

667 Uppsatser om Cash Conversion Cycle - Sida 22 av 45

Våld i svensk kriminalfilm : En textanalys ur ett genusperspektiv

Detta är en textanalys av svensk kriminalfilm. Den här studien undersöker hur våld skildras i svensk kri-minalfilm, hur våldet motiveras och vilka skillnader det finns mellan kvinnor och mäns motiv, och om våldskaraktärerna innehar stereotypa könsrelaterade egenskaper. Studien görs utifrån ett genusperspektiv med inslag av teorin om intersektionealisering. Textanalysen görs genom analys av nyckelscener i filmen, det vill säga våldsscener, scener där karaktären agerar i enlighet med Bems (1974) maskulina eller femi-nina egenskaper, och scener där karaktären agerar könsstereotypt. Filmerna som analyseras ärHypnotisören (Hansson, Possne, Ohlsson & Hallström, 2012), Snabba cash II (Wikström, Nicastro & Najafi, 2012), Irene Huss - Tatuerad torso (Fälemark, Råberg & Asphaug, 2007) och Solstorm (Rehnberg & Lindblom, 2007).

VVA-strategier för avgastemperaturhöjning på en HD-Dieselmotor

Regulations on the exhaust emissions of HD-diesel engines are becoming more and more stringent, and therefore, emission after-treatment systems are commonly used. These systems rely on catalytic conversion of NOx,CO , and HC emissions, and are thus dependant on temperature. At low load of the engine, exhaust temperatures are not sufficient for the after-treatment components. Therefore, means to increase the exhaust temperature while maintaining low emissions and fuel consumption are needed.The focus of this project has been to develop strategies for the lift profiles of exhaust and intake valves in the engine, with the goal to raise exhaust temperature in combination with low emissions and fuel consumption. The strategies have been tested in a single-cylinder research engine equipped with a hydraulic variable valve actuation system.

De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk

AbstractTitle: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting.-A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board.Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market?s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council?s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives.

Biologin hos svenska Lilioceris arter och åtgärder för att begränsa deras skadeverkningar :

Summary The leaf beetles, Lilioceris lilii and L. merdigera have existed in Asia, Europe and in North Africa for a long time, but have become much more abundant the last twenty-five years. Even North America has been affected during the last years. The purpose of this investigation of Lilioceris species in Sweden, is to give advice to gardeners, which type of control measures is the most effective in order to restrict their damage to lilies. Lilioceris species overwinter normally as pupae in the soil under the host or close by. Literature and contact with advisors have described the life cycle and spreading of Lilioceris. Under favourable conditions these leaf beetles have two generations/year in the south of Sweden. Both the adults and the larva eat the foliage, and by strong attacks even flowers can be eaten and only the stem is remaining. My own observations include different treatments of both lily foliage and of the leaf beetle.

Sambandet mellan hästens huvud/halsposition och ryttarens rörelse i sadeln :

Dressage schooling is not a subject that rests on science, it is a matter of dependable experience. So far there hasn?t been so much research about it, but more and more is done. Especially the interaction between rider and horse is a nearly uninvestigated field. Riding skills is much about having the right position, and having the horses head and neck in different positions, but there are no research done that support or deny that this old ?knowledge? is for the best for the horse. This study was performed to evaluate if the head and neck position of the horse, and the velocity, has any influence on the position of the rider.

Marknadens inverkan på behovet av företagsstöd - en studie av sex uppstartsföretag

In efforts to strengthen local economies, business development programs are often a way in which governmental organizations and state affiliates try to facilitate innovation and successful entrepreneurship. There is a mutual interest from both the public and private sector that these funds are put to good use. Extensive research has been conducted with the focus of the general effect of public support programs. However, not much research has been done on what external factors affect the situation for receiving businesses. This study attempts to examine whether one specific such factor, the level of maturity on the markets that the recipients operate in, has a discernible effect on the needs for different types of entrepreneurial support.

Slutna kontanthanteringssystem - en investeringsbedömning för Gekås Ullared AB

Med utgångspunkt i de stora mängder kontanter som hanteras i flera instanser på Gekåsvarje dag valdes uppsatsens ämne. Syftet var att bedöma effekterna av en eventuellinvestering i ett slutet kontanthanteringssystem, för att sedan lämna rekommendationertill företagets ledning.Undersökningen är gjord som en deskriptiv fallstudie med Gekås i centrum. Företagetoch dess behov har utvärderats med hjälp av egna erfarenheter och information från såväl ledning som anställda på kassakontor och i kassan. Kunskap om tillgängliga kontanthanteringssystemhar fåtts från tillverkare, säljare och användare, och för att slutakedjan konsulterades företagets värdetransportör.De vinster med ett slutet kontanthanteringssystem som uppmärksammats är framförallteffektivitetsvinster i form av stora tidsbesparingar vid kontanthanteringen och merrörlig personal, samt en säkrare och mer trivsam arbetsmiljö i kassan. De största kostnadsbesparingarnaskulle uppnås genom att vissa moment hos kassapersonal, på kassakontoretoch för den kassaansvarige försvinner.

