

1889 Uppsatser om Brick structure - Sida 8 av 126

Religionens plats inom sfi

This study aims at using discourse analysis to analyze SFI students attitudes to religion and religiosity in an SFI-context. The questions are: How is the discourse constructed and maintained by religion and religiosity of SFI students in an SFI context? How do SFI participants experience that their religion has affected their time at SFI?Using a case study approach, interviews were conducted with a group of SFI students. The results show that the religious discourse in SFI is influenced by the SFI-context and affected based on the current education discourse that exists there. Furthermore, the discourse is designed and maintained by the participants private religious beliefs and the religion of the majority of the group, One canhere speak of a strong social unit forming a plausibility structure The power structure that emerges is that the majority has the power to define the significance of religion and place within the SFI context. In the SFI-context the participants view is that religion is something private that should not be expressed in the school environment.

Den spruckna metallen : En psykoanalytisk läsning av Karin Boyes roman Kris

Karin Boyes Crisis (Kris) was published in 1934 as a contribution to the contemporary ideas of moral issues, challenging the dominating traditionalism within the literature critisism.With different kinds of stylistic procedures is Crises expressing a self which seeks to relieve itself from the repressing experience of Language. The text shows an attempt to create meaning beyond the conventional system of linguistic signs, beyond the tradition of literature.The focus in the essay is the self; the self is the basic structure and the theme of the text. Crisis shows it?s self-assuredness and points out a dialogue with the nietzschean philosophy. Nietzsche claims that the truth is a rhetorical creation, something which the language produces in the will of power.

Grönstrukturplanering i det skånska slättlandskapet?

The ongoing change that characterizes the landscape as a result of the development of the society as a wholeis the basis for this thesis. Even though the Scanian landscape still is dominated by arable land, other valuessuch as biological diversity, cultural heritage and economical aspects, has all been ascribed the landscape asmore and more important factors and in some respects, compete with the farming industry about the right tothe landscape. Our demand of more and more space, will of course also affect the landscape. Huge amountof land are used to build external malls and single-family houses, which gives rise to an increasing need foran extended transport system that also is land consuming.It all comes down to: how the municipalities deal with non built areas - the green structure. Do themunicipalities have separate programs describing their vision and objectives concerning the green structure?Literature studies, an inventory made of the municipality programs in the west and south west of Scaniaand interviews with employees at the municipalities clarifies the use of the green structure concept, both intheory and in practice.The green structure concept seems to be derived from the environmental debate.

Bland ölmagar och spiror En studie av 1960- och 2000-talets detektivromaner ur ett genusperspektiv.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how the gender structure appears in detective novels and in the society during the 1960s and 2000s. We have a pre-understanding that the gender structure is more distinct in the earlier books and we will investigate this by looking at the two aspects occupation and family role. We find this to be an important question to notice because society today isnt equal between the sexes. Our study is based on a theory of Yvonne Hirdmans, she claims that the man is the dominant part and the woman is in an inferior position. We apply a stereotype model she has conceived and we try to categorize the characters in the books we have analysed into this model.

Informationssökning i tre olika hypertextstrukturer - ett experiment

The aim of this study was to find out if hypertext structure has any relevance for the efficiency of information retrieval. An experiment, in which three variants of hypertext structure were compared, was carried out in the autumn of 1998. Three websites with different structures were constructed for this purpose: a sequential version, a hierarchical version and a webcluster version. 44 subjects, all students at the University of Lund, were randomly divided into three groups. Subjects were requiered to answer a number of questions using one of the three versions.

Gemensamma strukturer i isländska sagor

This paper is a morphological structure-analysis of icelandic tales to determine their common and distinguishable components in relation to one another and to the russian folktale with Vladimir Propp?s book Morphology of the Folktale (1968) as theoretical basis. The paper looks at the Poetic Edda and Njals saga and the functions of the actions for each other and for the story as a whole. Although the icelandic tales shows great similarities with the russian folktale in general, it also shows deviations. The functions have sometimes appeared on inverted positions, and in a full third of the stories the evil has won over the good in a crucial struggle, but has in 90 % of these stories still been punished before the end.

Asymmetri - ett förräderi?

This study aims to disclose how an asymmetric planogram structure of the brand with the highest actual variety may come to affect the brand itself and its category as a whole. The authors of the study feel that there is a gap still unfilled amongst previous extensive research examining how differences in either space or price vary between categories, products or brands. An in-store experiment was conducted by collecting quantitative data from daily sales, observations of customers and questionnaires. The results show that an asymmetric structure leads to customers being more attentive towards the brand, and perceives it to be more dominant over its surrounding competitors. Furthermore, results indicate that the customer perceived variety increases and we see tendencies to changes in sales..

