

1176 Uppsatser om Career ambition - Sida 2 av 79

Hur kan studie- och yrkesvägledaruppdraget förstås?

The main purpose with this study was to investigate how study- and careers counselors active in primary school, secondary upper high as well as colleges describe regarding satisfaction of assignments and suggestions on their development. The study also included in what extent pure guidance tasks cover these assignments as well as what criteria affects these.Six study and careers counselors were interviewed during this study, all active in the three separate educational programs. Their responses regarding what tasks are included in their assignments as well as experiences are in line with previous research. The conclusion drawn from this study shows deviational results in-between the three educational programs, this regarding guidance tasks in their assignments. The conclusion strongly pinpoints that criteria as ?time? and ?need of guidance? affect to what extent guidance tasks fills these study and career counselors assignments..

Elitidrottsproblem? : En kvalitativ studie om elitidrottares karriäravslutning

This paper used a qualitative technique from a social scientific perspective, a model based on Hewitt and his theory of the self-concept. The purpose of this study was to investigate why some elite athletes experience troublesome periods after their career ending. Interviews were performed with five elite athletes with varying experiences after career ending. The length of the elite athlete careers vary between 7 to 17 years. Two groups were made based upon experiences after career ending.

Normer kring konflikthantering i förskolan

The aim of this study is to enlighten how todays working environment affects young individuals descriptions of how to reach success in work life, now often titled as ?career?. Our purpose has been to analyse how the term career is constituted discursively among young people in jobs characterized by flexibility. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with young adults in the media industry, all between 20-30 years old. By utilising a Foucaultdian discourse analysis we want to expose how the competing and dominating discourses, that our interviewees? statements are based on, can be associated with a wider social context.  The study reveals that our interviewees describe career in two separate ways, both positively and negatively.

"Aha, det är bara studentradio" : En kvalitativ studie om medielandskapets underdog och kampen om legitimitet

The Bachelor thesis ?Oh, it?s only student radio? is a qualitative study of the Swedish student radio and its members. The study aims to investigate the professionalisation of the radio hosts through Pierre Bourdieu?s theories of field and habitus as well as theories of profession. In order to do so, it?s also necessary to establish the radiostations? perceived role in today?s media landscape by analysing their ambition in relation to other media organisations.

IKT, vad är det? : En studie baserad på pedagogers uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i förskolan

The aim of this study is to enlighten how todays working environment affects young individuals descriptions of how to reach success in work life, now often titled as ?career?. Our purpose has been to analyse how the term career is constituted discursively among young people in jobs characterized by flexibility. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with young adults in the media industry, all between 20-30 years old. By utilising a Foucaultdian discourse analysis we want to expose how the competing and dominating discourses, that our interviewees? statements are based on, can be associated with a wider social context.  The study reveals that our interviewees describe career in two separate ways, both positively and negatively.

Vad motiverar resenärer? : -En prövning av Travel Career Pattern

Vad motiveras resenärer av? Att få nya upplevelser och fly vardagen är två motivationskategorier som gör att individer konsumerar en resa. Uppsatsen behandlar resemotivation genom att pröva teorinTravel Career Pattern på ett nytt segment, svenskar, och till stor del unga i åldern 0-25, och studerande på högskola eller universitet. Vi inventerar Travel Career Patterns resemotivationsfaktorer och studerar hur de motiverar resenärer. Undersökningen är utförd genom en enkät, och en analys sker av materialet för att få en bild av vad som motiverar resenärerna.

Särbegåvade elever : En studie om studie- och yrkesvägledning och stimulans i gymnaiseskolan

The aim of the study was to improve understanding of how upper secondary school acknowledge and adjust support and guidance for gifted students regarding their future academic and professional career. The study examined school pricipals and career counselors approach to guidance work with gifted students and how the above mentioned professionals received information about gifted students. It was further examined what measures were applied to adjust the upper secondary school to the needs of gifted students. Qualitative interviews were conducted and the results showed that in cases where the informants were told it took place in conjunctions with seminars about the class, through grades or through a teacher or the students themselves who contacted the career counselor or principal at the upper secondary school.The giftedness was connected to the school curriculum and various course topics in the secondary programs. School principals viewed the career counselor as an important resource to provide motivational support, individualize and survey future plans.

