

21521 Uppsatser om Bibliotekariers arbete - Sida 3 av 1435

?Men de används ju inte.? - en undersökning om distributionsstödda böcker från bibliotekariers synpunkt.

The purpose of this study is to investigate librarian?s opinions concerning literature with state supported distribution and how to mediate and market these in the library. The types of mediation and marketing that have been studied are positioning, labeling and oral mediation.The study is qualitative with interviews at seven main public libraries in central Sweden. The respondents of the study were responsible for the literature with state supported distribution within the library.The study is based on a theoretical frame of reference containing theories from Jofrid Karner Smidt, regarding librarian?s mediation in libraries, and François Colbert?s theory on marketing planning for arts and culture.The results of our study showed that librarians have both positive and negative opinions when it comes to the literature with state supported distribution.

För att vara den bibliotekarie som krävs : En undersökning av bibliotekariers läsvanor

The aim of this thesis is to study the reading habits of Swedish librarians visualized by librarians from Götabiblioteken ? a collaboration of 14 public libraries in mid-Sweden ? focusing on the reading done on their spare time, even if work-related. We started with a survey sent out to 74 librarians in October 2013, answered by 56, and followed up by interviewing 7 of them in November.We tried to answer these questions:To what extent does the working librarians read on their spare time compared to before they started working?What literature do they read, now compared to before they started working?To what extent does their perception of what they should have read affect their private reading?In what way does a librarian in the beginning of their career differ in reading habits from the reading habits of a librarian with many years in the profession?The result of our study shows that most of the librarians read as much or more than before they started to work. They are more selective in their choice of literature and are affected by their work in it in different ways.

Kunskap i ny kontext : en undersökning om bibliotekariers väg från studier till yrkesliv

This bachelor thesis explores how librarian graduates perceive the transfer from university to employment. The authors will examine how librarian graduates experience the relation between knowledge learned from university studies and the qualifications required from the employer. The basis of the thesis is the concept of transition process. In this thesis it is defined as the relation between the knowledge gained from education and the qualifications required by the employer as well as the problem to transfer knowledge between different contexts.The theoretical framework is build upon the concept of competence and its connection to re-contextualized knowledge. The empirical material of the thesis constitutes of five phone interviews with newly employed librarians.

Vad gör de egentligen? En undersökning av bibliotekariers arbetsuppgifter

We have ourselves met misunderstandings about the tasks of librarians. The general opinion is that librarians are positioned behind the charging desk or are putting books on shelves. Other tasks are invisible and unknown to the public. The aim for this study is to explore the tasks that a selection of Swedish librarians does. The questions we have answered are: what do the librarians themselves claim to work with, which competences are necessary for this job, what does our study show regarding the librarian as generalist or specialist and finally; can the tasks that we find in our study help to understand the conceptions profession and status in relation to librarians.

Några biblioteksanvändares syn på bibliotekariers kunskap: En kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar vid ett folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how public library users consider the knowledge of the librarians and to examine what the users expect from the librarians. To begin with, we contemplate our own view of the librarians, their knowledge and what help we expect at the library. Realising that we do not expect particularly much from librarians, although we have studied to become librarians for two years, we assume that the regular library user does not expect much either. This assumption resulted in our decision to investigate this particular question.

Nätverket, noden och bibliotekarien. En fenomenografisk studie av bibliotekariers uppfattningar om elektroniskt material

Traditionellt har tempusböjning och person-/numeruskongruens på verb varit de starkaste kriterierna för finithet. Det har dock visat sig vara svårapplicerade kriterier för många språk och finithet på satsnivå ? huruvida en sats är självständig eller ej ? har blivit en viktig fråga för definitionen.Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera finithetsfenomenet utifrån språket trumaí.Det tycks finnas flera fenomen som är tecken på en finithetsdistinktion i trumaí, framför allt -n/-e-klitikan som markerar 3Abs på verbet vid absolutivargumentets frånvaro, samt FT-partiklarna som har en tempusfunktion. För imperativ verkar det vara så att imperativpartiklarna har en intern distribution baserad på person och animathet hos absolutivargumentet, vilket kan tolkas som att det finns en argumentkongruens frikopplad från den semantiska inkorporeringen av andraperson som subjekt. Gällande finithet på satsnivå finns det i trumaí både finita och infinita satser som kan fungera som bisatser.

Sekvenskonst eller skräp? Bibliotekariers inställning till tecknade serier för vuxna på Malmös och Lunds stadsbibliotek.

The purpose of the following thesis has been to study librarians' attitudes towards comics for grown up people. I have compared the attitudes among the staff in two public libraries in Sweden, Malmö public library and Lund public library. I have conducted five interviews with librarians and observed how the comics are handled in each library. I have also carried out a literary study of the history and theories of comics. Initially a definition of comics is presented, and then an overview of the development of comics and of some theories regarding them is offered.

Strömmande läsning och annan läsning. Bibliotekariers syn på läshjälpmedel för funktionshindrade

This qualitative study is based upon interviews with librarians. It investigates the librarians? opinions on material adapted for disabled people and examines strategies used to market user friendly services for the disabled. The study explores librarians? views about streaming directly on the internet.

