

2032 Uppsatser om Burial language - Sida 35 av 136

KR?PTA : spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg

Trough the analyses of three young contemporary Swedish and Norwegian poets, who all in one way or another work with the language as material, I will circulate around the term language materialism. Each poet has his or her specific distinctive feature wich makes them three completely different poets. But they are all challenging the borders of literature and even the grammatical laws of language. Apart from the analyses I sketch an historical line between the predecessors of the experiments with the poetic language in the past, starting with Mallarmé, and the experiments of today. My essay will in conclusion discuss the language poetry in a wider philosophical point of view, connected to Derrida and Wittgenstein.The first analysis introduces the author and artist Johannes Heldén through his debute poetry collection Burner.

En diskursanalytisk studie av Aftonbladets publiceringar kring ADHD

This paper examines the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladets conception of the phenomenon ADHD. The essay regards the language that is used (and the values reflected in it) as a sort of mirror where the public opinion is expressed, established and put forward. Being such a constructive factor in the creation of the phenomenon, the language is considered of big importance and therefore this essay is using a discourse-analytic approach to the problem.The aim of the essay is to achieve a discourse-analytic understanding of Aftonbladets ADHD publications. This paper reaches the conclusion that in Aftonbladet, ADHD is put forward as something extraordinary, not normal and unusual, which results in the subject-positions ?Unwanted?, ?Disabled? and ?Function beneficial?.

Musik och språk i förskolan : Musik som ett pedagogiskt verktyg

I den här studien har jag undersökt hur förskollärare kan använda musik som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i barnens språkutveckling samt vilka likheter och samband som finns mellan språk och musik. Jag har undersökt fem förskollärares erfarenhet och tankar kring detta. I studien har jag intervjuat fem förskollärare som arbetar mycket med musik tillsammans med barn. Resultatet visar att musik och språk har mycket gemensamt, båda innehåller bland annat rytm, ton, klang dynamik och uttryck. Förskollärare använder musik, sång, rytm, rim och ramsor för att stimulera barnens språkutveckling.

Fonologiskt korttidsminne hos tvåspråkiga barn med och utan språkstörning

Repetition of Non- word (make- up word that has not some semantic content) has been proposed as a reliable index of phonological memory in children with language impairment (LI). The aim of this study was to find out the possible similarities and differences concerning phonotactic non-words and working memory in 18 bilingual Swedish-Arabic children with and without LI ages 4-6 years. The investigation was undertaken by conducting three tests including NEPSY, WPPSI-III and a Word repetition test. The results showed that there are not significant differences between the two groups regarding various parts of NEPSY. On the other hand the results showed two significant differences in WPPSI-III regarding Picture categories and Word repetition tests for Swedish Non-word.

Svensk normering av språkförståelsedelen i Reynell Developmental Language Scales III för åldrarna 4:6-4:11 år - gemensam läsning

The main purpose of the present study was to collect Swedishnorm data for the comprehension scale of the Reynell DevelopmentalLanguage Scales (RDLS III) for the ages of 4:6-4:11. According to theBritish manual the degree of difficulty increases gradually and therefore theorder of the sections was examined to see whether this was the case inSwedish. The study also examined the relationship between the test resultsand shared book reading. A total of 88 children and their caregiversparticipated in the study. The participants were recruited from preschools inGöteborg and Mölndal.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation med patienter med invandrarbakgrund

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate nurses? experiences of communicating with patients with immigrant backgrounds regarding language barriers, patient relations and use of interpreter. Method: Eight persons participated in this study. Four registered midwives were interviewed in a focus group and one clinical lecturer with a district nursing background, one midwife and two district nurses were individually interviewed about their experiences. The content was analysed using a qualitative content analysis.

Perceptuell bedömning av tal före och efter svalglambåplastik hos patienter med velofarynxinsufficiens

Velopharyngeal insufficiency may affect resonance, articulation and thus how speech is perceived by other listeners. Velopharyngeal insufficiency is frequently found in the cleft palate population due to structural abnormalities of the palate. The pharyngeal flap is the most commonly used operation designed to improve velopharyngeal function. The aim of the present study was to compare speech before and after pharyngeal flap surgery by perceptual evaluation regarding nasality, articulation and deviant speech. The study includes preoperative and postoperative speech samples of 28 patients who underwent pharyngeal flap surgery at the University Hospital in Linköping between 2002 and 2007.

Svensk normering av TROG-2 för åldrarna 6-8 år samt undersökning av sambandet mellan grammatisk språkförståelse och narrativförståelse

The purpose of this study was to collect Swedish norm data for theTest for Reception of Grammar Version 2 (TROG-2) for children aged 6;0-7;11 years. Since TROG-2 should be administered with an increasing degreeof difficulty, the study sought to determine the necessity of altering the orderof the blocks for the Swedish version of the test. An additional aim was toexamine the relationship between grammatical and narrative comprehension,the latter examined through, somewhat modified, tasks developed by Bishopand Adams (1992). 160 children from Göteborg participated. The resultsshowed that the order of the blocks needs to be altered to maintain anincreasing degree of difficulty for Swedish children.

