

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 38 av 181

Från tropisk hetta till arktisk kyla : En kvalitativ studie av Parken Zoos kriskommunikation på Facebook

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur Parken Zoo använde sig av Facebook för att kommunicera med sina intressenter under en kris som drabbade organisationen hösten 2012. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys studerade vi de Facebookinlägg som Parken Zoo hade publicerat under krisen. Därefter genomförde vi en kvalitativ intervju med marknadschefen på Parken Zoo, som var ansvarig för kommunikationen på Facebook under krisen.Med hjälp av ett analysverktyg baserat på situational crisis communication theory och image restoration theory kunde vi avgöra vilka försvarsstrategier Parken Zoo hade använt i Facebookinläggen.Resultatet visade att Parken Zoo omedvetet hade använt många olika försvarsstrategier, men att tre tydliga budskap förmedlades i Facebookinläggen. Resultatet visade också att Parken Zoos syfte var att använda Facebook som ett dialogverktyg, men att de i själva verket använde Facebook för att sprida enkelriktad kommunikation.En slutsats vi kunde dra från studen var att det är viktigt för organisationer att vårda sina kundrelationer genom att bemöta intressenternas frågor och kommentarer på sin Facebooksida under en kris. En annan slutsats var att det är viktigt för organisationer att ha en god krisberedskap och att inkludera Facebook i den..

Utveckling av projektlaborationför signalbehandling : med digital signalprocessor programmeradmed LabVIEW och Matlab

This report describes how to process audio signals in real time with a digital signalprocessor. The digital signal processor used in the thesis and described in the reportare the Blackfin processor ADSP-BF537 from Analog Devices.In the body of this report there is theory of the processor characteristics and thevarious programming languages used. All experiments that were made on theprocessor are described, these descriptions also help in understanding the annexeswhere the experiments will be presented. The body of this report also describes theprogram used to do experiments. Testing the CPU limit was done and the results arepresented to get a good view of what it can handle.

"Där sover Daimon med öppen mun" : Mörkret i Majken Johanssons lyriska produktion

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Etik, öppenhet och relationer : Svenska PR-konsulters syn på sitt arbete

This essay concerns PR-consultants and their view on their work. The purpose was to find out which type of communication they use in contact with the target. By target, we mean the group of people the employer wants to reach with help of the PR-consultant. For example: Jägarförbundet wants to get help from a PR-consultant to influence someone in the government so that Swedish hunters can shoot more wolves, than the target group is the one in the government. We also wanted to find out if the PR-consultants are aware of the image the public have of them and if they are trying to change it into a more positive one, by using more ethics, openness and to have more focus on the relations aspect.  PR in the future with new social media (like Internet) was also a subject, where we wanted to know how much they involve social media in their work.  Our main questions were:How do PR-consultants relate to openness in communication, ethics and social media?Which one of Grunig?s PR-models is most occuring in the PR-consultants work? We made a qualitative study where we carried out interviews with six PR-consultants.

Bilden av spelaren : En diskursanalys om att göra "problem"

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the image of the gambler is described by studying a report published by Folkhälsoinstituet [FHI] and a number of chosen articles from the Swedish Evening Press. Discourse theory has been used both as theory, together with social constructionism, and as a research method. The main conclusions of the study are that three different discourses can be identified: the normal gambler, the professional gambler and the problem gambler. The image of the problem gambler is described as a deviant and problematic minority characterized by loss of control, irrational thoughts and dissociative behaviour. The construction of the problem gambler fills three possible purposes for the state: As a solvable problem to handle criticism against negative consequences of gambling, as an argument to avoid competition on the market and as an individual characterized by loss of control in order to legitimize and make the construction of the normal gambler possible..

Umeå i fackpressen : En jämförelse mellan bilden av Umeå i två facktidskrifter och kommunens varumärkesplattform

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

The importance of Yeheb (Cordeauxia edulis) for Somali livestock production and its effects on body tissues when fed to Swedish domestic goats

This master thesis was conducted in order to investigate the effects of the browsing species Yeheb on animal tissues in Swedish landrace goats and to make a literature review in order to increase the knowledge of the importance of this plant for livestock production in Somalia. The evergreen Yeheb bush is a very important feeding source for grazing and browsing animals in Somalia during the dry period. Yeheb contains cordeauxiaquinone that stains the bones of the animals red/pink, which has been an increasing problem when exporting meat to foreign countries. In an experiment, two goats were fed dry and fresh leaves from the Yeheb bush for one and two months, respectively. The goats did not feed the intended amount of dry leaves, since the supply and palatability was not as high as estimated.

En riktig man är modig : En preventionskampanj om den idealiserade mansbilden

Men commit more suicide than women all over the world. They commit more violent crimes and are more inclined to alcohol abuse. There are studies that relate this behaviour to the hegemonic image of masculinity.My work focuses on Switzerland. The suicide rate in Switzerland is worrying, for men between 15 and 44 years suicide is the most common cause of death. There is no national suicide prevention and no information or prevention that highlights the connection bet- ween the hegemonic image of masculinity and the suicide rates.

Varumärkesidentitet vs. Varumärkesimage : En studie av Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS och Classic

AbstractTitle: Brand identity vs. Brand image ? a study of Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS and Classic.Number of pages: 38Author: Jessika Löwling HelmerskogTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and communication sciencePeriod: Spring semester 2010University: Informatics and media, media and communication science, Uppsala University.Aim: The aim is to study the brand identity as well as the brand image for each of the brands:Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS and Classic. Furthermore the aim is to determine whether the brandsidentity comport with the brands image. Ultimately the study will establish whether or not thebrands can be considered as strong brands.Method/Material: This thesis will first and foremost explain a number of theories related tothe subject which will give a deeper understanding in the subject as well as providing thereader with necessary knowledge to fully understand the study.To create a broad and correct picture of each brand interviews have been made with both thepeople behind the brand as well as with the consumers.The interviews with the brand makers have been made by a questionnaire with questionsabout the brand and its identity.The interviews with the consumers have been made through focus group interviews; twogroups with four people in each group.