Folkbibliotek och TV-spelande ungdomar en studie i bibliotekariers attityder och värderingar när det gäller ett nytt medium på biblioteket

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine librarians attitudes and values when it comes to the question if a new media, video games, should be introduced at the library or not. Video games are here seen as media primarily for youths. In our study we also wanted to study the discussions of quality and purchase, when computer games were introduced at the library. In order to answer our questions we conducted nine interviews with librarians working with children and youths, in eight libraries. By analysing their statements, using Maj Klassons theory where she defines the librarians role in three different strategies, we could demonstrate how the librarians reason when it comes to video and computer games, youths, quality and purchase.

Surfplattan som ny teknik vid två bibliotek : Barn- och ungdomsbibliotekariers attityder och lärdomar

Biblioteken som plats för teknik är något som diskuteras och förändras. Den teknik som här undersöks är surfplattor ochde bibliotek som undersökts närmre är biblioteket Miini (målgrupp 0-5 år) och biblioteket Dynamo (målgrupp 15-25 år)i Göteborg. Frågeställningen lyder: Hur påverkar bibliotekariers attityder till ny teknik deras kunskaper ochtillgängliggörande av teknik på bibliotek? Hur går surfplatteverksamheten och bibliotekariernas kunskaper kringsurfplattor att utvecklas?Studiens resultat visar att attityden till surfplattan inte nödvändigtvis påverkar bibliotekens tillgängliggörande avteknik. Däremot finns det ett behov hos bibliotekarier att ha en gemensam strategi vad gäller syftet med surfplattan ochvad den ska användas till.

Släktforskare ett nödvändigt ont? En undersökning av bibliotekariers och släktforskares attityder gentemot släktforskning på bibliotek.

The aim of this thesis is to examine how librarians and family historians experience their interaction at the reference encounter, what influences these views and how they affect the service; whether the family historians are aware of these views; which subject knowledge is needed and how this knowledge affects work performance; if there is a need for continuing education, and finally, if the family historians themselves can work as a resource for the library or the librarians? The thesis consists of three parts; in the first a theoretical frame was constructed around the concepts service, continuing education, subject knowledge and attitudes. Role theory was used as a theoretical background to show how expectations influence professional roles. The second part consists of the results given from the qualitative interviews with librarians and surveys with family historians that were performed. In the last part a discussion from the theoretical and empirical information earlier received was made.

Jag försöker vara i alla hyllor: Fokusgruppsintervjuer på en webbchatt om bibliotekariers roller

In this thesis, we are concerned with the many different professional roles that a public librarian, working at a small library, has. More specifically, the purpose is to find out which different roles that librarians believe they have, and which view they have upon those. Furthermore, we are exploring the tendencies that librarians discuss in relation to these professional roles. To pursue this goal, we have used the methodology of focus group interviews, with the unconventional twist that our interviews were done using web chats. This may have the advantage that the informants may present more honest views than when using ordinary interviews due to the anonymous character of chatting.

Bibliotekariers och universitetslärares syn på informationskompetens

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate on what perspective or perspectives university teachers and librarians at a medium-sized university in Sweden base their view on information literacy. More specifically, how do the respondents view their own information literacy and what opinions they have of their students? information literacy as professionals. Three perspectives are used to interpret the results, the sociocultural perspective, the phenomenographical perspective and the behavioristic perspective.The method used is semi structured interviews with three university teachers and three librarians.Both librarians and teachers emphasize the importance of information literacy, for themselves as well as for students. The information literacy of the librarians involves being well acquainted with the subjects of the students.

Stöd läsutvecklingen! En studie av barns reflexioner kring sin läsning och bibliotekariers uppfattningar av barns läsning och läsutveckling

This thesis is structured as a combined empirical and literary study. The aim is to investigate how children at the age of 11-12 years reflect on their readings of fiction and how these reflections relate to the librarians' perspective of a child's reading ability and reading development. Qualitative interviews with children and librarians constitute the empirical part. Research and theories are compared to the empirical part then placed into a more extensive context. How do children at the age of 11-12 years old reflect upon their reading of fiction and how do librarians relate themselves to this age? An analysis using interviews, research and theories is used to answer these questions.

Litteraturförmedling på folkbibliotek: Bibliotekariers tankar om kompetens och betydelsefulla egenskaper

This thesis deals with questions about competences and qualities that librarians inpublic libraries find that they need to be qualified suppliers of literature (books andmagazines).Our aim is to problematize the competence of the profession in relation to promotingliterature, knowledge in literature and reading habits. We want to know what librariansthemselves think about their own competences when it comes to supplying andpromoting literature. Does it have to be a leisure interest or do they get the possibility toread during working hours?What do librarians think it means to be a qualified promotor of literature and how dothey acquire the right competence? Do they believe that their competence correspondswith the occupational requirements? How much of their knowledge about literature andpromoting literature comes from personal interest and commitment?We primarily used the theories about competence by Per-Erik Ellström. One of thetheories is the one of implicit and explicit knowledge.

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