

1177 Uppsatser om Career ambition - Sida 13 av 79

Copingstrategier under uppväxten och senare i vuxenlivet för individer som har funktionsnedsättningen ADHD

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities between coping strategies used by individuals with the disability ADHD in childhood and later adulthood. The questions we asked ourselves: Are the individuals using the same form of coping in adulthood as in childhood? What copingstrategies used individuals while growing up? What coping-strategies used the individuals in adulthood? To fulfill the purpose and answer the questions, we used qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted with four adults who have the disa-bility ADHD. The interviews were analyzed by the hermeneutic circle.

The Power of the Gift Bag : En studie om användandet av gift bags som marknadsföringskanal

In a time of fierce global competition, where an immense amount of commercial messages reaches consumers around the clock and in every conceivable context, companies constantly seek to find new ways to reach out with their product. One way to do so, that has increased in popularity in recent years, is the use of gift bags. A gift bag may contain samples, miniature products and even products in full size, as a rule from several different brands, which the recipient receives free of charge. The gift bag is typically distributed at some form of event, such as store openings, fashion shows, theme parties and the like, and the receiver of the gift bag can then evaluate the content without any obligation to purchase. The ambition of the companies that choose to participate with their products in a gift bag is, of course, that the recipient will find their products satisfactory, and ideally, that he or she will continue to consume the brand in the future.There are numerous scientific research contributions related to the use of free samples, but very few that concern the gift bag, where a collection of samples from different sources and brands appear.

Jämställdhet inom Försvarsmakten : Vision kontra verklighet

Denna uppsats handlar om den svenska Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsmål som har satts upp för att främja jämställdheten och på sikt få in fler kvinnor i organisationen. Mer specifikt handlar uppsatsen om hur kvinnorna inom Försvarsmakten anser att dessa jämställdhetsmål efterlevs. Uppsatsen baserar sig på intervjuer med tre kvinnliga yrkesofficerare som får ge sin syn på livet i och runt det militära samt på försvarets jämställdhetsarbete och hur det påverkar dem. Resultaten jag kommer fram till i denna uppsats är att Försvarsmakten för dessa tre kvinnor är en bra arbetsplats för dem, oavsett deras individuella livssituationer, men att det fortfarande finns en hel del att jobba på vad gäller jämställdhetsmålen..

Utveckling av heltäckande gångbord

This thesis work is a 30hp D-level assignment in design as a co-operation between MälardalenUniversity and Scania CV AB in Södertälje. The purpose was to develope a close fitted catwalk.The market has seen an increasing value for these types of applications and have the ambition to keep up with the rest of the competitors. The catwalks of todays standards shall be estetical attractive, have a non slippery surface and be costefficient.While working with this project I have spent a lot of time with the concept proposals and with the evaluation of the concepts, resulting in a final CAD model and a approximation of the cost estimate. The new catwalk fulfils all the new recommendations and rules as sharp edges, ADR, the height of the stepup and a non slippery surface with built in drainage..

"Utan språket blir man både döv och stum" : En studie av avbrottsorsaker på grundläggande vuxenutbildning

 The aim of this paper was to investigate how many students studying Swesdish as a foreign language, at secondary school level, in Tierps kommun, that have dropped out and their reasons for doing so. The reason for this is the report from Skolverket, stating that the rate of drop outs at this level is very high. To investigate this, a quantitative method was used. A questionnaire was sent out to all the students that dropped out 2005-2008. The result showed that the two main reasons for leaving their studies were that the individuals had found a job or thought the studies were too hard. The research also showed that the majority of the students had not been in contact with Career counseller prior to ending their studies. We came to the conclusion that there might be a need for developing the teaching and to work out routines for guidance at drop out situations.

Island - det andra och det samma : Uno von Troils Bref rörande en resa til Island MDCCLXXII som kunskapsförmedling

The purpose of this paper is to study Uno von Troil's book Bref rörande en resa til Island MDCCLXXII as part of the transfer of knowledge about Iceland to Sweden and Europe during the late 1700s. On the basis of discussions on travel books and the image of 'the other', 'I will argue that von Troil, using the skills he already had access to, as well as the skills he acquired after his trip, provides a multifaceted picture of Iceland. At the same time, I will examine how von Troil conveys information about Iceland both to a Swedish and a European audience and illustrate his network relationships and career aspirations..

