

667 Uppsatser om Cash Conversion Cycle - Sida 13 av 45

Evaluering av en Klockkorrigerare av klockpulsbredd

Det här examensarbetet presenterar en evaluering av en Klockkorrigerare av klockpulsbredd. Den består främst av en korrigerare av klockpulsbredd (Duty Cycle Corrector DCC) och även en fördröjningslåst loop (Delayed Locked Loop DLL). Det finns många olika korrigerare av klockpulsbredden designade förut, de två populäraste arkitekturerna då har varit enkel eller dubbel återkopplings loop. Den huvudsakliga skillnaden mellan dem är att enkel återkopplings loop använder sig av en öppen loop medan den dubbla varianten istället har en stängd loop. I det här projektet kommer en ny arkitektur att presenteras.

Konstruktion och reglering av flygande plattform

This report describes the manufacture and control of a flying platform. The report describes the basic and fundamental theories required to get the platform flying. It touches on subjects such as A/D-conversion. PWM-control and PID-control. The sensors used in the platform are a gyro and an accelerometer.

Skapa öppenhet i erfarenhetsregistrering vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete som utfördes på Forsmarks kärnkraftverk åt FTQ-avdelningen. FTQ-avdelning på Forsmark ansvarar för erfarenhetsåterföringens ärenden på anläggningen och försörjer organisationen med nya infallsvinklar gällande erfarenhetsåterföringstekniken. För cirka 10 år kom Forsmarks kraftgrupp AB till insikt att det fanns ett behov av att införa en aktiv erfarenhetsåterföringsprocess för att undvika upprepade misstag. Detta resulterade i att en ny avdelning skapades år 2008 med namnet FTQ. Denna avdelning skapade en databas med namnet ERFKA där man började samla in och lagra erfarenhetsåterföringsärenden.

Företagsvärdering i praktiken : Hur bör en säljare agera vid företagsöverlåtelse?

It is important to understand the process of appraisal of a business in order to establish its value. The purpose of our thesis is to establish which methods and models are used when evaluating a business and investigate the factors that may affect the value and price tag of a business. We have used a qualitative approach by conducting both indepth interviews and a survey as well as reading literature within the field. The main conslusion in our findings is that the common practice of discounted cash flow is widely used when bestowing a monetary value for a business, and in order to raise the value a well established customer relationship was the single most important factor. As far as lowering the value, the answers were of such a wide spread that a single factor could not be attributed.

Light pollution : consequences and sustainable lighting design

Light has always fascinated humans but ever since the invention of the first light bulb, the use of artificial lighting has accelerated dramatically. Darkness has never been as rare as today and the overuse of lighting has created a new phenomenon called light pollution. Most living beings are biologically dependent on the recurrent twenty-four-hour rhythm of light and darkness, called the circadian cycle. Human beings are evolutionary developed after this circadian rhythm and the effects of constant artificial light is yet unknown. Scientists fear the consequences of constant lighting and what it means physically, mentally and philosophically for the human species.

Helikopterrånet : En fallstudie om interkommunikationen mellan gärningsmännen

The aim of this study is to analyze how intercommunication between offenders are presented with artefacts during the planning and implementation of a robbery in a cash depot in Stockholm. The methodological approach is based on empiricism from police investigation protocols, which leads this study to a case study. The ambition is to analyze the empirical material from a sociocultural perspective. The results shows that the offenders use artefacts to plan the crime with artefacts within an internal intercommunication between the offenders. After the planning artefacts such as a helicopter, explosive material, telephones, saws and ladders have been used in an intercommunication to implement the robbery which leads to an analysis that hierarchy depends on the role of the artefacts, only when technical artefacts are included in the term of hierarchy..

Hur tillförlitlig är värderingen av förvaltningsfastigheter?: En studie av tillämpningen av IAS 40

This thesis studies the way valuation of investment properties is conducted in accordance with IAS 40 and how reliable these valuations are. This has been conducted by studying ten Swedish real estate companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX, during the period 2005-2008. The study shows that all companies use valuation models to determine the fair value of investment properties. Two different types of models have been identified. Companies that use the cash flow model show inconsistencies in time horizon, and how they determine the horizon value.

