

3329 Uppsatser om Beginning teachers - Sida 6 av 222

Att vara lärare i en mångkulturell skola

This thesis will discuss teachers handling of the background, experience and earlier acquired knowledge of students. Our aim is to study the teachers? use of the cultural knowledge that of which the students already possess and the consideration the teachers have for the students own parental tongue. From this we want to see if there are any obstacles or pits with the work of gathering up experiences. The study is based on interviews with seven different teachers at a multi cultural elementary school in one the suburbs of Stockholm.

Den fysiska miljöns betydelse i förskolan : Miljöns utformning och barns delaktighet

My intention with this paper was to investigate how the teachers in pre-school thinks about the physical environment in pre-school. Both the significance for the pedagogical activity and the children?s involvement in the design. I have done five interviews with pre-school teachers. The result shows that the pre-school teachers consider that the size of the premises and the availability to the material is important factors for children?s development and learning.

Utveckling av omrörningsenhet

The use of technology in today's society is frequent and often necessary, but how, when and where are we supposed to learn how to use it? And if it is such a big and important part of our society, then why don?t teachers get more training in how to use the technology? The purpose of this paper is to examine whether teachers attitudes to technology affects their use of technology in their teaching. In school technology can be a complementary to other material, if teachers have the necessary skills to use technology in a pedagogical way. I have chosen to do a qualitative study in form of interviews and observations at a school outside of Stockholm. The results show that both school and teachers must want to work with technology if anyone will be getting something out of it.

?Jag är inte kurator, psykolog eller pappa till alla barn, jag är inte bilmekaniker heller? : En studie om idrottslärares yrkesetiska dilemman

AimThe compulsory school attendance in Sweden means that all children are obligated to go to school. This makes great demands on those who work in the school, especially the teachers. Schools are complex units. In school, teachers face all kinds of ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The aim of the study is to enlighten how different teachers would act differently, if they were facing the same dilemma in the PE-lessons and why this knowledge is important to our profession.MethodThe data was collected through interviews to make a qualitative research.

Gymnasielärares icke verbala kommunikation i klassrummet

This paper compares and discusses teachers´ nonverbal communication in the classroom. The purpose of the study is to find out what the teachers´ nonverbal communication looks like in the classroom and with that information increase teachers´ awareness of nonverbal communi-cation and its impact on the teaching. Ten teachers at the upper secondary school have been observed for twenty minutes when having a lecture. The result shows that the most common nonverbal expressions are hand and arm gestures used to enhance what is said by the teacher. The result also shows that the nonverbal communication is similar with all observed teachers.

Konflikthantering i skolans värld : En kvalitativ undersökning om konflikter och strategier

My thesis is based on a qualitative study in which I have selected six professional teachers in a school in Greater Stockholm, and their views on the phenomenon of conflict management. My questions were the following.How teachers perceive the phenomenon of conflict in the world of school?What strategies do teachers use to resolve conflicts with students?In order to analyze my informants, I have chosen different books that deal with conflict man-agement, policy documents and books on the teaching profession meaning. Through my investigation I found that some teachers used tools and strategies through expe-rience and reflections, and resolve conflicts together or individually. My informants described that there are some teachers how choose to hide and pretend not to see the problem.

?Det är svårt att hinna med allt?- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?What attitudes do students have towards their teachers? education of media literacy and literature studies?The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies.

Begreppet lustfyllt lärande : - villkor för barn lärande?

The Swedish state and educational system are secular, so to say they do not depend on the former protestant state church anymore. Many people in Sweden are also secular. Even so, in school teachers meet students with a religious faith. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers without a religious belonging experience the encounter with religious students. The method used was semistructured interviews with five teachers in a upper secondary school in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm.

Från planering till inlärning : En studie om processen från en lärares planering till vad eleven lärde sig

AbstractThe aim of this essay was to examine the process from the teachers plan to what the stundents actually learned in the history subject. Too respond to the aim, I have performed interviews with one teacher, four students and also observed one lesson. The interviews and observations have been analysed according to other writers works in this subject. The questions the essay starts out from is: What is the teachers plan for the lesson? How did the teacher and the students carry trough the lesson? Have the students achieved the teachers aim for the lesson? Thanks to the teachers plan for the lesson, how the teacher carried trough the lesson, and the teachers relation to the students, there was good conditions for learning.

Globalt mode på en lokal marknad : - En case study av H&M och hur de väljer att profilera sig i deras globala kampanj, Conscious Collection

The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of how preschool-teachers respond to children in preschool, when they show that they want to have some influence. I have concentrated this study on how the preschool-teachers respond to the children in the gatherings and when the children are playing freely indoors, where the questions at issue are:How do the preschool-teachers respond to the children?s initiative for participation in the gathering and while playing freely?There have been four preschool-teachers and 14 children who have taken part in this study. The children who took part are in the ages of three to five. The study was done at a section in a preschool in middle Sweden.The method used in this study is unstructured observations.

Livet är så kort och böckerna är så många - En studie om svensklärares syn på elevmotivation kring läsning av skönlitteratur i svenskämnet

The aim of this study is to examine Swedish teachers? role and attitude in the Swedish subject towards motivation and reading fiction at upper secondary school. We are also interested in investigating whether or not there are any differences regarding the way teachers motivate students? depending on their choice of education or not. The method we chose in order to achieve this was interviews with teachers.

Surfplattan i förskolan : En studie av pedagogers attityder

As background for this study stands the debate and discussion in the society around the tablet as a pedagogical tool in preschool. The purpose of this study is to obtain and analyze 69 preschool teachers? opinions about the tablet?s introduction and use in preschool. The study also investigates the preschool teachers? opinions about their mission for multimedia and technology in the preschool curriculum, Lpfö 98, reviderad 2010.

Polyfona positioner i pendlande praktik

The purpose of this study is to contribute to our knowledge about what methods? teachers say they use in the work with pupils? early reading acquisition, and how they evaluate the pupils´ reading development. I also like to find out what educational interventions teachers believe that pupils with reading difficulties need, and how they say they work to meet the needs of these pupils. The project is based on the following questions: What methods do teachers say they use in the work with pupils early reading acquisition? What extra resources do teachers consider that pupils with reading difficulties need? How do teachers evaluate children's reading development? In order to answer my questions, I've done qualitative interviews with three teachers, at two schools, in two medium-sized municipalities.

En studie om assyriska/syrianska ungdomars språkbruk och språkidentiteter

Gender is a universal factor that is unavoidable in classroom interaction between pupils and teachers. The principle aim of this essay is to illustrate whether, during the interaction between pupil and teachers still occurs behavior that expresses a gender order. We also want to establish if the ones who attract attention from the teachers is the individual, or if teachers still on a subconscious or conscious level, think of the pupils gender and ascribes him or her some characteristics or qualities. Especially we want to bring out the pupils thoughts and sights of there is a difference on how teachers treat boys and girls. Another purpose we wanted to achieve was to illustrate how teachers work with the concept of equivalence between the sexes, according to Lpo94.Our essay is built on our studies around what teachers think on how they treat the pupils, on the basis of gender perspective.

Det lärande mötet : En studie om lärares didaktiska medvetenhet i undervisningssituationer

The authors were curious and asked themselves if teachers are aware of the base of their teaching in various teaching situations. Are teachers at all capable of expressing that in words? One of the reasons that the authors chose the particular issue was because they think teachers have the task to satisfy the needs of all students and therefore they found it interesting to study how various teachers act. The purpose of the study is to observe teachers didactical awareness, and how it can be added to their intentions and actions, as in how they speak about their teaching and how they act in various teaching situations. Methods used in the study were observations and qualitative interviews.

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