

1889 Uppsatser om Brick structure - Sida 9 av 126

Vanans makt : En kritisk granskning av Pierre Bourdieus bidrag till aktör-strukturdebatten genom George Herbert Meads tänkande

The purpose of this essay is to critically review Pierre Bourdieus contribution to agency ? structure debate. I will do this with help from the thinking of George Herbert Mead. My aim is to show that Mead can provide valuable knowledge to Bourdieus theory.Pierre Bourdieus notion of habitus is his solution to the dilemma between agency and structure. It is in the habitus that the objective structures meet the inner, subjective structures and this results in various actions.

To assess Robert K. Mertons paradigm: 75 years with ?Social Structure and Anomie"

Robert Mertons anomiteori har historiskt fått skarp kritik på grund av sitt svaga empiriska stöd och sina teoretiska antaganden. Vissa har dock menat att det svaga empiriska stödet beror på felaktiga operationaliseringar av Mertons teori. Den här studien syftar således till att studera operationaliseringar i tidigare forskning av Robert Mertons ursprungliga anomiteori som den presenterades år 1938 i Social Structure and Anomie. Först genomförs en noggrann genomgång och analys av artikeln Social Structure and Anomie och den teori som där presenteras. Genom en systematisk litteraturöversikt har sedan 13 artiklar som operationaliserat Mertons teori valts ut och sedan analyserats utifrån de centrala delarna av Robert Mertons paradigm.

"Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land" : En nivåstudie av produktion, struktur, ensamhet och begär i John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men

My main purpose with this paper of John Steinbecks Of mice and men is to both analyze the long-lived structures and the unique individual destinies of the novel. I employ the method of the historical Annales-movement and use three divided levels in my analysis to try to capture these high structures and low moments of humanity in Structure, Konjuncture and the Individuality. The first level, Structure, is used to see how long-lived almost invisible geographic structures set the human act of condition. The second level, Konjuncture, is easier to grasp in understanding of time and embraces for example economic structures as the industrialism. The last level of Individuality is the fastest in time and easiest to understand but in the long run also the least important.

Organisering av ojämställdhet - En studie av kvinnors möjligheter att nå chefspositioner i Försvarsmaktens personalstab

This thesis aims to examine why women are prevented from attaining high positions in organizations. By executing a case study through qualitative interviews with employees from the Human Resource Department at the agency for Swedish Armed Forces, this study presents eight general and specific explanatory factors that hinder women from making a vertical career. The general factors include that women are discriminated against, women are perceived as less competent, men have created organizations and it is easier to recruit men. The specific factors include that a hierarchical organizational structure is correlated to inequality, that both the agency for Swedish Armed Forces and leadership are associated with masculinity and that women with civil competence face double misfortune. The division between general and specific factors indicate that the explanatory factors vary between organizations, which among other things implies that equality work should be tailored for the specific organization.

Med orden som bete : Identitet och framskrivande i Clarice Lispectors roman Levande vatten

Clarice Lispectors is one of Latin Americas most famous writers, and she wrote a number of books during her lifetime. Her novel Stream of Life (Água viva), which came out in 1973 and was translated into Swedish in 2007, is considered to be one of Lispectors most difficult texts to read. It consists of several fragments put together into one text; however the text has no traditional narrative or structure. It is the flow of moments that moves the text forward, as it is written down by the protagonist in the book.The primary aim of this essay is to examine how the protagonist in Stream of Life through different means, as the moment, the description, the word and the variations, creates an active participation in the formation of its identity. I will discuss the moment and its act of constructing the book?s circular structure, which is of importance.

"Tears are not a Momans Only Weapon" : En historiebruksanalys av HBOs tv-serie Game of Thrones

The middle ages is a time in our history that is often used as a frame when portraying fantasy on tv. HBOs immensely popular series Game of Thrones could easily be counted as one of these. But to what extent does the creators of the series approach the history of our world while creating their own? The aim of this essay is to analyse a number of characters from the tv- series out of gender- and their place in the social structure and then compare the findings with the image of the middle ages that is given in academic research. By analysing the two released seasons of Game of Thrones the study has shown that there are many similarities between the fictional world and the actual world but that it also differs through choices made by the creators of the series. .