Skådespelerskor i politiken : En innehållsanalys om mediers gestaltningar av kvinnliga och manliga politiker

As a starting point the society is more enlightened and has gained a greater awareness about the gender power structures and its different forms. Present research shows the continuous development into other shapes and comes into different expressions that might be unrecognised. In order to gain knowledge about the present structure of the gender power structure system, the aim of this study was to investigate framing of female and male politicians in media. The main question asked was: ?are there framing differences in the portraits of the male and female politicians?? In order to achieve results articles in the biggest Swedish daily newspaper were examined.

Lån utan säkerhet

The Swedish market for unsecured loans has frequently been attacked by media and government officials. Some actors have been accused of exploiting customers and charging inappropriately high interest rates. Despite the public interest very little academic work has been published on the topic. Therefore it is our purpose to investigate why the prices can differ so much between the different actors. Further, we also aim to conduct a market overview as a secondary purpose which will help us in reaching our primary purpose.

Is procuring qualified human capital from China a future for Sweden's wealth sustainability?

Our purpose was to examine why and how to start a ?bridge building enterprise? between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital. The theoretical framework consists of literature from well renowned authors and is divided into four different parts: Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, China & Intercultural understanding. The empirical foundation has been gathered from a great variety of different sources in an attempt to cover the many complex angels in which this subject can be looked upon. Chinese students, managers in international companies with experience from China, Chinese employees in Swedish companies and different people with good knowledge of different areas of China are all among our respondents.In our conclusion we have reached the three following conclusions for why one should start a ?bridge building? enterprise in between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital:-To fill future shortage of qualified human capital in Sweden.-To improve communication between Swedish companies and the Chinese market.-To develop qualified Chinese human capital with western standards..

Skadeanalys och omkonstruktion av HMS Belos A-ram

In order to rescue a distressed submarine crew, the Swedish Navy is able to use a deep submergence rescue vehicle, DSRV. This mini submarine ascends, docks to the downed submarine and picks up the whole crew. The submarine rescue ship HMS Belos has a special crane located in the aft of the ship to lift the surfaced DSRV aboard, which then docks on to the on board pressure chambers located below deck. During inspections the aforementioned crane has shown to have problems with cracks in the structure, most of them located in the bolted joint between the top part of the crane and the two leg parts. A simulation of the forces acting on the structure in heavy sea condition was conducted; these values were then used as input values in a Finite Element Method, FEM, analysis of the joint.

Det omutbara Sverige? : En studie om korruption på kommunal nivå

Corruption is widespread, and exists more or less in all countries in the world. It is today high on the international political agenda as a result of globalization and is seen as a serious impediment to development. In 2011, Sweden scored 9,3 out of 10 on the Transparency International corruption index which gave the country a 4th place of 182 on the list. This refers to a rather low corruption. Although Sweden is a country with low level of corruption that does not mean that it is completely corruption-free.

Information is the key : Att skapa strukturen till ett användarvänligt informationsverktyg

This report presents the preliminary study and work for the development of a site structure for the upcoming reengineering of inter-tool Infopunkt. The report describes how I have conducted a study regarding the current inter-tool information center and its development potential. Thereafter compiling the information to develop a comprehensive design approach to create a sitemap. The sitemap illustrates a new updated page structure for Infopunkt and was the primary goal of the thesis. The sitemap I have developed will form the basis for the agency that will later on develop the new updated version of Infopunkt..

Ideon Forskningspark : yttre arbetsmiljö i ett industriellt landskap

Abstract Ideon Science Park was built on the edge of Lund city in mid-80ies. The Science Park was surrounded by open farm land and Lunds Faculty of engineering(LTH). The architecture, the facades of the buildings, were placed to face the faculty. The Science Park has since then grown, and the actual front of the building is no longer faced towards LTH. The people working at Ideon are met by the backside, the meeting with Ideon is primarerly a meeting with fields of parkinglots. The initiative to this thesis was taken by Ikano Fastigheter AB, one of two real estate owners of Ideon Science park. Their aim is to make the area easier to orientate, they want it to be more internally connected and with a stronger identity. The thesis is mainly dealing with two questions conserning Ideon Science center.

Simon K. Bobergs iscensättning av Spiro Scimones "Konvolutten". En samtida samhällssatir med kopplingar till Commedia dell' arte

La Busta/Konvolutten/The envelope was written in 2006 by the Italian playwright, director and actor Spiro Scimone. It is a contemporary political farce with clear roots and inspiration from Commedia dell´arte. As the main structure for this essay, comparisons have been made between a modern Danish production of Konvolutten by the director Simon K. Boberg and the form and structure of Commedia dell´arte. The importance and use of the political context in both Commedia dell´arte and Konvolutten are explored.The sociopolitical conditions under which Husets Teater (The House´s Theatre) works is analyzed.

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