

301 Uppsatser om Auditor Rotation. - Sida 6 av 21

Revisionens betydelse vid kreditprövning : Påverkan ur kreditgivares perspektiv.

Bachelor thesis in business administration with emphasis in accounting and auditing. Spring term 2011, Mälardalens Högskola.Authors:Jim Hansson, Filip Sahl and Pererik Sewerin.Advisor:Lennart Bogg.Key words:Abolition of mandatory auditing, optional audit, auditor, audit.Title:The role of audit in a credit review - impact from the creditor's perspectiveBackground:As of November 1st2010, auditing became optional for micro companies in Sweden. This leads to an opportunity for about 70 % of the joint-stock companies to choose whether or not to keep their auditors. Creditors are affected by this as they may receive a less trustworthy base to make a good credit review if many companies choose to proceed their accountings without the control of an auditor. Creditors have the option to require that companies are to be reviewed by auditors, while authorized accounting consultants may be a possible substitute as a quality control for the accountings.Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to examine what impact optional audit has had in credit processes so far and look into alternative forms of reviews for businesses.Problem definition:? Does auditing simplify for the creditors in a credit review? ? Is there some kind of accounting that could be a substitute for the audit?Method:The study is qualitative in character through six interviews.

Revisorers legitimitet och skadeståndsansvar

In September 2008, a proposition to limit auditors? liability for statutory audit was launched by a Swedish Government official report. Auditors? legal liability in this respect has been joint and unlimited for more than 60 years in Sweden. By using a qualitative literature study method, this paper aims at discovering how the proposed change in legal liability affects the legitimacy of auditors in Sweden.

Skillnader mellan röntgensjuksköterskors och radiologers rutiner att godkänna eller inte godkänna frontalbilder på knäplastik

Bakgrund: Trikompartmentell knäartroplastik (TKA) är en vanlig behandlingsmetod vid artros. Vid bildtagning finns rekommendationer författade av Svensk Ortopedisk Förening. Dessa täcker inte knäledsrotation på en frontalbild. Syftet var att ta reda på skillnader mellan röntgensjuksköterskors och radiologers rutiner att godkänna/underkänna knäfrontalbilder med TKA ifall knät projicerats roterat.Metod: Genom en enkät bestående av två till fyra frågor om fem frontalbilder på knän med TKA som elva röntgensjuksköterskor och nio radiologer fick svara på samlades materialet in. Bilderna visade fem olika knän som i denna studie respektive bedömdes som rak, lite utåtroterad, mycketutåtroterad, lite inåtroterad samt mycket inåtroterad.

Den missförstådda lagen : En studie om revisorers obenägenhet att anmäla sina klienter vid ett misstänkt bokföringsbrott

Problemdiskussion: Under 2013 har Brottsförebyggande rådet lämnat statistik som visar att en fjärdedel av alla anmälda ekonomiska brott i Skaraborgsområdet är bokföringsbrott. En fjärdedel är en stor andel och borde undersökas mer ingående. Det är oklart hur många anmälningar som har kommit från revisorer under 2013. En rapport av Larsson (2004) visar dock att endast 1 % av alla anmälda ekobrott kommer från revisorer. Det finns flera studier som menar att anmälningsskyldigheten inte har haft någon effekt på förhindrandet av ekobrott då få anmälningar har kommit från revisorer.

Förrotation till omrörare

The primary function of a mixer is to keep a fluid in constant motion. All mixing applicationsrequire varying degrees of small-scale turbulence and bulk flow. The performance of asubmersible mixer is measured by the thrust that it produces, while the strength of the bulkflow is dependent on the total amount of installed thrust.In a mixer, the fluid quickly flows past the propeller, and as a result, the current is mainlyaxial. The fluid will also obtain a rotating velocity, or a swirl, though this is significantly lessthan that of the propeller. During the process, the total amount of energy increases in the formof static pressure and kinetic energy.

Varför svänger stenen? : En studie i curlingens komplexa tribosystem

The tribo system ice-curling stone was investigated in order to understand the mechanisms behind the stones' behavior on the ice sheet. The problem with non-identical stones should also be addressed.The stone curls, that is, its sliding path deviates from a straight line to the right for a clock-wise rotation and to the left for a anti-clock-wise rotation. Several mechanisms to explain this behavior have been proposed over the years but none has been successful.By carrying out experiments at the local curling rink and studying silicon castings of ice- and stone-surfaces with scanning electron microscopy and vertical scanning interferometry, it has been decided that the curl is not due to dry friction, ice-debris or the difference in friction on the left and right side of the stone. The side force comes from the fact that the friction is higher at the back of the stone than at the front.The contact between stone and ice is never completely dry, nor in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime. It is probably a combination of hydrodynamic lubrication and a contribution from mechanical scratching of the ice.

