

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 59 av 100

En exakt konst: : (Re)produktion och gestaltning av makt och normalitet genom mat och måltider i Virginia Woolfs Mot fyren

The aim of this essay is to analyze how food and meals produce and reproduce values and power relations and how these processes are portrayed in Virginia Woolf?s To the Lighthouse. Using sociological writings in the field of food consumption and production I study the structures that affect our relation to food and eating. This perspective is combined with a phenomenological view, aiming to examine how food is perceived, which is also inspired by queer theories. Using the method of close reading, the theories are applied to Woolf?s work.

Vilka faktorer inverkar vid valet av transportföretag? : En fallstudie om företagskunders resonemang och prioriteringar vid köp av transporttjänster och val av transportföretag.

During the last couple of years the focus for many businesses have moved from just being price oriented to include such factors as quality, flexibility, service, delivery precision and environmentally friendliness. The shift in viewpoint arises from the increasingly competition on the market and the hard economic atmosphere. It has become more important to differentiate the company and its products to be able to increase market share. The purpose with this master?s thesis was to get a better understanding on how companies (customer to DHL) are reasoning and prioritizing when choosing Swedish carriers.

Foppatofflor och Steppskor

Syftet med detta arbete är att studera hur skönlitteraturen används på förskolorna som vi har valt att besöka och varför högläsningen bortprioriterats. För att uppnå våra syften har material samlats in på fyra stycken avdelningar på tre olika förskolor. Kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra förskollärare har gjorts samt observationer i barngrupperna. Syftet var att studera hur högläsningen används i de förskolor som besöktes, samt i vilket syfte pedagogerna anser att högläsningen används. Se hur högläsningen prioriteras av pedagoger samt hur de jobbar för att nå mål som finns i läroplanen och de lokala målen som finns på förskolan. Resultatet av intervjuerna och observationerna visar att pedagogerna gärna vill använda skönlitteratur i verksamheten men att vardagen sätter olika hinder i vägen för högläsningen. Vår slutsats blir att pedagogernas retorik och praktik inte stämmer överens..

Vilken roll spelar det nya stadsbiblioteket? En användarundersökning på Stadsbiblioteket i Halmstad

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Killar, ni ligger steget efter! : Empatisk avläsningsförmåga hos gymnasieelever.

W. Ickes, L. Stinson, V, Bisonette och S. Garcia (1990) standard stimulus paradigm är en metod för att mäta avläsning av en individs tankar och känslor. För att undersöka tjejer och killars empatiska avläsningsförmåga testades gymnasieelever med Ickes metod.

En hund och en katt som är bästa kompisar... Men det kan en hummer och en räka också vara! En studie av lågstadiebarns möjlighet till identifikation i två utvalda barnböcker

The aim of this essay has been to find out if children can identify themselves in childrens literature describing children who have immigrated. We wanted to investigate if the interest in reading books about children who have immigrated was the same whether the investigated childrens origin was Swedish or not. We chose two books for this purpose. We also wanted to see what the access to books about children who have immigrated was at three libraries. The locations for the libraries were; in the investigated children´s school, at the main library in the municipality and at a smaller library also located in the municipality.

"Den är som morgonkaffet, man måste ha det" : En fallstudie om varfo?r Barometerns la?sare konsumerar en lokal dagstidning

The purpose of this essay is to understand and analyze why people read a local newspaper and which needs it can fulfill. The newspaper indistry is changing and so is the way we consume news. Today the readers are seen as an active group of people who choose the media, which fulfills their needs in the best possible way. This essay is based on a case study of the local newspaper Barometern. We used a qualitative research method and have done eight interviews.

Ordfrekvens och repetition i läromedlet Lieber Deutsch : En analys av den språkdidaktiska förankringen i ett svenskt läromedel i tyska

The aim of this study is to examine the word acquisition, focusing on the nouns and word exercises, in two Swedish textbooks for German in the upper secondary school. The chosen method for investigating the nouns was corpus analysis. The noun frequency and distribution in the textbooks were analysed and discussed in relation to research in second language acquisition. The Involvement Load Hypothesis by Batia Laufer and Jan Hulstijn was used to examine the exercises in the textbooks. The study showed that most nouns only occurred once in the textbooks, but the most frequent nouns were well spread in the textbooks.

