4601 Uppsatser om Brain science - Sida 59 av 307
Striden om det svenska snuset : En studie av identitetskonstruktioner i den svenska rapporteringen om EU:s tobaksdirektiv
This paper examines constructions of identities in Swedish news paper articles concerning the European Unions?s Tobacco Products Directive. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA) supported by theories of discourse, semiotics and identity formation, this paper argues that constructions of a Swedish ?Us? are distinguished from a non-Swedish ?Them?. These constructions depends on categories such as use of tobacco, science, history and war, which are frequently used in the discourse to separate ?Us?, ?the good? from ?Them?, ?the bad?.
Fotots väg från arkivboxen till allmänheten : En dokumentation av DiBiS digitaliseringsprocess samt en studie av digitaliseringens följder
The purpose of my one year master?s thesis is to add a documentation of a data processing-process of photo- graphs to the administration of archives. The thesis is written from an archival science perspective which is to be seen in my choice of literature, method and questions at issue. To be able to form a documentation of a data processing-process I studied DiBiS, a company specialized in digitalizing old photographs and publish them on a online database. I also added a chapter where I studied how archival institutions used to handle their old photo- graphs in a traditional manner so the reader of this thesis will be able to understand and see the differences be- tween traditional and modern photograph management.
Queryexpansion med böjningsvarianter och uppbrytning av sammansättningar
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the performance of queries that are expanded by 1 inflections, 2 compound splitting and 3 inflections and compound splitting combined. For compound splitting, the morphological analyser SWETWOL was used. Queries were executed in the Query Performance Analyser, QPA, containing the InQuery system. Query terms were selected from 29 topics, all of whom containing at least one compound word. Both the queries and the documents were in Swedish.
Barns beteenden i naturen
AbstractThis study is based on qualitative interviews with five-year-old children from a nursery school and two teachers with great experience. The purpose with the interviews is to find out what knowledge these children have about the Right of Common and what the teachers think they need to find this knowledge.The children didn't know what the word Right of Common stands for but when they got more concrete alternatives they had good experiences. The two teachers had different opinions about what is the most important concerning the stays in the nature. Exercise meant a lot for one teacher. To have fun and to use all your senses were more important for the other one.
PRESTIGE, KARRIÄR OCH OPEN ACCESS Forskares syn på publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Dissatisfaction with the current market for scientific publishing, dominated by a few large publishers able to obtain high subscription fees, gave birth to the Open Access movement. One problem for the Open Access movement, which aims at making research results freely available, is that scientists are reluctant to publish in journals that are free on the Internet, so called Open Access journals. This master's thesis aims at showing how scientists reason about their own publishing in scientific journals. It is investigated which factors are important when scientist decide on which journals to send their articles. The aim is to increase the understanding of scientists' views on Open Access.Six interviews were conducted with scientists in Biomedicine at Lund University.
emotional ownership and the fan fiction community
â€Fan fiction writingâ€, or the writing of stories based upon a popular entertainment franchise, has become a topic of academic discussion. Fan fiction writers have waked the ire of movie producers, since they often write fiction that is in direct contradiction to the movie’s plot or spirit. While most academic studies on fan fiction have concentrated on his confrontational aspect of the writers’ psyches, we have found that the writers actually have a much more nuanced approach to their work, and are not necessarily hostile towards the directors and producers. Even more surprising is the fact that the internet, beyond giving the writers a forum to post their writings, has potentially had a transformative impact on how the writers interact with each other and with the outside world.
Hur sju erkänt skickliga lärare ger möjlighet till lärande i NO-undervisningen : En kvalitativ studie ur ett lärarperspektiv
Syftet med studien är att beskriva sju lärares reflektioner kring hur de ger sina elever möjligheter att lära i NO- undervisningen. Lärarna arbetar upp till skolår 6 och är erkänt skickliga i sin undervisning.Under vår lärarutbildning vid Högskolan i Skövde har vi blivit intresserade av hur vi som lärare kan ge elever möjligheter att lära. Utifrån egna erfarenheter kan vi se vissa brister i undervisningen av de naturorienterade ämnena. Med dessa två utgångspunkter valde vi att skriva om NO-undervisning. I studien användes en kvalitativ metod, där vårt urval gav oss möjlighet att intervjua sju erkänt skickliga lärare. Urvalet var strategiskt för att kunna intervjua lärare som har en undervisning av god kvalitet. Utifrån lärarnas reflektioner har vi funnit möjligheter för elever att lära i NO-undervisningen.
