2828 Uppsatser om Caring relationship - Sida 33 av 189
Identitet, modernitet och Twitter : Hur sociala är egentligen sociala medier?
Social media on the internet allows both public and private actors to communicate with each other. The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the relationship between the public and the private in social media on the internet, specifically with emphasis on the identities which are shaped in this relationship. The social media explored in this study is the micro blog Twitter. Data was collected from the pages of three public and private actors on Twitter, specifically with concern to their interaction with public and/or private actors. The data was analysed with support in sociological theories on modernity, identity, self-identity, socialisation and Erving Goffman's theories on everyday expression.
Mötesanläggningarnas framgångsfaktorer : En fallstudie av Stockholmsmässan och Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre
The aim of this essay is to examine how important marketing and networking is for the meeting industry in Stockholm. The meeting industry is one of the most profitable areas of the tourism industry today and a major contributor to economic growth in Sweden. The meeting industry has grown rapidly in Sweden and Stockholm has during the last five years been one of the ten most popular congress cities in the world. This has resulted in that the city has become a strong competitor to other European cities.Stockholm International fairs are for example the largest trade fair organizer in Scandinavia and Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre is the new arena of opportunity.However the marketing and a broad network is necessary for meeting facilities if their aim is to be successful. Marketing contributes to the meeting facilities establishment and makes it well known for the potential market, while the collaborations and relationships is important for facilitating their work.
Att förhandla om rum : en etnologisk analys av hantverkares tal om kundmöten
The aim of this study is to point out variations of practices in the relationship between professionals of service occupations and their clients. The material consists of four openly conducted thematic interviews with male professionals who work in the environment of their clients' homes.The main theoretical approach of this analysisis undertaken with ethnicity in mind.The practices identified aim to throw light on the boundaries between the differing cultures of professionals and their clients.The analytical termsboundary reduction and boundary maintenanceare used in this research.The two-stage analysis points out different practicesused, in chronological order, during contact between professionals and their clients. This is followed by a statement of the themes which connect, primarily fromthe professional perspective. The results indicate an intimate connection between intercultural and transcultural aspects through the use of cultural transparancy, which is a strategy connecting different roles, aswell as use of loophole tacticsthat afford the possibility of definingspace, place and relationship.It's illustrated how the professionals operate from "within the structures and worldview" of the client, and this analysis also reveals a glimpse of the potential for cultural changein the meeting between different cultures..
SCRM genom Facebook
Idag är det nödvändigt för alla företag att fokusera på att skapa långvariga kundrelationer.Customer relationship management (CRM) gör det möjligt för företag att spåra kundersinteraktioner med företag. Det har blivit alltmer viktigt för företag att vara aktiva inom socialamedier för att skapa både kundengagemang och långsiktiga kundrelationer. Facebook är detmest använda forumet som företag idag använder. I samband med sociala mediers utvecklinghar ett nytt koncept utvecklats för att integrera sociala medier i traditionella CRM-system somkallas Social CRM (SCRM). Syftet med uppsatsen var att öka förståelsen för SCRM genomatt studera ett företags arbetssätt med SCRM för att skapa kundrelationer genom Facebook.
CRM och dess påverkan på kundtillfredsställelsen
Bakgrund: Kunden samt dennes behov och tillfredsställelse är ämnen som varit mål för forskning under de senaste decennierna. Kundfokusering är dock inget nytt utan förekom i diskussionen redan under 50-talet. Idag talas det mycket om CRM, customer relationship management. Många företag säger sig använda CRM men meningarna om vad begreppet egentligen innebär går isär. Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att skapa insikt i vilka inslag av CRM som kan urskiljas i ett stort teknikbaserat B-to-B företag.
Vilka faktorer påverkar konkurrensförhållandet mellan en kommunal och en fristående gymnasieskola : en jämförelse av gymnasieskolornas ekonomistyrning och verksamhetsstyrning
When the independent upper secondary schools were started in 1992, it meant a change in the competitive relationship for the local upper secondary schools. A reduced number of students during some years ahead, while the number of independent upper secondary schools increase will probably result in tougher competition between upper secondary schools.The purpose of this study is to review and compare financial and performance management between a public and an independent upper secondary school. The dissertation will focus on the now existing competitive relationship between the two types of upper secondary schools.The theory underlying the study is Porter's model - five competitive forces. The model is applied to the local upper secondary school and used to identify competitive factors affecting upper secondary schools. The study is using a qualitative approach with five interviews at two upper secondary schools, one independent and one public, located in the same town.The comparison of financial and operational management of upper secondary schools indicate that the differences are not as great as we first imagined, but that there still are some differences.
Skanska and their strategic Polish suppliers: Analysis of the buyer- supplier relationship against the interplay of pricing strategy, supply chain policies and culture
Researchers and practitioners have recognized the need for ?transforming? every policy of the company into a competitive advantage tool. Thus, both the pricing approach and the supply chain practices of the firm have emerged as an important determinant of success. In this study, however, we are not only interested in these two aspects, but also in a third one-namely cultural conflicts as an obstacle and challenge. The interaction of the tree factors is extensively presented against the backdrop of Skanska and four of their closest Polish suppliers.
