

301 Uppsatser om Auditor Rotation. - Sida 5 av 21

Revisor idag, redovisningskonsult imorgon : Har revisionen spelat ut sin roll i mindre företag?

In 2010 mandatory audit was revoked for small and medium sized companies in Sweden. At the same time the authorization for accounting consultants was established with the aim of raising the knowledge and status of the profession. Even though The Swedish Companies Registration Office has discovered more errors in the accounting after the mandatory audit was eliminated, it especially concerns those companies who does not have neither an auditor or an accounting consultant. One of the reasons often mentioned to be audited is the auditors role when it comes to lending decisions. Our empirical studie show that the auditors most important function, being unbiased, is not what is of greatest importance for the credit institutions.Instead it was professional skills, and for small and medium enterprises (SME) it was consulting they requested the most.

Revisorns oberoende : Hur säkerställer revisorn sin oberoende ställning gentemot sin klient

Bakgrund: De stora redovisningsskandalerna som uppstod i början av 2000-talet fick en stor betydelse för den kommande diskussionen angående vikten av revisorns oberoende. Detta orsakade striktare riktlinjer och förordningar för revisorerna, både i Sverige och ur ett internationellt perspektiv. Eftersom det är vitalt att revisorn står i en oberoende ställning gentemot sina klienter för att skapa legitmitet i revisionen och mot den externa parten, har det diskuterats kring hur revisorn säkerställer oberoendet gentemot klienten och sin omvärld.Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att få en djupare förståelse om hur revisorerna säkerställer sin oberoende ställning gentemot sina klienter. Vi kommer lägga fokus på fyra stora revisionsbyråer i Jönköping, för att undersöka hur revisorn säkerställer sin oberoendeställning gentemot klienten, samt vilken roll analysmodellen har i säkerställningen av revisorns oberoende och hur konsultationer påverkar oberoendet.Metod: Undersökningen baseras på en kvalitativ studie för att få en djupgående förståelse för respondenternas åsikter och synpunkter på den ställda problemformuleringen. Den primära datan till empirin har samlats in genom intervjuer, där respondenterna har varit revisorer som har en stor inblick i revisionsbranschen.

Hur revisorn skapar trygghet och säkerställer oberoendet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to seek understanding, describe and analyse how auditors practically reassure and maintain their independence towards clients.Methodology: The study is conducted with a qualitative method with a deductive approach. The study is based on interviews with both experienced and recently graduated auditors.Conclusion: Our empirical results show that there are economical incentives that contradict the requirements to fulfil the auditor?s independence. The conclusion is that the media view is narrow and biased. Furthermore the auditors agree that an acceptable level of comfort is achieved by offering a high value, being a part of a large network of professionals and the ability to set materiality and evaluate risks. .

Bästa praxis för integrerade internrevisioner : En handbok för integrerade internrevisioner

In order for a business management to be able to make informed decisions for their companies need enterprise management system regularly checked by internal audits. The aim of purpose with this work was to develop a working manual for integrated internal audits. This was done through a litterature study and interviews with auditors. An in-depth interview was conducted with an experienced auditor to get more understanding and depth of the internal audits process, and how the manual could be designed. Discussions were held with the person responsible for environment, health and safety at Swedspan Hultsfred to adjust the manual to the company?s internal management system.

Analysmodellen - en variation i tillämpningen?

The purpose of our essay is to examine if variation exists in the way that auditors try their independence, this so called analysis-model. We will suggest some factors that influence the way auditors practise the analysis-model. The institutional theory predicts no differencies since the normative pressure could be expected to be severe. But we found that among other things people?s qualifications, personalities and audit firm?s size and age influence the way auditors try their independence.

Fallstudie på växtodlingsgård :

This report will point out the income for a scania plant production farm, this has been estimated through a case study. The outcome of this report will later be used to calculate a reasonable leasehold charge. This case study is solitary based upon this particular studied farm, at this very point, and can therefore not be used as a general guide. The reason why this particular scania plant production farm has been selected, is because the author is born and raised at the farm and has the intention to run the farm in the future. The chosen farm for this report is based in the southwest of scania and cover 300 hectare of plant production. The crop rotation consists of autumn wheat, sugar beats, spring wheat, spring barely, winter rape and fallow. The farm owns all machinery required.

Styrelsesammansättningens påverkan på revisorsarvodet

Introduction:By insight in the company and by monitoring the management, the board has an important function in creating trust in governance of the company. Furthermore, the board reduces the asymmetry of information between the owners and the management, which also is the function of the auditor, by auditing how the board governs the company and the accounting. In case the board does not effectively monitor the management, the auditor has to extend its monitoring, which increases the owners agency costs through the audit fee. The board composition can affect how effectively the board practices the monitoringProblem: How is the audit fee affected by the board composition?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how the board composition affects the audit fee.Method: The study uses a quantitative method, where the data was collected from the annual reports of 112 limited companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Large and Mid Cap lists on January 2, 2012.

