

2032 Uppsatser om Burial language - Sida 51 av 136

En jämförelse mellan självskattningar och läkarbedömningar vid depression

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Diskret analys : En studie av polynom och talföljder

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Att begravas vid gårdagens sida : Återbruket under bronsåldern på Öland samt i Falbygden i relation till det i Mysinge gånggrift

This essay is focused on the re-use during the Bronze Age of the Stone Age passage grave RAÄ 85 in Mysinge, Öland. To increase the knowledge of the phenomena of re-use in general and that which occurred in Mysinge passage grave in particular I?ve looked at other forms of re-use on Öland and the re-use of passage graves in Falbygden. The research has been limited to the Bronze Age. My goal has been to see what this might tell us about the relationship people during the Bronze Age had towards the abstract subject of ?non-existence?, in other words death.

Nya uppgifter-nya uppdrag

The underlying purpose of this study is to see whether a library focused solely on providing literature in other languages than Swedish serves as a unifying, integrating force, or as an agent for division and exclusion. The study focuses on the International Library in Stockholm. The authors have created a profile of the visitors of the selected library, concerning their characteristics, their library habits and their perceptions of the International library. This profile has then been compared with the staff?s perception of the visitors as a group.

Gravmönster under yngre järnålder : en jämförelse mellan åländska och svenska gravfält

I denna uppsats har en osteologisk analys genomförts på ett material från åtta gravhögar med en vikt på 12 kg. Benmaterialet kommer från Finström 12.1, ett åländskt gravfält från yngre järnåldern. Syftet var att se om det fanns ett mönster i gravinnehållet och om det fanns en korrelation mellan kön, ålder, djurarter och fynd. Det osteologiska resultatet samt fyndmaterialet jämfördes sedan med tre åländska och tre svenska gravfält från samma tidsperiod för att se om det finns likheter eller skillnader mellan dessa lokaler i förhållande till gravsammansättning. Speciellt fokus har satts på relationen mellan människa och djur för att undersöka om kön eller ålder av den begravda individen har haft betydelse för vilka djur man gravlagts med.

Skönlitteraturens roll i svenskundervisningen med andraspråkselever på gymnasiet

I denna uppsats undersöks hur lärare arbetar med skönlitteratur i skolan, dels i språkförberedande undervisning på IVIK programmet såväl som i svenska som andraspråksundervisningen och i svenskan med andraspråkselever. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera vilka arbetsmetoder lärarna använder sig av med andraspråkselever, hur lärarna arbetar med ämnets syften och språkutvecklingen. En undersökning har gjorts genom intervjuer med fem lärare på en gymnasieskola. Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är följande frågeställningar:Hur arbetar lärare med skönlitteratur i skolan, dels i språkförberedande undervisning på IVIK programmet såväl som i svenska som andraspråksundervisningen och i svenskan med andraspråkselever?Hur arbetar lärarna språkutvecklande i de skönlitterära momenten och hur ser man att det har uppnåtts?Hur arbetar lärarna med de skönlitterära syftena i ämnet och hur ser man att eleverna har tagit till sig innehållet i syftet?  Resultatet av undersökningen visar att arbetet i grupper med enbart andraspråkselever har ett tydligt andraspråksperspektiv.

Sambandet mellan språk, kön och skola : En litteraturstudie av forskning från 2000-talet

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur synen på det manliga och kvinnliga talspråket utvecklats från 1900-talet fram till början av 2000-talet och om denna utveckling även syns i elevers ageranden i skolan. De frågeställningar uppsatsen bygger på är: Hur beskriver och förklarar forskare från 2000-talet mäns och kvinnors muntliga språkbruk? Hur beskriver och förklarar forskare från 2000-talet pojkars och flickors muntliga ageranden i skolan? Kan de allmänna teorierna kring mäns och kvinnors muntliga språkbruk relateras till de muntliga ageranden som pojkar och flickor uppvisar i skolan? För att besvara frågeställningarna och leva upp till syftet har en litteraturundersökning genomförts. Forskningen som bearbetas i studien är från 2000-talet och representerar såväl samband mellan språk och kön, som samband mellan språk, kön och skola. Resultatet visar en generell attitydsförändring kring det kvinnliga och manliga talspråket, där de kvinnliga dragen idag värdesätts mer än tidigare.

