

202 Uppsatser om Borrowing constraints - Sida 13 av 14

Ett klimat för miljönyheter? Miljöjournalistiken i Rapport 2006

Background and Problem discussion: Strategic evaluations are important as they providecrucial information regarding Swedish development assistance and recommendations on howto face problems and inadequacies found in the evaluations. Therefore, the follow up ofrecommendations is of great significance as well. Unfortunately, SIDA?s ManagementResponse system for follow-up of strategic evaluations has not been functioning in asatisfying way and needed actions have not been taken. Thus, Swedish developmentassistance has been criticised for the lack of implemented actions and the public has startedto question the work carried through by the organisations.

Bankernas räntesättning och dess påverkande faktorer

Since the financial crisis of 2007, the global financial market has been characterized by instability. At the same time the banks? lending rates and its link to the reporänta have been in the spotlight in various debates in the media. The government with Anders Borg leading the charge has criticized the banks for not lowering their lending rates when the reporänta has been lowered. The banks defend themselves by saying that the reporänta does not have a direct link to their lending rates anymore.

Planering av vägupprustning med hjälp av GIS och optimering : en fallstudie på Holmen Skog

The objective of this thesis was to develop a method for the planning of road upgrading at Holmen Skog, a Swedish forest company. A critical issue for creating such plans is to identify roads that are suitable to upgrade to a standard that can handle heavy traffic during spring thaw, since spring thaw is a bottle neck for transporting timber. The method was tested in a case study at a district. The work consisted of two parts. The first was to retrieve and prepare geographical data for the roads.

Internkommunikation och organisationsidentitet. En kvantitativ undersökning av internkommunikation och organisationsidentitet inom Primärvården

Background and Problem discussion: Strategic evaluations are important as they providecrucial information regarding Swedish development assistance and recommendations on howto face problems and inadequacies found in the evaluations. Therefore, the follow up ofrecommendations is of great significance as well. Unfortunately, SIDA?s ManagementResponse system for follow-up of strategic evaluations has not been functioning in asatisfying way and needed actions have not been taken. Thus, Swedish developmentassistance has been criticised for the lack of implemented actions and the public has startedto question the work carried through by the organisations.

Får bemanningsanställda plats på lagret?

Denna studie undersöker bemanningsanställdas integration inom lagerverksamhet. Tyngdpunkten ligger på att öka kunskapen kring vilka faktorer som påverkar hur bemanningsanställda integreras i tjänsteköpande företag samt fördjupa förståelsen för vilka möjligheter dessa företag har att öka integrationen på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt. Studien närmar sig problemområdet genom att undersöka hur bemanningsanställda inom lagersektorn upplever de faktorer som påverkat integrationen samt deras åsikter om dessa faktorer. Studiens teoretiska referensram baseras på teorier kring organisering, HRM samt sociala och legala begränsningar. Det empiriska materialet baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer.

Hur nöjd kan man vara? En kvalitativ undersökning av inställningarna till intern information av anställda på SDF Tynnered

Background and Problem discussion: Strategic evaluations are important as they providecrucial information regarding Swedish development assistance and recommendations on howto face problems and inadequacies found in the evaluations. Therefore, the follow up ofrecommendations is of great significance as well. Unfortunately, SIDA?s ManagementResponse system for follow-up of strategic evaluations has not been functioning in asatisfying way and needed actions have not been taken. Thus, Swedish developmentassistance has been criticised for the lack of implemented actions and the public has startedto question the work carried through by the organisations.

Psykisk ohälsa - eller ändå inte? : om hur ungdomars psykiska ohälsa har förändrats i en tid av välfärdsnedskärningar och kulturell modernisering

In recent times statistical findings suggesting a deteriorating mental health among teenagers, have been published. Not only did I find the lack of an all-inclusive analysis problematic, but also the fact that the studies themselves where often insufficient. Thus my purpose has been to chart these statistical studies, and then scrutinize the results.My method has been inspired by critical theory, where an interpretive starting point, self-reflection, and the idea that man and society interacts as a whole, is of great importance. Aside from the above mentioned studies, I have also employed secondary empirical data from TV, newspapers and the Internet. My own experience as a social worker has also been an important resource for this paper.

"Lätt är det inte, men det är inga svårigheter heller" : En studie om vad lärare i idrott och hälsa använder för verktyg vid bedömning och betygssättning

AimThe purpose of this study is to examine which tools teachers, teaching physical education, are using for assessment and grading in primary schools.IssuesHow it is perceived by teachers to assess and grade the students? How have the assessment and grading tools been developed?How do the teachers document what they assess and grade?How do the teachers communicate to the students what they assess and grade?MethodThe study has a qualitative approach in which the study design is represented by several semi-structured qualitative interviews. The semi-structured interview guide was authored using the foundations of ramfaktorteorin and an overall hermeneutisk approach. The interviews were then carried out with six physical education and health teachers from the Stockholm area. The interviews were recorded with a voice recorder and transcribed.