Vilka avancemangsfaktorer påverkar män och kvinnor att avancera på karriärstegen? : kvantitativ undersökning inom revisionsbranschen

Purpose: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explain how advancement factors affect men and woman to advance in their careers in the accounting profession.                                Methodology: A positivist approaches and a deductive approach, with a quantitative method was used to obtain the results of the analysis. Theoretical perspective: The theory describes the career stages, audit assistant, approved auditor, registered auditor, manager and partner. Their responsibilities and what it takes to get there is explained. Theory section also describes the different advancement factors from a gender perspective. Empirical: The empirical material is based on a survey conducted in respondents who represent the five career stages. The collected data is then analyzed using statistical tests. Conclusion: The analysis shows that the identified career advancement factors that limit and stimulates the male and female auditors? career ladder.

Strategier för att reducera förväntningsgapet : Hur går revisorn, revisionsbyrån och professionen tillväga?

The expectation gap is the definition of the differences between what the interests expects from the auditor and what the auditor delivers. A number of studies have been done regarding the expectation gap and generally they point at the existence of an expectation gap.In our paper we want to discover and see how strategies are used in the process to reduce the expectation gap from three levels. The levels we treat are auditors, audit bureaus and the profession. We have chosen to examine the strategies used by the three levels to reduce the expectation gap to following interest groups, owners, management/board of directors, and creditors.The purpose with our paper is to create understanding about how auditors, audit bureaus and the profession use strategies in the process to reduce the expectation gap.With existing theories as ground we have construed and developed our own theory about which thinkable strategies the three levels can use.We have interviewed auditors, representatives from bureaus and a spokesman for the profession. In the examination we have used telephone interviews with questions based on our operationalization.

Avskaffande av revisionsplikten : -         Alternativkostnader som kan uppkomma för de mindre företagen

This essay deals with the topic options costs and whether such costs would arise for smaller companies now when they have the opportunity to choose not to have an auditor. Small companies are defined as companies that fulfill at least two of the following three criteria?s: less than 1,5 million SEK in balance sheet, less than three employees and turnover less than 3 million SEK. The decision regarding internal revision does not only affect the company itself but also other parties such as the taxation authority, banks and others that can be influenced by the decision. This essays main focus is on the influenced parties, especially the taxation authority and the banks as these have been highlighted in debates in media and because the small companies themselves may have difficulties to foresee the consequences of the new changes. The opinions from accounting companies will be considered in the essay as they can be considered as experts regarding the different aspect within this area.

Den interna revisorsrotationen : Betydelsen för revisorns oberoende

Frågan om revisorns oberoende har historiskt sett alltid varit en aktuell fråga och är idag själva grunden för revisionsyrket. Revisorns oberoende har blivit kraftigt ifrågasatt under den senaste tiden, vilket beror på en rad olika redovisningsskandaler runt om i världen. För att återupprätta allmänhetens förtroende för yrket har lagstiftare implementerat nya lagar och regler. EUs svar på revisorns bristande trovärdighet är intern rotation av påskrivande revisor och nyckelpersoner inom revisionsteamet. I Sverige gäller lagen om den interna revisorsrotationen för noterade bolag.

Utveckling av spädbarns prediktiva förmåga att gripa en roterande stav: Griprörelsens strukturering

Skiljer sig utvecklingen av spädbarns förmåga att planera griprörelser mot ett objekt relativt att anpassa handen till objektets rotation? Nitton spädbarn i åldrarna 6 och 10 månader studerades. Spädbarnen grep mot en stav i rotation och deras griprörelser registrerades med hjälp av ett ProReflex system (Qualisys). Såväl handens hastighet fram mot staven som handens vridningshastighet beräknades och delades in i rörelseenheter bestående av en accelerationsfas och en inbromsningsfas. Resultatet visar att antalet enheter sjunker med ökande ålder för båda hastigheterna.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : En obefogad oro?

Since 1987 until November 2010, the entrepreneurs who choose to conduct its? company in the Swedish corporate form aktiebolag had no opportunity to evade or deselect the mandatory audit. The only choice that really was there to make was to which audit firm they would turn to and the Swedish auditor?s position was rather unchallenged. Today the circumstances are different and the small businesses have been given a chance to take charge of their own situation now being able to remove the auditor.

Årlig gödsling med NPK bäst för gröda, miljö och ekonomi

Yesterdays common fertilizing strategy was to apply phosphor (P) and potassium (K) in thefall a few times in the crop rotation. In the spring only nitrogen (N) was applied. Recent trialsand studies has shown that this strategy, N+P/PK, is ineffective compared with the systemwhere NPK is spread every year in the spring. The strategy with annual NPK-fertilizer in thespring has proven to be better for the crop, the environment and the farmers economy.In the NPK-system the crop responds with higher yields and better quality, especially in thespring cereals. This is mainly because of an interaction between the different nutrients in thefertilizer.

Vad kommer ett avskaffande av revisionsplikten att innebära?

Då avskaffandet av den lagstiftade revisionsplikten för småföretag är under utredning, är vårt syfte med denna uppsats att se vad ett avskaffande kan innebära för några utvalda intressenter..

Vad kommer ett avskaffande av revisionsplikten att innebära?

Då avskaffandet av den lagstiftade revisionsplikten för småföretag är under utredning, är vårt syfte med denna uppsats att se vad ett avskaffande kan innebära för några utvalda intressenter..

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