

164 Uppsatser om Cash-to-cash - Sida 4 av 11

Reala optioner : ett strategiskt verktyg

Background: Businesses are traditionally valued with the so called Discounted Cash Flow-model. When valuing newly-started businesses, surrounded by high uncertainty, and whose capital mostly consists of unrealized business opportunities, the Discounted Cash Flow-model needs to be complemented if the total value of the business is to be captured. A valuation with the help of real options is capable of valuing these unrealized opportunities, which often exist in newly-started businesses. The unrealized opportunities are to be found in the business plan of the business, why this needs to be valued to capture the total value of a newly-started business. Purpose: To demonstrate what the use of real options can result in when valuing businesses.

Företagsvärdering- : En studie i vilka värderingsmetoder som används vid värdering av tillverkande företag respektive tjänsteföretag.

ABSTRACTSeminar date: 2008-06-04Subject: Bachelor thesis in Business AdministrationAuthors: Charlotta Lind Therese LundinBorn: 1982 Born: 1982Västerås VästeråsTutor: Ulla PetterssonTitle: Company valuation- A study in which valuation methods that areused in determining the value of producing companies and servicecompanies.Problem: According to the theory there are a number of different valuation methods which can be used to determine the value of producing companies and service companies. The thesis research problem is:- Which valuation methods does a valuator use in practice todetermine the value of producing companies and servicecompanies?- Does the valuator take different types of information andkey ratios in consideration when valuating producingcompanies and service companies?Purpose: The purpose is to examine and describe which valuation methods a valuator uses to valuate producing companies and servicecompanies in an acquisition.Method: In order to achieve the purpose of the thesis a quantitative survey and three qualitative interviews, made by email, has been carried out.Conclusion: The conclusion of the thesis is that discounted cash flow and relative valuation are used to determine the value of producingcompanies and service companies. The valuators choice ofvaluation method is not generally affected by the nature of thecompany?s operations.Keywords: Company valuation, valuation methods, producing companies,service companies, relative valuation, discounted cash flow.

Har en goodwillnedskrivning någon effekt på aktieavkastningen? : En eventstudie av bolagen på Stockholmsbörsen

On 1 January 2005, IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)was mandatory for all listed companies within the European Union. The introduction is to create a transparent and consistent reporting. Mainly to provide companies, investors and financiers the same access to world capital markets. Since the introduction of IFRS, the goodwill value is determined by annual impairment tests. If an impairment of goodwill is a fact the goodwill decreases in value.

Kreditgivning till lantbruksföretag : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark

In relation with structure transformation in farm companies with bigger animal population and pressure at the milk price, the farmers in both countries have to invest more money in the company to endure. This had conduct what more owners had seen grown requirements to invest in bigger population barns. The investment is necessary to retain stability in the economy for the companies, at that time when the profitability for small production barns decrease. This essay carries out through a case, there the activities main part are milk production. The present operation consists of 82 milk cows in long stall with a yield on 10 500 kg ECM. The idea is that the company should increase the activity to 180 cows.

Visa arbetsvilja : Arbetslinjen som moral, ritual och gruppsolidaritet

The subject of this study is the ?work strategy? (arbetslinjen); the idea that work and active measures are preferred over cash benefits. The aim of the study is to investigate why the work strategy, which has been almost undisputed for nearly a century, has had widely changing contents over the years, what measures have been taken and which groups have been included. It also attempts to find out whether there is a correlation between unemployment rates, society and the different aspects of the work strategy. The study is conducted as an idea analysis, mainly of dissertations on the work strategy and public inquiries, and covers five time periods from the 1920?s until today.

"Fettpärlan har vi så det räcker till alla!" : En jämförande studie av hur fyra lärare på de studieförberedande och yrkesförberedande programmen tänker och arbetar kring och med litteraturundervisning

On 1 January 2005, IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)was mandatory for all listed companies within the European Union. The introduction is to create a transparent and consistent reporting. Mainly to provide companies, investors and financiers the same access to world capital markets. Since the introduction of IFRS, the goodwill value is determined by annual impairment tests. If an impairment of goodwill is a fact the goodwill decreases in value.

??Finns det ett samband mellan graden av periodiseringar och inflationsjusterade skattade framtida rörelseresultat? : - Empirisk studie av den europeiska aktiemarknaden.

In line with Sloan (1996) but on European data (STOXX 600) we are investigating whether stock prices reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components. The extent to which current earnings performance persists into the future earnings performance is shown to depend on the relative magnitudes of the cash and accrual components of current earnings. Moreover, we still find a significant positive excess return (Jensen?s alpha and size-adjusted return) by replicating Sloans (1996) hedge portfolio by taking a long position in the stock of firms reporting relatively low levels of accruals and a short position in the stock of firms reporting relatively high levels of accruals. However, we find no evidence of negative excess returns for companies with relatively high accruals, this somewhat lower the total excess returns for all the portfolios.

Vendor due diligence : Advokatbyråns skadeståndsansvar gentemot köparen enligt tillitsprincipen

In line with Sloan (1996) but on European data (STOXX 600) we are investigating whether stock prices reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components. The extent to which current earnings performance persists into the future earnings performance is shown to depend on the relative magnitudes of the cash and accrual components of current earnings. Moreover, we still find a significant positive excess return (Jensen?s alpha and size-adjusted return) by replicating Sloans (1996) hedge portfolio by taking a long position in the stock of firms reporting relatively low levels of accruals and a short position in the stock of firms reporting relatively high levels of accruals. However, we find no evidence of negative excess returns for companies with relatively high accruals, this somewhat lower the total excess returns for all the portfolios.

