

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 37 av 181

Kronisk mitralisinsufficiens hos hund : samband mellan graden av klaffinsufficiens och det arteriella blodtrycket

Myxomatous mitral valve disease is a common disease in older dogs of small- to medium-size breeds. The mitral valve, and less commonly the tricuspid valve may be affected which causes them to leak blood from the ventricle to the atrium of the heart during systole. With increasing severity of mitral valve leakage the forward stroke volume ejected into the aorta decreases, which may lead to an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary vein resulting in pulmonary edema. A decrease in cardiac output may lead to a decrease in blood pressure, but the body may respond in order to normalize the blood pressure. Franzén showed in 2007 that the systolic blood pressure was increased in dogs with severe mitral insufficiency.

Att jobba eller icke jobba : En uppsats om information och inspiration på www.ams.se

AbstractTitle: To work or not to work, an essay about information and inspiration on www.ams.se.Number of pages: 39Author: Ann HöglundTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and communication Studies DPeriod: Fall 2005University: Uppsala University, Department of information science, Division of Media and CommunicationPurpose/Aim: To investigate the frequency of ethos, logos and pathos in the work-guides on www.ams.se, and study how they match the needs of the respondents in the essay-interviews.Method/Material: To investigate the needs and wishes for information I have made three group-interviews with university students. In order to analyse the texts and films on www.ams.se I have used tools from the modern rhetoric analysis. In the last part of my analysis I compared the results of the rhetoric analysis and the requests from the interviews to see if and how they match.Main Results: The respondents requested inspiration for their future work lives, and information that could de-dramatize the image of working. The texts on www.ams.seconsist mostly of facts, while the films made a slightly more emotional contribution to the image of the occupation. The films showing relaxed and satisfied people can be seen as a way to de-dramatize the image of working-life.

Bo01 mässans profil i förhållande till dess image

Vårt syfte är att undersöka första och sista instansen av marknadskommunikationen av Bo01-mässan. Vi vill ta reda på vilka faktorer som legat till grund för hur denna mässa har profilerats mot den tilltänkta marknaden. Vi vill belysa vikten av en marknadsanpassad profil. Vi har valt att inkludera tre olika teoriperspektiv för att komma till grunden av den problemformulering vi valt. Det första och viktigaste perspektivet behandlar profilering och imagens betydelse.

Ambassadörskap i upplevelseindustrin: befolkningen som marknadsförare av en destination

Turismen är en stor industri i Sverige och globalt där den destination som är framgångsrik har mycket att tjäna. Förutom de intäkter som går till företagen inom upplevelseindustrin, som hotell eller restauranger så finns det dessutom fördelar som kommer hela samhället till nytta, via skatteintäkter och ökad sysselsättning. För att skapa förutsättningar för en hållbar destination pratar man om organiserad destinationsutveckling, där utveckling och marknadsföring sker gemensamt på destinationen. Organisk destinationsutveckling är då utvecklingen sker naturligt på destinationen, utan avsiktlig påverkan. Man talar också om organiserad och organisk image.

Kvinnors livskvalitet och psykosociala tillstånd efter mastektomi

IntroduktionBröstcancer är den vanligaste cancersjukdom hos kvinnor i den svenska befolkningen. Vid icke spridd cancer är behandlingen alltid operation där en del eller hela bröstet opereras bort. Det kan vara mycket svårt för många kvinnor att acceptera bröstförlust och mastektomi upplevs ofta av kvinnor som ett trauma och ger en försämrad kroppsuppfattning. SyfteSyftet var att beskriva kvinnornas livskvalitet och psykosociala tillstånd efter mastektomi. MetodEn systematisk litteraturstudie baserades på granskning av 14 kvantitativa artiklar och en kvalitativ artikel. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades och diskuterades och sammanställde resultatet med olika tema. ResultatAnalysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier: Livskvalité och psykosociala konsekvenser. De psykosociala konsekvenserna efter genomförd mastektomi bestod av tre subkategorier nämligen: sämre kroppsuppfattning, minskad sexuell lust samt ångest och depression vilket i sin tur ledde till försämrad livskvalitet. Slutsats    Försämrad livskvalitet, dålig kroppsuppfattning och psykisk ohälsa såsom depression, ångest samt försämrat sexualliv påvisades hos majoriteten av kvinnor som genomgick mastektomi.

Destinationsutveckling under politisk kris : En fallstudie om Tunisien 2011

The authors have during the spring semester 2011 studied the subject destination development during a political crisis, focusing on Tunisia. At the beginning of 2011 the country was in an uncertain political situation when the revolution of the Tunisian people occurred. This created massive demonstrations on the streets, and resulted in the current government's resignation. More effects of the revolution has been seen in a drastic decline of inbound tourists in the country, which in turn affected the country's population and economy. From this point on Tunisia as a destination needs to recover to once again become attractive to tourists.

Att leva med prostitutionserfarenhet : kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra kvinnor

The aim of the study was to reach a deeper understanding and knowledge about how women with an experience of prostitution perceive what this has meant for them and how it has influenced their lives. The questions of the study were: (1) How has the prostitution experience affected the women in their lives? (2) How have they learnt to deal with this experience? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used where interviews were conducted with four women with experience of prostitution. All women experienced that the prostitution had affected their lives. Examples given that inter alia relationships, sexuality, and self-image had been affected.

