1287 Uppsatser om Bank regulation - Sida 4 av 86
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Då avskaffandet av den lagstiftade revisionsplikten för småföretag är under utredning, är vårt syfte med denna uppsats att se vad ett avskaffande kan innebära för några utvalda intressenter..
Konsumentrörlighet på den svenska bankmarknaden : Att byta eller inte byta det är det som är frågan
Efter ett antal lagändringar har förutsättningarna för nyetablering på finansmarknaden blivigt allt enklare. Den tekniska utvecklingen har ytterligare förändrat förutsättningarna. I Sverige har de fyra storbankerna som består av Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), Nordea, Föreningssparbanken (FSB) och Handelsbanker ca 80 % av marknadsandelarna. För de flesta hushållen är finansiella tjänster av vital betydelse och utgör i många fall en stor del av hushållets utgifter. Konkurrensverket menar att många hushåll skulle spara ett betydande belopp genom att aktivt välja bank.
Upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress hos bankanställda män : en intervjuundersökning
The purpose of this thesis was to look at the relationship between the experiences of work related stress among male bank employees and how they dealt with potential stress. The thesis focused on male bank employee?s experiences and management of work related stress with the control requirements and support model as a starting point. Work related stress is a phenomenon that has become a serious problem with economic impact for both the individual and organizations. Increased absence from work due to medical issues is one example of such consequences.
Rådets förordning 1/2003 : ett hot mot rättssäkerheten för företag inom den europeiska gemenskapen?
Council Regulation 1/2003 regulates the application of the competition rules set out in Articles 81 and 82 of the EC-treaty and establishes a reform of the European Competition Law. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complex of problems that the regulation leads to concerning the legal certainty for companies within the European Community..
Från disk till rum : Basel II-effekter på kreditrisk och information
This study examines the effects of credit risk and information disclosure in the new bank regulating system Basel II on bank and bank customer. The effects are then discussed in a perspective of the economic man and information asymmetric theories. Furthermore is the Basel II effects on the capital adequacy of Andelsbanken för Åland examined.The approach of the study is qualitative and several interviews with individuals on different levels of the examined bank, Andelsbanken för Åland, have been carried out during the collecting of empirical facts about the effects of the regulating change from the Basel I system to Basel II.The research findings are as follows:Andelsbanken för Åland have increased its capital adequacy ratio from 12,7 percent to 14,4 percent, mostly due to lower risk weights on housing mortgages compared to Basel I. Andelsbanken för Åland have started to use a completely new credit risk and customer assessment system which classifies every customer and gives them a credit rating. The system cause a much heavier information gathering of the customers profile as well as a much better assessment of risk than the previous system, which the bank finds positive.
The Key Success Factors of Grameen Bank - A Case Study of Strategic, Cultural and Structural Aspects
The thesis aims to analyze strategic, cultural and structural aspects of Grameen Bank and its micro-credit project, in order to identify key success factors. A case study was performed with an inductive and qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews. The data was collected by field observations and interviews on site in Dhaka, Bangladesh and surrounding areas.The main conclusion is that the critical success factor of Grameen Bank is the relationship focus, guiding and aligning its strategy, culture and structure. Also, local offices have been observed to utilize practices not permitted by the bank?s management, ultimately increasing the organizational efficiency..
Emotionella upplevelser och emotionsreglering i samband med en nedskärningsprocess
The aim of this study was to investigate emotions and emotion regulation of a downsizing in an industrial company. The sample consisted of persons who had experienced a downsizing but have kept the employment, within a same position or being transferred to another one. Data consisted of two focus group interviews, analysed by an inductive thematic analysis. The results have indicated that emotional reactions changed over time as well the emotional regulation did during the different phases. The groups differed in emotional reaction related to the time of decision regarding the retention of employment.
Kundrelationer och kundmått i bank
Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av Nordea, Provinsbanken, Handelsbanken, Föreningssparbanken och SEB. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur banker arbetar med kundrelationer och vilka kundmått som används..