Cash Management : Hur arbetar små företag med cash management?

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att skapa förståelse för hur konsultchefers ledarskap blir präglat a trepartsrelationen som uppstår när det är två parter som är ansvariga för en konsult. Vi ville skapa oss en inblick i hur konsultcheferna leder sina konsulter och hur de arbetar för att motivera dem. Vidare ville vi skaffa oss en uppfattning över hur konsulterna upplever situationen.Metodik: Studien har genomförts i form av en fallstudie på två bemanningsföretag med utgångspunkt i en induktiv forskningsansats. Data har samlats in genom en kvalitativ metod där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer på fallföretagen har genomförts.Slutsats och slutdiskussion: Genom studien har det framkommit att trepartsrelationen är ett komplext fenomen där chefen inte ses som den traditionella ledaren utan snarare som en administratör. Genom trepartsrelationen har det framkommit att problem kan uppstå då konsultchefernas roll blir likt medlare istället för chef.

Värdering vid tvångsinlösen efter icke-kontanta bud

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the legal practice of valuation in arbitration board proceedings concerning freeze-outs after non-cash take-over bids. We find that the most important method for valuing the shares offered in exchange for the shares of a target company is to take the volume-weighted average of the quoted prices of the shares offered in exchange during the acceptance period of the take-over bid. This thesis is a complement to previous studies by Peter Jennergren (1996) and by Andrea Lundqvist and Victor Ludvigsson (2007) of how the Balken case (a freeze-out case that was eventually decided by the Supreme Court of Sweden, in 1996) has affected the legal practice of valuation in freeze-out arbitration board proceedings. We have undertaken an empirical study of 48 freeze-outs between 1985 and 2006 where shares in the bidding companies were offered in exchange for shares in the target companies.

Kassaflödesanalys i mindre aktiebolag: En flerfallstudie inom träindustrin i norra Sverige

Alla aktiebolag är skyldiga att upprätta en årsredovisning. Beroende på bolagens storlek ställs olika krav på redovisning av kassaflödesanalys i den externa redovisningen. Kassaflödesanalys är en sammanställning av ett bolags kassaflöden indelat i olika kategorier. Den visar intjänade likvida medel, men även hur dessa har tillförts. Kassaflödesanalys är något som också kan användas i den interna styrningen av bolag för att få kontroll över kassaflöden och kunna prognostisera samt följa upp utfall.

En studie av kassaflödesanalysens upprättande på Hilton Food Group , Willys AB , Bostads AB Mimer och Eskilstuna kommun.

Bakgrund: Investeringen kännetecknas av att någon, företag eller privatperson, avsäger sig möjlighet till konsumtion idag för ökad konsumtion i framtiden. Den är en faktor som kan öka företagets värde och det är därför viktigt att rätt investering väljs. Investeringskalkyleringen ger företaget värdefull information om en investering. De vanligaste kalkylmetoderna är NPV, IRR, payback och diskonterad payback. Payback är en särskilt intressant metod av två anledningar.

Valutasäkring inom medicintekniska företag

Title: The appraiser?s choice of valuation method ? factors that influences the choice of company valuation methodsSeminar date: 04/06/07Course: Master thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish credits.Authors: Anne Benedicks and Veronica ÖbergAdvisor: Eron OxingProfession of category: Financial analysts, auditors and company lawyers.Key words: Company valuation, valuation methods, cash flow analysis, comparative valuation, the net asset value method.The Main Issue: What is of decisive importance when choosing a special company valuation method?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyse and evaluate the most common methods of valuation for financial analysts, auditors and company lawyers and those factors that influences the choice of method.Method: A multiple survey has been implemented for the actual profession categories. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire survey.Theoretical: The theoretical frame of reference is based upon the paper?s dependent variable, i.e. the role of the appraiser.

Aktievärderingsmodeller  : Vågar man lita på dem?

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to apply "Discount Dividend model" and "Discounted Cash Flow model" in reality during periods of economic boom alternatively recession.Method: A quantitative research method as well as secondary data and data collection method is used. This data consists of the company?s annual reports. Totally, 20 companies of different sizes under diverse economic conditions are involved in this data.Conclusion: After reviewing the companies? calculations, it is noted that the both models that are used reflect better stock-exchange rate during an economic recession..

The accruals anomaly in Sweden

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: The accruals anomaly in SwedenSeminariedatum: 2007-06-04Kurs: Corporate Finance - Master Thesis BUS860, D-nivå, 10 poängFörfattare: Hedda Giaever, Tobias GabrielssonHandledare: Maria GårdängenFem nyckelord: Accruals, Anomalier, Hedge, Överavkastning, IrrationalitetSyfte: Undersöka om investerare på den svenska marknaden tar hänsyn till att accrualskomponenten av företags vinster säger mindre om framtidig vinst jämfört med kassaflödeskomponenten.Metod: Vi använder pool data för att undersöka de prediktiva värdena hos företagsresultatets olika komponenter. Ett Mishkintest på paneldata används för att undersöka om investerare tar hänsyn till de olika prediktiva värdena hos kassaflöde och ?accruals?. Vi använder slutligen hedge portföljer för att kvantifiera våra resultat. Teoretiska perspektiv: Effektiva marknads hypotesen, Hypotesen om rationella förväntningar.Empiri: Poster från balansräkning samt avkastningsdata är hämtad från Thomson Datastream.Resultat: Accrualskomponenten av ett företags vinster säger mindre om framtida vinster jämfört med kassaflödet från den löpande verksamheten.

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