Capgemini, ett globalt företag på en lokal marknad : En fallstudie av Capgemini

SyfteVårt syfte är att få ökad förståelse för den problematik som kan finnas för ett globalt konsultföretag att nå fram med sin identitet till en lokal marknad. Våra frågeställningar är:1. Vilken identitet har Capgemini?2. Vilken image av Capgemini har potentiella kunder på en lokal marknad?3.

Webbaserad marknadsföring för ett DJ-kollektiv : Ett examensarbete i hur man internationellt marknadsförett DJ-kollektiv med hjälp av sociala och digitala medier

Man brukar säga att en bild säger mer än tusen ord. Att marknadsföra ett företag genom att använda bilder och video är en strategi som används i allt större utsträckning då det ses som ett starkt marknadsföringsverktyg. I moderna samhällen kan företag inte bara nöja sig med att erbjuda sina tjänster, de måste också sälja dem genom att skapa ett tydligt varumärke. Ett varumärke skapas av en image och denna image ska som mål kunna representera varumärket alldeles självt.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få en bredare förståelse av marknadsföring via sociala och digitala medier. Examensarbetet har utförts på uppdrag av DJkollektivet ?Håll Käften och dansa? där målet har varit att skapa en internationell webbsida för att marknadsföra dem.

Sponsring av idrott: en empirisk studie om interaktionen
mellan företag och elitidrott ur ett företagsperspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of Swedish companies? use of corporate sponsorships as a tool for communication. The research describes motives and goals of corporate sponsorships, the selecting process and methods used in evaluating its effects. The empirical data has been colleted through interviews with two companies sponsoring athletics at a top level in Sweden. The study shows that the principal objectives and motives companies have with sponsorships are related to brand exposure, image improvement and relationships.

Visuell Perception : En studie av visuella faktorer kring ett musikaliskt framträdande

The essay investigates the visual element as seen by the audience and artist to be of greatest importance to a musicalperformance. The study was conducted in the form of a field work which included doing interviews with artists, surveys of the audience and interpretive observations of live performance. The fieldwork was conducted in three different environments in which I found myself on the spot and performed the various stages included in the field work. It was done to create a surface that could be used in an essay, and through that use this material to compare and analyze my results and in the end be able to answer my questions. I started from eight different factors which all could beexperienced visually on stage.

Tillfrisknande och användning av hästar med fång :

Laminitis has crippled horses through times and many cures have been used to treat it. Since the mechanism of the disease is yet not fully understood, treatments are only ways to alleviate the pain and at best, slow down the pathological process enough to make time for improvement. This paper is a retrospective study of 71 horses treated by a protocol at Hästsjukhuset Strömsholm. The protocol implies three visits at zero, five and fifteen weeks. At each the horse is evaluated and treated by a veterinarian.

Socialsekreteraren har ordet! En studie av hur ungdomar beskrivs i socialtjänstens yttranden avseende unga lagöverträdare.

The purpose of this essay was to examine how youths are described in certain written statements that are produced by the social services. The statements that this study has focused on, are those written with the purpose of serving the court with suggestions of treatment-measures when a person between 15 and 18 is suspected of having committed a crime. The main issues were: How is the content in these statements described and what do these descriptions tell the reader? Do the images of youths in the statements differ, depending on the degree of intervention for the suggested treatment-measure? The essay is based on a qualitative content-analysis of 50 statements and the material has been analysed from a social-constructive theoretical perspective.The study shows that the youths in the statements are described through descriptions that reinforces a positive or a negative image of the youth, and that these descriptions are described as either utterances or facts. Depending on the degree of intervention for the suggested treatment-measures, the information in the statements differ in that descriptions that are likely to reinforce a positive image of the youth are more frequent in the statements where no or less intervening treatment-measures is suggested.

Tvåstegsavvänjning av köttraskalvar med hjälp av nosbricka :

When beef calves are weaned abruptly at 5 to 6 months of age this triggers a strong stress reaction, since the animals have not yet untied the bonds to their mothers or stopped suckling. This is displayed as extensive vocalization and restlessness. Attempts to diminish the negative effects of weaning on sucking calves have been showing varying results. The study presented here emanates from the observation that when calves are weaned without human interference they are only prevented from suckling, but are still allowed to have social contacts with their mothers. The hypothesis was that calves weaned in two steps would be calmer, gain more weight, and be healthier than animals that were abruptly weaned. To investigate this, 15 calves where weaned in two stages (Group 2), by fitting the calves with nose tags that prevented them from suckling during 5 days prior to the separation of the cows and calves.

Val av fastighetsmäklare : En jämförelse småstad/storstad

The number of new estate agent offices is increasing yearly and each year many hundred new estate agents graduate. The comparing of estate agents by sellers has perhaps been most common in larger cities, but as competition has increased even in smaller towns we experience that it has become a common phenomenon even there. We both come from a small town but are not afraid of the idea of moving to a larger city as newly qualified estate agents. We ask ourselves, which are the determining factors in the choice of a estate agent in a large city as opposed to a small town? Can we see any differences? The purpose with this essay is to give us added knowledge about which factors private persons consider to be important in their choice of an estate agent when selling a house.The body of information is based on two parallel surveys, one in Hudiksvall and one in Stockholm, together with interviews of people in this line of business.

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