

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 49 av 100

Symtom och orsaker till stress : En kvantitativ studie av hur elever i år 4 och 6 upplever stress i skolan

This thesis has two purposes: (1) to analyze the emptiness in Blodbok by Christine Falkenland, and (2) to analyze my own reading of the same book. I have chosen to focus on how emptiness is expressed through the body, the language and the place in Blodbok, because of the deep impact these seem to have on the emptiness. The thesis discusses what kind of emptiness that is described, what it does to me as a reader, and how it is connected to other works by Falkenland. Cultural politics of emotions by Sara Ahmed, Uses of literature by Rita Felski and Pouvoirs de l?horreur by Julia Kristeva together form the theoretical framework.Blodbok is a poetry collection, about the loss of a mother.

Rekryteringsstrategier för företag inom skogssektorn : en undersökning om hur skogsbrukande och träförädlande företag bygger sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke

The forest industry is anonymous among the young people of today. Many youngsters do not know what the forest industry has to offer. As a result of this, many schools and forest have a weak recruitment. This is not a problem for Sweden and the forest industry only, many other businesses companies suffer from in Sweden and other countries in Europe share the same image problem. The interest and values of young people drives them to look for opportunities in other betterknown sectors with better image and reputation. Many companies report having problems with recruiting the best and right employees and fear that the recruiting-problems will increase when the older generation born in the 1940?s will retire.

VART LEDER EN BRO AV POESI? ?Jo, jag g?r i f?rskoleklass och jag kan skriva dikter.?

In autumn of 2021, the anthology A Bridge of Poetry was given to all six-year-olds in Sweden. The anthology contains both older and contemporary poetry, as well as both children?s poetry and poetry written for experienced readers. The idea is that, with the help of an adult, texts and images, and in some cases short movies, will together stimulate children?s thoughts and initiate conversations, as well as arousing children?s curiosity about poetry.

Boksamtal : En språkutvecklande metod för andraspråkstalare

The main purpose of this essay is to study how classroom interaction can take place in a class for Second Language Learners (SLL).1 I have applied a case study methodology on a linguistic method used by a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language working on a primary school situated in the Southern suburbs of Stockholm. The learning method is based on extensive reading of books which comprehend several learning techniques organized into a process that support the development of linguistic skills such as discussing in a group, writing, reading and thinking in a second language. The methodology applied is based on observations, on an interview with a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language and on a questionnaire answered by 11 students that participated on ?Boksamtal?.Based on a theoretical framework about socio cultural theories on learning and scaffolding,2 I attempt to integrate theory and practice to investigate how the Teacher succeed on applying effective methods for second language learning. Through the analyses of the data is also my intention to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of such a method.

Företags ansvar - om samarbeten för "Corporate Social Responsibility" mellan företag och frivilligorganisationer i Argentina

Denna uppsats behandlar företags ansvar och samarbeten för ?Corporate Social Responsibility? (CSR) mellan frivilligorganisationer och företag. Arbetet är en fallstudie utförd i Argentina med syftet att studera frivilligorganisationers syn på företags ansvar. Syftet är även att undersöka om ett samarbete skulle kunna innebära att ett företags CSR-arbete stärks. Metodvalet för studien är semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter för NGO:s i Argentina som arbetar med CSR.

Studenters förhållande till etik och moral vid köp : CSR vid konsumtion

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and understand how students, as consumers, choose brands from the aspects of the concept of CSR, the economic, social and environmental. The essay is based on a qualitative method with three focus groups, with five respondents in each of them. The respondents are all studying at Kalmar University and they have all studied some kind of economic-course. We have used a lot of different sources for our theory chapter, this because of the fact that we wanted to have different angles, so that we would be able to cover all of the questions we wanted to discuss in the focus groups. In our two final chapters we discuss the issues similar to the theory section and we highlight our own thoughts.

Luova. En föränderlig sittmöbel för det offentliga rummet

The aim of this project was to design a furniture that raises thoughts and curiosity about how to relate to people you share furniture with. Luova, a changing piece of furniture for public spaces is a bench where the user can choose the degree of social interaction. Furniture for public spaces has a diverse audience ranging from children to adults. Some come alone, others in group. Some are sitting down for a short time while others stay for longer.

Ett ständigt pågående samtal ? ett konstruktivt perspektiv på läroplanernas värdegrund

This study examines the possibilities of interpreting the moral values and ethics presented in the current curriculums in a way that makes them inclusive and constructive. The study also reveals how the liberal democratic ideal, presented in the curriculums as a hyper-ideology, is not at all easy to define or live up to in the pluralistic school of today.By close-reading and criticizing the curriculum for the Swedish senior high school (Gy11)and by looking at it from two different points of views, as rules or norms and as a process, Ishow how the curriculum can be interpreted as a basis or starting point for a communicationabout values. I also discuss wether the aim of this communication should be consensus or anongoing process..

