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Implementering av TPU : En fallstudie om implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping
If Swedish companies are to compete with companies in low-cost countries they have to achieve a more efficient production. The purpose of Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) is to increase the company's profitability by increasing the productivity. TPM is a method that involves all employees and aims to prevent failures in order to increase the availability of existing equipment.The aim of this paper is to evaluate the implementation process of TPM and give recommendations for the further implementation process. The conclusion and the analysis are based on a case study done at a production department at ABB Cewe-Controls facilities in Nyköping. The case study consists mainly of qualitative data from participation observations, surveys and interviews.Commitment of the management is a key factor in the implementation process of TPM.
Grälsjuka svenskar : En undersökning av verbala konflikter i två svenska 2000-talsfilmer
The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards young lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a young lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.
Kapitalstruktur och Affärsrisk
During the past year it has been made possible to buy back a company?s outstanding stock. This is done in order to change the capital structure towards a situation with less equity. A change in capital structure means a change in the cost of capital for a company and by that a change in the value for the stockholder. This Master Thesis studies the relation between capital structure and business risk.
Alumner från SLU, Skogsmästarskolan säger sitt
The purpose of this study is to investigate the forest managers view of the edu-cation at the School for Forest management at SLU and the first years of em-ployment. Surveys were sent to batches 05/08, 06/09 and 07/10 a total of 136 question-naires were sent out. 80 people answered the survey, this gives a response rate of 59 percent
The former students rated according to a 9-grade scale how satisfied they were with the different courses they had attended during their years as students at the school. The courses in mathematics and statistics got the highest marks with an average of 7.3, while the entry-level course in law only got an average of 4.6.
A major part of the former students had in the questionnaire enquired a leader-ship course and a business course with focus on negotiation techniques during their education.
There is a wide variety of employment opportunities for the graduated students. Timber buyers and forest managers or planners are just a few positions that for-mer students now possess.
The study shows that there is a big difference in the first introduction to a new work place depending on where the student got hired.
The notion of firms interacting with technology is not new; these types of systems were already in place in the mid eighties. E-business users worked with connections between their inbound logistics and procurement systems, and suppliers? order-entry systems. When these connections were described for the first time the vertical links between two, or more, value chains in a value system received more attention in firm strategy. The design of the linkages in the value system was said to be a product of the need for coordination and relative bargaining power.
En plats att bo på? : hyresnivåernas nivåfluktuationer 1999 - 2007
The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the yearly expenses for Swedish rental apartments during the period 1999 to 2007. At the end, it will give the reader a general picture of how the cost-level has fluctuated depending on the production year when the apartment building was finished, and where the same building is located. This paper has the following questions as a starting point:- Can there be an identification of regions depending on where people tend to favor renting an apartment?- How are those regions distributed? That is, where are the cost-levels of the yearly rental expenses highest and where are the levels lowest?Nine statistical surveys from the Swedish government agency Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån) have been used as primary sources for this paper. These surveys deal with price pictures of housing in general, but for this paper the only information that has been used is the one about rental apartments.
Vad gör en livsmedelsinspektör egentligen? : en studie om livsmedelsinspektörens yrkesroll sedd ur olika perspektiv
Aims The aim of this study was to investigate how personnel within food control are regarded from different perspectives and to find the answers to the sub questions:- what is included in the profession of food control?- what are the requirements for personnel within the profession of food control?- how is the profession perceived from different perspectives?- how do personnel within the profession of food control estimate their psycho social working conditions?Method The study included 68 individuals (34 female and 34 male) and was conducted via observations, web-based surveys and survey-based interviews. Conclusion - The study was feasible.- The overall goal of the study as well as the research questions were answered to and contributed to clarify what is included in the profession of food control. - Quality measures should be implemented to greater extent within the development of the national food control system..
