2828 Uppsatser om Caring relationship - Sida 61 av 189
CRM för Researrangörer - Ett sätt att uppfylla drömmar
Bakgrund/Problem: Resebranschen blir alltmer konkurrensintensiv och kampen om kunderna hårdnar. Konkurrensen har inneburit att priserna också pressats och med små vinstmarginaler är det svårt för många researrangörer att överleva. Att sälja en resa innebär att sälja förväntningar och drömmar vilket i sin tur ställer krav på researrangörerna att kunna tillgodose kundernas individuella behov. Resebranschen karaktäriseras av en hög andel illojala kunder som med det stora informationsutbudet även har en stark maktposition. En metod för att förbättra kundstrategier och relationsskapande är Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Palliativ vård : Anhörigvårdarens upplevelser av palliativ hemsjukvård.
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa anhörigvårdares upplevelser av den palliativa vården i hemmet utifrån aktuell vetenskaplig litteratur. Litteraturen som använts till resultatet har varit vetenskapliga artiklar av i huvudsak kvalitativ design. Artiklarna söktes i databaserna Blackwell Synergy, Elin och Pub Med. Sökorden som användes var Caring, Caregivers, Experiences, Family, Homecare, Needs, Palliative care, Perception. Sökorden kombinerades för att få artiklar som överensstämde med syftet och frågeställningen.
Att sticka ett oroligt barn - sjuksköterskans möjligheter att lindra / To prick children : Nurses' possibilities to relieve distress
Background: Children frequently exhibit high levels of distress while undergoing routine blood sampling or injections. If the child is not treated with appropriate care, the feelings of distress may increase over time and result in needle-phobia. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe nurses´ possibilities to relieve distress in children undergoing needle sticks. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted through database search and screening of reference lists. Ten research articles with a quantitative approach were included, coded for quality and then analyzed.
Att begravas vid gårdagens sida : Återbruket under bronsåldern på Öland samt i Falbygden i relation till det i Mysinge gånggrift
This essay is focused on the re-use during the Bronze Age of the Stone Age passage grave RAÄ 85 in Mysinge, Öland. To increase the knowledge of the phenomena of re-use in general and that which occurred in Mysinge passage grave in particular I?ve looked at other forms of re-use on Öland and the re-use of passage graves in Falbygden. The research has been limited to the Bronze Age. My goal has been to see what this might tell us about the relationship people during the Bronze Age had towards the abstract subject of ?non-existence?, in other words death.
Biblioteken och 2.0. En idéanalys av synen på den sociala webben i några skandinaviska bibliotekstidningar.
In this thesis we have examined opinions of the social web in Scandinavian Library journals. Our interest lies in aspects about the social web, and above all about Library 2.0. The central question is how this new technology, a growing digitalization, and a social web that focuses on interactivity and participation affects opinions about libraries. We have investigated opinions about Library 2.0, with respect to three different dimensions: The role of the library in society, power/hierarchy and knowledge. The method used in this thesis is idea analysis using these dimensions as analytical instrument.
Hinder och möjligheter med jobbcoachning : utifrån jobbcoachers och arbetssökandes syn på insatsen
Abstract This qualitative interview study focuses on job coaching by examining what thoughts, views and opinions the involved parties, such as job applicants and job coaches, have of the contribution. The aim is to highlight the obstacles and opportunities by examining the expectations that exist from both parties as well as how to look at job coaching and its different areas. In this context, examine the similarities and differences between the two parties approach to the contribution. This is made possible through four interviews with job applicants as well as four interviews with job coaches. A grounded theory inspired approach was used to obtain the results of the study.
Delaktighet i vården : när det talas olika verbala språk
SAMMANFATTNINGBakgrund: Delaktighet, vårdrelation och kommunikation är tre centrala begrepp inomhälso- och sjukvården. Detta med tanke på att det är tre faktorer som kan få patienten attpåverka dennes hälsoprocess samt att kunna trygghet. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskansförutsättningar och hinder för att skapa delaktighet i vårdrelationen med patienter närsamma verbala språk inte talas. Metod: Studien utgår från sjuksköterskans perspektiv ochbaseras på en kvalitativ analys utifrån Evans (2002) litteraturstudie. Resultat: Det somansågs vara förutsättningar för delaktighet kunde vara tolkens närvaro för skapandet avdelaktighet i vårdrelationen.
Patienters upplevelser av bemötande på akutmottagning : En litteraturöversikt
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with acute illness experience their given care in the emergency department. Method: A literature review of ten studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. These studies had been published between the years of 2000 and 2011. Results: The analysis showed a lack of sufficient care concerning patients? subjective experiences.
Match Point: Watching versus Catching The Influence of Whaling for the Whale Watching Tourism Industry in Iceland
Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Doula - Ett positivt komplement för fäder i samband med barnafödande : Kvalitativ intervjustudie med några fäder
Title: The nurse's dilemma in psychiatric inpatient care - a balancing act between good and evil Objective: To describe the nurse's experience of relieving patient suffering caused by coercive measures on a closed psychiatric ward . Frame of reference : The results are discussed in light of Eriksson´s theory of suffering and Caring relationships Method: A qualitative analysis based on focus group discussions Results: The analysis resulted in six categories, to protect the patient , to involve the patient , not to lose control , to remain , to justify compulsion , and to be touched . The results showed that nurses had the experience of being able to relieve the suffering of patients caused by coercive measures. It was also found that the nurses had a tendency to justify coercive measures , the more experience they had of performing these . Conclusion: The results describe that nurses have the experience and knowledge of how to relieve patients' suffering caused by coercion but also their experiences of performing these .
Frontier Marknader. : En studie om svenska företagsetableringar på afrikanska frontier-marknader
In the early 1990?s more and more companies of the Swedish public sector were exposed to competition, and this started the debate on how such actions might affect the business and even society.The first chapter examines how the public sector and especially health care, is financed and managed. We also explore what it means to be exposed to competition and find that there are many different ways of exposing the public sector to competition. The study examines dental care as an example of a market with both publicly and privately owned companies. The purpose of this paper is to explore how publicly and privately owned health care companies view their relationship with their consumers.
Sjuksköterskors möte med familjer i BUP:s mellanvård
Background: ?Transitional care? is a new form of care in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Sweden. The level of care, between outpatient and inpatient, has been developed to meet children/adolescents and their families in a different way than in the traditional outpatient and inpatient treatment. The contact offered can be intense with frequent contact and also with more time set aside for every occasion. The nurse, who is one of the categories of personnel involved in the multidisciplinary team works largely in other contexts than in the therapy room at the clinic or on the ward.
Vårdlidande hos kvinnor med bröstcancer
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste dödsorsaken globalt gällande kvinnor. Att leva med en bröstcancersjukdom kan innebära mycket svåra lidanden. Många av kvinnorna får stora vårdbehov och där kan vårdpersonalen ibland orsaka vårdlidande utan att vara medvetna om problemet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva vårdlidande för kvinnor med en bröstcancer sjukdom Metod: Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie med sju kvalitativa artiklar. Författarna identifierade olika mönster och kategorier i artiklarna.
Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?
People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.
Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med och vårdas för bröstcancer : En självbiografisk studie
Bröstcancer är en av de vanligaste sjukdomarna bland kvinnor i Sverige. Varje dag får 15-20 kvinnor diagnosen bröstcancer. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med och vårdas för bröstcancer. En litteraturstudie har använts och självbiografier har analyserats för att få en kvalitativ ansats. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier vilka representerar de erfarenheter som framkom bland kvinnorna.