

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 48 av 100

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter = matematiksvårigheter!?

Syftet är att se om det finns något samband mellan elevers läs- och skrivsvårigheter och matematik i årskurs 4-6 samt att se i vilket sammanhang de eventuella problemen synliggörs. Arbetets resultat grundar sig i matematiktester som är konstruerade utifrån frågeställningen ?Vad är det inom matematikämnet elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter kan få svårigheter med??. Resultatet visar att läs- och skrivsvaga elever i vissa fall kan ha brister inom matematikens problemlösningsområden och även inom algoritmområdet. Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter brister i dessa matematikdelar på grund av brister i läsflytet, svårigheter med begreppsförståelse, komprimerat språk och brister i korttidsminnet..

En undersökning om typografins betydelse för läsbarhet av ord i rörelse

The purpose of this work was to determine how important a word?s setting was for the readability of typography in motion. Facts regarding how reading works and the importance of the words formation for the readability were used to form a computer test. This test was performed by 15 test persons and the results were analyzed. The results show that the serif was easier to read than the sanserif.

Polyrytmik : Bergson och erfarenhetens rytm

Inspired by Kitaro Nishida?s concept of pure experience this thesis analyses Bergson?s concept of experience with the intention of showing how experience is related to duration and how this in turn destabilizes certain tendencies towards subjectivism that can be found in Bergson?s work. This is accomplished through a reading of Matter and memory, Creative Evolution and Introduction to metaphysics that tries to desintegrate both subject and object in favor of duration. The thesis arrives at describing the combination of duration and non-subjective and supra-individual experience as a polyrhythmic movement..

Polyrytmik : Bergson och erfarenhetens rytm

Inspired by Kitaro Nishida?s concept of pure experience this thesis analyses Bergson?s concept of experience with the intention of showing how experience is related to duration and how this in turn destabilizes certain tendencies towards subjectivism that can be found in Bergson?s work. This is accomplished through a reading of Matter and memory, Creative Evolution and Introduction to metaphysics that tries to desintegrate both subject and object in favor of duration. The thesis arrives at describing the combination of duration and non-subjective and supra-individual experience as a polyrhythmic movement..

Bedömning av hjärtpåverkan hos patienter med cytostatikabehandling : Global strain och ejektionsfraktion för vänster kammare som metoder att bedöma hjärtpåverkan hos patienter som behandlas med hjärttoxisk cancerbehandling

Inom disciplinen kognitiv ho?rselvetenskap tilla?mpas en integrerad ansats da?r taluppfattning beskrivs ur ba?de ett auditivt bottom-up-perspektiv och ett kognitivt top-down-perspektiv. Studien underso?kte hur taluppfattning varierar med, respektive utan top-down-sto?d och vad de kognitiva fo?rma?gorna uppma?rksamhet, minne och inhiberingsfo?rma?ga hade fo?r inverkan. Taluppfattningsfo?rma?ga utva?rderades med hja?lp av ett Speech-In-Noise-test (SIN-test) som bestod av tre deltest da?r enstaviga ord presenterades i en ofo?rdelaktig miljo? besta?ende av ro?ster som talande i mun pa? varandra.

De finns ju vissa bra grejer och vissa lite dåligare, tråkigare grejer med läxor : Elevers erfarenhet av läxor på lågstadiet.

The purpose of this study is to examine how some early year pupils define homework, how much homework they get and also how these pupils perceive that they are affected by the homework. The study is qualitative where ten pupils participated in a semi structured interview. The study will show that these pupils are given homework once a week. The homework is mostly math and reading. The study will continue to show that the pupils believe that homework is important for their learning and also that homework often is boring and that it competes with recreational activities such as friends, sports and rest.

En ny modell för att stärka kommunikation och samverkan mellan universitet och näringsliv

As a result of today`s competitive situation, the demand on the rapid development of research has increased. Both universities and companies are realizing the importance of a functioning and well-developed cooperation. A close collaboration and communication between universities and the business community has in many studies been shown to be very important for business development and knowledge transfer. The purose was to examine how communication and collaboration between universities and industry can be developed and strenghthen on the basis of innovative thinking. In order to initially identify the perceived problems the authors studied how communication and cooperation manifests itslelf today between the two parties, what does not work and how the existing tools for communication and collaboration look like today.