Musik inte bara roligt utan även nödvändigt - En studie om ungdomarnas relation till musik
Music not only fun but also necessary. This paper investigates how young people describe their relationship to music. The young people - students - in this study are coming from two different districts of Malmö: One with a population with mainly ethnical Swedish background and the other with a multicultural population. The research question is how we can describe young people's relationship to music on the one hand from the social theories which are presented and on the other hand from own experience as a music teacher. Group interviews are used to get the young people's own descriptions.
Räntabilitet och kapitalstruktur i svenska börsbolag: En analys av utvecklingen från 1990 till 2004
The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of profitability and capital structure in Swedish quoted companies during the period of 1990 to 2004. Further, the aim is to determine the relationship between profitability and leverage in order to conclude whether the choice of capital structure supports the pecking order theory or the trade-off theory of capital structure. The findings show that return on assets fluctuates between 3 and 11 percent and that return on equity fluctuates between 3 and 22 percent during the period. Further, the leverage and the cost of debt have decreased. This indicates lowered financial risk in Swedish quoted companies in the period between 1990 and 2004.
Att sätta ord på det som sitter i väggarna : Om ett projekt till förmån för elever i behov av särskilt stöd på gymnasiet
The aim of this study was to explore and increase understanding of how a team of colleagues at an upper-secondary school in Sweden works with students with special education needs. The team works with a group of students where the majority have experienced school failure in elementary school. The focus of the study has been to analyze a project that the school undertook 2013 to improve students? results and improve their chances to successfully graduate from their program. Data was collected from relevant documents and interviews with members of the project at hand.
Användning av beslutstödsverktyg inom CRM (Customer Relationship Management): hur kan beslutstödsverktyg stödja företagens analysarbete för att hitta kunskap om kunderna?
Vardagen präglas av olika sorts kundkort som företagen använder för att lära känna kunderna och bygga långsiktiga relationer med dem. De företag som kan ge sina kunder en god och mer individuell service, dvs. vårda dem, har en stor konkurrensfördel. Många kortinnehavare känner sig dock inte unika vilket resulterar i att de inte är lojala mot företagen och att kundrelationerna försämras. Problemet ligger i att många företag saknar förmågan att analysera kundinformationen som lagras i databaserna för att fatta beslut rörande kundhantering.
God man är som en spindel i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om gode mäns roll och deras relation till ensamkommande barn, ur gode mäns perspektiv
This study is about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relation to unaccompanied children. On the basis of qualitative interviews the study aims to understand the trustees? role and relation to unaccompanied children. We chose to interview nine trustees to achieve a better insight of the trustees roll. We analyzed the interviews and tried to gain a better knowledge about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relationship to unaccompanied children with role theory and concepts off pastoral power and trust.
Delad lojalitet: inom detaljhandeln
Syftet med vår uppsats är att utvärdera hur enskilda butiksägare, som ingår i en större kedja, ser på fördelar samt nackdelar att ingå i en större koncern. Syftet är också att utröna hur butiksägarna definierar en lojal kund samt hur de arbetar för att strategiskt skapa kundlojalitet. Vår studie grundar sig på intervjuer med två enskilda butiksägare som ingår i samma koncern. I studien framgick det att butiksägarna genom användandet av kundkort erhåller kundlojalitet som ett bra verktyg för att kunna förbättra och stärka den totala ekonomin i företaget. Det krävs dock att man inser betydelsen av att engagera sig för att skapa en bättre balans mellan kundernas attityd och kundernas beteende.
CRM i företag: en fallstudie av Handelsbanken
För att företag ska överleva så måste de ta hand om sina befintliga kunder såväl som att attrahera nya. CRM eller Customer Relationship Management är en benämning på ett synsätt eller en strategi som används för att förbättra relationen till kunderna. När modern teknologi som Internet och e-mail används för att uppnå målen med CRM kallas det electronic Customer Relationship Management eller e-CRM. Syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka hur företag använder CRM och e-CRM för att förbättra relationen till sina kunder. För att uppnå detta syfte har en fallstudie gjorts på Handelsbanken.
Regionalt agerande ur ett fusionsperspektiv : - Relationen mellan West Sweden och dess medlemmar
This study is based on previous research concluding that sub-national actors now function on a complex arena where the nation state is not the sole and self-evident channel to the European Union. Based on that assumption, the thesis is intended to create understanding of the nature of the relationship between the West Sweden regional office and its Värmland commissioners in the case of regional action.The relationship between the regional office and its members was examined in a case study of open consultation around the EU?s new EU 2020 strategy. The questions posed in the thesis are answered by interviews with representatives of West Sweden and certain Värmland members of that organization. The results of the interviews were then analyzed based on a fusion perspective, which addresses various indicators for regional action.The results of the study show that the West Sweden regional office can assume a clearer role in regional influencing, but also that Region Värmland plays an important role in influencing the EU.