Mellan det moderna och det traditionella : Livshistorier från namibiska studenter

This study is based on six narrative interviews which I conducted with students at the University of Namibia in Windhoek, Namibia. My aim is to find out how these students are creating their identity in the environment of the university, how they look at their family structure and how Namibia´s independence in 1990 has created new opportunities for young people in contemporary Namibia. I have been using postcolonial theory and identity theories to analyse the interviews. Five of the six respondents are from the northern parts of Namibia, Ovamboland, and this area is seen as a rural area. The students have made an emotional journey from the rural areas in the north to the urban area of Windhoek and they feel that they have many new opportunities and they are willing to change Namibia into a more developed country..

Androgynitetens betydelse för det kreativa uttrycket i To the Lighthouse

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Kvinnan slår tillbaka : Sexualitet och våld i slashergenren

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Företagande som strategi: -Frihet kostar trygghet, det måste man kunna leva med

Over the last decade the conversation on entrepreneurship has been both worldwide and intense. In Sweden, as in many other countries, this conversation has also concerned women?s entrepreneurship. Parallel with this conversation has been the debate on women in leading position in large corporations. This thesis aims to find out why and how women use entrepreneurship to handle existing conditions in life (such as the hardship of combining a traditional career with a traditional family life) and to create new conditions that suit them better.

Hur ser utvecklingsprocessen för en fanbase ut?

Det här examensarbetet bygger vidare på vårt tidigare projektarbete. I det tidigare projektarbetet etablerade vi oss som produktionsgruppen ?3Kproject?, där vår största ambition var att nå ut med egenproducerad musik till allmänheten främst via DJ:s och Internet. Nu har vi valt att bygga vidare på det arbetet och gå ett steg längre, en ny inriktning med en ny frågeställning. Frågeställningen lyder: * Hur ser utvecklingsprocessen för en fanbase ut? Via momenten produktion, promotion, marknadsföring och distribution tänker vi oss söka svar på den frågan.

Viking center

My diploma thesis has focused on creating a proposal for a Viking center in Stockholm that meets the international interest. A building dedicated solely to the Viking heritage. My ambition has been to give the Viking center an architecture that can serve as scenography for its exhibitions and to give the visitors a feel for the Vikings that they have been craving.  A boat-shaped building in tribute to the Vikings boat building skills with curved stems of equal height that gives a familiar silhouette to the city.  A wood building constructed of curved beams and wood columns painted with tar..

Skogsvårdsentreprenörers uppfattning om SÖDRA som uppdragsgivare

Södra in Oskarström has the ambition to become the best client for silviculture contractors and another aim is that the contractors should feel a strong sense of community with Södra. Several factors play an important role in order for these ambitions to be realized. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the contractors feel about their business relationship with Södra. The study was conducted during the spring of 2015 through a questionnaire which was sent to all ten silviculture contractors working with Södra in Oskarström. Overall, it seemed like the contractors were satisfied with the collaboration.

Ledarskapsprogram för innovation

 Since the 28thof May the project to develop an internal Innovation Leadership Program (ILP)on Accenture has been running and came to an end in November the same year. The taskwas formed into a master thesis and given to two students at the Royal Institute ofTechnology in Sweden.Since the start the content and structure of the ILP has been established based on the resultsof a theoretical study, a gap analysis and an external and internal benchmarking. The theoreticalstudy focused on articles, books and lectures about innovation, creativity and pedagogy. Subjectssuch as leadership, motivation, reflection and coaching were studied as well, but in a smaller scale.The gap analysis consisted of eleven interviews with people from different career levels withinAccenture and the goal was to establish the view of innovation and creativity among the employees.The interviews also asked about the knowledge the participants had about Technology Lab in orderto get insight of how to improve their communication and cooperation with people in client projects.Internally a similar program was studied called Minority Leadership program, whom will not bedescribed further in this report, to get inspiration. The external benchmarking was conducted onStanford and was very successful.

Naturalisering, medialisering & normativ hegemoni

This study deals with the compulsory reading of the public announcements in churches during the eighteens century. The focus is on the diocese of Skara. The ambition to make a comparison between the parish of Skara and the parish of Gårdstånga, earlier investigated by Elisabeth Reuterswärd, failed due to few archives from the parish of Skara. My study takes a broader perspective of the signification of the announcements to the reverends and to the churchgoers. It was an obligation to the reverend to read, collect and save the announcements and the churchgoers were by law obligated to go to church every Sunday.

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