

6888 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 40 av 460

Internationalisering i högteknologiska småföretag

I och med den ökade konkurrensen och de minskade avstånden i omvärlden blir fler och fler företag internationella. Den traditionella forskningen fokuserar främst på stora och tillverkande företag. Internationaliseringen kan emellertid anses skilja sig åt från den traditionella uppfattningen på grunde av olika resursbegränsningar. Vidare kan det även antas att hög- teknologiska företag avviker från den traditionella bilden av företags internationella verksamhet, främst beroende på produkternas servicekaraktär och på graden av kompetens som finns i dessa företag. Därför uppstår intresset att i den här uppsatsen undersöka hur högteknologiska småföretag inter- nationaliserar sin verksamhet.

Ökat beslutsunderlag tack vare data warehouse/business intelligence

Arbetet beskriver ett systemutvecklingsarbete som innehåller kravfångst, analys och design av en data warehouse/business intelligencelösning till Svenska bordtennisförbundet. Svenska bordtennisförbundet/SBTF/ behöver utöka sitt beslutsunderlag för att kunna fatta strategiska beslut. SBTF behöver även få bättre kontroll på sin verksamhet för att kunna sätta, utvärdera och följa upp mål. SBTF önskar lösa detta genom att skapa ett data warehouse till vilket data från de olika systemen laddas för att därefter kunna presenteras för användarna genom business intelligence. I kravspecifikationen framkom att klubbarnas medlemsregister, alla tävlingsspelare, all träningsstatistik och de matcher som spelats i Sverige sedan 2011 var det dataunderlag som skulle ingå i ett data warehouse.

Prognos för offentlig sektor: Molnigt, med chans för IT som en tjänst

The public sector in Sweden outsources its core business to a very large extent, whileinsisting on running its IT operations internally in a traditional way. IT as a service ingeneral and cloud computing in particular has become incredibly popular in recentyears, offering cost efficiency and greater ability for the business to concentrate on itscore activities, which is why it should be a promising alternative to the traditional wayof running IT internally. To achieve an understanding of why IT as a service has yetto take off in the public sector, a study of its use of IT/IS, what the effect of IT as aservice is, and the opportunities and challenges that cloud computing represents, isnecessary.The study, which was conducted using a qualitative hermeneutic approach, was initiatedby a literature review, followed by six in-depth interviews with five respondents,all of which hold many years of experience in the area. The outcome of the interviewsindicated that IT as a service should represent a promising and feasible way of reachinghigher levels of cost control, and a greater focus on core activities. Furthermore,the results indicated that Swedish legislation along with a high level of businesscomplexitymight be reasons for the low amount of IT as a service in the public sector.Through careful analysis and examination of the business? current situation, as well ascomprehensive knowledge of Swedish legislation with regards to the implications ofLagen om offentlig upphandling, the public sector can avoid IT as a service becomingmore expensive and more complicated than necessary, and achieve cost efficiencyalong with a greater focus on its core activities through it.Future research could examine the possibility of a framework for the integration ofcloud services within the public sector?s IT/IS environment, and whether there is aspecific size of a cloud implementation at which it?s more cost efficient to go withtraditional IT operations..

Fast driftställe vid internetbaserad verksamhet

It is more common now to purchase products and services on the Internet. More and more companies choose to sell their services and products this way. Some services and products the customers can get delivered directly to their computers. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to know when they risk a permanent establishment in another country due to their Internet based activity. If the company gets a permanent establishment in the other country, the other country can tax the income which is relatable to the company?s permanent establishment.

Kvalitetschefens Roll och Kompetens Inom Svenska Organisationer och Företag

The role of the quality manager has evolved from being a quality controller to work with a more global business. Within many organizations in Sweden, however, the traditional role of the quality manager's remains and the tasks categorized as quality control still takes up most of the quality manager's time. The survey conducted as part of this master thesis shows that the quality manager in most businesses has multiple roles in addition to the role of quality manager, which can create a role conflict. One consequence of this is that each improvement is not given priority due to time constraints. Although the importance of a clear and committed leadership is the key for succeeding as the quality manager.

Marknadsundersökning : -En studie om Karlstads Kiropraktorklinik

Tendensen att försöka hitta de affärsmässiga argumenten (business case) för CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility eller företagens sociala ansvarstagande) började framträda på 1990-talet. Vetenskapsmännen insåg då att en enda forskningsdisciplin inte kan förklara hur företagens arbetssätt med CSR-frågor kan förbättra deras ?bottom line? och således bidra till en hållbar utveckling av samhället. Både teoretiker och praktiker har vänt sin uppmärksamhet mot framgångsrika företag (bästa praxis).  I korthet innebär ett business case inom CSR ett besvarande av frågan ?Vilka fördelar har företagen och samhället av CSR??.