Köpare av skogsfastigheter i Småland år 2000-2001 : en undersökning hur den privata ägarstrukturen ser ut i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to study the private owner structure in the Swedish forestry. This will be done with both a investigation of forest owners in Småland the year 2000 and 2001 and also a statistic research for the private forest owners in Sweden right now and over the years. In Sweden more than half of the total forest area is owned by private forest owner, witch is approximately 22 600 000 ha. Private forestry includes the owner categories private person, ordinary partnership and the estate of deceased persons. The main part of the private forestry is to be found in Norrland but also in the rest of Sweden private forestry constitute a large part of the forestry area.

Jämlikhet mellan givare och mottagare : En studie om jämlikhet i svensk biståndspolitik 1960-2000

AbstractEquality between donor and receiver, a study about equality in the Swedish aid politics 1960 ? 2000.Essay in political science, C-level, at Karlstads University, by Britt-Louise Orrmalm Karlsson. Spring 2006. Tutor: Hans Lödén.Sweden has a history as an official aid donor since 1950. The development cooperation has changed through the years in accordance to the Swedish policy and the politics.

Elevens skyldighet och skolans rätt.

This study examines the possibilities of interpreting the moral values and ethics presented in the current curriculums in a way that makes them inclusive and constructive. The study also reveals how the liberal democratic ideal, presented in the curriculums as a hyper-ideology, is not at all easy to define or live up to in the pluralistic school of today.By close-reading and criticizing the curriculum for the Swedish senior high school (Gy11)and by looking at it from two different points of views, as rules or norms and as a process, Ishow how the curriculum can be interpreted as a basis or starting point for a communicationabout values. I also discuss wether the aim of this communication should be consensus or anongoing process..

Läslust och läsförståelse - en longitudinell studie under 3 år

ABSTRAKT Hemström Marianne & Jonasson Anna (2011). Läslust och läsförståelse ? en longitudinell studie över 3 år (Motivation of reading and reading conprehemsion - a longitudinal study during 3 years). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogexamen, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Syftet med denna aktionsstudie är att ta reda på huruvida läslusten och läsförståelsen har ökat hos eleverna i år 9 efter att de har deltagit i ett strukturerat och lärarlett läsprojekt under tre års tid. Vi frågade oss vilken påverkan det treåriga läsprojektet har haft på eleverna i år 9 gällande deras läslust och läsförståelse och om vi genom läsprojektet når de elever i undersökningsgruppen som har svag läsförståelse, samt om läsprojektet har ökat medvetenheten hos pedagogerna gällande läsning och läsförståelse.

Rocky och Brudarna : Hur män respektive kvinnor framställs i Martin Kellermans serie ?Rocky?

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Hållbar design för gravplatser

A well-planned grave with a sustainable selection of plants facilitates easy maintenance for both staff and the holder of the right of burial. It also helps reduce the negative impact on the environment.As in many other areas, the environment is high on the agenda within the cemetery administration. One of the major concerns is the impact of the choice of plants for the grave. Within the industry there is a great motivation and willingness to adapt to a sustainable work mode and this has spawned a number of project works. In autumn 2009 the partnership project, ?Environmental aspects of planning and maintaining graves?, was started in Movium (at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

Ikoner för barn : Om användandet av ikoner som skyltning på Stadsbibliotekets barnavdelning

The City Library has a problem getting children interested in reading. Futhermore, there are no clear signs to aid children to navigate themselves to books targeted to their age group. To solve this problem, this thesis aims to design signs that is both illustrative and informative.Of the images that were tested during the research, I would assume that children in such a wide age range requires the simplest level of abstraction from testing the three testing icons, since the second level of abstraction was not interesting enough for the kids. The third, nearphotorealistic level was most liked by the children who were in the city library more often and looked for books themselves..

Närmare strike : En studie om att få fram ett informationshäfte om det som rör bowlingspelet för bowlare. Allt för att hjälpa dem förstå hur de lättare kommer närmare strikarna.

This report is the result of my examination work in Textdesign at Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna. The purpose with this work was to develop an accessible information material for the target group ?normal bowlers? that gives them the information they need to make their own decision on the lanes, because they often miss a coach during an away game. The focus was to target adjust the material through the theories readability, legibility and reading value, together with the method qualitative interviews. The result became a tested information booklet about how to read a lane pattern paper with additional information within the subject..

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