

2032 Uppsatser om Burial language - Sida 50 av 136

När en kyss inte är en kyss : En diskursanalys av hur en svensk domstol konstruerar våld och sexuella övergrepp

Tidigare forskning har visat samband mellan språkanvändning och den uppfattning som kvinnor själva och samhället har om våld och övergrepp. Kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för våld och övergrepp möter ofta misstro och skuldbeläggande från omgivningen, vilket leder till att de inte blir trodda och att förövaren i många fall inte döms. I detta arbete undersöks hur en viss språkanvändning framställer våld och övergrepp på ett sätt som bland annat skuldbelägger offret, och vilka konsekvenser den språkanvändningen får. Metoden för arbetet är diskursanalys, och består av en textgranskning av domar från en svensk tingsrätt. Resultaten visar att rätten beskriver våld och övergrepp på ett sätt som leder till konsekvenser som att våldet döljs, förövarens ansvar minskas samt att offret skuldbeläggs.

Samma skola, sex olika uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie om retorikens plats i svenskämnet

The purpose of this study is to examine the teachings of rhetoric?s in schools, more specifically within the Swedish subject; furthermore it examines how Swedish teachers work with rhetoric in the Swedish subject on a practical basis. The study also highlights teachers' approaches to the curriculum for high school. The method I have used to conduct this study, have been to use interviews and inductive ethnography. The teachers whom have been interviewed in my study have similar understandings of what oral presentations actually are, but their idea of what the term rhetoric stands for however differs. Teachers have received similar training in rhetoric; however, they have different experiences within it.

Emotionellt och psykosocialt välbefinnande hos barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt och barn med språkstörning. : Ett föräldraperspektiv.

Children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) and children with specific language impairment (SLI) may be affected emotionally and psychosocially by their disorders. Thus, it is important to investigate the psychosocial risk factors that these children are exposed to. The aim of this study was to examine how parents assess the emotional and psychosocial well-being of children with CLP and children with SLI, and if the two parental groups differ in their assessments using the standardized instrument Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Participants in the study were the parents of ten children with unilateral and bilateral CLP between ages 6;7-9;0 (mean age 7;5) and the parents of 13 children between ages 6;4-8;8 (mean age 7;3) who are attending preschools and schools for children with SLI. These parents were asked to complete the questionnaires CBCL and Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ). The children with CLP had lower scores than the children with SLI in all domains of the CBCL, indicating that these children with CLP had better emotional and psychosocial well-being.

De är ganska segregerade, det är de, och det ärproblem : En studie om nyanlända grundskoleelevers skolgång i en förberedelseklass

My study is about a preparation class in a selected municipality. It is based on the child¹s perspective, and it tries to highlight the school situation of new arrivals in a school where the majority of the pupils are of Swedish origin. The purpose of my study is to visualize how the education for newly arrived children is organized in the municipality, and to get an understanding of a range of student?s view of the schooling in the preparation class as an introduction to a regular class.To reach my goal, I have used qualitative methods, based on qualitative interviews. The interviews were made with six newly arrived pupils, and one interview was made with the deputy head of the school, which is in charge of immigrant education in the municipality.

Duende : En analytisk studie av Federico Garcia Lorcas estetiska begrepp och dess inverkan på Bruno K. Öijers Trilogin

This paper examines how the Swedish nationalistic political party Sverigedemokraterna communicates regarding the crisis they experienced when the Swedish newspaper Expressen published a few video clips of three, in that time, highly important party members that got in an argument after a late night of drinking. Two of the party members were at the time of the publication the members of the Swedish parliament and all of them had important senior positions in the party. In the argument one of the party members used abusive, offensive, sexist and racist language while all acted threatening and even armed themselves with iron bars from a nearby construction site.The aim of this paper is to examine how the party Sverigedemokraterna conducts their crisis communication, if they apologies and the fashion of the apology. A press conference with the party leader and the most active user of abusive language and also an interview with the second member of parliament who is involved in the argument are studied. The rhetorical arena is used to describe and pinpoint the most important stakeholders in the crisis.

Och kvinna : en kritisk analys av den mediala diskursen kring kvinnliga politiker

The aim of this paper is to describe, visualise- and analyse media’s discursive representations of female politicians in Swedish printed media. The focus of the analysis is to show if, and how these images can be understood and interpreted in terms of a socially constructed gender stereotyped suborder. The paper takes it's theoretical and methodological departure in the discourse analysis, which is combined with feminist political theory. Feminist political theory is concretised in the use of what Yvonne Hirdman calls the "gender system" which arranges the sexes into their respective genders and is based upon two rules/principles/logics: 1) the rule of distinctive separation, and 2) the male norm. Closely related to the aim of the paper lies also the critical theoretic assumption that people has to be aware of their own part in the production and reproduction of the discourse in order to change make a change.

Vad skola vi göra med litteraturen? : En studie av de nya styrdokumenten samt ett urval av läromedel och deras föreställningar om och legitimeringar av skönlitteratur i det svenska skolsystemet.

