

336 Uppsatser om BT-Industries - Sida 1 av 23

Den kreativa staden: en fallstudie om en stads kreativa näringar

The purpose with this thesis was to describe the importance of the creative industries for a town. We thought that towns could design a strategy to attract creative industries and creative people to establish their business in the town. During the study some important topics, such as a town brand, a town image and a town identity has been identified as factors that can influence and attract people and creative industries. Towns can use these topics in their marketing of the town. The method that we used was a case study: we conducted interviews to collect information about the chosen case study, the town of Skellefteå.

Valutahedging - ur Kalmar Industries Perspektiv

Syftet med uppsatsen var att analysera Kalmar Industries valutariskhantering. Utifrån Kalmar Industries perspektiv undersökte vi om terminer är ett lämpligt derivat för att skydda sig mot valutarisker eller om europeiska säljoptioner eller asiatiska säljoptioner av europeisk typ är att föredra. Syftet uppfylldes genom en intervjustudie och en empirisk undersökning. Den empiriska studien prissatte derivaten och skapade portföljer som utvärderades. Vår slutsats blev att Kalmar Industries är ett riskminimerande företag som i sin valutariskhantering bör använda sig av terminer.

Motiv till fusioner : en jämförelse mellan branscher utifrån tre perspektiv

During the twentieth century, mergers&aquisitions have occured in waves where times of low activityfrequently has turned into periods of high activity. M&A:s have been of increasing numbers and growing size, which was extra evident during the last wave during the 1990:s. What are the motives that has made M&A such a widely used strategy? Are there similarities within and across industries regarding merger motives? The empirical material consists of primary and secundary data collected from two mergers in three industries respectively; manufacturing, banking and IT. The analysis make use of three different perspectives, the reason for this being to create understanding and furthermore illuminate the complexity of the problem.

Upplysning enligt IAS 36 : En kvantitativ fallstudie av två branscher

Background: Goodwill has been a hot and debated topic for a longer period of time. Researchers have debated how goodwill should be accounted for and have not come to a solution. In 2005 IFRS standards came which meant that goodwill no longer will be amortized according to plan, but to be put through a yearly impairment test.Problem: A number of disclosure requirements in the financial reports have been made in an effort to avoid companies to account for goodwill differently. Apparently there still is a problem of how companies account for goodwill and there are several studies in the subject. But no one has studied how it is between two different industries, which make this study interesting to execute.Purpose/questions: This study have the purpose to investigate how the industries day to day wares and health care regards the disclosure requirements for goodwill by the impairment tests.

Kommers utav konceptuell höjd - varför finns ett svenskt modeunder men ingen som håller koll på tiden

The purpose of this study was to examine two relatively similar product industries, of which one is successful in its commercialization and the other one is not successful. The two industries observed in this paper are both Swedish industries, and both of them produce slow moving consumer goods for the luxury consumer. The successful industry is represented by the Swedish fashion industry, more precisely The Swedish Fashion Wonder (TSFW) - a term describing the success of a specific coalition of fashion designers from Sweden. The unsuccessful industry is represented by the luxury watch industry in Sweden (LWIS). The method used to examine the two industries' inequalities is based on a qualitative study, consisting of in-depth interviews with industry expertise from both of the industries.

Konsultbranschens hunger efter egenskaper - En studie av tre konsultbranschers rekryteringsprocesser och sökta egenskaper

Consultancy as a profession has always been a debated topic and has constantly been surrounded with a kind of secrecy. People have a hard time defining what consultants actually do and how they do it. It seems that they are simply waving their magic wands, performing wonders. We have therefore decided that the purpose of this study is to unveil the secrecy around the profession. By conducting interviews and analysing literature we have examined recruitment processes in three different consulting industries and their wanted personal characteristics.

EU-patent på datorrelaterade uppfinningar : en rättsekonomisk analys

Computer programs must give a technical effect that goes beyond"normal physical interaction"to be considered to belong to a technical field. The invention shall be be susceptible of industrial application, which means that it should be possible to reproduce or use in any other industrial way. The reqirement that the invention shall be new means that the technique must not be previously known because of patents, published articles, etc. That an invention shall be a contribution to the state of the art in a technical field means that the invention shall not be obvious to invent for a person skilled in the art. Patents do effect the innovation among the inventers, but in most industries most inventions would be invented independent if there was a patent system or not.

Corporate Social Responsibility : Strategisk Tillämpning Mellan Olika Branscher

Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis thesis intends to exam the strategic use of Corporate Social Responsibility within fifthteen different companies, classified/divided into three various industries. The aim is to compare the three different industries, to look for disparities and similarities in their use of CSR. The disseration looks into both variance and resemblance in the use of Corporate Social Responsibility between the companies within the same branch of trade and between the industries.The industries of intrestThe three industries that the study has focus on is consumer, manufacturing and service related industries. Where the consumer industry is classified as companies with direct sales towards private consumers, the physical citizen. The manufacturing industry is classified as companies that manufacture products but that does´nt sell their products directly to the regular consumer.

