finland when it comes to celebrity candidates. Furthermore, Max Weber?s theory on leadership will be used to categorize the celebrity candidates further.

Upplevelserna av ett coachande ledarskap - och vikten av emotionell intelligens för ledare

Det coachande ledarskapet är ett ledarskap som fokuserar på samspelet mellan ledare och medarbetare. För att studera detta ledarskap så har syftet med denna undersökning varit att undersöka upplevelserna av detta ledarskap som personer med beteendevetenskaplig utbildning har. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna värderar relationen mellan ledaren och medarbetaren som det grundläggande i ledarskapet. Förutom det coachande förhållningssättet i ledarskapet så handlar det också om hur ledaren är och vilka egenskaper han eller hon har. Det viktigaste är att ha kunskap om sig själv och sitt eget beteende som ledare och här är emotionell intelligens betydelsefullt.

Byte av redovisningsprincip : en analys av och jämförelse mellan rättsläget i svensk och tysk rätt

In order to achieve comparability, which is one of the fundamental principles of accounting, companies should be consistent concerning the accounting policies they use. Only under certain circumstances changes in accounting policies are allowed, and when there is a change in accounting policies, it is important that the change is reported in a way that assures that the financial reports still achieve comparability. The purpose of this thesis is to establish which rules and recommendations about changes in accounting policies that exist in Swedish and German law and what their meaning is. Further, the purpose is to compare these rules and recommendations and discuss their differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages. Since publicly traded European companies will be obliged to prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with International Accounting Standards (IAS) from 2005, I also describe the content of IAS 8 which deals with changes in accounting policies, and discuss what the consequences of this transition might be for Swedish and German publicly traded companies considering changes in accounting policies.

Förändringsledning : En multidimensionell bild av en förändringsledning inom sågverksindustrin

Omorganiseringar sker ofta när organisationer stöter på motgång och därför är tvungna att göra någon form av förändring. Det saknas i dagsläget forskning hur en förändring uppfattas ur en medarbetsarutgångspunkt. Denna studie har utförts vid SCA Timber ABs fem markandsavdelningar och syftet med denna studiehar varit att ge en multidimensionell bild av en förändringsledning ur ett medarbetar- och ledningsperspektiv samt att ta reda på hur de kan kontrasteras. De teorier som har använts har verkat som en grund för, och har väglett analysen. Studien har varit av kvalitativ typ och den metod som har använts bygger på en narrativ ansats.

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