

1889 Uppsatser om Brick structure - Sida 41 av 126

Effekter av predationsrisk på sånglärkors (Alauda arvensis) habitatval på åkermark

Along with other European farmland birds, the skylark (Alauda arvensis) has declined rapidly since the 1970?s. Between 1975 and 2003, the Swedish population of skylarks declined with 64 %. In Britain, the decline is often explained by alterations in farming practices in general and the shift from spring-sown to winter-sown cereals in particular. The dense vegetation structure of winter cereals is limiting the number of breeding attempts possible, causing the entire population to decline.

Inverkan av tvång i gjutfogar och i betongkonstruktioner på
elastiskt underlag: Influence of Restraint in Casting Joints
and in Concrete Structures on Resilient Foundation

In this report, the risk of cracking in joints and/in adjacent concrete is estimated by checking shear forces in joints and the ratio between the actual maximum principal stress ant the actual strength of the concrete. The shear force has been estimated both by simple methods as well as by two-dimensional calculations. The risk of cracking in the concrete and/or in the joints is estimated with the computer program ConStre. The restraint from a resilient foundation or rock on a young concrete construction is estimated by a simple method that is exemplified. It is shown that the restraint can be neglected in some cases.

Population genetic analysis and breed assignment of three Swedish horse breeds

The genetic relationship between three Swedish horse breeds was investigated using microsatellite data from 144 loci in 30 horses. The North Swedish Trotter is believed to have been crossed with the Standardbred in the 1950?s to produce a faster trotter. If true, the North Swedish Trotter should be more alike the Standardbred than what the North Swedish Draught Horse is, from which they originate. This was investigated using F-statistics and Nei?s distance in GENEPOP and GENETIX and cluster assignment in STRUCTURE.

Facket och invandrarna : en postkolonial diskursanalys

Racial discrimination can occur in many ways ? intentional and non intentional ? and in many places ? perhaps most observed in the labor market. The Swedish labor union, LO, is an important party in this market, and discusses the issue frequently in a number of different documents. These documents are being analyzed as discourse in this study, with attention paid to the rhetoric regarding ?immigrants?, i.e.

Mer hyresrätter åt folket! En studie om Hallands hyresbostadsmarknad. : - Att skapa lönsamhet för hyresrätter

A variety of demands have to be considered in the design of a new opera house in Galärvarvet. All possible viewpoints are important to be aware of, as is the need for the new building to be a contrast to the already existing opera house in Stockholm. The restricted site also makes a multitude of demands on the building's design.By rationalizing the layout and structure and also by making the footprint smaller, the complex building of over 30 000 square meters can be fitted and blended into the existing physical context. Unlike the existing opera house in Stockholm, the new opera house shows the rationality and the advanced technology that lies behind the scenes and becomes the character of the entire building. Through the dynamic façade, the new opera can convey any character it so desires, just like scenes do through different settings.

?Hur länge kan man vara i fas 3 egentligen?? : En kvalitativ studie av deltagares upplevelser av fas 3 i Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin

The purpose of this study was to examine what participants in the third phase (fas 3) of the Swedish unemployment program, Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin, think about their situation, what they think about the program and if they feel stigmatized due to their unemployment. The data for the study was collected at one of the organizers of the program, which provides an introduction program for the participants. A qualitative method was used and the data was collected through six semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed using Antonovskys theory of Sense of Coherence (SOC). The conclusions of the study were that the participants felt support from the staff at the organizer.

Kreativitet i skolan : funktion och förtjänst

This dissertation examines how creativity can be of benefit for the school. It discusses if there is a need or demand for it and how the present situation is in Swedish schools. Defining creativity accurately is difficult but it is relevant to look at the environments that use creativity. There is a vast amount of literature that uses creativity and it varies to some extent. Creativity originates from meetings and combinations, both within and outside of the individual.

Konkursprognostisering : En empirisk studie av småföretag i Sverige

Corporate failures pose a problem for banks, investors, customers, employees andinsurers. With a multivariate discrimination method, the study aims to find the specificfinancial ratios that most accurate reveals a company's financial health, which is ofinterest to all of the above parties. The data consist of 1042 Swedish small enterprisesand 30 different financial ratios between the years 2005?2007. The result shows thatbankrupt firms three years before bankruptcy have a disadvantaged capital structurewith poor solvency and high debt.

