

3513 Uppsatser om Change after psychotherapy - Sida 20 av 235

Betydelsen av förändringar i DuPont-komponenterna för framtida operativ lönsamhet

The DuPont formula is one of the most well known and basic tools used for financial statement analysis and is highly useful for understanding firms strategies and operating environment. Previous studies on American listed companies have also shown that analysis of the changes in the DuPont components is useful in forecasting contexts. In this thesis we test whether disaggregating the change in return on net operating assets provides incremental information about future performance for Swedish listed and not listed companies. We find that the change in asset turnover is a leading indicator of increased profitability for both listed and private companies, regardless of size. We also find evidence that the usefulness of the disaggregation for understanding future performance is greater in capital intense industries and lesser in service industries..

Aktörer och artefakter : Ett samtida perspektiv på bibliotek och automatisering

This bachelor thesis examines the activities and values associated with automation and technical development at four Swedish research libraries. It does so by applying textual analysis to annual reports and job advertisements from the respective libraries. The study also questions whether some assumptions of automation have changed or remain over time, and includes a short historical discussion in relation to the contemporary analysis. As an added perspective it introduces the methods and philosophies of French sociologist Bruno Latour. The author reflects on the merits of Latour in research of library automation.

Förändringar är till det bättre... eller? : En intervjustudie om kommunikationsförändringar på ett teknikkonsultföretag -ur ett ledarperspektiv

To lead is to communicate, a main part of the leadership. 80 % of leaders working tasks involve communication of some kind. The ambition of this study is to analyze how four leaders of an international technique consulting company experience and handle community and technical development during their professional courses. The leaders have a various experience of leadership which adds depth and width to this study. To perform the study qualitative method has been used in the form of personal interviews.The result indicates that change is not always beneficial in every aspect of communication.

Att genomföra livsstilsförändringar vid Diabetes mellitus typ 2 : Sjuksköterskor och patienters perspektiv

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a rapidly increasing disease worldwide. The disease is connected to lifestyle. Making lifestyle changes is hard. When suffering from Diabetes mellitus type 2 it is necessary to live healthy to prevent secondary diseases. Lifestyle changes includes for example changing dietary habits, become psychically active or losing weight.

Hör träbränslena hemma i växthusen? :

With the elevated oil prices of today it is necessary to look for other heating alternatives. If the oil price continues to develop in the same way it has done the last years it will soon be impossible for many producing garden companies to survive. The purpose of this diploma work is to compare three different fuel options in order to find the most economic one considering the conditions of Katrinebergs Handelsträdgård AB. In relation to oil it is profitable to change to any of the three alternatives: wood chips, wood pellets and grain. The most profitable option is to change to wood chips. This alternative has a payoff time less than three years and after that the annual saving compared to the oil is relatively high. The annual cost is 65 % of the cost of the oil alternative.

En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland

There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.

Ungdomar, alkohol och normer

This master essay is about teenagers, alcohol and the preventing measures taken by the Swedish government. Consequences of the rising consumption of alcohol among adolescents and how to prevent dangerous alcohol consumption in the future is one of the most prioritized issues in the Swedish society today. Today there is no prevention that clearly shows any effect on teenager?s alcohol consumption and the education about the dangerous effect of alcohol is clearly not the same in schools around Sweden. To gain knowledge about how teenagers view their own consumption of alcohol we have used the Grounded Theory.

Förskollärares kunskap om stress och stresshantering bland barnen på förskolan

This work examines the students´ thoughts on climate change with a focus on carbondioxid through photosynthesis and the carbon emissions from cars. The study is based on two subject areas, one with a focus on enhanced greenhouse effect, and the other focusing on photosythesis. The survey was conducted by means of qualitative interviews with students in grades four and six. The results describe that student´s understanding for photosynthesis and the carbondioxids function for photosynthesis doesn´t change significantly from grade four to grade six. I have divided the students inte three levels based on their understandingof the various fields, and their use of adequate concepts.

Vägen till heltid : Om institutionell förändring i kommunal jämställdhetspolitik

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze why or why not Swedish municipalities implement the gender equality policy ? ?right to work fulltime?. In order to understand this institutional change, the analysis is based on a theoretical framework consisting of two fields: political representation and feminist institutionalism. The study is divided into two empirical inquiries. The first part is based on a quantitative survey that describes the casual relationship between two independent variables; women´s political representation and party ideology, and the dependent variable; political decision about ?right to work fulltime?.

