

2745 Uppsatser om Background speech - Sida 36 av 183

Vilka aspekter påverkar nöjdhet hos internetbanksanvändare?

This essay has its background in the work I?ve been conducting organizing and cataloging two personal archives concerning the life and work of two vicars, Johan Axel Björkman and P.A. Björkman. The time span of the papers stretches from 1823 to 1982.The main problems I?ve been confronted with during this work have to do with respecting provenance and original order.

Högt hus i Chongqing/Kina - ett bostadsprojekt

This is a project showing a proposal on how a high-rise building gains qualities similar to middle rise houses of 7-9 stories. The closed, isolated and often anonymous life in the high building opens up through gardens. The resident meet the outdoor environment on the balcony, or has direct access to a garden.Instead of moving in a closed core, the resident will meet the climate and outdoor conditions as soon as he or she leaves the apartment.The project consists of two parts, where the first is presenting a building proposal, the second is expanding the knowledge through background research. The topics are history concerning the skyscraper and the skyscraper globally, closing up with the situation in China..

Internationell diversifiering i portföljinvesteringar av institutionella investerare.Internationell jämförelse med fokus i Japan

Background: The global capital markets have enlarged investment opportunities and thus also the sources of funds for companies which increasingly face global markets for their services and products. Huge capital movements show that investors are constantly searching ways to minimise risk and maximise returns. In the light of the substantial growth of assets in institutional funds, an important question for international finance is the degree to which institutional investors have diversified their portfolios internationally. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the international diversification of portfolio investments of institutional investors in Japan, the US and the UK and deepen into international diversification in portfolios of Japanese institutional investors. Demarcations: Institutional investors can use their power directly in companies or indirectly through capital markets.

Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection

AbstractBackground: After a while the usage of urinary catheters leads to UTI which for the patient means inconvenience, suffering and pain. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate how to prevent UTI from patients with indwelling catheter. Method: This study was a literature review in which the articles have been searched for in PubMed, Cinahl and ELIN@Kristianstad. Results: It is important for the nurse to clean the periutheral area before inserting the catheter, and has the knowledge of different cathetermaterials. Silver alloy-coated catheters reduces the rate of UTI.

Kristianstad Kommuns destinationsutveckling : Utvecklingen utifrån tre hållbara aspekter

The ongoing construction of Kristianstad is a trade mall in the city center, the City Hall and the railway station neighborhood is rebuilding, new residential projects are planned and "The healthy garden", "Accessibility for everyone" and "ERA-farms" are also current. Kristianstad has always a sustainable way of thinking in the background during the development and they are trying to meet all three perspective of sustainability: economical, ecological and social. The municipality seeks knowledge both by sharing their own and takes part in other municipalities in the development process..

Ett tillförlitligt talgränssnitt : En studie om röstens utformning i en Intelligent Personlig Assistent

Modern teknik som intelligenta personliga assistenter (IPA) som finns i smartphones kan förenkla människors vardagliga liv. De kan hjälpa personer med funktionshinder och människor som lever stressfulla liv. Genom tal, kan IPA:er enkelt hjälpa personer som ofta har händerna fulla att hitta vägbeskrivningar, information eller skicka meddelanden över hela världen. För att locka människor till att förlita sig på IPA:er i det dagliga livet räcker det inte att den är intelligent och tilltalande, den måste också vara tillförlitlig.Det finns många faktorer som är involverade i att bygga ett trovärdigt system. Denna uppsats fokuserar på att ta reda på vilka egenskaper som gör en IPA:s röst trovärdig och vilken typ av röster designers bör göra tillgängliga för sina användare.

Att slåss mot en osynlig fiende - Kvinnors upplevelser av postpartumpsykos

AbstractBackground:There are three diffrent postpartum problems a woman can suffer after a childbirth, postpartum blues that is the mildest one that almost everyone are suffering. Postpartum depression that is substantial and above 10-15 % are suffering, the most servere is postpartumpsychosis that 1-2 women per 1000 deliveries are suffering from. Aim: Illustrate womens experience during and after a postpartumpsychosis. Methods: This is a literary review of scientific articel and biographies, they are analysed with latent content analysis. Results: Six themes were found after the literature review; experience of; ?unnatural frame of mind?, loss of controll, loneliness, feeling guilt, living with a label and fear that there will be a recurrence.

Missaktning i Guds namn. En undersökning av HD: s tillämpning av Europakonventionen på 16:8 BRB

2003 ändrades bestämmelsen om hets mot folkgrupp i 16 kapitlet 8 § brottsbalken så att även hets mot homosexuella blev straffbart. Det skulle i fortsättningen vara brottsligt att hota eller uttrycka missaktning för homosexuella i ett uttalande eller meddelande som sprids. I förarbetena till lagändringen förklarades att samma principiella avvägningar skulle göras vid bedömningen av hets mot homosexuella som vid hets mot andra grupper. Under lagstiftningsärendets beredning restes frågan om hur kriminaliseringen skulle komma att påverka till exempel predikningar om homosexualitet utifrån Bibeln. I förarbetena framhölls bland annat att det inte skulle vara tillåtet att använda Bibeln för att hota eller uttrycka missaktning för homosexuella som grupp, men att det även i fortsättningen skulle vara tillåtet att citera och diskutera religiösa urkunder och uppmana åhörarna att följa urkundernas inriktning.I NJA 2005 s.