Upprustningsmetoder för en bankropp : En jämförelse ur ett LCC-perspektiv

In recent years, the Swedish railway track system has been neglected in terms of capacity and maintenance. To adapt the existing system to current traffic load there is a great need for extensive improvement and maintenance. Shortcomings are especially occurring on older embankments running over soft subgrades. To select the most suitable method for reinforcement of the embankment, it is important to evaluate different solutions from a life cycle cost perspective. In long-term perspective, it is often shown that a method with low investment cost causes a higher maintenance cost and a shorter technical lifetime.

Nyheterna på Nova. Kan de bidra till att uppnå Schenkers kommunikationsmål? En stujdie av ingranätet Nova och förutsättningarna för dess nyheter att kunna hjälpa til i den interna kommunikationen kring värderingar

Background and Problem discussion: Strategic evaluations are important as they providecrucial information regarding Swedish development assistance and recommendations on howto face problems and inadequacies found in the evaluations. Therefore, the follow up ofrecommendations is of great significance as well. Unfortunately, SIDA?s ManagementResponse system for follow-up of strategic evaluations has not been functioning in asatisfying way and needed actions have not been taken. Thus, Swedish developmentassistance has been criticised for the lack of implemented actions and the public has startedto question the work carried through by the organisations.

Organisationsprocesser på hotell i Sverige : En jämförande studie mellan nyöppnad och löpande verksamhet

Sweden?s tourism increases and new hotel opens. Since 1978 to 2011, the hotel rooms in Sweden doubled. International congresses, sports- and artistic events are a few examples of what affects the hotel industry. Sweden is seen as an attractive destination and future forecast looks to have a positive trend.

Möjligheterna för Lean Production på Sandvik Coromant

Examensarbetet har utförts på Sandvik Coromant i Gimo, GH. Produktionsenheten tillverkar hårdmetallskär för borrning, svarvning och fräsning. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka metoder för att minska material i arbete samt förkorta ledtiderna på enheten. För att uppnå en resurssnålare produktion undersöks möjligheterna för Lean Production och andra arbetssätt som anses ge förbättringar av flödet. Som grund till arbetet ligger intervjuer av personal på enheten i Gimo, litteraturstudier samt ett besök på ett företag inom Sandvik koncernen som lyckats med att minska material i arbete samt förkortat sina ledtider.

Strategier vid generationsskifte : ekonomiska implikationer för olika intressenter

A large number of farms within the agricultural sector will shortly be facing a point of time where the farm will be transferred to the next generation. The grantor can choose between totally 8 different strategies to transfer the farm, of which purchase, gift and a mixed form of these are the most common. During 2007 almost 10 000 transfers of agricultural estates occurred in Sweden and the expectation for the coming years is that about 15 000 estates will be transferred each year. By the time a transfer is about to materialize there are usually several stakeholders that in one way or another is trying to influence the outcome of the transfer. The choice of transfer method affects the conditions and possibilities for compensating the siblings.

Miljöredovisning, i användarens intresse? : en studie av tre skogsbolag

Since the Bruntlandreport was published 1987, companies have shown their environmental commitment through an environmental account. Companies started these accounts because their rivals started having them and today most large companies have a environmental account or sustainable development report. The information given by the companies have been seen as slanted, and others see it only as a part of the image production for the companies. There have been several investigations of the stakeholders of environmental reports and it is not clear who is the primary stakeholder, in other words who actually reads them. All different stakeholders have different views of what an environmental account should encompass.

Geografiska informationssystem för studier av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) : undersökning av djupvariation i BO01-området, Västra hamnen, Malmö, samt utveckling av en matematisk formel för beräkning av PAH-koncentrationer från ett kontinuerligt utsläpp

At the end of August 1999, the local government council of Malmö city decided thatthe area known as Kvarteret Bilen would be made available for the European HousingExhibition 2001 (Bo01-mässan). Kvarteret Bilen extends over approximately 80hectars and includes the western parts of the Western Harbour area (Västra hamnen)of Malmö.Kvarteret Bilen as a whole, but especially the western sections of this area, the socalledBo01 section, has been the subject of heated discussions. This is mainly due tothe fact that the ground in question has proven to be contaminated to a certain extentby different chemical compounds. Investigations undertaken during 1998 showed sporadically high concentrations forespecially one chemical group: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).The first part of the paper describes the use of a mathematical equation (Fetter 1994)to calculate the concentration of PAH from a continuous discharge at a given time byemploying Geographical Information System (GIS). Even the constraints of theequation are discussed, as well as the consequences that follow as a result of usingGIS.The second part of the paper focuses on the connections between the content ofcarcinogenic PAH in Kvarteret Bilen and the ground water level and type of fillingmaterial.

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