En kvalitativ studie i användarcentrerad webbdesign

Examensarbetet har gått ut på att genom kvalitativa undersökningar ta reda på hur grafisk form ochinformationsstruktur samverkar för att skapa användarcentrerade webbplatser. Målet var att ta fram en grund för huranvändarcentrerade webbplatser bör byggas. Denna grund är tänkt att fungera som riktlinjer för formgivare som villskapa användarcentrerad webbdesign.Studien visar att det viktigaste för att skapa användarcentrerad webbdesign är att involvera användarna kontinuerligti utvecklingsprocessen. Detta sker genom användartester och intervjuer med representanter för målgruppen. Vi harkommit fram till att graden av användbarhet spelar stor roll för hur målgruppen uppfattar webbplatsen som sådan,men också vilken uppfattning de får om företaget bakom..

Allt om kön och sex, en närläsning i queermiljö : Analys av Allt om min buske

The aim of this essay is to answer the question of how, and in what ways Martina Bigert?s and Maria Thulin?s picture Allt om min buske (literally, All about my bush) is queer. Inspired by Judith Butler?s idea of the heterosexual matrix, and Michel Foucault?s discourse I attempt to investigate how sex and sexuality are described in relation to heteronormativity, and if Allt om min buske is either norm-breaking or norm-creating in a wider perspective. This study concludes that antinormativity and queerness are evident within the framework of the picture.

The Mobile Handset Evolving - The effect of IT-players' entrance in the mobile handset industry

The telecom and the IT-industry are converging, which creates new possibilities and threats for both existing mobile handset vendors and new entrants originating from the IT-industry. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how IT-players? entrance in the mobile handset industry affects the industry in regards of key success factors and value chain structure. This study has used dynamic theories to describe the mobile handset industry. The theories have helped us in understanding the characteristics and drivers of the industry and thereafter to identify the key success factors.

Grave och gruvan : Undergång och underjord - tematik och symbolik hos Elsa Grave

This essay contents a theme-centred study of Elsa Grave?s poetry. It presents an all-pervading featured doom-theme and illuminates three motifs and attitudes through which the theme is featured. The presentation includes analyses that bear in mind the double perspectives within Grave?s poems ? the subjective and the universal, where also an omnipresent political attitude is represented.

Lepenski Vir - mellan floden och skogen. En uppsats om en mesolitisk bosättning i förändring.

This essay deals with the ideas of social change in the Iron Gates Gorge site of Lepenski Vir during the Mesolithic. The change from a mainly fish-based subsistence strategy to a strategy that came to rely more on hunting and later domesticated animals could have been the onset of the social change that is noticeable in the material culture from the site. Theessay is divided in two main segments. The first consists of a case-study based on three themes that describes and searches for changes in the subsistence-, settlement- and burialpractises during the Mesolithic and beginning of the Neolithic phases, and the second part analyses the results from the case-study. It is primarily the idea of transformations and reproductions of traditions that will be dealt with in the analysis which is facilitated by a theoretic structure based on and inspired by the works of Emilé Durkheim and Anthony Giddens..

Yrkesrollens och arbetstidens inverkan på arbetstillfredsställelsen : En jämförelse mellan sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor

The field of coping has become more developed during the past decades but there is still a lot to be discovered and discussed. Theories of developmental psychology describe the possibility to map a general developmental structure of how the human mind expands. The aim of this study is to contribute to further research in whether there is a reason why we cope the way we do in relation to age. The questions answered in this study was, what coping two girls, whom lived during the Holocaust, used and how the coping found, were possible to interpret from theories of developmental psychology. In order to answer the questions asked a method called Template Analysis Style and three different theories have been applied.

Modus vivendi. : Om könsidentitetens motstånd och beständighet i kvinnodominerade yrken.

The aim for this study was to find out what strategies women use to not react against inequality and sexist prejudice. In the study I used a critical realistic approach through, primary, the social ontology presented by Margaret S. Archer. The study focus on both the women?s construction of femininity and their construction of masculinity and what directions it constitutes for the women?s social orientation.

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