In this thesis I set out to study how the reading of fictional literature is viewed, legitimatized and operationalized in two educational domains: the recently revised steering documents that all Swedish teachers must relate to, as well as a selection of teaching materials designed for education in the Swedish language for upper secondary school. The teaching material I have studied has been recently updated in order to correspond with the new steering documents. I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education, and I also combine my analysis of the two educational domains to see whether the underlying intentions of the steering documents have influenced the revision of the teaching material. The outcome indicates that the steering documents? previous focus on culture has diminished although a certain insecurity as to how to use the concept and deal with the issue of whose culture should be taught can be identified.

Kollektivistiska individer i en individualistisk kultur: en fenomenologisk studie om hur muslimer och jezidier från mellanöstern upplever livet i den svenska kulturen

The purpose of this study is to examine if Muslims and Jezidier from the Middle East experience changes in them self when they live in Sweden and how they feel about apply for work in the Swedish labour market. The study uses the individualistic - collectivistic dimension to describe the differences between the Swedish culture and the participants home culture. A phenomenological, theoretical and methodological approach has been followed, with self-reports as the instrument for data collection. The information where analysed through the softwares MCA - Minerva and Sphinx-Lexica. The analyses show many different outcomes.

En undersökning av tre olika behandlingsmedels effekt på vegetabiliskt garvat läder för bokband

Title in original language: En undersökning av tre olika behandlingsmedels effekt påvegetabiliskt garvat läder för bokbandLanguage of text: SwedishNumber of pages: 32.

Rörelseaktiviteters betydelse för barns språkutveckling

Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka och belysa pedagogers syn på rörelseaktiviteters betydelse för barnens språkutveckling. Jag vill också få kunskap om man arbetar på olika sätt med rörelseaktiviteter och språkutveckling när det gäller barnens ålder.Jag har använt mig av intervjuer som verktyg för att uppnå syftet med min undersökning. När jag formulerade mina intervjufrågor utgick jag från min frågeställning. Jag valde att genomföra intervjuerna via mail. Jag har intervjuat 5 pedagoger.

Livsviktig läsning : En fallstudie av ett biblioterapeutiskt projekt på ett finskt äldreboende i Stockholms län

The purpose of this two years master thesis is to examine the potential benefits of using bibliotherapy on elderly Finnish immigrants residing in Sweden and living in geriatric care. The basis of the study is a four week long bibliotherapeutic project implemented at a nursing home for Finnish-speaking people in Stockholm County.Participants were men and women spanning in age from 70 to 90 years old. Common for all the participants was that they had lived their entire adult life in Sweden, their only language was Finnish, and they had the diagnosis of dementia. The study examines the bibliotherapeutic model of Arleen McCarty Hynes and Mary Hynes-Berry, as well as Inger Eriksson?s approach for the use of bibliotherapy in nursing homes and hospices.The empirical analysis is based on field notes from the bibliotherapeutic sessions and from interviews with librarians and nurses involved in the project.

Numerisk värdering av amerikanska optioner

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

"En kväll på hotell" Bilders betydelse för läsförståelsen hos vuxna andraspråksinlärare på Sfi. "One night at a hotel" Images and their contribution to reading comprehension when learning a secons language as an adult.

Mot bakgrund av dagens läroplaners betoning av att elever inom olika utbildningsnivåer och från olika kulturella kontexter ska kunna tillgodogöra sig information i text och bild inom olika ämnen, är syftet för denna uppsats att undersöka bilders betydelse för lärsförståelsen hos vuxna andraspråksinlärare i Sfi - svenskundervisning för invandrare. Metoden jag använt mig av är en kvalitativ metod med uppföljande individuella intervjuer. Informanterna delades upp i två grupper av vilka den ena gruppen fick läsa en text med tillhörande bilder samtidigt som den andra gruppen fick läsa motsvarande text men utan bilder. Efter läsningen fick samtliga informanter svara på ett antal övningsuppgifter till texten. Resultatet visade sig bli att de informanter som läst texten med bilder fick ett bättre utfall på övningsuppgifterna än de som läst texten utan bilder.

Lika möjligheter till ett livslångt lärande?: en studie av svensklärares förhållningssätt till användningen av skönlitteratur och skolbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the view of Swedish language teachers on the role of fiction and of school libraries within the compulsory school?s teaching of Swedish of form 6-9. The questions to be answered are:? What part do Swedish language teachers (hereafter called teachers) think fiction is playing regarding the pupils inclination to read and reading promotion?? What is the attitude of teachers regarding the function of fiction in the Swedish subject?? What do teachers consider being the role of the school library in education, and can this be related to the local school library resources?To answer the questions a questionnaire was sent out to thirty-five teachers. Four qualitative interviews were also carried out among the fourteen teachers that answered the questionnaire.

Statistisk analys av en genetisk studie av typ 2 diabetes

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

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