

3407 Uppsatser om Central venkateter - Sida 10 av 228

Hur central är kommunikationen inom GU? En kartläggning av Göteborgs universitets informationsstruktur inom den centrala enheten

Titel: ?Hur central är kommunikationen inom centrala GU??? en kartläggning av Göteborgs Universitets informationsstrukturmellan gemensamma förvaltningen och fakulteternaFörfattare: Martin Ström & Kristin MöllerHandledare: Monica Löwgren NilssonKurs: Fördjupningsskurs, VT 2007Syfte: Att kartlägga Göteborgs Universitets informationsstrukturinom den centrala enhetenMetod: Kvalitativa intervjuerMaterial: Intervjuer av aktörer inom målgruppen gemensamma förvaltningenHuvudresultat: Undersökningen har visat att man har bra koll på vad interkommunikation ska användas till men att det inte riktigtefterlevs. Informationsflödet är för stort inom GU för att man ska kunna informera alla om allt och det vore bättre om det fanns gemensamma forum där man själv kan hämtainformation. Generellt sett så finns det inga uttalade eller formulerade informationsansvar utan det är skapat av individen själv. Intervjupersonerna efterfrågar klararedirektiv och information som berör den egna avdelningen och verksamheten.

Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation och Landsorganisationen 1910-1930: Enhetsdebatten

Relations between the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 1910-1930:The Unification Debate The purpose of this study is to depict the hostile relations between the two unions, the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden (SAC), and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), between the years 1910 and 1930, the proposal of and following debate about unification being especially focused on. The questions are the following:1. What ideological differences where there between SAC and LO? 2. What ideas were common in the debate? 3.

Malmö som stad, upplevelse och varumärke: En diskursanalys av en postindustriell stads framtidsvisioner

This is a discourse analysis concerning the visions for Malmö's future. Three concepts are studied to see which meaning these are given in the Malmö context. The studied concepts are ? development (utveckling), industry (näringsliv) and citizen (befolkning).The meanings of these concepts are studied against a backdrop of theories of inclusion/exclusion in general and inclusion/exclusion in the city more specific. Michael Foucault´s notion of a discourse which stigmatizes those not following a behaviour which is defined as being right and normal is central to this.

Central and Eastern Europe

An increasing number of automotive supplier companies are investing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in order to gain cost advantages. This has happened in a rapid pace since many of these countries did not have any foreign direct investments (FDI) at the turn of the century. The problem now is for how long these countries will be able to maintain the low costs. One purpose was to create a model of country advantages for automotive supplier companies when relocating further production to CEE. This dissertation was written in cooperation with the Trelleborg Group.

Station City : Förslag till nytt hotell- och stationsbyggnad i Kv. Orgelpipan 6

Hur förenar man på bästa sätt två skilda funktionsprogram, privata och allmänna intressen på en central plats i Stockholms citykärna?.

En kvalitativ intervjustudie om organisationen Jehovas vittnen : Avhoppare berättar

Syftet med studien är att analysera hur engagemang och underkastelse upprätthålls hos Jehovas vittnens medlemmar. Studien visar hur värvningsprocessen påverkar upprätthållelsen och belyser hur organisationens sanktioner och sociala kontroll påverkar medlemmarna. Studien belyser även hur Jehovas vittnen förhåller sig till uteslutna medlemmar. Studien utgår från ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv för att förklara hur Jehovas vittnen lyckas ha ett starkt inflytande över sina medlemmar. Studien genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer där sju avhoppare från Jehovas vittnen medverkade.

Att skriva en berättelse : En studie av hur elever i årskurs 3 anpassar stilen i sina berättande texter

The present study has two purposes. One aim is to investigate to what extent 20 pupils in grade 3 use two different forms of presentation in their narrative texts and how these choices of forms of presentation create certain patterns in the pupils? texts. Another aim is to study to what extent the pupils use various features of spoken language in their narrative texts and whether these features correlate with the forms of presentation. The material in the study consists of 20 narrative texts from the national test in Swedish in 2011.

Den livgivande elden och det livsviktiga bränslet : Bruket av eld och behovet av bränsle på mesolitiska och tidigneolitiska boplatser i Norrland.

Research on Stone Age hunters and gatherers in Norrland has been lively since the 1960s. Central to this research are questions about the organization of society, sedentariness, continuity and resource management. One central part of life in the taiga is the need for fire and fuel. This aspect has been little discussed in conjunction with the mentioned research questions. My goal is to show that the matter of fire and fuel is an important one that needs to be taken in to consideration when discussing Stone Age Norrland and hunter/gatherers.

