

163 Uppsatser om Cash-to-cash - Sida 3 av 11

Analys och planering av likviditet : En studie av kassaflödesanalyser och prognosers interna användbarhet inom ABB, Manpower, Gina Tricot och Västerås stad

Nyckelord: Kassaflödesanalys, kassaflöde, likviditetsplanering, likviditetsbudget, likviditetsprognos, likviditet och nyckeltal.Frågeställning: Hur och varför använder de fyra valda organisationerna kassaflödesanalyser och -prognoser internt?Vilka är skillnaderna i de fyra organisationernas sätt att ställa upp och använda sig av kassaflödesanalyserna och -prognoserna och beror skillnaderna på i vilken bransch de verkar?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur kassaflödesanalyser och -prognoser tillämpas praktiskt i de fyra stora organisationerna ABB, Västerås stad, Manpower och Gina Tricot för att identifiera om skillnader i uppförandet finns.Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär då fallstudierna av organisationerna gjordes genom intervjuer med representanter på respektive organisation. Totalt genomfördes elva intervjuer med tolv personer. Data till referensramen samlades in genom sekundära källor. Insamlad data och information analyserades där referensram och empiri sattes i relation till varandra.Slutsats: Brister i metoden för hur kassaflödesanalysen ska upprättas finns då den i praktiken inte används av de undersökta organisationerna internt.

DCF-modellering vid multipelvärdering: En empirisk studie av hybrida värderingsmodellers prediktionsförmåga

Today, there are a number of different models and methods used to estimate the equity value of a company. A common tool for valuating stock prices is the usage of different multiples. This is a method used to determine the value of a company, by examining and comparing the financial ratios of relevant peer groups. The disadvantage with this method is that it does not take all the important aspects, such as risk, investments and capital structure, into consideration. However, this study investigates if the key value, called discounted cash flow (DCF), can be integrated with the valuation of the multiples.

Likvida tillgångars påverkan på lönsamhet och aktievärde : En studie av svenska företag på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm mellan 2008-2011

Objective: The study will investigate whether cash liquidity have a negative affect on profitability and share value of companies, listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm 2008-2011. Part of the purpose is also to show if the industry risk is of importance for treasury management of these companies.Method: The methodology for the study is key analysis through hypothesis testing and regression analysisConclusion: The liquidity ratio affects profitability in a negative direction on the entire sample. No other conclusion can be drawn..

Styrning av Cash Management: en fallstudie av ett stort internationellt tillverkande företag

På grund av dagens hårdare företagsklimat är det viktigt för företag att styra sina affärsprocesser så effektivt som möjligt. För att detta ska vara möjligt krävs det att företaget har ett effektivt ekonomiarbete. En viktig del av detta ekonomiarbete är hantering av likvida medel, det vill säga cash management (CM). I internationella företag är det viktigt att styrningen av CM-arbetet sker effektivt mellan företagets enheter för att de ska kunna arbeta med CM på det mest effektiva sättet för företaget. Uppsatsens syfte är därför att beskriva de skillnader och likheter som kan finnas mellan säljenheter i en internationell koncerns sätt att styra CM samt att förklara hur dessa skillnader och likheter kan ha uppstått.

Vandrarhemmet Gamla Gefle : Investering eller ej?

Purpose:The background to this study is an upcoming sale of a property. Owner of the property is currently city of Gävle and tenant is Jan Ekroth who runs the hostel Gamla Gefle in the buildings belonging to the property. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Gamla Gefle AB has the financial ability to acquire the property and if it can be defended in a commercial plane.Method:In this study a qualitative method has been used, in which empirical data has been gathered from interviews and financial data taken from annual reports. These empirical data have been put against our theoretical framework and led to our analysis. In the analysis, cash flows and discounted future values have been calculated to determine the outcome of the investment.Results & conclusion:The study reaches the conclusion that the hostel Gamla Gefle should complete its acquisition of the property, in spite of an decrease of the annual cash flow.

Tvångsinlösenpris vid kontantbud efter Balken-målet

The purpose of this paper is to investigate what consequences the discussed Balken-case have had with regards to freeze-out prices decisions for cash bids. In order to evaluate this, a comparison with a previous study is made. Last but not least, the aim is also to see what kind of arguments the minority successfully can make use of in order to reach a higher freeze-out price nowadays. Underlying the results is basically an empirical survey based on arbitrations disclosing the tendencies after the Balken-case compared to before. The empirical investigation shows that practice has become more clear and uniform after the settlement of the Balken-case where a movement from theoretical values towards market prices is recommended.

Beskattning av löneförmåner : förutsebarheten av vissa löneförmåners skatteplikt alternativt dess skattefrihet

Not all payments that an employee receives are cash salary, but may also be salary benefits. It should not matter in which form an employee receives payment, taxation shall be equal despite the form of salary. Cash salary as well as salary in benefits are covered by a general rule in the Swedish Tax Law and shall therefore be taxed when they have a connection to the work performed. There are exemptions to the general rule as some benefits are tax free. In general, taxation shall be easy to foresee.   The legal rules that are treated in this thesis have a general meaning.

