7817 Uppsatser om Capital Management - Sida 5 av 522
Working Capital Management i svenska tillverkande företag : Hur effekter av WCM påverkas av beslut och samverkan
Sammanfattning Inom de flesta företag finns möjligheter att påverka rörelsekapitalet genom Working Capital Management. Detta kan även förkortas WCM, vilket enligt Deloof (2003) kan definieras som arbetet med att styra företagets rörelsekapital. De flesta företag har dessutom avsevärda summor uppbundna i rörelsekapitalet, vilket medför att WCM har en betydande roll på företagets lönsamhet. I strävan efter att nå ett optimalt rörelsekapital finns det dock risk att företagen drabbas av negativa effekter.Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka effekterna av WCM och hur dessa effekter påverkas utifrån hanteringen av WCM.Metod: Studien består av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning riktad till svenska tillverkande företag.Analys: Att frigöra kapital beskrivs som det främsta motivet för att genomföra WCM. Det framgår också att initiativ till beslut om en minskning av rörelsekapitalet är centraliserade och det är sällsynt att initiativ startar i den operativa verksamheten.
Socialt kapital i en etniskt homogen förening
This essay is a case-study of an ethnically homogeneous association, situated in an ethnically heterogeneous neighbourhood. The purpose is to examine the social capital of the members in this particular association. The theory of social capital claims that this form of association constitutes an example of bonding social capital, and is running the risk of becoming excluding towards non-group members. However, several scientists suggest that the ethnically homogeneous associations can assist immigrants in their new home countries to become a part of society, hence promote a more bridging form of social capital. This would be extra valuable in an ethnically heterogeneous context where the phenomenon of social capital often has a hard time.
KRÄDD Konsten att balansera Ekonomiskt och Kulturellt Kapital
This thesis aims to describe how a fashion designer should balance art and commerce in order to succeed in the fashion industry. We aim to define the Swedish term KRÄDD, and sort out how a designer or CEO in the fashion business should relate to the term, as well as the balance between cultural and economic capital. We present theories of the origins and fluctuations of fashion, as well as social studies on cultural capital, and brand building. The study is made in a qualitative manner where the empirics consist of interviews with 13 respondents that have different positions in, and experience from the fashion industry, including designers, journalists, buyers, a CEO and a PR-professional. In our conclusion, we emphasize the need for a balance between cultural and economic capital in order to succeed as a fashion designer.
Kapitalstruktur och Affärsrisk
During the past year it has been made possible to buy back a company?s outstanding stock. This is done in order to change the capital structure towards a situation with less equity. A change in capital structure means a change in the cost of capital for a company and by that a change in the value for the stockholder. This Master Thesis studies the relation between capital structure and business risk.
Socialt kapital genom Föreningsengagemang? : Föreningsengagemanget betydelse för det sociala kapitalet
This study examines the connection between social capital and involvement within voluntary associations; involvement is defined either as being a member in an association or a member who has some kind of assignment in an association. The study also examines if there is a difference between two social economic groups regarding the attainment and transformation of social capital through being involved in a voluntary association.Social capital is defined as social trust and the willingness of collective action.The result of the research shows there is a slight connection between the involvement in voluntary associations and social capital. It shows that people who are members of a voluntary association often have higher social capital than those who are not members of any voluntary association at all. The study also shows that there is a difference in attainment of social capital between those who have some kind of assignment in a voluntary association and general members.When studying social capital and involvement in voluntary associations it is also of interest to take social class into the analysis, because the study shows that people with a lower education had increased social capital when they were members in an association compared to the members with a higher education..
Venture Capital-företags exitprocess : faktorer som påverkar valet av exit
En uppsats om Venture capital-företags exitprocess och de faktorer som påverkar under processens gång.
Utbildning som lönar sig? : Riskkapitalbolag som investerar i skolor
This paper aims to give an insight into how venture capital work with their investments in the school sector. The purpose of the paper is to examine their work, regarding to goals of the company and the process of controlling the goals. The study also aims to determine the way the companies work with value growth.This study uses a qualitative research method, where the theories license to operate, the relationship value management framework, agency-principal and new public management theory is tested in relation to the collected data. Eleven persons were interviewed in this paper. This paper also aims to give an overview to venture capital in the school sector, where it will examine whether financial goals could collide with social goals.What the study can tell is that venture capital does not have a license to operate in this sector, according to the theory.
