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Att inkludera eller exludera : En kvantitativ studie om socionomstudenters förhållningssätt till specifik kompetens i mötet med HBTQ-klienter
The aim of the study was to examine which approach future social workers have regarding specific competence in the meeting with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer clients. Previous research shows that LGBTQ people have a low confidence towards social services, police and courts and say they face discrimination and degrading treatment to a greater extent than the heterosexual population. Research shows that education and better skills of LGBTQ culture among professionals can change the situation.The essay is based on a model of cultural competence in working with sexual minorities and people with a transgender expression. The model defines the meaning of an LGBTQ perspective and is designed to improve social work with LGBTQ clients.The study is quantitative and empirical data consists of 203 survey responses from students with a long experience of the social work education. The analysis of the results is based on the cultural competence three principles; attitudes, knowledge and skills.
Den ömma vilden : -En studie av pedagogens syn på den fysiska kontakten mellan barnen i den vilda leken i förskolan
The Purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge on and to make the preschool teachers views visible about physical contact between children in wild play in the preschool. I decide to use interview of preschool teachers in a group setting as a mean to investigate this. The group interview is a non-structured interview with open questions where the preschool teachers only received guidance with pre made questions when needed.The result shows what kind of view the preschool teachers have on physical contact and they share concreate examples on how they work in situations like these.By reading this study I hope to contribute better knowledge of the physical contract between children and that the study generates futher reflections on one´s attitude in the matter..
En manualapplikation : Utvecklingen av en mobilapplikation
iProspect is a global digital marketing agency and work primarily with search marketing. They were the first search engine marketing agency in the world when the company started up 1996 in Boston, Massachusetts, and the first in Sweden to offer services in search marketing after establishing themselves on the Swedish market the following year. iProspect can be found in the södermalm office in south central Stockholm. They are a comprehensive agency within search and offer everything from search engine optimization and sponsored links to advertising on social media. They?re goal is to lead developments in search marketing and to keep ahead of competition.
Skriftliga omdömen och betyg hjälper eller stjälper det?
This examination project focuses on the pupils and teachers experience of written assessments and grades. To highlight the significance of assessments and grades we will present the background to the development of the current educational view of knowledge, assessment and marking models. Today?s current laws and policies are described as is a proposal for a future law and grading scheme.The project is based on literature we have read and the empirical material is derived from interviews with eight students and two teachers. Four of the students are eleven years old, the other four are between seventeen and nineteen. The teachers teach years four and five. Each sex is equally represented. The interview questions are based on the students memories and personal development discussions in which the written assessments were presented.
Knowledge management i personalomsättningsstrategin
Knowledge management syftar till hur ett företag hanterar kunskap i sin organisation och begreppet börjades användas på 1990-talet. Behovet av en väl utarbetad knowledge managementstrategi blir uppenbart då någon börjar eller slutar på ett företag. Det finns mycket resurser att spara om man på ett effektivt sätt kan ge den nyanlände kunskap och överföra kunskap till organisationen från den som ska lämna. Risk finns också att nödvändig kunskap går förlorad om någon slutar och tar med sig nödvändig information som då blir svår eller omöjlig att återfå.Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilka kopplingar som finns mellan knowledge managementstrategier hos en organisation och personalomsättningsstrategierna. Frågeställningen att besvaras är vilka knowledge managementstrategier kan ett kunskapsintensivt företag ha för att bäst hantera en anställds avgång eller ankomst? Genom litteraturstudier lades en grundförståelse för ämnet som sedan utmynnade i ett intervjuunderlag som ställdes mot två företag.
Samband mellan anknytning och självkänsla hos ungdomar. En pilotstudie
Background:When the patient is critically ill the family is in a vulnerable position. The nurse's role is to support and help the family to find meaning in the difficult situation and to provide realistic hope. Balancing between the patient's and the family's needs is difficult. Knowledge about how nurses experience difficulties in the interaction with family is required in order to grant good care too critically ill patients and their family-members.Aim:To describe nurses' perceived difficulties in the interaction with family-members of critically ill patients.Method:The study is a qualitative literature-based study based on qualitative research. Results: The analysis resulted in four main themes; difficult disunion, environmental constraints, interpersonal difficulties and communicative difficulties.
?Man sitter på sin plats och räknar i boken? : En studie av elevers uppfattningar om matematik och matematikundervisning med fokus på lärares metoder och verktyg
Swedish students' knowledge of mathematics has deteriorated in recent years. Teaching of mathematics is therefore starting point in an ongoing discussion among researchers, school leaders, politicians, teachers and others, who all thinks they know best about how teaching should be designed to the greatest extent possible to raise students' proficiency levels in the subject. Teachers' practices have long been the focus of discussions and views on these differ. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study students 'conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching, with teachers' methods and tools of focus, in relation to previous research on the subject. The method used was a survey of students in secondary school and a textual analysis of previous studies on the subject.As revealed by the survey was that the textbook has a big advantage in mathematics education in Sweden today.Many students are not accustomed to working in a different way and thereforedoes not know either what the alternative approach entails.
