

1674 Uppsatser om Brand promotion - Sida 14 av 112

Uthyrning av säljyta : Ett tabu i den svenska bokbranschen?

Under hösten 2006 genomförde Piratförlaget en kampanj för boken ?Edward Finnigans upprättelse? där förlaget hyrde säljplatser i ett 20-tal bokhandlar. Detta var helt nytt i bokbranschen och beskrevs som kontroversiellt av branschtidningen Svensk Bokhandel. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur uthyrning av säljyta i butik uppfattas av svenska bokhandlare och förlag samt vilka effekter det kan få för sales promotion. Då bokbranschen ser annorlunda ut än övriga dagligvaruhandeln anser vi att det är intressant att sammankoppla uthyrning av säljyta till sales promotion vilket, enligt vår uppfattning, inte används i någon större omfattning i bokhandeln.Uppsatsens teoretiska bakgrund består i huvudsak av Sudhir & Raos (2006) teori som behandlar fördelar och nackdelar med ?slotting allowances?, vilket är den engelska termen för uthyrning av säljyta.

Personalen i frontlinjen som varumärkesbärare : En studie inom träningsanläggningar

The purpose of this research aims investigate whether front line personell are brand carriers who can affect the customers brand experience. This present study focuses on commercial fitness centers in Kalmar. Like brands, training is taking part in people?s everyday lives; fitness centers are offering the customer a wider range of group training.This thesis is based on a qualitative approach whereby eight interviews have been carried out with two members of the board and six employees of the front line. Additionally, this thesis is also based on three focus groups with four customers, representing the majority of each fitness centers.The research findings highlight that the front line employees are very important as they are seen as the brand; therefore the front line employee?s personality and behaviour will influence the customer?s view of the brand.

Evolving Loyalty Programs- Merging Classic Loyalty with New Technology

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to determine how a technolo-gically enhanced shopping tool, synergizing eCRM tech-niques with personalized promotion at the point-of-sale, can increase customer loyalty by considering perceptions of current grocery retailer loyalty programs in Sweden. Methodology: An exploratory research was undertaken in the light of a qualitative method collecting primary data through focus group interviews. Theoretical perspective: The major considerations regarding theoretical aspects, for this thesis, can be addressed by Behavioral/Attitudinal loyalty and Relevance of Promotion. Empirical data: The empirical data, in regards to primary data, was ga-thered based on four focus group interviews. Conclusion: The conclusions of the thesis imply, that in order to make a loyalty program successful, it needs to firstly be conven-ient for the customer; easy to join, and provide an easy and time efficient display at the point-of-sale.

PRODUKTINKONGRUENS: Vad som händer när en produkt i en produktkategori med negativ klang ges ett positivt attribut

Product development is essential for all companies that want to survive in competitive markets regardless of the characteristics of the product that the company sells. Companies that sell products within product categories which can be seen as bad, also need to develop their products in order to remain competitive. If these bad products add a positive attribute, for example that they get organic, a contradiction within the product arises and they get incongruent. This thesis investigates which effects that follow a launch of an incongruent product. The thesis also examines if these effects are affected by the strength of the brand under which the product is launched.A total of 240 respondents participated in an experimental study where product incongruity was manipulated for two different product categories, where one well known brand and one unknown brand were examined in each category.

Varumärkeskommunikation för marknadsledare : En studie av Red Bull's varumärkeskommunikationoch image

The purpose of this thesis is to through brand communication and Red Bull?simage examine how they position themselves as leaders on the Swedish energydrink market. We chose relevant theories within buzz marketing, word ofmouth, sampling and events. Our method of preference was quantitativequestionnaires which we spred through email to students at the LinneausUniversity and other social networks such as Facebook and blogs. Our empiricalstudy is based on our questionnaires and information about Red Bull.

Cause-Related Marketing: En kvalitativ studie i hur Cause-Related Marketing påverkar svenska konsumenter

Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is a marketing activity that has grown popular in the USA and studies have been carried out that explore how American consumers perceive and react to CRM. In Sweden, however, CRM has not yet found ground to any greater extent, and therefore there is limited research on how Swedish consumers react to CRM and how they perceive it. In this study, eight Swedish consumers are interviewed regarding their perception of CRM. The main findings of the investigation are that Swedish consumers fit well into a model that is based on American consumers? responses to CRM.

Brands Transfer of Meaning: An analysis of brands roles within product placement

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution, by connecting the transfer of meaning within the context of TV series. The meaning is transferred from the brand to the character in a TV series and then further to the viewer. To look at different role functions that are used in dramaturgy and narrative techniques, we will be able to see how the brand will have a specific role and thereby make the transfer of meaning more successful and effective. This role will have an important impact on product placement according to the meaning that will be transferred from the brand to the viewer, through the character. Methodology: By looking at the transfer of meaning process that is created from the brand, an unstructured observation is applied where we observed the placement and usage of different within a specific TV series. Qualitative strategy is conducted by using a case study.

Nationella stereotyper i reklam

AbstractBackground: Countries can be seen as brands (nation brands) with brand values that transmitto the country?s products. Country-of-origin (COO), the brands nationality, links the productto an associative network of cultural shared national stereotypes. Through associating thebrand with a country or a region, the credibility of the brand can increase and strengthen thebrand. Therefore COO is used in marketing to position a brand.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how luxury fashion brands communicatetheir national identity through analyzing their advertising.

