766 Uppsatser om Bounce back - Sida 48 av 52
Tail posture and motion as a possible indicator of emotional state in pigs
In the current study, the aim was to investigate whether tail posture and motion can be an indicator of the emotional state of pigs and if the tail posture of the pig is affected by social breeding value (SBV), coping style and/or housing. Emotional state can be defined in two dimensions: valence and arousal. Two batches of 96 finishing pigs were studied in a one generation selection experiment with a 2x2 set up and were housed in a barren or straw bedded pen. In each pen, 6 pigs (3 male, 3 female) were housed. A back-test was done to determine the coping style of the pigs with two categories; high resister and low resister pigs.
Från Arenan till Arbetsplatsen : Om tidigare elitidrottares karriäromställning till annat arbete
Background for the research problems: Small companies are very important for the economic stability and development, something which the economic crises in recent years have underlined. Therefore it?s important to minimize administrative costs for smaller companies and also in other ways facilitate their further development. For these reasons accounting has been simplified and auditing abolished for smaller companies in many countries. In Sweden auditing for small companies was abolished nearly three years ago.
Färgen och landskapsarkitekturen : färgsättningens betydelse för den gestaltande landskapsarkitekten
I gained my interest for color during my years at the landscape architect program. I felt that you as a student in design courses constantly were faced with the problems of coloration. A subject that I perceived to be difficult, especially for us students that lacked the experiences from how a project on the drawing board turns out when it finally is built. As a professional landscape architect you there have a greater experience but I wondered how much awareness about color you actually have as a professional. How does one think about coloration and how can you use color as a formative tool? And how does color truly affect us humans? Does color have significance for the experience of landscape architecture?
The object with this project is to illustrate color and it?s place in landscape architecture.
En kvantitativ studie om köpbeslutsprocessen ? En undersökning inriktad på kvinnors konsumtion av konfektionsvaror till låga priser
Den svenska klädimporten har ökat dramatiskt och vårt samhälle har förändrats till ett konsumtionssamhälle där vi shoppar efter ?köp och släng? istället för ?slit och släng?. Den ökade klädkonsumtion är ett omdiskuterat samhällsproblem och mode är en färskvara som uppdateras i en allt snabbare takt. Ett stort utbud tillsammans med de låga priser som klädmarknaden är uppbyggd av uppmuntrar till impulsköp vilket gör det allt svårare för kunden att fatta medvetna köpbeslut. I denna studie kommer vi att utgå från Armstrong och Kotlers modell av köpbeslutprocessens som är uppbyggd av fem steg som innefattar hela processen.
Akustisk trädgårdskonst : att ge sonisk karaktär åt en plats
Ljud och trädgård är kanske inte det första par man tänker sig som gifta men de tus
historia kan spåras längre tillbaka i tiden än man kan föreställa sig. När jag bestämde
mig för att skriva min kandidatuppsats om akustisk trädgårdskonst trodde jag att
ljudinstallationer i trädgårdar och parker var ett nytt fenomen. En helt ny värld
öppnade sig framför mina ögon då jag insåg att så inte var fallet. Konstgjorda
ljudkällor, såsom gyllene fåglar och vattenorglar, har kommit och gått genom tiderna
medan naturliga ljud, såsom vind och fågelsång, bestått. När det kommer till vår
egen tid är trädgårdsljud, även om moderna material och tankesätt används, en
konstform som starkt präglas och inspireras av sin historia.
Du kan skapa olika sorters ljudmiljöer i din trädgård beroende på vad du väljer att
använda för material.
A web-based tool for managing intellectual property laws
Ipendo Systems AB är ett företag som tillhandahåller en webbaserad tjänst, Ipendo Platform, för administration av immateriella rättigheter. De lagar och regler som reglerar hur immateriella rättigheterna hanteras skiljer sig från varje land och tjänsten måste då innehålla information om alla dessa. Dessa lagar eller regler, hädanefter regler, hålls uppdaterade utanför tjänsten i ett Exceldokument, därefter importeras de till Ipendo Platform manuellt. Innan det görs måste de valideras enligt förutbestämda restriktioner, detta för att de dels ska vara i rätt format för Ipendo Platform eller någonting annat som måste vara i rätt format.Syftet och motivationen till detta examensarbete är att man vill ersätta denna process med ett enklare webbaserat adminstrationsverktyg som låter back-office hantera och uppdatera reglerna och sedan själva utföra validering och importering. Detta gör att tid sparas och de personer som jobbar med att uppdatera regler får feedback direkt från valideringen istället för att man ska vänta på att en annan avdelning gör valideringen.
Empathy, altruism and the African elephant
The quest to determine if non-human animals have emotional lives similar to man goes a long way back and is yet to result in a clear answer. The aim of this particular literature study is to determine whether or not the African elephant may host feelings of empathy and display altruistic behaviour. In search for an answer to this question, scientists have chosen to first evaluate the cognitive abilities of said species. They have done this through the testing of tool use, mirror self-recognition, memory and the ability to coordinate with another when performing a task etc. It is generally thought, that in order for complex emotion to exist within an individual, cognition, as an awareness of the self and others, must first be present.
Samverkan och dialog i landsbygdens landskap :
The planning of landscapes and towns has changed from a top-to-bottom perspective, including a focus on common interests, towards an inclusion of dialogue between planners and inhabitants of the planning area. In the countryside areas there are many interests which could be incorporated in such a dialogue. Still, the landowners have the final right to make the decisions for his or her property. The purpose of this paper is to examine how a dialogue for countryside development works and could be working, what participators of such dialogues are thinking about their right to direct and transform the landscape, and which roles the planners may take in such a context. With this background in mind, I also look back into the history with the intention to understand the situation of today.