Säkerheten i trådlösa nätverk
The number of wireless networks has increased rapidly among both home users and companies in just a few years. That has brought a lot of good things with it, for example the possibility to connect wireless equipment to the network or Internet from an arbitrary position within range of the accesspoint. But since the transmissions take place through the air some new security risks appear. It?s difficult to restrict the signals to a specific space and thereby a lot easier for unauthorized to eavesdrop or disturb the signals compared to a traditional wired network.
e-handel - vilka faktorer kan göra ett e-handelsföretag framgångsrikt
Att besvara - vilka faktorer kan göra ett e-handelsföretag framgångsrikt?
Metod: Kvalitativ enkätundersökning med öppna svar.
Undersökningen visade att framgångsfaktorerna finns i ett sammanhang. De
faktorer som vi ser som kritiska i ett e-handelsföretag är logistik, speciell
produkt, bra ledning, kundkontakt och en viss del av teknisk utveckling.
Svensk affärskultur kontra brasiliansk affärskultur - våra förväntningar och vår självbild
We want to identify the gap that consists of the expectations we have of
Brazilian / Swedish culture with the self-image of these individuals included
in the culture of question. This gap, we believe, creates a problem for
business across borders. The reader is therefore made aware of the issues that
affect our expectations and our self-image, and how this can be used to explain
Initial behandling med kortikosteroid vid inandning av retande gaser : en litteraturstudie
AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to investigate if treatment with ?dry needling? in myofascial triggerpoints (MTrPs) in the rotatorcuff muscles may affect impingement symptoms such as pain during provocative tests, shoulder mobility, and function. The research questions were: Does the value of pain change on the Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS) between before and after treatment? Do the positive provocative tests for impingement change between before and after treatment? Does the active shoulder mobility change between before and after treatment? Does the self-rated function change between before and after treatment?Method: The study was a prospective randomized intervention study and 19 persons with impingement symptoms (mean ± standard deviation; 58 ± 18 years, and shoulder pain duration 3.9 ± 1.6 months) were randomized into two groups. The groups were tested before, directly after and 3 weeks after treatment.
Rektor, pedagogers och elevers inställning till internet i fritidshemmet : En enkätundersökning om rektor, pedagogers och elevers inställning till internet i fritidshemmet
The purpose of this examination is to get a view of the attitude towards internet-use within after school centers. By comparing the views of pupils with the teacher?s point of view, one can notice differences that may be due to a lack of knowledge or communication. The questions are: What view does the principal, the staff, and the pupils have on internet-use in after school centers? Does their view differ? If so, how? To be able to respond to these questions, the pupils and the staff have been handed surveys and the principal has been interviewed.
Dominerande affärsmodeller inom området informationssäkerhet
Computers together with Internet have been growing enormously, during the last
decade and the area of information technology has been growing in the same
speed. As long as the surrounding environment evolves, the business models must
within the IT-area, keep the same pace. So, how do business corporations handle
this change to attract customers? How do the dominant business models look
like? In many cases, they are apparently much the same. But what differences
can we see and what areas can be improved?
We have showed that the IT area isn?t just one, it consist of several segments.
Rytmikaren och båtbyggaren - En studie om den tysta kunskapen inom rytmiken
Title: Eurythmics, and building boats -A study in tacit knowledge.The education of eurhythmics at Malmö Academy of Music, is a program where a major part of the tutoring is oral; very little written information about the method is used. This essay will examine the forms in which the current knowledge base exists, as well as the methods in which this information is transmitted from teacher to student, and in which form the knowledge about the method of eurhythmics is existing. The tools for analysis are the theories on tacit knowledge. Interviews and written surveys are used as qualitative research methods. The content of these interviews and surveys are presented in the results chapter.
Tjejgäng, finns de? : en kvalitativ studie om tonårstjejers vänskapsrelationer och kamratgrupper i tre Stockholmkommuner
In September of year 2006, a young boy was brutally killed by a girl, age sixteen, in Örebro, Sweden. Girlgangs became a frequent subject in media. Professionals? working with adolescents claims that girlgangs notis an existing phenomena in Sweden as it is in for example in the United States. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if teenage girls in Sweden have a tendency to join gangs as they do in the United States.