

1674 Uppsatser om Brand promotion - Sida 64 av 112


Hypertoni är en folksjukdom som drabbar en femtedel av den svenska befolkningen. Orsaker till hypertoni kan vara livsstilsrelaterade, som stress, övervikt eller fysisk inaktivitet. Distriktssköterskor har som uppdrag att kontrollera patienters blodtryck, ge stöd och rådgivning till förändrad livsstil. Detta för att främja hälsa och förebygga hypertoni eller förbättra ett förhöjt blodtryck.Syftet med examensarbetet är att sammanställa befintlig kunskap från litteratur om distriktssköterskors hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsåtgärder till patienter med hypertoni.Examensarbetet är en litteraturstudie där kunskap från 12 vetenskapliga studier förts samman till ett nytt övergripande resultat, en metasyntes. Resultatet visar att de hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsåtgärder distriktssköterskor utför till patienter med hypertoni sker som Hälsoutbildning på standardiserat eller personcentrerat sätt.

Ge och ta : En studie om hur e-handelsföretag använder sig av lojalitetsprogram

Purpose                           The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how e-commerce companies use loyalty programs in order to retain their customers and to increase its consumption, and compare this with customer perceptions of loyalty and learn what makes them loyal. Theoretical framework      The theoretical framework starts with definitions of loyalty and customer loyalty. Further, it discusses what a loyalty program is, how rewards today and in the future affect the consumers, and other promotion offers that are commonly used. The theory also discusses how previous points work in e-commerce. Method                                                    To take advantage of the companies? point of view and at the same the customers? perspective, the survey is based on a combination of a qualitative and quantitative study. In the study, two companies in the fashion industry were interviewed and 391 respondents participated. Empirical study                 In the empirical study the interviews with the two e-commerce companies are first presented, which revolves around their use of loyalty program.

IT ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv

Idag är det allt fler företag som arbetar utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv d v s dearbetar med ett ekonomiskt-, socialt och miljömässigt ansvarstagande. Som det ser ut idagsläget med allt större fokus på att företagen tar sitt sociala och miljömässigaansvar så kommer de ansvarstagande kundföretagen att behöva öka kraven då deupphandlar IT-relaterande tjänster eller IT-relaterade produkter. Vår studie baseras påen kvalitativ metod där intervjuer har gjorts hos fem svenska företag. Respondenternai de olika företagen var högt uppsatta personer med god insyn i hur derasverksamheter drivs. Studiens fokus har legat på hur IT-avdelningarnas kravställandevid upphandlingar sett ut från ett hållbarhetsperspektiv.

A world of illustration - Ett utforskande projekt om Illustration som begrepp och koncept, dess gällande och möjliga användningsområden samt utformningen av en arbetsprocess

It is not about the perfect tune or pretty picture.It is always, always about the story. (Is or ought to be)When we release a new album, publish a book or show a brand newcollection of clothes or furniture etc. it is (or ought to be) because we havesomething to say (tell/share). The choice of language, in which we tell our stories,is vital for how they will be perceived.This is where illustration comes in. Illustration is a tool for storytelling, for contributingto the world in the most legible way.Illustration is legibility, it is the italic, the underline, the ?quotation mark?, the exclamation mark!It is not about the pretty picture.I want to talk about this.

?Den svåraste gruppen att nå?: Folkbiblioteks marknadsföring till pojkar i högstadieåldern

The object of this bachelor thesis is to examine how publiclibraries are working to reach out to boys in their early teens,and from a relationship marketing perspective see howlibraries are using marketing as a tool in creating long-termrelationships with this user group. The following questionsare asked: How do public libraries market themselves toboys in their early teens? How are children?s and youthlibrarians working to create long-term relationships with thisuser group? How do children?s and youth librarians viewmarketing as a way to create long-term relationships with theuser group? The theoretical framework of the study is EvertGummesson?s model of relationship marketing. Interviewswith five children?s and youth librarians make up theempirical data.

Kundlojalitet : En studie om hur långsiktiga kundrelationer skapas på en tjänstemarknad

Purpose: The study aims to, from a companys point of view, describe how strategic work with customer loyalty is done.Conclusion: Another possible way to try to create loyalty is to exceed the expectations whether the customer is a member of the loyalty program or not. A strong brand with a good reputation can also contribute to a stronger loyalty. Reward systems gradually reward the customers since they first need to collect points, or in this case miles, to be able to use them later on. The staff is often educated in service to be able to interact with the customer in a professional manner. One way to interact with the members of the loyalty program is through profiles on the internet.

"Man får det intrycket av dig" : En samtalsanalytisk studie i journalisters användande av det indefinita pronomenet man i partiledarintervjuer.

This essay examines the communication value of music in television advertising. It studies different forms of music and whether these forms contribute positively or negatively to how television advertising is perceived and remembered. The forms are jingle, familiar song and unfamiliar song. 100 high school students participated in the study through a questionnaire.                      The study shows that music is an important tool that complements television advertisings visual aspects. Music creates feelings, emphasizes aspects of the image and clarifies the advertised message.

