

1162 Uppsatser om Capital of scandinavia - Sida 1 av 78

Stockholm : The Capital of Scandinavia?

Bakgrund: I denna uppsats presenteras läsaren till Stockholm Visitors Board varumärke som under några år använts och marknadsförts internationellt för att locka företag, besökare och investerare till Stockholms stad. Författarna har undersökt varumärket ?Stockholm - The Capital of scandinavia? för att ta reda på vad de danska och norska turistorganisationerna anser om detta. De utländska organisationerna är VisitNorway, Wonderful Copenhagen och VisitDenmark. Samtidigt har en utredning pågått för att se om något motarbete gjorts från ovan nämnda organisationerna.Med facit i hand kan författarna konstatera att dessa organisationer är likasinnade i sitt sätt att arbeta.

Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia : Uppbyggnaden av en stads varumärke

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett varumärke påverkar en stad och dess image. Avsikten med studien är att granska hur varumärket Stockholm - The Capital of scandinavia har bemötts av utländska turister och om varumärket är så pass exklusivt att det kommer att bestå även i framtiden.En lockande och attraktiv image är en stor betydande faktor för en destination som försöker marknadsföra sig gentemot turister. En image kan exempelvis skapas genom ett varumärke, vilket presenterar och definierar en destination på ett sätt som är lockande för potentiella besökare. Stockholms nya varumärke riktar sig både mot utländska turister och företag i Stockholmregionens näringsliv. Vi har dessutom undersökt hur varumärket marknadsförs och om privatpersoner bosatta i Stockholm på något vis kan hjälpa till att stärka varumärket.Fallstudien handlar om Stockholm Visitors Board, Stockholm Business Region och deras varumärke Stockholm ? The Capital of scandinavia.

Varumärket Stockholm : The Capital of Scandinavia

Stadsmarknadsföring är ett begrepp som har blivit allt vanligare de senaste åren. Det skrivs mycket litteratur om ämnet och de flesta städer har idag utvecklat ett varumärke i syfte att försöka hävda sig i konkurrensen om turister, invånare och företag. I den här uppsatsen utvärderas Stockholms marknadsföring. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i litteraturstudier som har gjorts som beskriver hur marknadsföringen av en stad bör gå till generellt, för att senare kunna analysera hur Stockholm har valt att marknadsföra sig. Det råder en del missuppfattningar kring vissa av de begrepp som handlar om stadsmarknadsföring som jag kortfattat försöker reda ut.

Skandinavien i Yorkshire Herald under det första världskriget

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the occurrence of Scandinavia in the then daily English newspaper Yorkshire Herald during the First World War. The dissertation looks into what the Yorkshire Herald wrote about Scandinavia in the parts of the newspaper where the newspaper´s own opinion was given. This approach is connected to the theoretical idea that the British local and regional press was politically free during the war period. The dissertation also looks into the number of news telegrams etcetera that concerned Scandinavia during the period.The result shows that Scandinavia, both as a whole as well as the three individual countries, was mentioned about 700 times, split over about 600 telegrams and articles, during the examined period stretching from the first of August 1914 to the eleventh of November 1918. Material that gives the newspaper´s opinion regarding issues concerning Scandinavia can be found six times during the period.

Intellectual Capital Statement -The German Process Approach

The Intellectual Capital Statement facilitates the mapping of interdependent and simultaneously impacting intellectual capital factors in a unique way. The process-orientation of the German approach differentiates it from its predecessors and gives an advantage over alternative procedures. By combining these aspects with the possibility to communicate the company?s efforts and progress in the field of intellectual capital, the German Intellectual Capital Statement (Wissensbilanz) provides an effective management tool..

Skyddar aktiekapitalet borgenärerna? : Eller utgör aktiekapitalet de facto ett legalt hinder för entreprenörerna?

The purpose with this essay is to investigate whether the legal capital can be justified as creditor protection and whether the legal capital prevent entrepreneurship.Historically the legal capital has been justified by means of creditor protection. Nowdays the development within EU rather reduces or abolish the legal capital. Sweden has recently, 1 of April 2010, reduced the legal capital from 100 000 Swedish crowns to 50 000 Swedish crowns. In the preparatory work it has been admitted that the legal capital does not in reality offer creditors much protection. Although the lawmaker decides to retain the legal capital and justifies the legal capitals existence with the argument that involuntary creditors has the need of the legal capital.

De Nordeuropeiska långhögarna : Hus för de döda

The discovery and excavation of Long Barrows has been one of the major developments in the understanding of the Early Neolithic in Southern Scandinavia during the last decade. The Long Barrows are one of the oldest monumental burial forms that we see in northern Europe in the neolithic. They are also the first example of a common idea that is connected to a monumental burial form amongst the people. In this essay I attempt to show that there actually are quite a large number of Long Barrows in Scandinavia that show similarities with Long Barrows in well-known areas such as Kujavia (Poland) and Pommerania (Germany/Poland), in both architecture and location in the landscape. I also scrutinise some theories regarding this phenomenon and discuss, and i some cases, criticise them.