FPGA-design av en STDM-baserad multiplexer för seriell multiprotokollskommunikation

The remotely operated underwater vehicles that the client develops have needs of different kinds of data channels. In order to minimize the need of physical cable between the control unit and a ROV, a multiplex protocol has been developed. The protocol has been designed with the aim of using the bandwidth of the transferring link as efficient as possible.The different kinds of data channels used during this thesis project is; RS232, RS485 and CAN. ROM and FIFO-memories have been used to be able to effectively manage the different data channels. All the reading and sending of these channels have been implemented in FPGA-technology, the coding is made generic so that it will be easier to add more channels to the system in the future.The multiplex protocol is a modified version of the method STDM and it is a proprietary protocol.

En bra bok Några komvuxelevers synpunkter på böcker och läsning

This study is based on 26 essays about A Good Book, written by as many participants inSwedish classes in secondary education for adults. The object is to analyse the students'views on fiction and reading: What books they prefer, but also why and how they read.Objectivity and subjectivity in literary criticism is also discussed.Most favoured author both among men and women is Stephen King. The majority of thebooks mentioned are translated from English. The women also read historical and psychological novels while the men prefer fantasy. The question whether a book is goodor not is in the students' opinion only a matter of taste.

En BokNalle, vad är det? Att uppmuntra barn och föräldrar till språkstimulerande aktiviteter.

This thesis is about a language-stimulating activity, called the Book Teddy, which take placein Markaryd, a small municipality in southern Sweden. The activity is described and someexamples given of the Book Teddy's visits to the homes of parents and their preschool children.Similar activities in Värnamo, Kumla and Borås, which have been inspired by the BookTeddy are also described.Facts about children's psychology, language development and child language illustrate theimportance of stimulating language acquisition in the early years. An important example is"The Bristol Study", a longitudinal study of preschool children.A questionnaire was sent to 93 parents, whose children were bom in 1991. 53 parents or57% answered. The analysis was made out of these 53 questionnaires.

Boktips 2.0 : En kvalitativ studie om elevers delaktighet i skapandet av boktipsvideor på en biblioteksblogg

The aim of this study was to, through a qualitative method, investigate students? participation in a specific library blog to find out what motivate them to create and share digital book recommendations through videos. It also intended to describe the students? own views of their participation.We conducted interviews with eight students in the ages 12 and 13, who all had similar experiences regarding the blog creation but diverse attitudes concerning the blog production and intentions to participate.The results showed that the strongest motivating forces behind the students' participation in the blog creation was that they enjoyed the making of the videos and also because they wanted to inspire others to read more and create resembling blogs..

SuNytt - heta nätnyheter eller ljummet informationsblad? En kvantitativ studie av mellanchefers inställning till det interna elektroniska nyhetsbrevet suNytt på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Aftonbladets/Sportbladets bevakning av det svenska herrlandslaget i fotboll : En jämförelse av EM 1992, EM 2004 och EM 2008

The aim of this master´s thesis is to investigate how Aftonbladet/Sportbladet is describing the Swedish national men team in football during the European Championship years 1992, 2004 and 2008. Reading over 200 articles gave me an excellent overview of the differences and similarities between the three chosen periods. The theoretical framework has three key terms which circulates around the paper. The terms are discourse, stereotype and national identity. Several results are presented and discussed; some are included in this abstract.

Marknadsföring av en god sak : Marknadsföringens karaktär inom insamlingsbranschen

This study will focus on the fund raising market and what characteristics that can be found in marketing in this market. The donations to fund raising organizations has increased lately and therefore we found it interesting to study how their marketing has developed over time and what risks that can be found. When talking about marketing in fund raising organizations it?s difficult to not include the donors. Therefore have we also studied what value creates for the donors and how the organizations work to gain their trust.

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