Musikbranschens förvaltare  : Hantering av professionella affärsrelationer i musikförlagsverksamhet

This thesis will guide you through the haunting Business marketing woods of snaring networks and ravel business relations in the dark landscapes of the mighty music publishing creatures. The task at hand (of this thesis) will be to present the secrets that lie beyond with the hopes that you, the daring reader, will gain knowledge and understanding of what these entities do, lurking in the shadows of the woods of business marketing (and of your unknowing mind). How they go head on with their partners in business to thrive on intangible properties and how they find their path through these woods. Explore and discover, if any, commonly found ways in the management of business marketing within the domain of the music publisher. We wish you a pleasant reading!.

Läsförståelse i svenskundervisningen för döva

Denna uppsats behandlar läsförståelse i svenskundervisningen för döva. Syftet har varit att få en uppfattning om lärares syn på läsförståelse, deras erfarenheter kring döva läsare och deras arbete med läsförståelse i svenskundervisningen för döva. Mina informanter är lärare och de undervisar på riksgymnasiet för döva. Metoden har varit kvalitativa intervjuer. Jag har varit intresserad av lärarnas kunskaper och erfarenheter samt åsikter och därför har jag valt denna metod.Läsförståelse innebär enligt informanterna utvunna upplevelser utifrån texten kopplade till läsarens tidigare erfarenheter.

Cause-related marketing - Välgörande för varumärket? : En studie i hur konsumenter uppfattar CRM i en kritiserad bransch

Background: Increasing globalization has changed the business environment and also resulted in increased awareness of the consumers and demand for higher standards of social responsibility. The companies brand strategies has gain in importance in order to strengthen their brands. A part of a company's CSR, CRM, cause-related marketing, which is a relatively new marketing strategy and created when companies choose to partner with charities and market it. Garment/clothing industry has as many others come to be shaped by the effects of globalization, but has also endured heavy criticism over the years. This criticism is largely because of the outside world's reaction to the exploitation of developing countries.

Specialpedagogiska insatser - på vilket sätt för att ge effekt? : Betydelsen av insatsernas tidpunkt och innehåll för barn i riskzonen för läs- och skrivsvårigheter

I denna studie analyseras skriftspråksutvecklingen hos sex elever i riskzonen för läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Syftet med studien är att klarlägga vilken roll specialpedagogiska insatser spelar för elevers skrift-språkliga utveckling. Har innehållet i stödet någon betydelse för elevernas utveckling och vad händer när stödet uteblir? Studien fokuserar på tidig kontra sen identifiering av elevernas läs- och skrivsvårigheter samt påföljande insatser. I detta sammanhang analyseras också hur dessa insatser påverkar elevernas självförtroende och motivation för skolarbetet.

Livet är så kort och böckerna är så många - En studie om svensklärares syn på elevmotivation kring läsning av skönlitteratur i svenskämnet

The aim of this study is to examine Swedish teachers? role and attitude in the Swedish subject towards motivation and reading fiction at upper secondary school. We are also interested in investigating whether or not there are any differences regarding the way teachers motivate students? depending on their choice of education or not. The method we chose in order to achieve this was interviews with teachers.

Girl Possible? : En arketyp-och genus stidie av den kvinnliga hjälterollen i Kim Possible

Syftet med det här arbetet var att ta reda på vad jag som lärare kan lyfta fram i exempeltexten The Old Man and the Sea för att främja elevers förmåga att tolka innehållet i en text. Detta har jag framfört i en analys av romanen med hjälp av Peter J. Rabinowitz teori om konventionella regler i hans bok Before Reading (1997) genom att tydliggöra hur romanen kan förstås med hjälp av de konventioner som Hemingway såväl som hans läsare har att förhålla sig till. Vad jag visat är hur dessa konventioner som jag framlagt i analysen, till exempel avvikande detaljer i texten, förhåller sig till ett mera litterärt kompetent sätt att tolka genom att koppla dem till Örjan Torells (2002) teoretiska modell för litterär kompetens..

Röst, kausalitet och läsbarhetsindex i historieläromedel från ett andraspråksperspektiv

This essay focuses on four different aspects of readability: voice, causality, advanced words and the LIX-value of words. Each of these four facilitates or aggravates reading comprehension for students, which is further defined in the paper. The study is an analysis of textbooks in history for 8th grade from a second language perspective. In terms of voice, causality, advanced words and the LIX-value of words, the study shows that books with higher grades of causality and voice and lower grades of advanced words as well as a low degree of LIX-value are better for students to work with..

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