Framtidens kongresshus : Stadsbyggnadsvisionen i Jönköping

Since a couple of decades the community of Jönköping has worked out an urban vision of how the city should be appropriated expanded. The prospect extends to around year 2040 and deals with the area south of lake Munksjön in Jönköping, Sweden. Today there is a proposal of how this would look like and what main public functions that should be located there. One issue in the so-called urban vision 2.0 indicates a congressional building. This report describes how such an object can be designed according to the urban vision conditions.The work is focused on three main themes;* Architectural concept and a modern form of expression.* A functional attractive congress building in a new planned town centre.* General concept of a realistic structure system that meet the spatial and architectural possibilities.Various concepts in the meeting industry and in the architecture field are identified in order to understand the concepts and ideas with today´s congress buildings.

Optimal kapitalstruktur : En undersökning tillämpad på skandinaviska och tyska företag

This paper describes and develops a trade off model of optimal capital structure by Bradley et al. (1984). The model is then tested to examine how changes in corporate tax rates affect the optimal capital structure of firms. Based on theoretical implications of the model, four hypotheses are derived stating that firms? optimal debt-to-value ratio is (1) negatively related to financial distress costs, (2) negatively related to non-debt tax shields, (3) negatively related to firm volatility and (4) positively related to the corporate tax rate.

ÖsterMälarstrand - en jämförelsestudie med Spacesyntax

The paper evaluates two housing proposals with Space syntax as method. The proposals are very different in a topological sense but are in a configural sense almost the same. This effect is because both proposals connect themselves to the existing configural structure of the city in the same way. Neither of them takes advantages of the most integrated streets in the existing structure and use them to concentrate pedestrian and car flows to the streets or points which are intended to be the most urban areas. The knowledge of Space syntax and this evaluation puts focus on the pour understanding among architects and planners of what effect urban design proposals will have..

E-post och internkommunikation : en studie av upplevelser kring användandet av ny kommunikationsteknik

Purpose/aim: To investigate individual experiences of how a new communication technology, e-mail, influences a) the structure of the internal communication ? does it for example make networking any easier? ? and b) the form of the persons everyday language.Material/method: A theoretical framework gathered through a literature study and empirical data gathered through interviews with two persons.Main results: Differences and similarities exist between the experiences studied in this paper. The most unexpected result is that the system of e-mail does not seem to be able to create new channels of communication. If anything, it reinforces the structure that already exist. An aspect of decisive importance is the original rules and norms concerning internal communication within the organization..

EKONOMISTYRNING I EN MOTORVERKSTAD: En analys av centralt ställda krav ur ett operationellt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the design and function of an engine production management?s control system and its intended function, and to contrast it with the present management control systems in use on an operational level. Interviews conducted with employees from all levels of the engine production are the main source of this study?s empirical foundation. Information has also been gathered from relevant written material such as annual reports, internal documents etc.

Feodalismen som fenomen : den säregna makten i det tidiga feodala samhället

The French historian Marc Bloch is considered to be one of the masters of medieval history, particularly his creation Feudal Society has been an essential piece of work for everyone who desires a deeper understanding of the general feudal society. Bloch gives his readers a vivid and living picture of a society so far beyond our present that it is sometimes hard to keep in mind that this society is part of our legacy. At the same time Bloch endows his readers with the special historical outlook he and his successors has developed, the history of the mentalities. By reaching further back in time, to the Roman and Germanic cultures and the manorial system, he proves his point that the feudal society was build on the legacy of older structures and institutions.In the coming study I will disentangle the early feudal structure of power as Bloch has described it in his Feudal Society. The essence of this power structure is to find in the very characteristic tie between two men, the vassalage.

Follow the yellow brick road : Musikalfilmens återkomst

Youth culture and social problems associated with youth groups have existed for decades. We have chosen an explorative case study design to highlight young people's revolt against parents and society and how society has dealt with social problems of youth and how those were perceived. ?Raggare? were considered a major social problem in society. The material in the study comes from eight qualitative interviews and literature of previous research of the current youth culture.

Efter pesten : om återhämtningen efter pestepidemin på 1710-talet i Skåne

From 1710 to 1713 the plague raged through the Swedish province of Scania. Other studies have been made on how the disease affected the society during the epidemic. This study tries to focus on the recovery afterwards. How did the population and the farmsteads recover after the plague? Statistics from parish registers and cameral records show interesting patterns in the demography, and that the recovery was far from complete 1720.

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I denna rapport undersöks hur elektroniska böcker (eBooks) enligt standarden Open eBook Publication Structure kan komprimeras på ett effektivt sätt. Anledningen till att området valts är att en välanvänd standard för eBooks inte finns för tillfället. Standarden är relativt ny och senaste versionen av specifikationen har kommit ut under 2002. Med i utvecklingen av standarden finns många stora företag som exempelvis Adobe Systems Inc. och Palm Digital Media.

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