

6272 Uppsatser om Business and Economics - Sida 20 av 419

A Business Perspective on Reducing the Climate Impact from Tetra Paks Transportations of Goods

Title: A Business Perspective on Reducing the Climate Impact from Tetra Paks Transportations of Goods. Authors: Pär BerglundSebastian Lyngström Supervisors: Lars J Nilsson, Environmental and Energy Systems, Lund UniversityNils Månsson, Department of Business Administration, Lund University Problem Analysis: Increased awareness concerning climate change will put pressure on companies to reduce their climate impact. Problems arise when trying to reduce the impact from transportations due to companies? limited control on forwarding agents and difficulties measuring the emissions. Purpose: From a business perspective, this report will enable a reduction of the climate impact that arises from Tetra Paks transportation of goods.

How Venture Capitalists can use their Network in order to reduce the Information Asymmetries between themselves and the Venture Management Team

The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how venture capitalists can use their network in order to reduce information asymmetries between themselves and the venture management team. A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews, consisting of open questions, have been used to receive gradate information in order to reach our explorative purpose. Our theoretical framework consists of relevant studies made on the dynamics of networks and the problems that can arise in the complex relationship between a principal and an agent. We have been interviewing two venture capital firms and therepresentatives from two business angel networks. We also made an additional interview with an influential financial actor in order to try to verify our conclusions Our conclusions are that an extensive network can be used by venture capitalists in order to; verify ventures? technologies, complement the competences in the venture management team, and arrange co-investments, resulting in reduced information asymmetries between themselves and the venture management team.

Dominerande affärsmodeller inom området informationssäkerhet

Computers together with Internet have been growing enormously, during the last decade and the area of information technology has been growing in the same speed. As long as the surrounding environment evolves, the business models must within the IT-area, keep the same pace. So, how do business corporations handle this change to attract customers? How do the dominant business models look like? In many cases, they are apparently much the same. But what differences can we see and what areas can be improved? We have showed that the IT area isn?t just one, it consist of several segments.

Belöning som incitament - en studie i ett kunskapsföretag

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utröna huruvida ett belöningssystem kan fungera som ett tillräckligt starkt incitament för att förmå personal att stanna i ett kunskapsföretag. Utifrån detta har vi ambitionen att kunna ge någon form av rekommendation till fallföretaget om belöningssystem bör användas i syfte att minska personalomsättningen eller om de bör välja en annan väg..

Nätverk i nätverk : en nätverksansats i den nya ekonomin

Society and technology develop together in interaction processes. Because of the development of information technology, the Industrial society has been left behind in favor of a society where information is the key production factor, i.e. the Information society. In the Information society, social functions and processes are organized in networks. These networks integrate geographically separate markets to parts of a complex global economic system.

Kopplingen mellan affärssystem och styrning ? en fallstudie av Persotrp AB

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur företag använder sig av den interna information som affärssystemet genererar. Vi i studien vill också studera skillnader mellan en teoretisk idealbild och praktisk användning. En kvalitativ fallstudie av Perstorp AB genomförts för att undersöka ovanstående. Den primära insamlingsmetoden var en besöksintervju. I studien presenteras ett urval av de befintliga teoretiska referenserna kring information, affärssystem och styrning, samt hur dessa hänger ihop inom ramen för studien.

Miljöledningssystem - Konsekvenser vid implementering i en kommun

Miljöledningssystems största vinst är inte ekonomisk utan den visar sig i form av en effektivare organisation, ökad miljömedvetenhet och engagemang hos ledningen och medarbetarna, besparingar, minimerade risker för framtida problem, bättre feed-back på miljöarbetet, större säkerhet för att fälja lagarna och så vidare. Men kostnaden för införandet och driften av miljöledningssystemet är hög..

Företagsvärdering i praktiken : Hur bör en säljare agera vid företagsöverlåtelse?

It is important to understand the process of appraisal of a business in order to establish its value. The purpose of our thesis is to establish which methods and models are used when evaluating a business and investigate the factors that may affect the value and price tag of a business. We have used a qualitative approach by conducting both indepth interviews and a survey as well as reading literature within the field. The main conslusion in our findings is that the common practice of discounted cash flow is widely used when bestowing a monetary value for a business, and in order to raise the value a well established customer relationship was the single most important factor. As far as lowering the value, the answers were of such a wide spread that a single factor could not be attributed.