Finansiering av företag under rekonstruktion

In this study, company reconstructions and the financing of current accounts hereof are analysed from a perspective of insolvency law. The purpose with a company reconstruction is to maintain the operations of the company despite the insolvency of the mandator. In contrast to bankruptcy proceedings the person liable for payment stays in charge of the operations. However, this person is not allowed to sign for new loans, issue pledges of security for these loans or in any other way enter new obligations without the approval from the temporary company reconstructor. Besides providing for a successful reconstruction the reconstructor also has to consider the interests of creditors, especially to maintain the preferential order of the creditor's claims, keeping them unchanged in case of a formal bankruptcy.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser för skogsbruket vid avsättning av mark för viltvårds- och jaktändamål : en fallstudie på Svenska Jägareförbundets fastighet Öster Malma

The value of game for hunting from a social economic viewpoint is an interesting topic that is currently being investigated in a Swedish research program. The amount of damages that the game stocks cause to the forestry is, and has been in focus for a longer period of time. Something that I saw as missing was an investigation of how much an active game keeping measure might cost in lost incomes for forestry in terms of reduced acreage for forest production. This question was the foundation for this investigation, which purpose is to give interested persons with decent knowledge of forestry an example of how cost estimation for forestry resembling the example that is studied can look like. The measures that has been taken is a felling of forest in different ages on both sides of a forest dirt road to create increased asset of forage for the game, and at the same time give hunters that have their post along the dirt road a better chance of seeing passing animals early and increasing the possibility to shoot good shots. The area, which is a part of The Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management estate Öster Malma, is also used as an example for guests who wish to learn more about managing ungulates. These guests have now got the opportunity to get information on how big the costs are for the measures that have been taken. The main conclusions of this work is that changed timber prices and foremost a change of interest rate makes big differences on the result of the calculations.

Värdepapperisering i Sverige : Finns det en marknad?

As of today, securitization is an established product on the capital market. The first transaction was made in the US in the 1970s. Since then the product has been developed and today there are several different structures of the product. Internationally securitization has been used for two reasons. Originally securitization was used to gain capital relief, but since capital requirements such as Basel II were implemented, the usage of securitization changed to more of a funding source.

Attityder hos råvaruleverantörer till ett sågverksföretag : en fallundersökning av leverantörer till J.G. Anderssons Söner AB i Kronobergs län

It has been even more important in the forest sector in recent years to look at the whole chain from suppliers to end users, to improve operations and improve performance and the profits of the company. The research and development have been concentrated on the buyer?s market and product development, probably because this research has capability to give an increased cash flow. But to obtain stability and continuity in the production and selling units, the suppliers should also be investigated. The aim of this thesis is to study a one company's existing suppliers of roundwood and investigate the differences and attitudes they have about the company offerings.

Principer för lagerstyrning hos GNT Group

GNT Group is a Nordic/Baltic wholesaler that distributes products in the IT, entertainment and home electronics sector. GNT is facing problems with inaccurate inventory levels which can lead to unnecessarily high inventory carrying costs or lost sales. Currently the decisions about when and how many to order are made somewhat arbitrarily by the responsible personnel. Their decisions are based only on some brief sales history and on experience. GNT wants to develop its ERP system to be able to support the purchaser in these and other related decisions.

Menstruationscykelns inverkan på kvinnors preferenser för mäns ansikten

Menstruationscykelns inverkan på kvinnors preferenser för mäns ansiktenSammanfattningDetta är en systematisk replikation av Penton-Voaks och Perrets studie (1999) då en preferens hos kvinnor för maskuliniserade ansiktsdrag under hög befruktningsrisk i menstruationscykeln hittades. Dessa drag tros vara en ärlig signal för goda gener och immunokompetens hos män. Oklarhet råder huruvida detta gäller för olika populationer. 36 svenska universitetsstuderande kvinnor fick därför välja ut de mest fysiskt attraktiva ansiktena, utifrån maskuliniserade och feminiserade bildserier, vid hög respektive låg befruktningsrisk. Ingen signifikant skillnad hittades mellan de olika faserna.

Kontanter och betalkort - En empirisk undersökning om privatpersoners inställning till betalkort

Problem: Trots att betalkort funnits länge i samhället, så används idag kontanter fortfarande i stor utsträckning. Handhavandet av kontanter innebär höga kostnader, dels på grund av extraarbetet det innebär för butiker att räkna pengar varje dag, dels för bankpersonal som ska sköta insättningar och uttag och dels för kostnader till vaktbolag som sköter penningtransporter. Om man vet varför kontanter fortfarande används till så stor utsträckning och till vad, så kan man rikta in sina insatser på var man ska öka betalkortsanvändningen. Avgränsningar: Fokus i denna uppsats är på samtliga svenska konsumenter som har rättighet att få ha betalkort från en bank. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om produktegenskaper såsom pris och kvalité påverkar valet om att betala med kort eller kontant. Metod: Undersökningen är genomförd som en kvantitativ undersökning.

Dynamic obstructions of the equine upper respiratory tract

Dysfunction of the upper respiratory tract is a common cause of impaired performance and intolerance to exercise in racehorses and include several upper airway obstructions. The ones termed dynamic obstructions are primarily seen during physical exertion and affected horses often appear to be normal during endoscope examination at rest. The correlation between diagnoses made at rest respectively exercise is low, suggesting that an examination at rest alone is likely to be insufficient. The upper respiratory tract is exposed to great differences in pressure throughout the respiratory cycle; variations that are further altered during strenuous exercise and affect the rigidity of upper airway structures. In presence of great fluctuations in pressure, stability is achieved through coordinated and synchronous neuromuscular mechanisms. Due to nerve damage or anatomical abnormalities, these functions may be disrupted and further cause a dynamic collapse of the upper respiratory tract when pressure changes become too severe. The etiology behind the neuromuscular dysfunction is not yet fully understood.

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