Measurement of ejection fraction of the left ventricular - A comparison between echocardiography and isotope angiography
Background: Documents and legislation inform us that parts of the public health service of Sweden, at a political level, aim to support people?s sexual health. Statistics show there has been an increase among young woman, seeking help for sexual pain during intercourse. The diagnosis that the media has come to observe lately is vulvar vestibulitis. In general there is a lack of knowledge about the existence of this state of pain and its causes, which impacts woman to get appropriate help and support in time.
Fyra uppdrag om människokroppen för grundskolans senare år
Recent studies show that the knowledge in and understanding of science, technology andmathematics of Swedish junior high school and high school students is decreasing. As a resultof this the Swedish government has initialized several studies, research and reforms. One ofthe theories for teaching that today is seen as effective is the socio-cultural perspective and itsdescendants, including scientific inquiry. Using the pedagogy of the socio-cultural perspectivefour assignments regarding the human body was constructed for junior high school studentsattending summer research school in the summer of 2008, hosted by AstraZeneca. Theassignments follow a structure (goal of assignment, preparations, experiment and follow-up)inspired by the concept of NTA ? Naturvetenskap och Teknik för Alla (Science andTechnology for everyone).
Sociala omsorgsassistenter : de "nya" omsorgsgivarna i en omsorgsförvaltnings "paradigmskifte"
Purpose: The primary aim of the study was to analyse and discuss how employees with a secondary nursing education describe their occupational character whilst working as well as the conditions for caring acts in a changing progress towards professionalism.Questions: What are the conditions to provide a high standard of care in this changing progress? What influence does it have on the occupational character ?Method: Critical case study and focus groupsConclusion: One of the central findings of the field study was the identification of two occupational identities; traditional and pedagogical orientated. These two occupational character traits are connected with different types of occupational competence and demands different theoretical knowledge. They also have different regards concerning the new title; social omsorgsassistent. A conclusion of the study is that a professional project of a non-specific nature is unable to stress the different levels of knowledge and competence that occupational identities have when one seeking professionalism..
Övergången till gymnasiet : En lupp som avslöjar brister i elevernas matematikkunskaper
Transition to Non-Compulsory EducationScrutinizing flaws in Students? knowledge in Mathematics.
?Vi måste alla lära oss mer? : En normkritisk studie om blivande specialpedagogers och speciallärares kunskaper om och syn på ADHD.
The most common neuropsychiatric diagnose among children and adolescents in Swedish schools today is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many of these pupils are in need of special support and it is therefore important that special teachers and special educational needs coordinators (SENCO:s) have the competence required to meet their needs. The purpose of this essay was to study special teacher and SENCO students? knowledge and attitudes regarding ADHD. This was done using a norm critical and gender perspective.
Låt den rätte komma in - En studie om valet av vd i entreprenörsföretag
Entrepreneurship is said to be the missing link between knowledge and growth in the Swedish economy. New ventures run a high risk of failing and this holds true especially for technology ventures. Since company leaders have proven to exert an influence on organisations' survival possibilities, the selection of an appropriate CEO is important. The purpose of this study is to describe the importance of the CEO for ventures as well as to explain how knowledge and experience affect the opinion of who should be CEO. Using a qualitative case study research design including three life science companies, we show that there are three main factors crucial when selecting a CEO.
CIO 2.0 : Kunskapsområden och utmaningar
Rollen som CIO är komplicerad och i ständig förändring. Rollinnehavaren ska förändra och förbättra organisationen samtidigt som CIO-rollen skapades utifrån ett behov av att erhålla en överblick och kunskap om vilka effekter beslut får. I dagsläget ligger mycket fokus på att CIO-rollen ska bidra med ökat värde till organisationen. Det finns dock ingen tydlig definition av vad CIO-rollen närmare innebär, grundat i specifik organisation kan rollens syfte variera. Avsaknad av en generell definition och konsensus av vad CIO-rollen innebär leder till att det är problematiskt att utvärdera rollen och hur väl den fungerar inom en organisation.Med denna studie ämnar vi påbörja arbetet med att tydliggöra CIO-rollen genom att identifiera kunskapsområden som är knutna till rollen.
Utrustning och utrymmen för uppbyggnad av en rehabiliteringsavdelning för hundar
Physical rehabilitation is a constantly growing field in veterinary nursing. To build a physical rehabilitation center for dogs you need personnel with adequate education and knowledge. In spite of good knowledge it can be hard to know which areas and equipment necessary for the work. It is of interest to describe how a physical rehabilitation center can be planned and which spaces and equipment to prioritize. In this study, data of different spaces and equipment for a physical rehabilitation center for dogs are presented and also the economical perspective is introduced as a background.