Indirekta och direkta inflationsprognoser: En studie baserad på svensk kvartalsvis inflationsdata

Uppsatsen undersöker vilken av den indirekta och den direkta metoden som bör användas vid prognostisering av den svenska inflationen baserat på kvartalsdata för perioden 1993:1-2005:4. Ytterligare en aspekt med uppsatsen är att ge ökad förståelse för hur inflationen i Sverige i allmänhet ska prognoostiseras. Prognoserna skapas med de respektive metoderna och jämförs därefter med faktisk inflation för att utvärdera vilken metod som ger minst prognosfel. De slutsatser som dras från undersökningen är att det inte är en av metod som strikt föredras vid prognostisering av den svenska inflationen. De metod som är bäst av den indirekta och den direkta beror på prognoshorisonten.

Trade Unions - A comparative study between the US and China

Our study has found that there are different structures and strategies in China and the US. This is due to the different constraints in each country which either allows the union to flourish or cripples its ability to function in a manner that protects workers rights..

Har fondförvaltare timing och selektivitet? -En empirisk studie av fondförvaltares egenskaper

Abstract Syftet med uppsatsen är att empirisk testa om fondförvaltare uppvisar timing och selektivitetsförmåga, det vill säga om de har förmåga att förutse aktiemarknadens rörelse och att hitta vinnaraktier. Våra undersökningsdata sträcker sig under en tvåårsperiod och omfattar 40 globalfonders dagsavkastningar. Vi har utifrån två olika modeller undersökt om det går att påvisa förmågorna timing och selektivitet. Undersökningen genomförs via ett antal OLS?regressioner där timing och selektivitet kan påvisas.

Den svenska arbetslöshetsförsäkringens effekter på långtidsarbetslösheten

This is an examination of the Swedish unemployment insurance system and the effects it has on the Swedish long-term unemployment. A search model is explained to give an understanding to the incentives of the unemployed. Different mechanisms that create unemployment and that could create long-term unemployment are investigated, but primarily the unemployment insurance is in focus.The Swedish unemployment insurance has undergone several changes the last fifteen years that have improved its efficiency. The introduction of a finite duration of unemployment insurance entitlement was an important step and so was the decrease in the replacement ratio. Even so, I assess that there is still room for improvements of the incentives to search for work among the unemployed.

Ett företag att förändra världen : En normanalys om ansvarstagande för miljö och samhälle i läroböcker i Internationell Ekonomi för gymnasieskolan 1994-2008

Abstract - A business to change the world- An analysis of norms Textbooks for International Economics, in Upper-secondary Schools, Sweden 1994-2008 In this paper textbooks, for International Economics in Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden1994-2008, are analyzed with regard to norms related to taking moral responsibility for environment and society. A method for making discourse analysis, previously illustrated by Östman (2008), is used to deconstruct the knowledge content regarding norms about taking responsibility in relation to different social roles. The first question is: what different norms about taking responsibility can be found, in relation to different social roles? Different social roles that can be found in the studied material are: business-people, consumers, politicians/civil servants and citizens. Norms of taking responsibility in relation to the environment and society are studied in this paper in relation to these different roles. The second question is whether a discursive change in the material can be found. One case of discursive change can be found which is related to the role of a business.

Patent och företags storlek - finns det en tröskel till inträde?

Several studies have investigated the relationship between different measures of innovative activity, such as patent statistics and R&D expenditures and some have looked deeper into the differences between large and small firms regarding number of patents issued per employee or per R&D dollar. In this paper, the objective is to find out if there are any indications of a barrier to entry (due to economical factors, lack of knowledge etc) for small firms to get into the field of patent handling. The approach is to first set up a hypothesis based on some simple assumptions about how firms would make decisions about whether to apply for a patent or not and thereafter use econometric methods in an empirical investigation. The data used for this study are figures on number of employees, number of patents granted and R&D expenditures for the Swedish firms in the pulp and paper industry. The main conclusion is that, based on the analysis of the data from this rather limited group of firms, no such barrier can be seen..

Öl och mjölk, lika som bär? - ekonomistyrning i processinriktad livsmedelsindustri

Ekonomistyrningen inom den svenska processinriktade livsmedelsindustrin beskrivs och analyseras. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ studie av två fallföretag, Skånemejerier och Åbro Bryggeri. Resultatet visar att det finns stora likheter mellan fallföretagens val av ekonomistryrningsverktyg. Företagens ekonomistyrning har stort finansiellt fokus och budgeten är det primära styrinstrumentet..

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