Reglering av sociala medier i arbetslivet

Sociala medier har fått en allt större roll i det svenska samhället och användarantalet ökar ständigt. I takt med att internetuppkopplingen blivit mer lättillgänglig genom exempelvis smarta telefoner har sättet som kommunikation idag sker på fått nya dimensioner. Privatlivet har således börjat gå in i arbetslivet och tvärtom, vilket har lett till att gränsen blivit otydlig och svårdefinierad. Vad arbetstagare får uttrycka i sociala medier är omdiskuterat och åsikter mellan arbetsgivare, Arbetsdomstolen och andra aktörer går isär. Den grundläggande Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen inskränks i den privata sektorn av lojalitetsplikten och även rätten att kritisera arbetsgivaren begränsas.

Konsten att tala om böcker : Bokprat ur ett retoriskt perspektiv

In this study the book talk is examined as a communicative act with a purpose to convince according to an under-lying intention to promote reading. I follow the book talk?s way from an idea of the book talker (and the library) to the reception of the audience, with the aim to understand how to talk about books in an engaging manner. More specifically, the rhetorical situation and the purpose of a book talk, the performance and the means to arouse and retain interest in the book talk as a speech and in the books themselves are examined and the impact of the book talk on the audience.The empirical material consists of observations of two different book talks (both directed to children) and interviews with the two different book talking librarians and a few of the children from the audiences to both book talks. The theoretical framework consists of rhetorical theories from both antique and modern times and I perform a rhetorical analysis of both book talks.

De talar av erfarenhet : uppfattningar om begreppen demokrati och diktatur hos vuxenelever med utländsk bakgrund

I have in this study examined, through qualitative interviews, how adults with foreign background that are pupils in adult education in Sweden, understand the concepts democracy and dictatorship. Their expressed understandings have been compared with their former life experiences as well as with the aim of the social studies to create a qualitative understanding of essential social concepts. My starting point is theories about the adult in leaning processes. It has been assumed that the adult interprets the world much through former life experiences. I have also relied on the idea that having a qualitative, more scientific, understanding of essential subjects is important for the adult as a member of society and participator in the on-going political debate.

Uppfattningar om sambandet mellan fonologisk språkförsening och läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Anette Dalling. (2007). Uppfattningar om sambandet mellan fonologisk försening och läs- och skrivsvårigheter (Perceptions of the link between phonological speech delay and reading and writing difficulties). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Syfte Syftet med följande arbete är att förklara sambandet mellan fonologisk försening och läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Metod Arbetet ger en dels en historisk överblick av fonologi och dels en översikt av den forskning som finns i dag om sambandet mellan fonologisk försening och läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Med hjälp av intervjuer ville jag se vilka kompetenser, erfarenheter och metoder specialpedagoger med vidareutbildning inom tal- och språk har för att upptäcka och förebygga för de fonologiskt försenade barnen.

Att integrera i det svenska samhället : En undersökning om kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund och deras syn på introduktion och andra faktorer som påverkar inträdet i det svenska arbetslivet och samhället

The integration policy in Sweden shall encourage individuals to support themselves and take part in society. It shall alsocontribute to equal rights and opportunities for women as well as for men. In Borlänge this has resulted in a program ofintroduction for new arrivals from other countries. However, at the unit responsible for economic support, they havediscovered that women with immigrant background more often than men seem to have trouble starting or became to anending of the program, which then especially leads women to a long-term dependence for economic support. The purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate what factors affect immigrant women?s participation in theintroduction, and what significance this participation has for their possibilities to become economically self-supporting,and integrated into Swedish society.

PosteriorUretravalvel : Kanflödesmätningochresidualurinmätningersättacystometrividinitialbedömningavblåsfunktionen?

ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

Installation av övervakningssytem ombord på fartyget M/S Andromeda

This report is regarding an electrical installation of an alarm system on a post fishingboat called Andromeda. The background of the installation was an earlier andinadequate alarm system that led to a motor failure. The ship was taken out of serviceand was sold to Björn Magndahl who rebuilt it to a yacht.The project was conducted partly by developing the existing systems, partly bydocumenting the work by means of electrical blue prints. Except the alarm systems, aninstallation of the frequency control unit for the bow thruster was installed.The installation was working fine and the outcome of the documentation was handedover in a form of a binder during the test drive of the systems and the assignment wasapproved..

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