

1177 Uppsatser om Career ambition - Sida 10 av 79

Together we can rock´n´roll : Status Quo- en studie av ett rockbands karriär

The main purpose of this essay is on one hand to try to find and explain the formula of success of the rock group Status Quo, and on the other to elucidate and explain the foundation and essence in the music made by Status Quo, but also to study how, if and why the foundation and essence have changed over the years. The method of investigation is partly based on a musical analysis of three albums from three different periods: Hello! (1973), Ain´t Complaining (1988) and Heavy Traffic (2002), and partly on a sociological study of the group?s career between 1962 and today, 2005.The first part of the essay concerns the period between 1962-1973 with an analysis of the album Hello!; the second part concerns the period 1974-1988 and the album Ain´t Complaining; finally, the third part concerns the years between 1989-2002 with an intensified analysis of the album Heavy Traffic. In the forth part of the essay I discuss the career of Status Quo from a sociological point of view.I run to the conclusion that the essence of Status Quo is the boogie-woogie comp on Fender guitar by Rick Parfitt, the riff on Francis Rossis´ Fender guitar in combination with the base, the piano and the drums. This has been the essence through all the years, even though it was more difficult to apprehend it during the 1980s.

Medborgardeltagande i planering - Uppsala kommuns trafikplan

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting an individual's working life mobility and how this mobility is perceived by the individual. The study has a qualitative approach and the theoretical part is based on Castells', Giddens' and Bauman's theories of modern society and employment in relation to the individual. The study concludes that external circumstances in combination with internal driving forces are the reasons behind changing careers. The process is predominantly perceived as positive, especially education tends to strengthen self-identity. Work in general is regarded as important for a person's identity and new career changes are expected in the future..

?Vad spelar det för roll om jag städar den här toaletten?? : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter i yrkesvalet

Denna studie ämnar att gå igenom lärande på arbetsplatsen och hur det situerade lärandet från en tjänst kan användas i andra tjänster. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur individer som arbetar inom HR, som jobbar med personalrelaterade frågor, upplever att tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter har betydelse för det arbete de har idag. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande, där tänkandet och handlandet hos oss människor betraktas som situerat till sociala sammanhang. För att kunna belysa det lärandet ytterligare används begreppen redskap, mediering och praktikgemenskap för att förstå hur lärandet kan främjas. Studien baseras på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med åtta kvinnor som innehar en HR-tjänst idag.

Hur kan bra bli ännu bättre? : Hur lärare jobbar med att leda och motivera högpresterande elever.

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how teachers work to lead and motivate high-performing students, and how these students were defined. The method used was qualitative, more specifically an interview, which was then analyzed with a thematic analysis. Six teachers participated in the survey, and what emerged was that high-performing students were often ambitious, structured and social students. High performing students were also characterized by the fact that they needed challenges, attention and positive feedback on their performances, otherwise they ran a risk of not performing. Structure was also important for the teachers themselves, that they had a goal when teaching and a way of achieving that goal.

Gestaltning av årummet mitt emot stadsparken :

I mitt arbete vill jag undersöka hur stråket längs Östra Ågatan kan utvecklas och förbättras. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa ett stråk som fungerar bättre än vad det gör idag. Min ambition eller målsättning är att presentera en konkret gestaltningslösning som är estetiskt tilltalande och funktionellt hållbar..

Svensk bilindustri och utlandsägande : En studie av Volvo och dess underleverantörer

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting an individual's working life mobility and how this mobility is perceived by the individual. The study has a qualitative approach and the theoretical part is based on Castells', Giddens' and Bauman's theories of modern society and employment in relation to the individual. The study concludes that external circumstances in combination with internal driving forces are the reasons behind changing careers. The process is predominantly perceived as positive, especially education tends to strengthen self-identity. Work in general is regarded as important for a person's identity and new career changes are expected in the future..

?Om man börjar från början?. Litteracitetspraktiker i flerspråkiga familjer med små barn.

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate how parents? in multilingual families perceive language learning and reading for young children, and how their practice of this can be understood in relation to their language situation and cultural background.This study focuses on the interaction between parents? and young children in the light of the literacy practice. Important concepts such as early childhood literacy and family literacy have been used to study language, culture and literacy practice as phenomena that interact. The theoretical framework is a sociocultural perspective. Through qualitative interviews with seven parents?, it was found that multilingual families have a strong ambition for their children to learn all the languages spoken in the family.