Kriminalitet sätter mannen på prov ? En studie av identitetsskapande i romanen Snabba Cash.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how representations of identity construction are performed through the characters in the novel Snabba Cash by author Jens Lapidus. I examine what means the characters are using, and how the identity construction processes are related to the idea of modern society. For a theoretical background I use sociologist Anthony Giddens? theories regarding modernity and self-identity, to study general identity construction.

Värderarens val av metod : Påverkansfaktorer vid företagsvärdering

Title: The appraiser?s choice of valuation method ? factors that influences the choice of company valuation methodsSeminar date: 04/06/07Course: Master thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish credits.Authors: Anne Benedicks and Veronica ÖbergAdvisor: Eron OxingProfession of category: Financial analysts, auditors and company lawyers.Key words: Company valuation, valuation methods, cash flow analysis, comparative valuation, the net asset value method.The Main Issue: What is of decisive importance when choosing a special company valuation method?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyse and evaluate the most common methods of valuation for financial analysts, auditors and company lawyers and those factors that influences the choice of method.Method: A multiple survey has been implemented for the actual profession categories. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire survey.Theoretical: The theoretical frame of reference is based upon the paper?s dependent variable, i.e. the role of the appraiser.

3:12-reglerna : Tillämpning av löneunderlagsregeln

The 3:12-provisions are part of a legal system specified for owners of close corporations (companies owned and managed by a small group of businesspeople), for taxation of capi-tal gains and dividend. The reason for special rules for the taxation of these owners is to prevent them from transforming their income, to only be subject of the lower taxation of capital gains, instead of income of service. Since the rules were put in force, they have been subject to several changes. The most recent changes took effect on the 1 January 2006. They involve a higher importance for the rule of salary-based taxation.

I en värld av makroekonomisk osäkerhet - En scenarioanalys kring ränte- och inflationsförändringars inverkan på ett fastighetsbolags fria kassaflöde

Title: Valuing Real Estate FCFE and interest coverage under macroeconomic uncertainty with scenario analysisAuthors: Marcus Ewerstrand, Jakob MattssonAdvisor: Gert SandahlBackground and problem: After the collapse in the Swedish economy in the beginning of the 1990-ties, the company Secerum was launched. Securums objective was to handle unsecured credits from Nordbanken by transferring a large portfolio of properties and to setup a number of companies who would be in charge for the prospects of these assets. One company that was established during this remarkable period was Castellum, in the year of 1994. After a successful process of raising capital to its development of corporate strategies and formation of several affiliated companies which operates locally, Castellum was publish on the Stockholm stock exchange 1997/1998. Now, thirteen years later after its establishment, the credit crunch in the US.

Aktievärdering : En studie om vilka aktievärderingsmodeller som främst tillämpas av finansanalytiker inom bankväsendet

Introduction: Analysts worldwide valuates stocks and companies by using different valuation models. The models are used to calculate how much public company?s stocks are worth and to identify whether stocks are over- or undervalued.  Objective: The objective of this essay is to study which valuation models are mainly used by financial analysts in Swedish banks. The purpose is also to study how reliable these models are considered. Method: The empirical study is based on a qualitative approach through interviews with financial analysts. The study includes both primary data (interviews) and secondary data (literature, websites and scientific articles)Theory: The theory chapter includes methods of analysis (fundamental and technical analysis), Valuation models, components of valuation and an example of a valuation with the Discounted cash flow model. Empirical study: The study includes a qualitative research that consists of interviews with financial analysts.

Var rädd om flisen! ? En CM-modell för underleverantörer inom den trärelaterade industrin i Småland för att hantera risken för sena eller uteblivna betalningar.

 Efter den finansiella krisen 2007 har allt fler företag problem med likvida medel. Detta medför att riskerna för sena eller uteblivna betalningar ökar. En av de branscher som drabbats hårdast är träindustrin. För tillfället har många större företag inom branschen blivit tvungna till konkurs. Detta har en direkt påverkan på branschens underleverantörer som sätts i en försämrad situation. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån empirin beskriva och genom valda teorier förklara hur underleverantörer inom den trärelaterade industrin hanterar risken för sen eller utebliven betalning.

Miljöcertifierade byggnader Värde för investeraren

This bachelor thesis describes why investors should invest in environmentally certified buildings instead of non certified buildings. The report provides an overview of possible factors influencing an investor in the investment process of an environmentally certified building. The report explains why building companies find incentive to build green buildings and how a cash flow method can be adapted so it can be used in the valuation process of an environmentally certified building. Environmentally certified buildings are used as a strategy to reduce emissions that threaten the environment as well as a strategy to obtain market shares for the building companies. This report focuses on the economic advantages of an environmentally certified building.The construction- and real estate industry stands for approximately 40 percent of the energy consumption in the world.

Reala optioner : ett strategiskt verktyg

Background: Businesses are traditionally valued with the so called Discounted Cash Flow-model. When valuing newly-started businesses, surrounded by high uncertainty, and whose capital mostly consists of unrealized business opportunities, the Discounted Cash Flow-model needs to be complemented if the total value of the business is to be captured. A valuation with the help of real options is capable of valuing these unrealized opportunities, which often exist in newly-started businesses. The unrealized opportunities are to be found in the business plan of the business, why this needs to be valued to capture the total value of a newly-started business. Purpose: To demonstrate what the use of real options can result in when valuing businesses.

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