

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 34 av 100

2001: ett e-äventyr : Implementering av e-böcker i det digitala biblioteket

Rapid development in the realms of electronic publishing has had a profound impact on information services in general and the academic library in particular. Since mid 1990´s an increasingly number of scholarly journals and other information resources have been made available electronically. Electronic books are the newest electronic service in the hybrid library and can be seen as the third wave in the digital library. Although electronic books have for a long time existed as electronic texts such as digitalized classics or other texts in the public domain, it is not until recently that e-books have been distributed and packaged in a commercial form. As more e-book models are being developed, libraries are being forced to take e-books into consideration when planning their information services.The aim of this master thesis is to describe the first stage of implementation of the new electronic media, the electronic book or e-book, in Swedish academic libraries.

Könsligt minne : Ett kvalitativt receptions- och minneskvasiexperiment med killar och tjejer

The purpose of this study was to see if there are any differences between high school girls and boy?s reception ability and memory after reading two Swedish lifestyle magazines.9 boys and 9 girls from ages 17-18 were chosen to participate in the study. They were placed in a room one by one where they had to read one women?s magazine (Cosmopolitan) and one men?s magazine (Café). They did not know this was a memory and reception test until after they finished their reading.With help from former reception studies and the magazines, questions were selected so the interviews would give as much information as possible.The study gave some unexpected results, for example both genders seemed to remember numbers very well even if they didn?t remember the article itself.

Läsfrämjande i förändring: Om bibliotek 2.0:s läsfrämjande redskap

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how libraries use thetools and ideas from library 2.0 in their reading promotionwork. We also want to include how librarians motivate thisuse and whatever merits and faults they encounter. We haveperformed document studies and interviews which we thenanalyzed with qualitative content analysis. Our theoreticframework in this study which we also used as a part of ourcoding scheme in the analysis was a model over the conceptlibrary 2.0 developed by Holmberg, Huvila, Kronquist-Bergand Widén-Wulff. This model describes seven aspects oflibrary 2.0 which is users, participation, library and libraryservice, web and web 2.0, social aspects, technology andinteractivity.

Synen på personer med autism

Personer med autism behöver ha människor runt omkring sig som förstår dem, vilket kräver kunskap både om autism och om den specifika individen. För att kunna uppnå detta behövs ett fungerande samarbete mellan föräldrar och personal. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra personal och föräldrars syn på personer med autism. För att undersöka detta genomfördes 10 intervjuer som analyserades med meningskoncentrering som analysmetod. Resultatet visade att föräldrar och personal betonade olika delar av störningen.

En surrealistisk soppa? En komparativ studie av Stefan Hammaréns sopptrilogi och surrealismens litterära kriterier

The purpose of this essay is to establish whether the so called ?soup trilogy?, med en burk soppa (2001), konservöppnare bok (2003) and på burklös mark (2005), written by Swedish-speaking Finn Stefan Hammarén is to be considered as surrealism or not. The methods used to determinate this is close reading, a technique used for finding a text?s distinguishable traits, and comparative analysis. First of all, the criteria of surrealist literature found in André Breton?s (1896-1966) Surrealist Manifesto, and other sources, as well as the criteria for the surrealist literary technique cut-up are presented and evaluated accordingly.

?Läser science fiction utan att skämmas?: Om kvinnors läsning av science fiction

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the female reader of science fiction literature, a genre by tradition dominated by men. Through qualitative interviews with seven female science fiction readers, the relation between the reading and the readers? lives, as well as their concepts of the science fiction genre and the community of science fiction readers, was examined. The main theoretical framework used for the analysis was Yvonne Hirdman?s gender theory, Judith Butler?s concept of identity and Louise M.

Nivåbaserat läromedel för läsinlärning : En läsbarhetsanalys av Den magiska kulan

The aim of the study is to examine a book used as level-based teaching material, Denmagiska kulan (Wänblad, 2011), to analyse the progression within and between thedifferent levels, A, B and C, intended for use in grade 1. The material is designed so thatpupils at different levels in their reading development can share the same literature.Another aim is to study the connection between illustrations and text. This literaturestudy is based on both a qualitative and a quantitative method of analysis. Thequalitative method applies a readability analysis with the focus on the graphic form andthe language of the text. The quantitative method measures the LIX (readability index)of the texts.