Developing tactical group-based game-AI

The goal of this work has been to create a flexible strategic group-based artificial intelligence for the Arrowhead Game Studios-game Magicka, by implementing, using and examining different AI-techniques that's used in many commercial games in more or less extent. C# is the programming language that has been used in the development, and the implementation has been made as flexible as possible to make further development and extending AI-rules etc. easier..

Bilden av ledaren - en tolkning av fotografier i årsredovisningar

The visual representation of management (board of directors, chief executive officer and executive management) in annual reports is an area of scholarship that has not been explored much. In the present study a sample of 87 annual reports from business enterprises within a Swedish context, comprising about 300 photographs, was analyzed using an explorative method of analysis based on semiotics and grounded theory. The influence of the context on images raises a question discussed in the study: Should the photographs in the annual report be categorized as portraits, advertisements and others or should the annual report be regarded as a genre of its own? The photographs showed patterns of homogeneity regarding gender, dress, gestures, colours, pictorial compositions et cetera. The position of the (male) CEO is privileged, but he is also connected to the group through various means like dress and style, thereby further underscoring management as a male enterprise and demonstrating the importance of the suit and necktie in creating homosocial bonds.

Prosodisk förmåga hos svenska grundskolebarn med cochleaimplantat

Prosody can be characterized as the rhythm and the melody of speech. Prosodic features convey emotions, thoughts and geographic origins of each individual. Spoken language without prosody would be monotonous, without variations in loudness and rate. Children with cochlear implants perceive speech in a different way than children with normal hearing. Consequently the speech produced by a child with cochlear implants may sound different.The purpose of this study was to examine prosodic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants and to compare them with the prosodic skills in Swedish children with normal hearing.

Utvecklingsarbete, Sagor : Läs- och skrivutveckling under ett sagotema

This thesis has the purpose that through a text analysis examine how four schoolbooks for high school treats the religions Judaism and Hinduism. The schoolbooks are from the years 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2009. The perspectives are from a religious viewing point, that means that the women are religious, Jewish feminists and Hindu feminists. The theories used are written by these women and are academic litterature.  The questions are how are women represented in the schoolbooks, is the feminist critique present or are the two religions represented and described in an invariable way, and is the description of Judaism and Hinduism consistent with the curriculum?The text analysis used in this examination means that reality is organized through and by the language used by the actors in that reality.

Mängdlära och kardinalitet : Cantors paradis

This paper is about basic set theory and cardinalities for infinite sets. One of the results are that the line R and the plane R2 contains exactly the same number of points. Because of that the set theory is described with a formal language this the paper has an appendix about formal languages..

Upplevelser av att leva med ett självskadebeteende : En litteraturgenomgång

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Becketts papegojor. Språk, tal och berättande

The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back fromancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the NobelPrize winner Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) as being closely related to these certain traditions andconnotations of for example religion, satire, and speaking nonsense, in his frequent use of parrotsand their symbolic potentials, in his writing. Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish a movementin Beckett?s use of parrots, from a more or less traditionally use, to one more philosophicallyprofound.Although the parrot graces us with its presence (or at least may be traced) in almost everywork written by Beckett, from the poem ?Whoroscope? (1930) to How It Is (1961), they are onlymentioned sparsely by his interpreters. Therefore, a brief history of the literary tradition of theparrot will be expounded.

Vad skiljer informatören ifrån kommunikatören? : - En studie av den rådande begreppsförvirringen inom information och kommunikation

AbstractPropose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to examine why the view of the conceptions, within the field of professional information and communication, seem to differ within the labour market of Sweden. This paper will investigate the two main professional roles that are at the centre of the field?s confusion and disorder. These are the Information Specialist and the Communication Specialist. The main question here is to answer whether there is a significant difference between the two or not and also gain knowledge about why the two titles are not used consequently within the labour market.Material/Method: The method used for this study is of a qualitative character.

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