

202 Uppsatser om Borrowing constraints - Sida 14 av 14

Kapacitetsutnyttjande och begränsningar i påfyllnads- och plockprocessen : En fallstudie på Staples lagerverksamhet i Växjö

Bakgrund: Ett lager är en viktig del av de flesta värdekedjor. Stora ansträngningar har därför under de senaste åren gjorts för att finna optimala strategier för planering och kontroll av lagersystem. För att uppnå en ökad produktion krävs det att kapacitetsutnyttjandet förbättras. Genom att planera sin kapacitet kan företag reducera kapacitetsbegräsningar, så kallade flaskhalsar, som är nyckeln till att förbättra produktionens kapacitetsutnyttjande.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva Staples nuvarande kapacitetsutnyttjande i påfyllnads- och plockprocessen. Vidare avser studien att identifiera kapacitetsbegränsningar inom dessa processer.

Rätt gåva för rätt tillfälle

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.

Balansering av en storskalig vindkraftsutbyggnad i Sverige med hjälp av den svenska vattenkraften

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish hydropower capacity to balance wind power. The Swedish government has decided that it should be possible to produce 30 TWh from wind power in the year 2020. The Swedish municipalities have to have plans for wind power plants with total yearly generation of 30 TWh. Wind power is an variable energy source that needs to be balanced by other energy sources. In Sweden the Swedish hydropower can be used for balancing a large scale introduction of wind power.

Höjdmodellering med laserdata : Studie av Kärsön, Ekerö med fokus på upplösning, datalagring samt programvara

The New National Elevation Model (NNH) is a new high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of Sweden from airborne laser scanning. It creates many new opportunities, particularly in the area of flood mapping. NNH is provided by Lantmäteriet in two formats, both in raw LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data and in grid format with two meter resolution. These alternatives have advantages and disadvantages and the aim of this thesis research is to identify these. One of the focuses of the study is data storage and thus data structure analysis, resolution and storage facilities. The research questions are:Why and in what context the different NNH-products from the National Land Survey are used (DEM 2+ or point cloud)?What constraints and opportunities are created by the different options, mainly in terms of different software, resolution, and data storage?The study area is Kärsön in Ekerö municipality located in Stockholms län and has an approximate area of 25 square kilometers. The study is divided into two parts. The first objective is to identify the consequences of using different software to create DEM from pointcloud compared to the DEM2+ model. Height models with a two meter resolution are created in FME and ArcGIS. The models are then compared with the grid from Lantmäteriet, created in TerraScan. The second objective is to examine the impact of the change in resolution, both the storage aspect and both the accuracy aspect. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) is an interpolation method which in previous studies proved to have the best results on high resolution LIDAR data. This model was tested and compared with a model from FMEs built-in function and the model from Lantmäteriet wich are based on triangulation (also proved a good method in previous studies). The grid created in TerraScan has good properties such as accuracy.

Willingness to pay for improved maize seeds among smallholder farmers : a study of the input factor market in Kenya

Kenya is considered to be a developing country. This means that basic needs such as nutrition are not met for an extended period of time (www, Sida 1, 2012). Approximately half of the population is living under the poverty line (www, CIA 1, 2012). Agriculture is the largest sector in the country, employing 75% of the population. These are thereby directly dependent on the sufficiency of outputs received.

Post-harvest losses in fruit supply chains : a case study of mango and avocado in Ethiopia

Food insecurity is a great problem worldwide and Ethiopia is one of the sub-saharan countries that are suffering from poverty and food insecurity and a large part of the population are living in a state of undernourishment. To reduce these problems, a successful horticulture production can be an important factor. Compared to other crops, fruit production in Ethiopia has not been a large part of the agricultural sector. However, the demand on the domestic market is increasing as well as the production for avocado and mango. To increase food security it is important to focus on ways to decrease post-harvest losses of food products and not only have the productivity of agriculture in focus.

Ledtidsförkortningar i adjustaget vid SSAB Tunnplåt

I dagens allt mer globaliserade industrivärld med allt hårdare konkurrens gäller det för företag att hitta sätt med vilka de kan locka kunderna att handla av just dem. För SSAB Tunnplåt som nischat sig inom höghållfasta stålsorter finns kunder inom högteknologiska industrier vilka ofta är i framkant vad gäller effektiv produktion. Ett exempel är fordonsindustrierna där begrepp som Just In Time och Just in Sequence är vanliga, dessa produktionssätt ställer höga krav vad gäller leveranssäkerhet hos sina leverantörer vilket SSAB Tunnplåt måste kunna leva upp till. Adjustaget är det avslutande produktionsavsnittet för SSAB:s stålverk i Luleå. Hit anländer 2,1 miljoner ton stål årligen där de kvalitetskontrolleras och eventuellt efterbehandlas för att sedan lastas på tåg för vidare transport ned till Borlänge där SSAB Tunnplåt har sitt valsverk.

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