Ersättning för lidande enligt frihetsberövandelagen : En analys av hur grunden för frihetsberövandet påverkar ersättningens bestämmande

The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the conversion.

Francisella tularensis subspecies holarctica : the curious case of a water- and mosquito associated bacterium in Sweden

Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of the zoonotic disease tularaemia, is highly contagious and potentially fatal for a wide range of wildlife species of the northern hemisphere, also humans. Although recognized as a pathogen for over 100 years, much still remains to be elucidated concerning the ecology and transmission of the bacterium, hence this literature overview aims at compiling data regarding the aquatic association and the role of mosquitoes in transmission of Francisella tularensis subspecies holartica, the sole subspecies in Sweden. While a linkage between the bacterium and natural waters stands beyond dispute, there is no consensus in the literature concerning its potential as a reservoir. However, two prevailing theories can be distinguished; one proposes the water association being mammaldependent and thus merely the result of contamination from semi-aquatic mammals living in close vicinity to the water source. The other, quite contrary, suggests mammal-independence and hence that water, possibly in association with protozoa, serves as an environmental reservoir for the bacterium.

Spårtaxisystem i Uppsala

An increased awareness about the global warming has created a demand for more information on how the climate is affected by different activities.This master thesis was initiated by Tricorona, a Swedish company that offers its customers analysis and calculation of their climate impact. Tricorona also supplies climate neutralisation with CERs, in accordance with the Kyoto protocol and controlled by the UN. This work demands updated emission factors for greenhouse gases. An emission factor gives information about the greenhouse gasintensity of a service or a product [kg CO2-eq./ functional unit].The purpose of this thesis is to examine how electricity, district heating, hotels, taxis, food and materials affect the climate and how emission factors for these areas can be calculated.This was done by reviewing and comparing different studies and by interviewing experts. The information was evaluated and recommendations on calculations and emission factors were made.The consumption of energy is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating, electricity, hotels, taxis and materials.

Det går som tåget : Organisationers kommunikativa krisutmaningar

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine different organizations' views on their communicative crisis work. The study will analyze organizations' crisis prevention efforts, its views on the crisis of accountability in relation to stakeholders and to work for a crisis to be elucidated. In order to delineate the study focuses the investigation on various train organizations. Then the concept of crisis is something that circulated widely in the train sector in recent years.Theory: This examination has chosen to use the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory. It is an empirically tested theory of a collection of different strategies.

Styrdokumentskonvertering i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av fem gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till 2011 års styrdokument i ämnet historia

Policy document conversion in practice ? a qualitative study of five upper grade teachers approach to the 2011 policy documents in history.This essay examines five upper grade teachers approach to the new 2011 policy documents in the history school subject, as well as it?s impact on the teachers class room activities. Also, the study examines what factors have influenced this conversion process. Colleagues, the school management and the Swedish Skolverket (the Swedish school management organisation, controlled by the Swedish government) are in this study the main external influences that are studied. The study is carried out with an organisation theoretical approach, witch states that controlling the schools practical activities is hard, taking in to account a great variety of ?problems? that follow a teachers every day work.

Entering a new market ? A model for evaluating a new commercial real estate market

The development for Skanska Commercial Development (SCD) during the last years has been positive on all markets and Skanska therefore plans on expanding their activity. Central and Eastern Europe has had a considerable economic development, what is assessed to continue during the next following years. Bucharest is one possible alternative in the CEE for a new establishment by SCD. However, the investigation before an entry is a process with many factors that need to be taken into consideration. There are today no models on how and what a developer as SCD should evaluate in terms of opportunities and risks on a possible new market.

"Man kanske inte ser ut som sitt namn" : En studie om fem kvinnors konvertering till islam

The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the conversion.

Ersättningsmodeller för ballasttransporter : vid anläggning och underhåll av skogsbilvägar

Construction and maintenance of forest truck roads are a necessary element of industrial forestry. Payment for contracting services in this context can be done according to a number of payment models. This study will focus on the methods and consequences associated with a change of Holmen Skog?s payment model from per hour to per metric ton for ballast hauling. The aim of this study is to improve the economic efficiency of Holmen Skog?s ballast hauling in construction and maintenance of forest truck roads. This is done by formulating and evaluating a proposal for a payment model based on crowns per ton.

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