6983 Uppsatser om Business tendency surveys - Sida 3 av 466
Användandet av agenter som registrerade pantbrevshavare : om bakgrunden till 6:2 JB och dess effekter vid mezzaninefinansiering
This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..
Illusionen om det svenska nationella fri- och rättighetsskyddet : och hur EU-domstolen kom att tillskansa sig kompetens på den direkta beskattningens område
This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..
Personalens bedömning av tillämpningen av ett återhämtningsperspektiv inom vården
AbstractThe purpose was to investigate whether a recovery perspective, viewed from a psychosocial approach is applied in municipal / private and county related care and rehabilitation. A recovery perspective means that the attending staff ensures that the clients are viewed as holistic individuals, where all aspects of life are considered to ensure adequate care and rehabilitation. A questionnaire was answered by staff in psychiatry, social psychiatry and addiction treatment from different areas of the municipal / private and county related sector.The results show no difference in application of a recovery perspective between these two types of organizations. However, there is a slight tendency (non-significant) to lower-rated general individual competencies for municipal / private. There is also a strong tendency (non-significant) to a general difference between the aspects of the implemented recovery perspective, where the tendency is that the respondents as a whole estimate that the organization to a greater degree creates good conditions for a recovery perspective compared to the degree they are actually working on that basis.
Allsvensk fotbollssponsring
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance,
validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today
Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face
interviews with companies that sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study
was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium.
Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could
contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and
HIV och könsojämlikheter; en dödlig kombination? : En studie av patriarkal dominans i den internationella diskussionen om HIV/AIDS
AbstractEssay in political science, C-level, by Ellen Linde, spring semester 2007. Tutor: Susan Marton.?HIV and gender inequalities; a lethal combination? A study of the patriarchal dominance in the international discussion on HIV/AIDS?The purpose of this essay is to study to what extent a patriarchal discourse is present in the international discussion on how to best fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. To determine if a patriarchal discourse is present or not I have used a feminist theory on patriarchal dominance. I have concentrated on the United Nations resolutions about HIV/AIDS.
Museers marknadsföring mot hotell : Hur marknadsföringen har ändrats sedan återinförandet av entréavgifter
This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..
Hur påverkar en konkurrensutsättning och ett varumärkesskifte statliga företags varumärkeshantering?
It is important for all companies to be seen on a competitive market.
It?s all about positioning yourself so that you?re seen and that you?re
are attractive for both customers and employees. A crucial factor to
achieve this are how the brand are handle directly by the company it
self and by the market. Establishing a brand on the market is not easy
and it takes time to establish what the company stands for. To be able
to succeed with this you need to have a strategy and a strong belief on
the brand.
Cellphone Survey System : En studie om marknadsförhållanden och produktlansering för Tradewell Group AB
Today?s market for companies doing statistical surveys is a market consisting of mostly standardized methods where differentiating your company from the competitors is hard. Simultaneously both the society at large and technology in specific is under constant development and everything needs to be done at a faster pace with better precision. One of the companies on the market mentioned above is Tradewell Group AB. During 2008/2009 Tradewell has developed a new method for doing statistical surveys. The method named by Tradewell is called Cellphone Survey System, CSS and include using existing technology in a, for this market, unknown way.
Grundläggande rättigheter kontra ekonomiska friheter efter Lavalmålet : förhandlings- och strejkrättens utveckling genom tillämpning av internationella instrument, EU-rättens förändring och svensk normhierarki
This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..
Hot och möjligheter vid expandering - en studie av småföretagare i Gävleborg
The purpose with this essay is to enlighten the small business´ existence at times of expansion, identify threats and possibilities and also to try to find ways to encourage growth in the small business.To answer our purpose we carried out a literature study to later implement six interviews with small business leaders. We separated the companies into three categories; small business without employees, small business with 2-5 employees and small business with 6-10 employees.We confirm that the main reason why small business leaders think both once and twice before hireing new labour force are because of the high costs. The change in government has so far not given the small business what was promised, but there is still hope for improvement and simplification.The economic part of owning a company has been pointed out as the greatest threat in relation with expansion and the big responsibility in another persons possibilities to earn his/her living is also burdensome. The possibility to take on more work increases with the number of workers, which is positive..
Ledarens användning av feedback från medarbetaren, för teamutveckling : En studie om hur systembaserad feedback från medarbetaren kan hjälpa ledaren att utveckla högpresterande team i företagsvärlden
In today's changing society, companies need to work with continuous change and improvement to evolve with the market. It is therefore important for managers to learn how to manage teams because they are expected to streamline selected products or processes in the business. Employees and teams need to develop in line with the changing environment in this process feedback is a tool and an important pillar. Leaders must learn to manage and transform feedback into something useful.The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of how systems-based feedback in the form of employee surveys can be a support for the leader in team development. We wanted to identify relevant behaviors and actions of the leader that may increase the work with feedback.
Energi och klimatanalys O-huset på Campus i Halmstad
AbstractThe indoor environment affects the human performance. Noise pollution, poor lightning and coloring are some of the factors that affect our work performance. The human is also affected by the air change and temperature, these factors are in most buildings possible to adjust and through this make economic savings. To find out about the indoor environment in the O-building a questionnaire was handed out, measurements/surveys and an interview was also made. 108 questionnaires where handed out to employees and students.
Ungdomars attityder till brott i samband med upplopp : En kvantitativ studie
This study aims to examine young peoples? attitudes towards crimes related to riots. It also examines if there?s a difference in attitudes to different crimes and if there is a connection between these attitudes and friends experience of crime, gender, socioeconomic position or residential area. There is a lack of research in this area, most of the studies on riots focus on the reasons and driving forces leading to riots.
Hur expanderar näthandelsföretag?
Internet commerce is nowadays a well known phenomenon. There is awareness that a lot of newly created companies operate their business through the Internet. You can see a tendency where many young people try to establish an Internet business with the hope of success and expansion on today?s fierce market rivalry. To achieve success, companies have to consider factors like business concept, logistic knowledge, future vision, resources and contacts when initializing their business.Having this in mind, we can clarify the purpose with this paper: ?To analyze in what way On-line shopping companies that sell consumer electronics, cell phones and music/entertainment products, have expanded? The paper is based on telephone interviews with three On-line shopping companies.
Förväntningar och övergångar från skolans värld ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv - en jämförande studie mellan elever på handelsprogrammet och på Ky-utbildningen inom Haninge Kommun
I have chosen in my study, to do a comparison between pupils´ expectations of the future, how they would meet adult life or working life after their education. These pupils are ending their programmes during this term. One program is Business and Administration Programme and the other programme is Qualified Vocational Education in Business, which is a post-secondary education and training programme. This investigation is done in Haninge municipality.The purpose of this study has been to investigate if these students´ expectations differ between each other, compared with factors such as age, sex, ethnical origin and different study programmes. Further it has been interested to see how teachers and future employer meet these pupils´ expectations in education or in their planning working life.There have been two other important questions to investigate in this study.