De som gillar musik gillar oss. Visuell identitet för bokningsbolaget Halleluja

The objective of this project was to develop the visual identityof Halleluja, a brand new booking agency representing approximatelytwenty minor artists within a wide range of contemporarymusic styles.The outcome has been applied to business cards and awebsite yet to be produced. To attract the audience and differentiateitself from other booking companies, Halleluja featuresa minimalist design that speaks of dedication, breadth ofgenres and exclusive taste. Although my sketches have beenapproved by Lars Olsson and Erik Sundfeldt, the co-foundersof Halleluja, I have had the privilege of working quite freely andstarting from scratch, since there was no earlier work done onthe company.Some of the issues I have faced during my process wasabout finding the right tone of voice in type and colour, ordealing with the semantics of the corporate name (meaning»praise the Lord«). I?ve also been struggling to come to termswith my own self-censorship and my slighly suspicious view onbranding..

Att planera, genomföra och utforma en föredömlig reklamkampanj

As the field of marketing becomes increasingly competitive, creative tools to reach the intended consumer needs to be utilized. In order to break through the crowded airways and packed ad space, one can choose to direct the message through channels that relate to currenttrends in society, while using innovative artistic concepts. The fundamental purpose behind this report is to provide a roadmap for creating a successful and unique marketing campaign. In addition, we have attempted to identify how visual methods can add valuable attributes to the campaign, ensuring a more progressive and distinct impression. To illustrate our claims, we have chosen to analyze Wasabröd?s latest marketing effort, ?Change Bread,? by dividing it into three sections, including planning, execution, and the visual creation.

Entreprenörers förmåga att nå sin målmarknad

The tourism industry is a young industry in Sweden but important for the economy and a large part of the field is mountain tourism. Marketing a place is called destination marketing, which has become a huge phenomenon and an important part of efforts for promotion in the tourism industry. The entrepreneurs in the tourism industry are an important part, as these are a big part of the destination. Their marketing and communication becomes a force to reckon with in order to attract tourists to the area. The purpose of this study is to examine how entrepreneurs through destination marketing reach their target market and with the intention to identify marketing channels that the entrepreneur uses.

Åtta personalchefers syn på friskvård

ABSTRACTBogren, E & Dahl, C. 2010.Åtta personalchefers syn på friskvård. C-uppsats i Folkhälsovetenskap 15 hp, Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv. Högskolan Gävle. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate staffmanagers opinions about keep- fit activities.

Skolans arbete mot mobbning

Employer branding, eller arbetsgivarvarumärke som det heter på svenska, handlar om att rätt människor ska attraheras, rekryteras och vilja stanna kvar i ett företag. Ett starkt employer brand är något som har blivit allt viktigare för företagen i kampen om värdefulla andelar på marknaden.  Studier har visat att anställda som är engagerade och trivs på sitt arbete också presterar bättre, vilket leder till ökad produktion och lönsamhetsfördelar. Många företag är inte medvetna om eller uppdaterade vad gäller sitt arbetsgivarerbjudande, det vill säga den anledning som arbetsgivaren ger till nuvarande och potentiella anställda att arbeta för denne. Det kan vara svårt att fastställa vilka områden som behöver utvecklas i företaget och vilka målgrupper som bör prioriteras. Tillgängliga mätmetoder för att få klarhet gällande nuvarande employer brand saknas, vilket har bidragit till studiens syfte att skapa ett mätverktyg för att utvärdera ett företags arbetsgivarvarumärke gentemot nuvarande anställda.

Biologisk mångfald i staden och dess närhet : möjligheter att som landskapsarkitekt främja biologisk mångfald

In a time of increasing urbanization the human tenure effects on the land has lead to a decrease and fragmentation of areas that are valuable to urban wildlife. These actions have had a detrimental effect on the species and habitats that exist in cities and towns.This paper investigates, through the study of relevant literature and the undertaking of interviews and field visits, the role that biodiversity plays in our society. The current attitude towards urban biodiversity and the responsibility for its promotion within the landscape architect profession has been explored.This paper includes three English case studies and a design proposal investigating how one can work to promote biodiversity on a smaller scale.This paper concludes that urban biodiversity is multi-functional ? being of ecological, social and cultural significance. The landscape architecture profession must be aware of the need to combine a variety of different factors such as economical, social and environmental aspects.

Hur l?ngt bort n?r v?rldslitteraturen? En l?romedelsanalys om representationen av sk?nlitter?ra f?rfattare som skrivit p? andra spr?k ?n svenska inom gymnasiekurserna Svenska 1 och 2

The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about the representation of fiction authors who have written in languages other than Swedish in educational school books within the Swedish subject. This is done in relation to the school's promotion of cultural diversity, a globalized world and to the Swedish curriculum. The study is a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative analysis that takes its starting point in six educational books for the courses Swedish 1 and 2. The analysis shows that all study materials include a broad representation of authorships from Europe and the USA. The selection of authors from other parts of the world is, however, limited.

Frontlinjen, Persson & Madonna : En uppsats om personer som bärare av varumärken

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how people in different ways can take on the role as carriers of brands and understand what part they play in today?s society. Brands are everywhere today and the competitions are becoming harder and harder for the customers? attention and consumption, which is why I am curious of how an individual in a company?s frontline or a celebrity can help the success of a brand. The essay is based on a qualitative method where six interviews have been performed.

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