Hur påverkas elevens utveckling genom dans?

The purpose of my work is to find out if and in which way dance in school teaching can contribute to a positive development of the pupil and also if the dance can give the pupil a better self-confidence. It?s important and useful to know, how dance will influence the pupil from a physical, psychological and social point of view.The study of litterature describes opinions and theories based on the issue and emanate from the three classifications applicable to the pupil development through dance: physically, psychologically and socially. With help of theories from different experts investigates, if a continuous dance teaching in the subject Athletics and Health can contribute to a positive development of the pupil these different aspects.As the empiric study I chose to interview pupils both from the ordinary comprehensive school classes and the aesthetical gymnasium line, in order to find out what they really think about dance and what they wish should be included of dance in the subject Athletics and Health.The interest of dance can be strongly connected to different music stiles, in this connection one can for sure get more pupils and especially boys to dare to try dance and through this improve their self-confidence.In my discussion and conclusion I bring up how important it is, that the pupil in dance get to learn how to work with it´s body as means of expression and the importance that the school gives priority to other than intellectual qualities and gives the pupil a chance to be able to develop and learn how to use it?s body language by dance.I also touch thoughts of future research..

Tilltal i bild och text : En studie av gymnasieskolors hemsidor ur ett kommunikationsperspektiv

Due to political decisions regarding the Swedish school, public and independent schools booth face the need topromote themselves in the quest for new pupils. This study aims to, from a communications perspective, examine how four selected upper secondary schools address their target audience; the pupils?to?be, on their homepages. Additionally, I intend to investigate whether, and if so, how, said addressing can be connected to the different target groups applying to the schools in question.The questions asked in this study regard the way in which the selected schools describe themselves on their homepage; how do they use the textual and visual content to address their audience, and can there be disagreement between the meaning of the text and that of the image? To answer these questions, I use a theoretical base made out of visual communication and semiotic as well as rhetorical analyses.The methodological procedure is a qualitative approach on the matter, allowing me to understand the ?what? of the content on the homepages, as well as the ?how? it?s being communicated.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sin kroppsbild och sexualitet efter mastektomi : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den främst förekommande cancerformen som drabbar kvinnor i Sverige. Den primära behandlingsmetoden vid sjukdomen utgörs av kirurgi, varav i vissa fall hela bröstkörteln måste opereras bort via så kallad mastektomi. Tidigare forskning har åskådliggjort att förlusten av ett bröst kan påverka kvinnors kroppsbild och sexualitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur kvinnor med bröstcancer upplever kroppsbild och sexualitet efter att ha genomgått mastektomi. Metod: Studien är en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på 10 kvalitativa artiklar och en kvantitativ.

Att hitta balansen mellan ideellt och kommersiellt : En studie av fyra ideella oranisationers syn på varumärkesbyggande

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka synen på varumärkesbyggande hos fyra ideella organisationer; Plan Sverige, RFSU, Svensk Friidrott och Barncancerfonden. För att utreda detta så har kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter med stor insyn i kommunikationsarbetet på de ideella organisationerna genomförts. Med en grund i generella varumärkesteorier har författarna analyserat om dessa teorier är relevanta och i sådana fall applicerbara på ideella organisationer. I studien undersöks även om ideella organisationers syfte påverkar deras varumärkesarbete.Genom den undersökning som gjorts  kan man urskilja att valda ideella organisationers varumärkesarbete skiljer sig markant från teorier för kommersiella företag. Detta gör det svårt att applicera generella teorier på ideella organisationer eftersom de ideella organisationerna styrs av yttre faktorer som i stor utsträckning inte går att påverka. De intervjuade organisationernas syfte påverkar i stor grad deras positionering, vilket styr varumärkesarbetet.

Ung och arbetslös : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av arbetslöshet

The aim of this qualitative study is to gain a deeper understanding of how young people whoare unemployed or have experienced unemployment, experience the situation and how theyapprehend themselves in relation to unemployment. I performed semi-structured interviewswith five young women and men. Three theoretical perspectives have been used for myanalysis, Marie Jahoda?s deprivation theory, Mikael Nordenmark´s PEN-model and HansBerglund?s action theory.The results show that the majority of the respondents perceive the situation as unemployed asdifficult and stressful. Four out of five have more or less felt depressed or sad.

y måste bero av x ? gymnasieelevers förståelse av det matematiska begreppet funktion

Objective: The aim of the study is to describe pupils' understanding of the mathematical concept of function. How do pupils define the concept of function? What images of the concept of function evoke when they solve tasks, which involve identifying and constructing functions?Theory: A student's thinking about a mathematical concept depends on more than just the formal definition of the concept; therefore Tall and Vinner introduce the term concept image to describe the role cognitive structures play when students learn about concepts. The cognitive structure includes all mental images, associated properties and processes that an individual associates with a given concept. According to Sfard, an individual's understanding of mathematical concepts may have different character: an operational conception, where a concept is conceived as a process and a structural conception, where the given concept is conceived as an object, that is, as a whole.Method: 16 pupils at the Science Program at two different upper secondary schools inSweden answered a questionnaire on the mathematical concept of function.

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