Public service och sociala medier : En studie om hur redaktionerna pa? Morgonpasset i P3 och P3morgen anva?nder sociala medier som arbetsverktyg

The purpose of this study is to examine how the editorial staff from the Swedish radio program Morgonpasset i P3 and the Norwegian radio program P3morgen uses Facebook and Twitter and how they can use social media as a tool in the production. The purpose is also to examine how active both of the editorial staff are on Facebook and Twitter and which kind of language they use on Facebook and Twitter. The radio programs both work under a lot of similar conditions and are both controlled by public service in both countries. To conduct the study qualitative interviews was performed with the web editor Christoffer Malm from Morgonpasset i P3 and the radio presenter Silje Nordnes from P3morgen in combination with a quantitative content analysis. The study was conducted over a limited period of the autumn of 2013.

Två- och flerspråkighet på förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas förhållningssätt, betydelse av deras språkliga bakgrund och deras praktiska insatser kring språkutveckling hos två-och flerspråkiga barn

Bilingualism and multilingualism have always existed in Sweden. Preschool teachers must provide a stimulating pedagogical environment adapted to bilingual children.The purpose of this examination is to study the perspective of the preschool teachers and their knowledge regarding bilingual and multilingual children. Their knowledge will be examined related to their language experiences. I hope to find similarities and dissimilarities in the preschool teachers? opinions concerning teaching and learning what they actually do when they are teaching.My study is based on qualitative method, based on interviews and repeated observations.

Att mötas i språket : Språket i det psykoterapeutiska samtalet

Inledning: Då språket är en grundläggande faktor i det psykoterapeutiska samtalet är det av intresse att få mer kunskap om dess betydelse.Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelsen av det verbala språkets betydelse i det psykoterapeutiska samtalet, detta framkom genom psykoterapeuternas syn på språkutveckling och eget språkanvändande, patienters språkutveckling och språkanvändande och svårigheter i psykoterapi.Metod: Studien använde en kvalitativ metod och intervjuade fem leg. psykoterapeuter med psykodynamisk inriktning.Resultatet visar att psykoterapeu-terna genomgående ser på det verbala språkanvändandet som något som har en rörelse i psykoterapeuternas användande av eget språk, utifrån teorier om patientens språkanvändande. Språkutvecklingen hos patienten anses härröra från både relationen vårdare-barn och i vilken social kontext som barnet vuxit upp. Patienter som innan psykoterapin haft svårigheter i språkanvändandet vilket försvårat deras livssituation, förbättrar sitt språkanvändande efter en fullföljd psykoterapi. Detta i sin tur resulterar i förändrade relationella och sociala färdigheter.Diskussion: Psyko-terapeuternas fokus var riktat mot patientens språkutveckling och språkanvändning och hur detta sedan påverkar hur psykoterapeuten använder sitt språk.

Kvinnors roller i vikingatiden : utifrån exemplet Birka och skriftliga källor

This essay discusses the issue of the role of women and also whether they could obtain a strong social position during the Viking Age. Moreover, it does discuss the question of how frequent women were present in Viking Age scriptures, art and archaeological artefacts in comparison to our view of women and her position in the modern society. The archaeological material used is in majority that found in Birka, such as burial and habitational findings. These objects, as well as other comparable and similar findings from other places, when put together with written sources, show that women had different roles in the society. She was able to have a strong social role during the Viking Age not only becauseof the status her family had but also because of her own merit depending of her skills and ability.The archaeological findings found in female graves and other findings in the area, suggest a specializing within both textile production and trade for the women.

LÄRARNAS ARBETSMILJÖ : En kvalitativ undersökning om lärarnas psykiska, fysiska och sociala hälsa i skolan

Swedish as a second language and special education are two topics that have a lot in common. I have chosen to in my study look at something that is covered by the two subjects: Swedish as a second language education that is taking place in a group segregated from the class. I have interviewed students in preschool, grade one and grade two to learn details of their experience of the segregation. Finding out that it is mostly bad planning and trouble getting the schedule together that?s affecting the pupils in a negative way.

Jag kan själv : Spelmanualer för mellanstadiebarn

Todays board game manuals have many shortcomings. One of them is that they are not always adapted to the game's target audience.Adapting the language and shape of a game manual for the the target group children, can save time for both parents and teachers, and give the children a chance to conquer the game by themselves. In addition, playing board games can lead to children developing other important properties such as problem solving and independence.This study found that the game manuals inconsistency, tone and the way they adress the reader makes it difficult for children to grasp the content. Many game manuals do not speak directly to the reader, and often describes gameplay in a passive way, which has been shown by this study.This study has resulted in 12 guidelines for writing game manuals for children. In addition, they have been tested with a sample study.

Meritpoäng eller skoj? : en undersökning om meritpoängens konsekvenser för ämnet moderna språk och framtiden

The main purpose of this C-essay is to answer the question: What have been the consequences and effects of the merit point system on language studies and the parties concerned (teachers, students and principals) during the school year of 2010/11?The merit point system is the result of a political decision and was implicated for the first time in the Swedish upper secondary school during the school year 2010/2011. Being a completely new phenomenon it is of great interest and importance to study its effects.The study in this essay also aims to verify, falsify or nullify two hypotheses very often referred to in the political discussions regarding the merit point system:The merit point system will replace affection and interest as main reasons for language studies in upper secondary school and cause a rectification amongst the students choices of additional courses.The merit point system will have a segregating effect upon society and make it harder for people to rise in society through education in the future.A verification of these hypotheses would imply the appearance of an increased rectification amongst students as well as an orientation towards an in the future more segregated society.The empiric material has been collected and examined with qualitative as well as quantitative methods (questionnaires and interviews) and belongs epistemologically to the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions..

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