Minimiaktiekapitalet i Sverige: En konsekvensstudie av ett slopande av aktiekapitalkravet
In 2007 the Swedish government appointed a commission of inquiry with the task to submit a proposal of reduction in the requirement of a minimum legal capital for private limited liability companies. The commission of inquiry?s main proposal involved a reduction to SEK 50,000 compared to the prevailing SEK 100,000. Following a complementary proposal from the Justice Department suggesting a reduction to SEK 1, this paper aims at providing an understanding of the function and purpose of a minimum legal capital and the consequences that follows from an abolition of the statutory capital requirement. The thesis concludes that the legal capital?s main purpose is that of a standard contract internalizing the shareholder?s risk in business.
Geografiskt avstånd & venture capital
Venture capital koncentreras till stockholmsregionen, vilket kan leda till problem för skånska företag i deras sökande av denna typen av kapital. Vi tror att de nätverk som företagen förfogar över kan vara avgörande för deras framgång i sökandet. Vidare påstår vi att de skånska företagens nätverk kan vara svaga i Stockholm i jämförelse med de stockholmsbaserade företagens, detta beroende på det geografiska avståndet. Vi anser inte att företagens struktur är avgörande för möjligheten att tillskansa sig venture capital, utan att det är avståndet som avgör. Om det geografiska avståndet till Stockholm ställer till problem kan det även hämma de skånska företagens utveckling.
?Man måste se snygg ut - hela tiden? : en kvalitativ studie av tonårstjejer och deras relation till kläder
The purpose of this study was to investigate a group of teenage girls and their relation to clothes by using the theories about habitus and different types of capital by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. We have used semiotics since we also wanted to know what clothes symbolized for our respondents. The questions were therefore:1. How is a group of teenage girls who go to school in Stockholm city influenced by their habitus and symbolical capital in their attitude and relation to clothes?2.
Humankapitalets roll i entreprenörsbolag - En studie om hur sex entreprenörsbolagförhåller sig till humankapitalinvesteringar
Purpose:The purpose of this study is to improve the knowledge regarding how entrepreneurial companies act and behave in relation to human capital, by studying their decision-making process for human capital investments. Furthermore this study shall enrich the understandings for how their way of handling human capital investments might change over time along with the development, growth and aging of the company.Methodology:For this case study the authors have chosen a qualitative approach. The authors have collected the empirical data by interviewing the CEO?s of six different entrepreneurial companies. To be able to process and analyze the empirical data the authors have used various theoretical frameworks and also previous studies.Theoretical framework:The theoretical framework brings up human capital and its importance, but also its role in the entrepreneurial company.
För ett socialt kapital av god kvalité : - Det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning ur skolkuratorers och lärares perspektiv
The purpose of this study was to understand school counselors´ and teachers´ perspectives on the prevention of bullying in relation to social capital. The study was based on a qualitative process with semi-structured interviews from three teachers and three school counselors from three different schools. The main question was to find out teachers and school counselors perspectives of bullying in relation to social capital. The analysis was based on a theory that focuses on social capital, where trust and confidence as well as universal and selective interventions are important. Today, bullying is considered a serious and significant problem in school.
Begreppet samma eller likartad verksamhet : Sett utifrån ett delägarperspektiv
Through the rulings RÅ 2010 ref. 11, HFD 2011 ref. 75 and HFD 2011 not 88 the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court have extended the concept of same or similar activities which can be found in section 57, clause 4 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. Through the ruling the Court has partly clarified the application area of the regulation but question marks still remains.In the statutory text there is no definition of what shall be regarded as same or similar activity and the preparatory work does not give any further direction on how the concept should be interpreted. Ever since the amendment in 1995 the general view has been that activities can be transferred between different companies without affecting the waiting period in the company of origin.
Manipulerar företag sina resultat - En studie av förekomsten av Earnings management i samband med nyemission på den svenska marknaden
The thesis aims to examine the occurrence of Earnings Management (EM) preceding Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) on the Swedish capital market. EM refers to activities and adjustments carried out by managers. The underlying purpose of these actions is to adjust net income. The procedure is typically done by borrowing income from future periods. Evidence of EM around SEOs has been documented on capital markets around the world, and the effects on firms' post-offering performance are severe.
Finansiella instrument för svenska lantbruksföretag : riskhantering och finansiella instrument för lantbruksföretag i Sverige
The survey describes a number of risks that Swedish farming companies are exposed to. The risk areas covered by the survey are currency risks, price risks and financial risks. The survey further describes why these risks have a great impact on the future development of the farming companies. The survey highlights the interrelation between the risks and the measures which can be used to minimize the risks, so-called financial instruments.
The aim of the survey is to put focus on above mentioned risks and describe how these risks can be reduced to prevent the Swedish farming industry from stagnating in the future.
The survey is a secondary survey whereby existing knowledge about risks and risk management is applied to farming companies. The written information on price risks and hedging is primarily derived from foreign sources.