Revisionspliktens avskaffade -Vilka effekter kan förväntas och vilka eventuella förändringar sker hos revisionsbyråerna

This essay examines the expected impact of the statury audit exemption in Sweden from anauditor perspective and any conscious changes made on the accounting firms to meet the abolition.The theoretical framework is divided into three parts where the first deals with the concept of audit, who the stakeholders are to revised information, the auditor's function from an agent and positive accountingtheoretical perspective and the expectation gap of what an auditor cando and what the client expect audit to be. The second part deals with the audit exemptions and effects in Denmark and England. The last section addresses the current debate, studies and statements by FAR SRS, small businesses, banks and the tax authority.The essay is essentially inductive with a phenomenological operator perspective. The thesis has a qualitative approach with four respondents who are authorized or approved as an auditor with extensive experience, active on four different accounting firms. The questionnaire is divided into two parts where the first part consists of a number of very open questions and the other part of more structured questions in order to obtain comprehensive answers.The survey shows that a number of new services, certifications and authentication degrees are to be expected in Sweden aswell.

En studie av tänkbara faktorer som föranleder internrevisorer att certifiera sig

Audit is a common concept in Sweden. This occurs in many contexts and situations and may intend a wide spectrum of areas. It might consider environment audit, amateur audit, internal auditing, external audit etc. In the business community external audit and the associated external auditor is possibly, from the general public's side, the most recognized. The external audits purposes in big features are checking limited companies economic accounting along with the board and CEO: s management.

Revisorns icke finansiella beroende : en experimentell undersökning av klientidentifikation

Studiens syfte har varit att förklara i vilken utsträckning icke-finansiellt beroende hos revisorer kan uppstå genom revisorernas identifikation med klienter samt undersöka dess effekter på revisorns oberoende och objektivitet. Vidare har vi försökt undersöka hur klientidentifikationen kan påverkas av professionell identifiering och revisorsrotation. Således har vår problemformulering varit ?Hur identifierar revisorerna sig med sina klienter hur detta påverkar revisorns objektivitet? Hur påverkas klientidentifikationen av revisorns profession? Hur kan revisorsrotationen bidra till en minskning av identifikationen med klienten? ?.Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom en elektronisk enkätundersökning som skickades ut till 1200 godkända och auktoriserade revisorer i Sverige. Bortfallet blev 87 %, den bakomliggande anledningen kan vara att enkäten skickades ut i samband med alla deklarationer.

Towards sustainable rye cultivation : soil carbon and yield modelling for crop rotations with rye

Using the Introductory Carbon Balance Model, ICBM, five different crop rotations with rye 1. Rye-Ley-Ley-Rye-Beans-Rye 2. Rye-Rye-Rapeseed-Rapeseed 3. Rye-Ley-Ley-Rye-Potatoes-Rye 4. Rye-Rye-Potatoes-Wheat 5. Rye-Rye-Potatoes-Beans-Wheat-Rye-Potatoes-Rapeseed were tested theoretically in four different cultivation scenarios ? Straw left on the field, biogas digestate added as fertilizer. Labelled ?+straw+BD?. ? Straw left on the field, only synthetic fertilizer. Labelled ?+straw-BD?. ? Straw harvested, biogas digestate added as fertilizer.

Internal Control - Efficiency in the Audit Process

The purpose of this research is to examine the implications of the provisions in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code) concerning auditor attestation of the internal control report. We will focus on how the auditors? augmented responsibilities will affect the efficiency in the audit process.Our research indicates that the main benefit from reviewing the internal control report is achieving more reliable internal controls, which results in greater prevention of misstatements in the financial statements. This will affect the efficiency in the audit process since the auditor can place more reliance on internal controls when performing audit procedures. This implies that the benefits of preventing misstatements could outweigh the efforts and resources spent on reviewing the internal control report..

Utformning av layout och monteringsupplägg på rotatormonteringen vid Indexator AB

Examensarbetet utfördes på företaget Indexator AB som bland annat tillverkar lågvarviga vingmotorer för rotation av gripdon.

Revisorers uppfattningar om ett strukturellt arbetssätt

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera erfarna revisorers uppfattning om ettstrukturellt arbetssätt i form av checklistor för både erfarna och mindre erfarna revisorer.Empirisk metod: Studien bygger på en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätstudie utskickadtill alla Sveriges auktoriserade revisorer. Svarsfrekvens var 4,8 procent. Svaren analyseradesgenom Pearson korrelationsmatris, multipel linjär regression och t-test.Resultat: Resultatet visar en generell positivitet till checklistanvändande, dock är revisorersuppfattning att de är mer positiva till att de mindre erfarna revisorerna använder sig avchecklistor.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Applicerar teori om professioner, struktur och omdöme på revisorermed olika erfarenhet..

Ny inmatningsfunktion för Arcomas detektorhållare

Arcoma is a company that develops and manufactures X-ray equipment for hospitals. One of the most crucial components is the digital detector. Due to the high cost it is made removable so it could be transferred and used in other X-ray apparatus. The detector is placed in a so called detector holder. The current detector has a rectangular shape which sometimes requires a 90 degree rotation to match the shape of the patient.

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