

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 60 av 100

MASC - ett naturalistiskt instrument för att mäta social kognition : En utprövning på personer med högfungerande autismspektrumtillstånd

Brister i social kognition antas ligga bakom de sociala svårigheter som kännetecknar autismspektrumtillstånd. Klassiska tester av social kognition har ofta misslyckats med att fånga de små brister som kan ses hos exempelvis personer med högfungerande autismspektrumtillstånd. Syftet med denna studie var att validera den svenska versionen av MASC, ett videobaserat, naturalistiskt instrument utvecklat för att mäta subtila brister i social kognition. En grupp vuxna med högfungerande autismspektrumtillstånd (n = 18) och vuxna kontroller (n = 19) testades med MASC, Reading the Mind in the Eyes och Strange Stories. MASC var det enda test som identifierade en skillnad i social kognition mellan grupperna och en ROC-analys visade att MASC hade en bättre diagnostisk validitet än de andra två testerna.

Fästningarnas fest. Organiska nätverk, genomslagskraftig externkommunikation och målgruppsanpassade budskap. En kvantitativ kartläggning av Fastningarnas Fests intressenter och deras erfarenhet, åsikter och förväntningar kring Jubileet

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Innehållsmarknadsföring på sociala medier : En studie om Generation Y:s mottaglighet i sociala mediekanaler

By reading earlier research on Generation Y, content marketing and on social media during the working process the problem has gradually changed, in accordance with an abductive research approach. The study focus has developed from examine marketing methods on marketing towards Generation Y to include on what social media platform Generation Y is most susceptible for content marketing.The purpose of this study is to help companies whose target market is Generation Y to aim their content marketing through the right distribution channels, to save time and money. To meet this objective and to answer the main question of this study, empirical data was collected through a web based, quantitative survey which was completed by a total of 301 respondents, all of them belonging to Generation Y. The collected quantitative data was contrasted with existing theory and was analysed.The study concluded that Facebook is the social media channel where Generation Y feel most susceptible for content marketing, followed by YouTube. .

På väg mot flerstämmighet : Svenskämnet och medialiseringen

Abstract The use of electronic media plays an important part in the life of youth and especially Internet and mobile phones are important in the social and cultural networks of youth. The first step of this thesis is to examine the ICT-based activities of upper secondary school students through an online survey. The second step is to examine what didactic implications can be derived from the ICT-based activities in the subject of Swedish. Results from this survey and national and international research show that young people spend the majority of their leisure time on the Internet. The result also shows that media activities displace other school related activities such as traditional reading and writing.

Ingenjörpluton : Kung på en sak eller klåpare på tusen?

This essay is about the engineer platoon. The engineer platoon has many different tasks and from my own experience sometimes too many. The platoon is able to build bridges, clear mines and to perform all kinds of construction work in rural or in urban terrain.In this case study I compare goals/demands for the battalion to goal?s set up for the company and finally what effects this has on the engineer platoons abilities. The main question is, if the engineer platoon really can solve all tasks given to them in the document TOEM? Abilities such as effect, protection and movement are the bearing parts of the case study.The materials I have analyzed are mostly from documents published by The Swedish Armed Forces.

Konsten att spela a prima vista : En observationsstudie

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, få en överblick, samt större förståelse för min egen lärandeprocess i a prima vista-spel. I bakgrundskapitlet beskrivs några metoder och strategier för att utveckla a vista-spel, samt tankesätt kring a vista-spel i dagens musiksamhälle. För att observera min övning i a vista-spel, användes videoinspelningar, loggbok samt självobservation. I övningen användes pedagogiska a vista-träningsböcker samt visböcker, med blandad repertoar. Resultatet visade att användning av redskap såsom; metronom, träningsböcker, kropp, samt noter ledde övningen framåt.

LUS i teori och praktik : LUS in theory and practice

LUS är en förkortning för läsutvecklingsschema, vilket är ett koncept som skolor i hela eller delar av kommuner använder sig av, för att få en överblick på elevernas läsförmåga.Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att analysera huruvida LUS är ett relevant och användbart instrument i dagens högstadieskola, vad gäller arbetet med elevers läsutveckling.Min undersökning innehåller dels en teoretisk del som bygger på LUS egen forskning, dels en praktisk del som grundar sig på tre kvalitativa lärarintervjuer. Resultatet av min undersökning visar att LUS bygger på sociokulturella tankegångar, där ? trots en kompetensteoretisk uppbyggnad ? den individuella läsupplevelsen står i fokus och den optimala läsningen anses vara den som ligger inom läsarens närmaste utvecklingszon. LUS relevans på högstadiet är dock mest befogat som en tydliggörande mall av läskompetenser, för uppsättande av delmål i åtgärdsprogram för de elever som inte når upp till kursplanens mål. För de elever som åldersmässigt följer den utveckling läsutvecklingsschemat målar upp, känns LUS överflödigt på högstadiet..