Kosovo - Självständighetens betydelse och möjligheter : En fallstudie i demokratiutveckling

The aim of this study is to examine the democratization process of Kosovo in the years after the countries independence was assured. Two central questions for the case study consist of whether a democratic improvement in the country has occurred and which factors, positive and negative, are present to further improve or impede the democratizationprocess. The study builds upon two central definitions, democratic states and democratization in order to gain theoretical background to be able to measure these two quite abstract expressions. A socioeconomic model is used to measure favorable or negative developments within Kosovos society and the findings of this model confirms the hypothesis of modernization theory, namely that increased socioeconomic development increases the chance of a positive democratizationprocess. There has been a positive democratic development aswell as socioecomic progress but since the nature of this study is merely descriptive and not explanatory, it doesnt make claims on the explanatory power of modernization theory.

Smärta hos djur :

We have made a litterature study about pain in animals. In this studie we have brought up areas like sign of pains in animals, pain relief and the care perspective. Pain is perceived when body tissue is damaged or nearly damaged by stimuli. Nociceptors, which are receptors placed at nerve endings, responds to a provocation of pain and transmit an impulse along the nerve to the brain via the spinal cord. Pain is urgent or chronic, and can be divided into nociceptive pain (somatic pain and visceral pain) and neuropathic pain. Different pain mechanisms can arise, such as referred pain, which is when signals of pain are referred to other parts of the body.

Från Tahrirtorget till ett(o)demokratiskt Egypten? : -Demokratins förutsättningar och utmaningar i Egypten, efter den arabiska våren 2011

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to through a theoretical analyze, investigate the conditions and the challenges for a consolidated democracy in Egypt from 1952 until after the revolution of 2011. The central question in this thesis is what opportunities and challenges are there for the democratic consolidation in Egypt, with respect to civic, political and economic conditions. How have the conditions developed between 1952 and 2011? How has the transition government/military government handled the central problems in the transitions phase after 2011? The theory used in this analysis is Linz and Stepans famous five arenas (the political society, the economic society, the civil society, the bureaucracy and the state of rule, whit focus on the three first). Through a qualitative case study we have analyzed the conditions in Egypt from 1952 to after the revolution 2011.The empirical material shows that the arenas in Egypt are both historically and current very weak, and they are not supporting democratic consolidation as they are challenged by several enormous problems.

Hotell i förändring  : Om vikten av att ständigt arbeta innovativt

This paper examines how themed hotel companies work with innovation and innovation processes to meet the demands of todays market.. To get a deeper understanding the paper is focused on three separate hotel companies in Sweden. The paper is based on a qualitative method. The paper starts with a methodology chapter, followed by an explanation for a number of concepts that are central in the paper. Here, the reader will also read about the concept of innovation, and innovation processes. This is followed by a number of innovation processes in tourism.

Individens rätt till jämlikhet ? en kollektiv affär? : En ideologikritisk studie av debatten om positiv särbehandling i Sverige

In this study thoughts of the individual?s right to equality are considered. By using critical ideology analysis the central tools of the study are strongly connected with thoughts of representation, equality, individual and collective rights, equal opportunities and possibilities and discrimination. In critical ideology analysis nothing can be automatically visible to us and critical ideology analysis is a method as well as a theory.A central point in this study is to investigate whether there are oppositional views or unanimity in the debate of affirmative action. The debate is still under ?construction?, which means that the debate has not yet come up with a solution to the problems of discrimination.

Individens rätt till jämlikhet - en kollektiv affär? : En ideologikritisk studie av debatten om positiv särbehandling i Sverige

In this study thoughts of the individual?s right to equality are considered. By using critical ideology analysis the central tools of the study are strongly connected with thoughts of representation, equality, individual and collective rights, equal opportunities and possibilities and discrimination. In critical ideology analysis nothing can be automatically visible to us and critical ideology analysis is a method as well as a theory.A central point in this study is to investigate whether there are oppositional views or unanimity in the debate of affirmative action. The debate is still under ?construction?, which means that the debate has not yet come up with a solution to the problems of discrimination.

Uppdrag: Att fostra samhällsmedborgare

Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie av modellen MultifunC. Att vi valde just MultifunC att undersöka, beror på att det är en ny modell som skapats utifrån psykologen Tore Andreassens samanställning över befintlig forskning inom institutionsvård av unga, och hans bok ?Institutionsbehandling av ungdomar: vad säger forskningen?? har varit central i vår studie.MultifunC består av olika metoder för att arbeta med högriskungdomar. Vi har undersökt hur förhållandet mellan institutionens makt och de ungas autonomi ser ut under ungdomarnas vistelse inom MultifunC. Vi har utgått från olika socialkonstruktivistiska tänkare såsom Faucoult och Bourdieu i vår analys.Vi har sett att modellen arbetar för att ungdomen själv ska vara så delaktig som möjligt i sin behandling.

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