Bevarande och tillgängliggörande av raritetssamlingar i Serbien. Ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv på ett land i förändring

This paper aims to analyze how preservation of and access to old and rare book collections are organized in public libraries in Serbia. The paper is based on an analysis of documents, a survey and qualitative interviews with librarians in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Serbia is a country that has experienced violent historical periods with far-reaching consequences for its old and rare book collections. The interpretative background refers to documents about cultural policy in Europe and in Serbia. Serbia is a country in transition which aims to join the European Union.

Idrott och politik : En studie av kommunalpolitikens påverkan på idrottens verksamhet i Uppsala, Gävle och Västerås

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting an individual's working life mobility and how this mobility is perceived by the individual. The study has a qualitative approach and the theoretical part is based on Castells', Giddens' and Bauman's theories of modern society and employment in relation to the individual. The study concludes that external circumstances in combination with internal driving forces are the reasons behind changing careers. The process is predominantly perceived as positive, especially education tends to strengthen self-identity. Work in general is regarded as important for a person's identity and new career changes are expected in the future..

Turister eller vagabonder? : En studie av rörlighet i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting an individual's working life mobility and how this mobility is perceived by the individual. The study has a qualitative approach and the theoretical part is based on Castells', Giddens' and Bauman's theories of modern society and employment in relation to the individual. The study concludes that external circumstances in combination with internal driving forces are the reasons behind changing careers. The process is predominantly perceived as positive, especially education tends to strengthen self-identity. Work in general is regarded as important for a person's identity and new career changes are expected in the future..

Naturanpassat bostadsbyggande :

I am in this essay to find out how to successfully combine new development with preservation of natural values, mainly large scale vegetation and ground formations.This is done by studies of three developments. The first development, Engeltofta backe, lies 7 km northeast of Gävle. The expectations of natural preservation were not fullfilled when this area, after the explotation, did not have any vegetation of value left. The second example, Östra Kvarnskogen in the community of Sollentuna, shows, as far as one can tell at the moment, a sucsessful combination of new development and preserved nature. The third example is a development in the community of Kullön. In this area the ambition of combining preservation and development was fullfilled. After studying vital documentation in each planning process, I made interviews with different actors in each of the three processes. I thereafter compared the different documents and answers from the interviewed persons to find out if there were any significant similarities or differences which could be of importence when natural values is to be preserved in new developments. My conclusion of this study is that it is of great importence to define key expressions often used in the process, such as natural values and preservation.

Den betydelsebärande bilden : En bildsemiotisk studie av ett antal bilderböcker för barn ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv

Bakgrunden till denna uppsats är ett eget intresse för vilka normer och outtalade regler som styr och ligger till grund för vår identitetsutveckling och våra relationer. I mitt blivande yrke som förskollärare kommer jag att möta och bemöta ett stort antal barn och min förhoppning är att jag kommer göra det utan att reproducera normerande och stereotypiserande kategorier på barnen. Syftet med arbetet är att, genom en bildsemiotisk analys, belysa kulturella normer och värderingar som bilder i barnböcker frammanar. Samt undersöka om det går att utläsa någon skillnad mellan litteratur vald av en förskola som uttalat arbetar utifrån en normkritisk pedagogik och mellan barnlitteratur som används av förskolor utan uttalad normkritisk ambition. För att genomföra detta har jag valt ut fyra stycken böcker, två som representerar den normkritiska litteraturen och två som representerar litteratur vald av förskolor utan normkritisk ambition.

?Prata om hur jobbigt det ?r och hur verkligheten kan se ut? ? En kvalitativ studie om l?rarstudenters ber?ttelser om sina VFU-upplevelser

Denna studie har syftat till att utforska hur l?rarstudenter beskriver den verksamhetsf?rlagda (VFU) praktiken b?de som undervisningsmoment och praktik, samt l?rarstudenternas beskriv-ning av sina upplevelser av skolan som arbetsplats. Fr?gor som har genomsyrat denna studie ?r ?hur beskriver l?rarstudenter sina erfarenheter av VFU som undervisningsmoment och som praktik?, ?hur beskriver l?rarstudenter sina erfarenheter av skolmilj?n p? sina VFU-platser? samt ?hur f?r?ndras deras syn p? l?raryrket efter praktiken?. Studien har genomf?rts via semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex l?rarstudenter som har haft sina VFU perioder under ?r 2023.

It's a long way to the top (if you wanna rock n' roll) : Artisters väg till framgång och hållbarhet

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and clarify what?s behind the success of artistsin the music sector and what characterizes sustainable success for these. We arecurious about what lies behind the success of an artist and what makes an artist have asustainable career. The essay is based on a qualitative approach where six interviewshave been performed with people in various positions in the Swedish music industry. The interviewees have been selected after their knowledge and experience within thefield.

Stress i socialt arbete : om socialarbetares upplevelser och hantering av stress i sitt arbete.

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.

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