Framgång, med eller utan karriär? : Unga vuxna om karriär i mediabranschen

The aim of this study is to enlighten how todays working environment affects young individuals descriptions of how to reach success in work life, now often titled as ?career?. Our purpose has been to analyse how the term career is constituted discursively among young people in jobs characterized by flexibility. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with young adults in the media industry, all between 20-30 years old. By utilising a Foucaultdian discourse analysis we want to expose how the competing and dominating discourses, that our interviewees? statements are based on, can be associated with a wider social context.  The study reveals that our interviewees describe career in two separate ways, both positively and negatively.

"Brandman är mitt första mål" : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om ungdomars framtida studie- och yrkesval utifrån ett sociokulturellt och könstillhörande perspektiv

Sweden is a country based on democracy and equality. As a result, both men and women areencouraged to aspire equal career opportunities.The aim of this study is to explore how social and cultural contexts, as well as gender aspects,affect Swedish Upper Secondary Class pupils when they choose career. The study focuses onstudents who have chosen an ambitious school curriculum.As method, the study uses both qualitative interviews with students and a quantitative survey.The theoretical framework is based on gender theory and on the social and cultural contexttheory of Bourdieu.The result of the study shows that gender and social as well as cultural context affect students?ambitions and career choices..

Förhållningssätt och bemötande i studie- och yrkesvägledningssamtal av elever uppväxta inom Jehovas vittnen

This essay aims to investigate how students raised in Jehovah's Witnesses have experienced their career counseling during their middle and high school education. My main objectives are, based on the testimonies of former Jehovah's Witnesses, to investigate how career counselors can find a strategy to approach these students in a non-threatening way. I also try to take into account the contextual elements which are of great importance when counseling students raised as Jehovah's Witnesses. A qualitative study has been carried out with five informants with a background in the movement. The material has then been analyzed using a qualitative, narrative method.

Kvinnors karriärutveckling : en studie om kvinnliga VD:ar

Despite the fact that women become more and more present in the private sector they still are heavily underrepresented in top positions. The cause has been debated and several explanations have been discussed. Although, many women have succeeded to reach top positions by making some more or less deliberate decisions that might have been decisive for their careers.The main purpose of this study is to analyse what women who aim for a successful career should be aware of regarding their choices of education and profession. Moreover, the importance of different circumstances for the development of women?s career opportunities has been inquired into.

Drama & vägledning : Metoder som speglar livet

This study illustrates how drama methods and career counselling might interact. The aim is to investigate whether drama methods can enhance career counselling methods. Drama is here defined as an umbrella term that includes all forms of action methods used in psychology and education.A literature survey was carried out in parallel with qualitative research interviews. Three professional drama leaders were interviewed separately. This was followed by a group interview with five upper secondary school students, who had all taken a course in drama with a focus on personal development.The findings show that there are common and consistent goals and values between drama and career counselling.

Vuxnas ansvar - en studie om barns möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande i utformandet av förskolans miljö

This essay aims to investigate how students raised in Jehovah's Witnesses have experienced their career counseling during their middle and high school education. My main objectives are, based on the testimonies of former Jehovah's Witnesses, to investigate how career counselors can find a strategy to approach these students in a non-threatening way. I also try to take into account the contextual elements which are of great importance when counseling students raised as Jehovah's Witnesses. A qualitative study has been carried out with five informants with a background in the movement. The material has then been analyzed using a qualitative, narrative method.

Det ideella arbetets betydelse för individen : En inblick i några individers personliga utveckling och lärande samt karriärutveckling genom deras ideella arbete

What impact has volunteering on the individual and their career development? For the young man about to enter the world of work, for the non-profit organization that needs to recruit new volunteers or employers who are facing hiring new staff. This study may provide a new approach in their search for work, volunteers or employees. The purpose of this study is to highlight the experiences of volunteering for individuals' personal learning and development, and the importance of volunteering for their career development. The study has a qualitative approach.

Användaren & LinkedIn, ett nischat socialt medium : Professionellt nätverk, digital identitet och tillit

During recent years, the labor market has changed. Social media currently plays a larger role within recruitment for both job seekers and employers, while company policies and routines addressing background checks become less strict. The result of these changes are higher demands upon social media users to censure their online image. This study focuses on LinkedIn, which is a website intended to provide users with tools for career development. The study is aimed at user interaction with LinkedIn and how this interaction can influence career development.

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