Skriftbruket hos två elever på yrkesförberedande program: En skriftetnografisk undersökning

This essay elucidates upper secondary students? literacy practices, (literacy events, literacy competencies and literacy culture) during a typical day, with focus on the daily literacy practices. A literacy ethnographic study conducted in the environment which participants naturally are, at home, at school and in leisure. The study is inspired of a project, Skriftbruk i arbetslivet, ´Literacy Practices in Working Life´, that conducted by Anna-Malin Karlsson, Per Ledin and Olle Josephson, in collaboration with Vetenskapsrådet ´Science Council´(2002-2004).The result of this study shows that students from professional preparing programs not use such literacy competencies that been tested in traditionally reading comprehension test, particularly much. However, do they read a lot during the literacy practices day by television, computer and mobile phone.

Professionella sporutövare och avstängningen från arbetslöshetsförsäkringen- behöver domstolarnas praxis revideras?

The legal courts in Sweden have developed a case law wherein the application criteria for being eligible to acquire unemployment insurance have become strict and rigid. This is in particular true when it comes to professional athletes who cannot make a living on their athlete wage. It is the 9th to 11th section of the Swedish Law (1998:238) on Unemployment Insurance that set the determinants for who of the unemployed is to be considered as being of disposal to the labour market. The strict and extensive interpretation of the relevant sections has been based upon a literal reading of the relevant preparatory works to the law in question. A substantial amount of relevant cases as well as preparatory works have been examined to investigate whether there is a need for revising this case law.

Inokulmmängdens betydelse för utveckling av vetets stråbasröta orsakad Fusarium graminearum : utvärdering av ett biotest

Fusarium graminearum is one of the most important pathogens on cereals and causes major crop losses around the world. The most cultivated cereal in Sweden is winter wheat. F. graminearum produces both sexual and asexual spores for dispersal. Multiple factors affect the production of these spores.

Bilden av Machiavelli ? och motbilden. : En analys av Fursten och Republiken

This essay examines wether the prevailing opinion of Machiavelli as a prominent figure in political realism is correct or if the author is misinterpreted and can be said to represent something more. Thus, the puropse of this essay is to revise the description of Machiavelli given in widely used Swedish textbooks. This is done on the basis of a thesis saying that Machiavelli, judged not by his renowned book ?The Prince? (Fursten), but in the light of his extensive work ?Discourses? (Republiken), does not advocate a sovereign power but rather promote a pluralistic society. The method used in this essay is a qualitative textanalysis, which is done on the two books in purpose to examine three central themes in Machiavelli?s writing; the morality, the view on humanity and the state and citizen.

Svensk normering av TROG-2 för åldrarna 8-10 år och sambandet mellan grammatisk språkförståelse och ordavkodning

The main purpose of this study was to collect norm data for thegrammatical receptive language test Test for Reception of Grammar - Version 2(TROG-2), from 144 Swedish children, aged 8:0-9:11 years. Another aim was toinvestigate whether a change in the order of the blocks was needed in the Swedishversion of TROG-2 to keep an increasing level of difficulty. Other aims included toinvestigate the relationship between receptive grammar and word decoding, andbetween parents ratings of their children?s language comprehension and readingabilities and the children?s results on the TROG-2 and a word decoding test. Theresults showed that the order of the blocks needs to be changed and that there wasno significant relationship between language comprehension and word decoding.Parents were better at rating their children?s reading than language comprehension..

Hinder på skrivandets väg till läsning : En studie kring användandet av ASL med datorn som hjälpmedel i klassrummet

Den här studien är en kunskapsöversikt där vi undersöker vadforskningen säger om vilka problem som kan uppstå kring införandetoch användandet av ?Att skriva sig till läsning? (ASL) med datornsom hjälpmedel. Vi ser det som ett problem att det finns många skoloroch pedagoger som tar sig an ASL utan att känna till vad forskningensäger om för- och nackdelar med metoden. Vårt syfte med dennastudie är därför att undersöka vilka återkommande brister somforskningen beskriver för att pedagoger ska kunna jobba förebyggandeoch undvika dem. Vi har systematiskt samlat in forskning med hjälpav sökord kring datorer, digital literacy och ASL och dokumenteratsökningarna i en tabell (bilaga 1).

Motorikens betydelse för inlärning

AbstractMy purpose with this study is to find out if it helps children who have diffuculties with their concentration if they get to practise their motor behaviour knowledge during their day at the school to promote their learning capacity. My purpose is also to find out how schools works with motor behaviour training. To get answers to my questions have I done interviews with four educationalists and I have also used books and internet sites. Motor behaviour is of importance to how children learn things in the school, without a well working motor children gets difficulties to sit still and to concentrate. The children may put their energy at the wrong things in the classroom, when the energy instead should be need to learning things.

Översättning av Western Aphasia Battery ? Revised samt en jämförande studie med A-ning med personer med afasi

New tools for the assessment of aphasia are important for bothclinical work and research. To see how they relate to already existing testscan increase their usefulness. Western Aphasia Battery ? Revised was translatedto Swedish and compared with the Swedish aphasia test A-ning, partlyto compare content and partly to see how sixteen people aged between 22and 92 with aphasia performed on the tests. The subtests did not correspondcompletely and the type of items included varied a lot.

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