The Capital Structure Puzzle of SME's - Evidence from the Swedish Security Industry

The purpose of this thesis is to ascertain the main determinable factors of Swedish SMEs capital structure decisions and to investigate whether existing capital structure theories are applicable on Swedish SME financing. We have used panel data to run regressions of various capital structure determinants on three measures of capital structure; short- term debt, long-term debt and total debt. We found that growth opportunities, profitability and age are the most important capitalstructures determinants for our sample. Firm size shows a small explanatory result but the effective tax rate and the asset tangibility do not seem to explain the capital structure at all. Thematurity matching principle is considered significant..

Value creation- How can companies optimize the human capital

The thesis aims to examine how companies optimize the human capital from a value creation perspective. The value creation will be related to transfer of knowledge, recruitment, staff turnover and development. The thesis has a deductive approach and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. The results from the interviews will be strengthened with a quantitative data analysis of two measurements; value added per employee and human capital efficiency. The theoretical framework includes definitions of human capital.

Value creation- How can companies optimize the human capital

The thesis aims to examine how companies optimize the human capital from a value creation perspective. The value creation will be related to transfer of knowledge, recruitment, staff turnover and development. The thesis has a deductive approach and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. The results from the interviews will be strengthened with a quantitative data analysis of two measurements; value added per employee and human capital efficiency. The theoretical framework includes definitions of human capital.

En ändamålsprövning av kapitalskyddsreglerna i nya aktiebolagslagen : En jämförelse med norsk och amerikansk rätt

This thesis discusses the validity of the Capital Protection Rules under the new Companies Act.The areas of particular interest and cause for debate focus on the advantages and disadvantages for creditors under the laws regarding minimum capital requirements, capital distributions, stock acquisitions, stock minimization, loan restrictions and forced liquidation.How could creditors receive better protection?What changes would have to be made to the Capital Protection Rules to provide better protection and what would be the consequences of these changes to the shareholders, the government and the creditors.Could or should we model the Norwegian or American Judicial system in this situation?Included is an in depth report on the Swedish Capital Protection Rules outlining what they are, what they entail and what the reasoning was behind them. Also included are the EU equivalents and Norwegian and American Capital Protection Rules..

Finansiering av lantbruksfastigheter :

The purpuse with this work is to see if there is a possibility to buy a farm with a low amount of own capital. We have been doing budgets for five farms with different kind of productions. Some of the farms in this work are possible to buy with a low amount of capital but if you start without any money you will run into problems with the bank. The bank is not very pleased with fully financed projects; they would recommend an own capital of at least 10-20%. The farms with the best budgets were farms with animals..

Hur ska vi komma vidare? : frågor rörande neolitiseringen i Sydskandinavien

This paper deals with the question of neolithisation of Southern Scandinavia. The main goal is to give an overview of three theories regarding how agriculture and livestock breeding was introduced to the Southern Scandinavia. These are as follows: the immigration theory, the socio-economic theory and the historical explanation theory. Furthermore it is investigated which theory has the most probably support in material culture. There are obvious difficulties in interpreting the archaeological material.

Behovet av eget kapital vid köp av jordbruksfastighet :

My purpose with this study was to find out if it is possible to buy a farm today for a person who want to start a farm but has very little own capital. In old study?s they have come to the conclusion that you will need at least 20 % own capital to succeed to management the farm. But in the last year the cost for arable land approxley has increased with 30 % in Sweden and the crops have doubled in price. So it would be interesting to see if the banks have a new vision on the need of the own capital when you buy a farm. I have chosen two different farms who was for sale in Östergötland, one dairy farm and the other farm was a plant farm.

Is procuring qualified human capital from China a future for Sweden's wealth sustainability?

Our purpose was to examine why and how to start a ?bridge building enterprise? between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital. The theoretical framework consists of literature from well renowned authors and is divided into four different parts: Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, China & Intercultural understanding. The empirical foundation has been gathered from a great variety of different sources in an attempt to cover the many complex angels in which this subject can be looked upon. Chinese students, managers in international companies with experience from China, Chinese employees in Swedish companies and different people with good knowledge of different areas of China are all among our respondents.In our conclusion we have reached the three following conclusions for why one should start a ?bridge building? enterprise in between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital:-To fill future shortage of qualified human capital in Sweden.-To improve communication between Swedish companies and the Chinese market.-To develop qualified Chinese human capital with western standards..

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