RFID - tillämpning och lönsamhet
This report is the result of an investigation of the possibility to use RFID-technology in a producing company. The investigation is focused on a flow between the company?s producing subsidiary company in Lithuania and its main facility in Sweden.RFID is the abbreviation for radiofrequency identification. The RFID-technology forms the base of a system with wireless information transmission between an object to which a transponder, also called tag, has been attached and a reader. The information is transmitted by radio waves and the system is equipped with software that can digitalise the radio waves.
Näringsretention i återskapad våtmark på betesmark : studier av en mad vid Bornsjön
It is important to construct or recreate different types of wetlands and study their retention of nutrients, since knowledge of their effectiveness in this matter is poor. In 2003 a wetland was constructed on an old meadow on the western shore of Lake Bornsjön in central Sweden. The main purpose of the wetland was to reduce the amount of phosphorus entering the lake, which is the back-up water supply for Stockholm when the city cannot obtain water from Lake Mälaren. Large areas around Lake Bornsjön consist of agricultural land and the nutrient concentrations in the inflows to the lake are usually relatively high (approx. 1 mg/l total nitrogen and 0.05-0.1 mg/l total phosphorus).
En jämförelse mellan amplifierad singelmolekylanalys och selektiv agar vid kontroll av hygienisering av avloppsslam
Bringing back the nutrients from the city to the country is becoming increasingly important, as the world?s stores of nutrients get more exhausted. Sewage sludge is an unapplied resource, rich in plant nutrients, which could replace parts of the commercial fertilizers used in Sweden
today. Sewage sludge may contain large amounts of pathogens, such as Campylobacter and Salmonella, why use can cause severe spreading of infections, both to animals and humans. These pathogens have the ability to survive for a long time in soil and water and therefore
some sort of treatment of the sludge is recommended before use.
Full Circle: upstream and downstream migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the northern Swedish river Vindelälven
The life cycle of the anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) can span large geographic, political, and socio-economic boundaries. Management strategies and regulations that only concentrate on small spatial scales often overlook larger basin-wide problems, especially relating to post-spawn seaward migration. In this master thesis one entire migration cycle of wild adult Atlantic salmon in the unregulated northern Swedish river Vindelälven was monitored by radio-telemetry tracking during upstream spawning migration and downstream seaward migration back to the Baltic Sea. The effect of ladder passage variables (time to pass, total time in the ladder, passage day over the ladder) at a fish ladder downstream in the river Umeälven, as well as fish size, were evaluated to determine if differences in upstream migration distance in the river Vindelälven could be observed. Ladder passage variables did not affect migration distance, but size exhibited a negative relationship to migration distance.
Effektiv hantering av information: en utredning av huruvida
ett datoriserat system skulle effektivisera
informationsflödet vid kvalitetskontroller på Pharmadule
Emtunga AB
Inom dagens näringsliv förekommer stora mängder information. För att kunna driva en verksamhet framgångsrikt krävs att informationen sprids effektivt så att rätt personer nås av rätt information vid rätt tidpunkt. Trots de senaste decenniernas snabba teknologiska utvecklingstakt finns det många organisationer i vilka en stor del av informationen fortfarande är i pappersform. Fokusering på tid och att erbjuda kunder rätt produkt vid rätt tidpunkt är idag viktigt ur konkurrenssynpunkt. För att uppnå tidseffektivitet krävs en reducering av de icke värdeskapande aktiviteterna.
Vermicompost for reduction of vegetable waste - and a possible means to produce fish feed in aquaponic systems?
Aquaponics is a food production system consisting of a consecutive cultivation of plants and aquatic animals, fish or shellfish, in recirculating water. The plants feed on the nutritious effluents from the fish tank and bacteria converts ammonia from the fish tank into nitrate that is absorbed by the plants. The plants receive nutrition and the fish gain purified water.
The environmental impact of the production of fish meal and fish oil used in conventional fish feed includes a large consumption of fossil fuels with subsequent carbon dioxide emission.
The aquaponic system can be made environmentally sustainable and self-supporting if supplemented with a vermicompost/vermiculture for the production of worm protein as a fish feed.
Vegetable waste from the hydroponic part of the system can be reused as worm feed in the compost and the protein rich worms can be harvested, dried and grinded and brought back to the aquaculture as fish feed.
As a first step in this direction, I have investigated the effect of recycling of vegetable waste in vermicomposts on the growth and number of earthworms (this was evaluated after harvesting).
The hypotheses were that earthworms can be cultivated in the vegetable waste and that by adding manure to the vermicompost it is possible to obtain a nutrient content adequate to support a continuous worm harvest, in other words create a vermiculture.
Eisenia fetida and Dendrobaena veneta were grown in 20 L bins containing peat mixed with either poultry or cattle manure. The proportions were 70% peat and 30 % manure. Discarded plant parts from lettuce cultivation was added to the vermicomposts (35 g per week) and water was supplied
with 0.8 L per week.
Det svenska spionaget i Baltikum 1943-1957 : En studie av ett fiasko?
During and after World War II Sweden was spying in the occupied Baltic countries which had been occupied, from 1943 by Nazi Germany and from 1944 by the Soviet Union. It began in 1943, with the Germans still occupying the Baltic countries, when Sweden and its intelligence service ?C-byrån? recruited volunteers among the Baltic refugees in Sweden and sent them back to the countries they had fled from. Many of the Baltic refugees to Sweden were men aged 25-45 so the Swedish intelligence service had a good recruiting source. This started the first period of intelligence operations in the three Baltic countries.