Med 90 år på nacken - en studie av internationella avtalsrättsliga alternativ till den svenska avtalslagen
Denna uppsats syftar till att redogöra för och analysera internationella alternativ till den svenska avtalslagen. I år (2005) var det 90 år sedan den svenska avtalslagen tillkom. Avtalslagen har under årens lopp kompletterats med rättspraxis och doktrin och har därmed utvecklats i takt med samhällsutvecklingen. 1989 ratificerade Sverige United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, härefter kallad CISG, med undantag för del ?? som utgör den avtalsrättsliga delen.
En studie av IFLA/ALP:s utvecklingsarbete i tredje världen
The purpose of IFLA:s Core Programme ALP Advancement of Librarianship in the third world is to further the objectives of the library profession, library institutions and library and informationservices in the less developed countries in the third world. This essay deals with how and with what purpose IFLA/ALP managing developing work in the third world. What roles do they consider that the public library could play for development of the society? The essay also deal with purposes that have resulted in the close cooperation between IFLA/ALP and other organizations.till comparing their work with SIDA and UNESCO. Finaly I try to connect this work with a development theory and a global context..
Mobiltelefon utformad med EcoDesign
The environmental demands are increasing when it comes to product development. EcoDesign isabout minimizing the environmental impact of a product, considering the entire life cycle of it,without compromising other qualities like function or cost. In this master of science thesis amobile phone has been analysed with Ten Golden Rules in EcoDesign regarding production, useand End of Life. Also a functional and an environmental profile were made. The goal was tomake a new concept phone, based on the previous analysis, which communicates userfriendlinessand sustainable development.
Designlösningar i ett affärssystem ur ett kognitionsvetenskapligt förhållningssätt
The purpose of this thesis was to examine if there where fallacies in the design solutions for the business system IFS Applications from a user perspective, and if so, correct these from a cognitive science approach.Data collection consisted of three main portions. These where; workshop, individual interviews and observations. The collected data was analyzed and resulted in identification of two main areas in the application that where found lacking.The result of the study showed that the usability for processing large amounts of data and the lack of customization where the main flaws in the application. Two low fidelity prototypes where created with the purpose of rectifying the underlying flawed design solutions that where identified from the collected data..
Kollektivavtalets verkan för utomstående arbetstagare En skandinaviskt komparativ studie
Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna framställning är att försöka belysa eventuella skillnader och likheter gällande kollektivavtalets verkan för utomstående arbetstagare i de skandinaviska länderna Det torde vara en allmänt vedertagen sanning att det sett ur ett arbetsrättsligt perspektiv existerar en så kallad skandinavisk modell. Detta beror på att de arbetsrättsliga systemen i Norge, Sverige och Danmark är så pass lika, både vad gäller den kollektiva och den individuella arbetsrätten. Skandinaviska kollektivavtal äger i normalfallet endast tillämplighet på avtalsparterna och deras medlemmar. Det är emellertid i dagsläget att betrakta som en allmänt vedertagen rättsprincip att kollektivavtal, i dessa länder, har en viss fjärrverkan även för utomstående arbetstagare. Detta innebär att de anställningsvillkor som fastslås i kollektivavtal i viss utsträckning även gäller för utomstående arbetstagare.
INTRANÄT - Ett medium för kommunikationsverktyg
This report explains how different communication tools can be used in a
company?s intranet. It gives a short description of the different parts in an
intranet and their field of application, and what communication means. It?s
only the communication tools that the company uses that we are illuminating in
this report.
Projektledning : En studie om en effektiviserad projektledningsmetod till TS Produktion
The term "Project" have become a growing work model that exist in almost all bransches. A project is a work effort made over a finite period of time with a start and a finish to create a unique product, service, or result. Science shows that time limitation has an impact on humans to perform under pressure, which challanges the contributor to deliver. This report contains an examination about project management, both coming from scientific results and an external business. The point of this study is to bring ideas of improvement, which can make the work method more effective in this company..
Vad behöver växter för att växa och överleva? : En studie om förskolebarns tankar om växters behov
The purpose with this study was to examine what kind of knowledge children in preschool have regarding what plants are, and what plants need in order to grow and survive. By means of qualitative interviews I have let 12 children in the ages of 3 to 5 years answer questions regarding the subject.From the results it is obvious that the children in the early age groups already have some knowledge of what a plant is and can also mention a few basic factors for a plants survival. In addition, the results show that their knowledge increases with the childs age and that the conversations become more distinct with more resulting questions the older the children are.Keywords. Enviroment, plants needs, Preeschool, science..