Osäker vård? En fallstudie inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård

The swedish healthcare is in many situations one of the best in the world. But still, the healthcare system includes elemnts that reduce the efficiency. Partly becouse the swedish healthcare is largely monopolized, the servicecs are not properly prized and the economic responsibility and the liability legislation is limited. The main problem this study evolves around, is how a different liability rule would change the shape of the healthcare organisation. Abouve all, how would the approach to riskmanagement and preventive and riskreducing performance change with a diffrent liability rule.

Att påverka sina preferenser: en analys av rationalitet och preferensdynamik (v 1.1)

Actors deliberately change their preferences, contrary to the assumptions of rational decision models. This study shows why, and to some extent how. Preferences are necessarily ambiguous and unstable. Rationality is a regulating myth which has had a profound influence on Western conceptions of what an actor is.The aim of this study is to help individual actors understand the theoretical grounds of their actions. The analysis provides tools for examining decision methods and preference changes.

Kvinnor som brandmän : En studie om jämställdhet på Gästrike Räddningstjänst

Aim: Preferential treatment and allocation of quotes according to sex are two current concepts due to the increasing demand for equality. One organization that may use preferential treatment is the fire department. This is why we chose it as a starting point for our study. The aim with this essay is to investigate how Gästrike Räddningstjänst can create a more equal organization.Method: We have interviewed eight employees and prepared questions for each one. This represents a qualitative method.

The new accounting of intangible assets: Effects of IFRS 3 on the accounting of intangible assets in acquisition-intense companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Intangible assets are often a significant part of Swedish companies? assets. Most of these are accounted for as goodwill, arising from acquisitions. After EU:s decision to adopt IFRS as the new accounting standard, intangible assets will to a larger extent be recognized separated from goodwill. This thesis aims to quantify this change and to analyze what specific intangibles are affected most by the transition to IFRS.

The Sound of Skepticism Analyzing Climate Change Denial in Swedish Podcasts and YouTube Channels

This study explores Sweden's climate change denial by analyzing the spoken-word discourse of its countermovement, focusing on digital media content from Swedish parliament member Elsa Widding with an aim to provide empirical insights into the discourse of Sweden's Climate Change Countermovement (CCCM). Questions guiding this study are: What are the most prevalent topics and themes related to climate change denial and skepticism? How do they align with established categories of climate change denial, shaping the overall narrative? What mobilizing ideas and meanings are present, how are they shaped, and how do they contribute to the movement's goals? The material consists of Elsa Widding's complete audio-based "movement texts'' from 2019-2023, including YouTube content, podcasts, and appearances on Riks, totaling over 2000 minutes of audio transcribed into text via AI technology. Methodologically, this study adopts a mixed-method approach which blends computational pattern detection, topic modeling, clustering, and spatial relationship mapping techniques, along with qualitative content and framing analysis. Theoretically, the study employs a perspective which uses epistemic and response skepticism to examine climate change denial, viewing it through the lens of countermovements and social movement framing. The study's main contribution lies in the enablement of comprehensive analysis of a large audio-based dataset, achieved by leveraging recent AI advancements for reliable audio-to-text conversion combined with topic modeling.

Förväntningar på en psykoterapeutisk relation : likheter och skillnader mellan män och kvinnor

Hur kommer det sig att patienter i psykoterapi till övervägande del är kvinnor? Syftet med studien har, utifrån antagandet att psykisk ohälsa drabbar kvinnor och män ungefär lika, varit att undersöka om mäns och kvinnors eventuellt skilda förväntningar på en psykoterapeutisk relation kan utgöra ett möjligt delsvar. Studien har haft en explorativ utgångspunkt i syfte att ge uppslag snarare än generaliserbara svar.Respondenter var medarbetare på olika arbetsplatser, till största delen inom kyrklig sektor (n=68, 41% män, 59% kvinnor). Datainsamling skedde genom anonym enkät vars  utgångspunkt hämtats i tidigare forskning kring skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors förväntningar.Som alternativ till kön har studien även prövat självskattningar av traditionellt maskulina och/eller feminina personlighetsdrag (BSRISE) samt grundläggande förhållningssätt i betydelsefulla relationer.Svaren har analyserats i form av korstabeller. Resultatet gav att respondentgruppen var förhållandevis överens om terapeutens första prioritet ? att hålla fokus på patientens problem och mål med terapin.

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