Val och byte av företagsform : En studie gällande skatternas roll vid val av företagsform samt de skattemässiga konsekvenserna vid ombildning av företag
In today?s society it is not uncommon for people to move across borders. We are more likely to work and study in other countries, initiate cross-border relationships, acquire property in other states and change our residence. Therefore it is not uncommon for a per-son to leave inheritance in several states. The laws of succession differ between countries which creates an uncertainty among the devisors when planning their successions.
Korttidsregleringsmönster i Ångermanälvens avrinningsområde : Har elmarknadens avreglering påverkat regleringsintensiteten?
The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations.
Framtidens bank : en studie av hur banker skulle kunna utformas med hjälp av användbarhet och social media
The retail banks are usually looked upon as conservative. Since the launch of internet banks in the 90's they have not developed much. Meanwhile the internet is developing in a fast pace and social websites are increasing in popularity. The purpose of this essay was to investigate how internet banking will develop in the near future based on interviews, literature and trend studies. With web 2.0 techniques the internet bank could develop to help the costumers take more informed decisions regarding their economic situation.
Målsättning, prognostisering och resursfördelning i en budgetstyrd bank respektive budgetlös bank: En fallstudie av två svenska banker på kontorsnivå
Speaking of budget and budgeting is almost as adding fuel to the fire. The subject evokes a lot of emotions, both positive and negative. Some might consider budgets as a bureaucratic process that won?t lead to any good. Others might find budgets as extremely helpful and necessary in a company?s planning process.
Oregistrerad gemenskapsformgivning - Svaret på problemen med formskydd för modeprodukter?
In the year of 2002 a new council regulation on community designs was implemented. In the beginning of the essay the legal situtation before the implementation is investigated and part of the purpose is to evaluate if it constitutes a solution to the problems with protection of fashion designs that existed then. Because fashion designs more or less were excluded from protection during the period before the implementation the fashion business developed a habit of unauthorized reproduction. This attitude among the market players is a central point of the essay. The essay starts off with a review of the earlier lack of possibilities regarding the protection of fashion designs.
Lagval vid utomobligatoriskt skadestånd - Särskilt vid upphovsrättsintrång
This essay seeks to explore which country´s laws should be applied when a dispute concerning damages in non-contractual obligations arises från illegal copying. In Europe today we have merely a few documented laws regarding choice of law concerning illegal copying. Thus, a proposition regarding a regulation which shall control the choice of laws applied on disputes in non-contractual obligations has been prepared. Another main reason for the existence of such a regulation is the need for a united set of laws to enable recognition of other countries´ judgments in Europe. This proposal will be called the Rome II-regulation.
Vad är den främst avgörande faktorn vid privatkundens val av marginalbank? : en studie om hur demografiska skillnader påverkar privatkunders val av marginalbank samt se hur deras val kan användas vid segmentering
Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att förklara vad som är den främst avgörande faktorn vid privatkundens val av marginalbank, genom att jämföra med demografiska variabler samt hur deras val kan användas vid segmentering. Dessutom vill vi titta på vilka typer av banker privatkunder har.Metod: För att nå fram till resultat för analysen har ett positivistiskt angreppssätt och en deduktiv ansats använts. Det empiriska materialet är baserat på en enkätundersökning gjord på personer i Hässleholm och Ängelholm. Datainsamlingen har sedan analyserats med hjälp av korstabeller.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Studien utgår ifrån tidigare forskning inom området som har använts för att kunna upptäcka faktorer som kan förklara vårt syfte.Resultat: Analysen visade att vid val av marginalbanker värdesätts faktorer så som bra pris på varor i butik samt bonuscheckar. Vad som också framkom är att vid segmentering av kunder bör bankerna, enligt reslutat från denna uppsats, använda sig av differentierad marknadsföring vid segmentering av kunder..