Värdering av tillgångar : En branschpraxis för klädbranschen och byggbranschen

The valuation of an asset is one of the most important thing with accounting, though one of the most difficult thing as well. However, in deciding useful service life for an intangible asset and property, plant and equipment, there are quite a margin for the companies, which creates a difference between companies and industries. When computing the value of the inventories there are a few possibilities available for the companies, which also can generate differencesbetween companies and industries. Although these differences can occur, there might be some similarities in the companies? estimates.

Värdering av tillgångar : En branschpraxis för klädbranschen och byggbranschen

The valuation of an asset is one of the most important thing with accounting, though one of the most difficult thing as well. However, in deciding useful service life for an intangible asset and property, plant and equipment, there are quite a margin for the companies, which creates a difference between companies and industries. When computing the value of the inventories there are a few possibilities available for the companies, which also can generate differencesbetween companies and industries. Although these differences can occur, there might be some similarities in the companies? estimates.

Att analysera kundrelationer : en studie av Hendryx Skis Industries

Att vårda sina relationer har för företag blivit betydligt viktigare och mer tid har lagts på utvecklandet av relationsmarknadsföring. Hur dessa relationer skapas och vad som gör att de utvecklas och bibehålls har dessutom varit i forskarnas blickfång. I dagens forskning åtskiljs relationer mellan företag samt relationer mellan företag och konsumenter.Syftet med denna uppsats är att, genom att studera och analysera Hendryx Skis Industries konsumentrelationer, undersöka huruvida Holmlunds relationsmodell, som utvecklats för att studera relationer mellan företag, även är tillämpbar för att undersöka relationer mellan företag och konsumenter.Med skidföretaget Hendryx Skis Industries som fallstudie analyserades det insamlade materialet med hjälp av tre dimensioner; en teknisk, en social och en ekonomisk. Tydligt kan sägas att den tekniska och sociala dimensionen kan identifieras som viktiga och väl fungerande mätinstrument. Däremot bör bättre anpassade ekonomiska variabler utarbetas för att på bästa sätt kunna analysera kundrelationer även inom denna dimension..

Från varuperspektiv till servicelogik : ett arbete om rollförändring och öppenhet på webben

This study focuses on the transfer between a product-oriented to a service-oriented perspective regarding marketing activities in companies due to the development of information technology. It illustrates how this very transfer has been, and can be, contemplated through the eyes of organizations working with marketing in a digital world on a daily basis. Technology has turned several industries - their price-setting, communication channels and supplying possiblities - upside-down. This turnpoint brings out a new way of observing and working with marketing. Therefore, we find it interesting to gain a better understanding of how actors within industries where the turnpoint is a fact observes marketing, and how this service perspective can be seen in their various organizations and daily.

Energikartläggning av Ankarsrum Industries

I denna rapport framgår vilken energibesparing som är möjlig i vissa processer hos Ankarsrum Industries. Hypotesen var att sänka företagets energikostnader med 30 %.Företagets analyserade stödprocesser omfattar tryckluft, belysning och ventilation och lokalkomfort. Tryckluftsproduktionen kostar idag 259 000 kronor om året. Företaget har ett tryckluftsläckage som uppgår till 113 000 kronor. Om läckage tätas och en ny kompressor investeras kan företaget spara 160 000 kronor per år.Belysningen i företagets lokaler består av flera olika typer av armaturer med varierande kvalitet.

Avvägning mellan ordersärkostnad och lagerhållningskostnad i processindustrin

Lean Production is used by many manufacturing companies. Companies in process industries do not use Lean Production to the same extent today. This is part of the report's issue to explore how Lean Production can be applied to a company in the process industries.The investigated company is a processing company that manufactures various types of foil. The company wishes to streamline its production and has therefore asked the authors to examine if Lean Production can offer the company improvements in their production. Lean Production value stream mapping tool has been selected to identify and analyze the current state of two of its products in production.

Establishing in China?s ?good-enough? market - - A benchmarking study on Scandinavian engineering industries? further establishment in China

Title: Establishing in China?s ?good-enough? market - A benchmarking study on Scandinavian engineering industries? further establishment in China. Problem discussion: The Chinese market is gaining importance for Scandinavian engineering industries and is by many considered a crucial market to be successful in. These companies have a tradition of producing premium products for premium customers. However, in China many are currently experiencing the threat from local competitors producing products of somewhat less quality aimed at the vast Chinese middle market - the good-enough market.

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