Hur varumärkeskapital kan byggas via apotek : En fallstudie av Ferrosans varumärkeskommunikationsstrategi

Purpose: The aim of this study is to test four different hypotheses from the aspect of the title of this paper. H 1 Consumers trust the pharmacy employees? advice and suggestions for their purchase decisions more than the brand awareness they have received through the companies marketing communication H 2 Consumers are enough affected of a company?s marketing communication to choose their brand even if the pharmacy employees recommend other brands. H 3 Building brand equity through pharmacies can only be successful if the company has built up a trust for their brand among the pharmacy employees. H 4 Without building brand equity the marketing communication strategy for Ferrosan cannot increase their brand value and create loyalty.

Drömplanen blev en mardröm En studie om Framställningen av Norweigian och varuvärkesexponering i svensk media under Boeing 787:s kris

Executive summaryThe aim of this study is to examine how the favourability and brand exposure of Norwegian has been damage by their supplier, Boeing 787:s, problems concerning the aircraft Dreamliner. The theoretical framework underlies the content analysis that has been used to operate the study. In total the empirical data rise up to 623 articles that has been collected and analysed from the media archive Retriever. Compares to before and after Boeing 787:s problem with the Dreamliner, the results indicates that the favourability of Norwegian in the Swedish media landscape during the problems was negatively affected. The results also show that there was no increase in brand exposure for Norwergian during the problems.

Ompositionering av ett etablerat varumärke : Hemtex ompositioneringsprocess samt studie av konsumenternas uppfattning

The competition for customers in today?s society is growing rapidly. Companies invest a great amount of time and recourses to establish and preserve a strong brand. Repositioning is a process that today is necessary for virtually all brands at some point during its lifetime and is about to change a customer's perception of a brand name, by changing its associations. The goal is to create a new, stronger position for the existing brand.

Framtidens apotek : En fallstudie av ett apoteks interna marknadsföring

Background: Around the world, markets deregulates, which leads to increased competition. Meetings between the consumer and the employees of a company determine how the customer perceives the company and / or its brand. This has result in that many companies have realized the importance of internal using the same marketing skills that are used externally. In 2009, pharmacy market went from being a monopoly market to be a regulated competitive market.Problem: Is there any internal conditions for a private company, whose culture and structure was formed under a state monopoly, to create a strong corporate brand?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to, through a case study, analyze and evaluate the internal marketing in a company which has undergone a change of ownership and retained the same staff.Method: Through interviews with key personnel and staff , data was gathered for the case study, which means that the method is qualitative.

Line–extensions; A longitudinal study concerning effects on brand equity

Thesis purpose The study aims to examine the effects vertical and horizontal line extensions might have on the total parent brand equity in terms of strength and its baseline product regarding of market share, loyalty and penetration under an elapsed period of time. The study aims to investigate a number of actual conducted line extensions effect on the above mentioned aspects of Kellers (1993) definition of brand strength as a part of the total brand equity. Methodology The effect of a number of line extensions of the parent brands and the baseline products is being examined in terms of market share, loyalty rate, cannibalization and market penetration. The thesis is focused on the correlations between these different parameters during a certain elapsed time ratio in order to test our theoretically routed hypothesizes in a deductive manner. Occasional correlations are derived from an indexation of data collected from the Gfk database. Theoretical perspective The study is derived from Kapferers (2004) definition of brand equity, where he is dividing the concept into three parts. This study is focused on Brand strength in particular, which is one of the parameters in the above-mentioned theory.

Den monokulturella mångkulturen i förskolan : En studie ur ett interkulturellt perspektiv om pedagogers tankar och uppfattningar kring ett kulturfrämjande arbete inom den mångkulturella förskolan

In the context of world globalization, Sweden has today become a multicultural society, where many different cultures, religions, values and approaches are trying to co-exist. When the Swedish government's integration policy was put into effect, one sought to open the way for a more peaceful coexistence between majority and minority people. The intention was that everyone, through mutual interaction, would learn to come together and learn to respect each other's differences. It was suggested that an intercultural approach should permeate all education, including preschool activity. There are particular guidelines for a culture and tradition promotion work within the preschool in the new revised curriculum (Lpfö 98, rev.

Handla hos oss - så klimatkompenserar vi! : Hur stora välkända företag påverkar sina konsumenters inställning mot deras varumärke med hjälp av grön marknadsföring och CSR.

Title: Shop at us ? and we?ll carbon offset! ? How large and well-known companies affect consumers feelings towards their brand by using green marketing and CSR.Authors: Emilie Jäfvert & Carolin RuthbergAdvisor: Christine TidåsenLevel: Bachelor thesis in Marketing, (15 Swedish credits), Spring 2011Keywords: Green marketing, CSR and branding.Question: How do large and well known companies affect their customer?s view towards their brand by using green marketing and CSR?Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how high consumer?s value companies who works with green marketing and CSR, and also to find out how it affects the company brand.Method: We have chosen to do a qualitative research with a deductive approach. We have done five open interviews with companies and ten open interviews with consumers to conduct our research.Theoretical framework: Our theoretical framework includes four different areas; CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility, green marketing, brands and consumers. These sub-chapters include theories that will help the reader get a better understanding of the areas.Empirical studies: We have gathered empirical data by multiple open interviews. Two of the five interviews with the companies were face-to-face, two via email and one over the phone.

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