Professionell Hästhållning : grundinformation till lantmästare

Every year, the horse industry in Sweden is growing. Because of this growth, it wouldbe most beneficial for the people involved in the agricultural business in Sweden toimprove their horse skills.I have assembled a form that includes basic guidelines for professional horse care.History tells us that Swedish horses have had a huge impact on the agricultural business.Before the arrival of the tractor, the horse played a very important role for the farmer.Today, horses are kept primarily for pleasure, mostly as a hobby for non-professionalpeople. In Sweden, we are seeing the small horse farms become more and morepopular, which is keeping the countryside open and alive.I feel it is very important to improve the knowledge among farmers and others who willwork in close proximity to horses. This will enable us to raise the standard of care ofhorses today and reduce the number of people who market themselves as professionalhorse specialists, even though they have no education or experience in the fieldIn this essay you will find information about the most common horse breeds in Sweden,including basic anatomy of the horse, feeding directions, hoof and dental care, commondiseases and their treatment. There is information relative to the safe transportation of ahorse as well as the rules pertaining to horses in traffic.

M2M - affecting organisations, offerings and relations

Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is a phase in the digital revolution connecting computing devices with each other bringing along new business opportunities for companies. Although being a fast growing field it has not been researched to any greater extent, particularly not within the academical literature. Consequently, information on how M2M can affect organisations seems strongly needed. This thesis uses three perspectives, derived from already recognised business benefits of M2M, as an aid to select proper theoretical tools to investigate the phenomenon. The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of how an M2M adoption affects a firm?s organisation, customer offerings and customer relations.

Väsentlig anknytning : Betydelsen av bostad och väsentligt inflytande i näringsverksamhet för individens skattemässiga status

In Sweden a person is either unlimited or limited liable to tax. It is important to define this status since the consequence of being unlimited liable to tax according to chapter 3 § 8 Swedish income tax law (1999:1229) is imposed tax on every revenue from Sweden and overseas. When deciding the fiscal status Sweden uses the principle of domicile which makes the home of the taxable person important.Despite domilication in another country a person can be considered to have such bonds to Sweden that they still should be unlimited liable to tax here. During the development of the Swedish communal tax law (1928:370) the term essential linkage was introduced. There are numerous factors which can affect this assessment but in case-law some factors have been considered more important than others.

Att bibehålla bestående kundrelationer : Hur kan inre och yttre faktorer påverka dessa?

This thesis treats how accountancy companies works to maintain customer relations. This is getting more important in the accounting business because there are several inner and outer factors available that may affect customer relations in this business area. The main question with the thesis is: How works accountancy companies with keeping customers?The purpose with the research was to investigate and identify which inner and outer factors that may be important from a company perspective to keep customers. Another purpose was to investigate if there existed any differences between the companies in how they are handling different factors like for example a law change and how it could affect customer relations.

Managing Positions in a Dynamic Environment - New Technology Impact on Tactel and the Telecom Industry

The Telecom industry is facing a paradigm shift, where the industry is converging with Internet technologies and the market is becoming more sophisticated. This results in more demanding customers, and the need for offering more content and services with a focus on usability for the end-users. The operators are starting to loose both their strong position and revenue in the Telecom industry, due to new technology and the fact that other actors are starting to enter the market, offering new content and services. In the end, the operators have two choices, to become bit-pipe providers, and only focusing on network management, or keeping the control over their networks. The latter would mean that they block other actors who are taking parts of their revenue, e.g.

Ledarskapsutvecklingspograms påverkan på individ och organisation

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Agila metoder vid verksamhetsutveckling - Vägen till nöjda kunder?

In recent time, agile methods have been devoted much attention, and the concept is widely used in the IT industry in particular. An increasing number of companies are interested in this way of working. The following report is the result of a study on the ability to create value for customers in business development through the use of agile methods. We ask what the advantages and limitations of agile methods are in the creation of customer value. Grounded Theory and an initial literature review was used to answer this question.

"Vart man kommer ifrån är en del av en" : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av sociala relationer i en mångkulturell skola

This thesis highlights the importance of social relationships for high school adolescents? identity in a multicultural school in Stockholm?s suburb. The second purpose of this thesis is to shed light on, if the school sees the students? cultural background as an asset and how teachers can take advantage and implement it to the way they teach .The theories in the study were developed by Urie Bronnfenbrenner; The ecological theory, Pierre Bourdeau; The three forms of capital and George H. Mead; The significant other, The generalized other and "I" and "Me".

Upplevelser av bannerreklam på en nischad hemsida

Title: Experiences of Banner advertisement on a specialized homepage Author: Marcus Westerberg Supervisor: Marie Hemming Department: Department of Business Administration, IEM Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, FEC 007 Purpose: Create a understanding for how the users on Internet pages experience the occurrence and the shape of the banners. Method: Methods used are quantitative and qualitative, and the facts and figures are based on a pop up inquiry and some telephoneinterviews. I elected pop up inquiry and telephoneinterview as my data collection. My inquiry had a high grade of standardization and the interviews had a low grade of standardization. Result: On the basis of the question of issue I have drawn the conclusion that the users feels that it is important with information in all advertising.

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