Lättläst skönlitteratur för barn i mellanåldern på folkbibliotek

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the promotion of easy-to-read fiction for 10-12 year old children in public libraries. The number of easy-to-read fiction books is increasing on the book market. This can be expected to affect the public library. The hypotheses for the study are: 1) Public libraries expose easy-to-read fiction and use it in their reading promotion activities and, 2) The acquisition of easy-to-read books and the use of easy-to-read books in reading promotion activities have increased over the last five years. A self-completion questionnaire was distributed to 44 public libraries in Sweden.

Belysning för barn i biblioteksmiljö

The purpose of this thesis is to create conditions in order to plan lighting to a library room after children's needs and wishes, and to gain deeper knowledge about how children experience different lighting environments and what they perceive as good lighting. I was given the task by Huskvarna library to design a lighting plan for their children's department. This is part of the project "Library 2.1-room as a medium" that is going on at Huskvarna library since fall 2007. My questions at issue are: 1. What do children consider as good lighting in a library? 2.

Kender du overhovedet Azorno : En paranoid och skamfylld läsning av Inger Christensens Azorno

A paranoid and shameful reading of Inger Christensens novel Azorno.The contagious feelings of paranoia and shame played a vital part in my first reading of the novel Azorno, written by the Danish poet Inger Christensen. In this essay, I?m letting those emotions direct the ?understanding? and analysis of the novel. In earlier research the focus has been to comprehend what the novel ?really is about?, and even though it has been mentioned that the form probably is a way to make the reader a visible constructer of  the novel?s ?meaning? the understanding has never been created by the affects that occurs during the reading.

Hur man genom kreativt arbetssätt kan gynna barn med läs- och skrivsvårigheter.

Abstract People who have problems with the written language will face serious difficulties in todays society. Our social structur is based on the criterium that every individual has to be able to read and write, and for this reason it is important that pupils with learning difficulties receive help. The purpose of my investigation is to examine how children with reading- and writing difficulties can benefit throught creative methods. Children with reading- and writing difficulties are in need of these creative methods that exist today. Amongst all of our public healht issues, dyslexia is one of the biggest problem we have today and children are therefor in need of these creative methods. Through  qualitative interviews with two educationalists there has been established thad the creative way of working benefits children in many ways if it is preformed correctly.

Läsning av matematiska texter : faktorer som påverkar förståelsen vid läsning av matematiska texter

Vi som har skrivit arbetet har haft olika erfarenheter kring läsning av matematiska textuppgifter. Intresset växte, då vi blev intresserade kring varför det kan vara svårt att läsa en matematisk text. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur elevers läsförståelse binds samman med läsning av matematiska textuppgifter samt se vilka inre och yttre faktorer som påverkar förståelsen. Kvalitativa intervjuer tillsammans med en kombination av fallstudier och observationer ligger till grund för metoden som använts i studien. I undersökningen deltog 63 elever och fyra lärare.

Barnens bibliotek : Barn och bibliotekarier tipsar om böcker på Internet

The aim of this two years master?s thesis in library and information science is to study how children and librarians recommend books through the website Barnens bibliotek. In the scope of this aim it also tries to answer the following questions: What qualities in books do children and librarians respectively emphasize when they write book recommendations? How do they formulate the recommendations? And finally, how do their respective recommendations differ?To examine these aspects a total of 50 book recommendations were chosen and analysed through an hermeneutic approach. Out of these 50, 30 were written by children and 20 were written by librarians.

Bosniska invandrare och bibliotek: en undersökning av läs- och biblioteksvanor hos bosniska invandrare

This thesis is an investigation of Bosnian immigrants and their use of libraries in Borås and Anderstorp. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if people from Bosnia read in their mother tongue Bosnian and if they read in Swedish too. The essay is based on questionnaires concerning both young and older immigrants' reading and library habits. The survey encompasses 30 Bosnians. In the theory I have described relevant literature and confirmed the importance of identity, language and culture for immigrants.

Att styra och ställa En styrningsstudie med ResursCentrum för kvinnor som fall

In 1994 it was decided that a new network based organizational model was to be initiated to face the problems of some of the gender inequalities in Sweden. The organisation structure was named Resource Centre for Women (ResursCentrum för kvinnor).This essay constitutes a qualitative case study of governing, with this organisation structure as my field of inquiry. My ambition has been to outline and explain what kind of governing has been used and how it works. I have also tried to identify potential changes of the ways of governing over time. To help me out with that task, I have applied a theoretical framework, characterized of a governance perspective, and have used terms as: governing with networks, partnership, projects and visionary government to interpret my empiric material.My result shows that there have been various changes in the ways of governing, from a more hierarchal government form of governing to a more governance based one..

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