

731 Uppsatser om Audit firms - Sida 23 av 49

Skapande och kommunikation av varumärkespersonlighet i svenska klädbranschen

The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how Swedish clothing companies create and communicate a personality for their brand. Case studies were conducted with three companies: Nudie Jeans, Koppartrans and J.Lindeberg. These firms can be considered as established clothing brands nationally as well as internationally. The study found that individualism, logotype and moral standpoints play an important role in the creation and the communication of a brand?s personality.

Konstruktion av småsäckstömmare

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

Revisionskvalité : En studie om skillnad i revisionskvalité i familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag

Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Revisorns funktion är att agera som extern övervakare genom att skapa förtroende mellan bolaget och dess intressenter. Detta sedan det finns ett behov att informationen är tillförlitlig för att upprätthålla en välfungerande kapitalmarknad. För att detta ska vara möjligt krävs att revisorn förbehåller sig oberoende och innehar tillräcklig kompetensen. Det är även dessa komponenter som definierats vara summan av revisionskvalité. Vi föreslår att dimensionerna påverkar revisionskvalitén olika beroende på om bolaget är ett familjeföretag eller icke-familjeföretag.

REVISORNS ANMÄLNINGSPLIKT : Hur hanterar mindre revisonsbyra?er denna?

Myndigheterna info?rde revisorns anma?lningsplikt som en del av lo?sningen fo?r att beka?mpa ekonomisk brottslighet. Revisorn ska rapportera in brott som de ?kan missta?nka? till a?klagaren. De sto?rre byra?erna hanterade anma?lningsplikten genom att rekrytera experter.


The notion of firms interacting with technology is not new; these types of systems were already in place in the mid eighties. E-business users worked with connections between their inbound logistics and procurement systems, and suppliers? order-entry systems. When these connections were described for the first time the vertical links between two, or more, value chains in a value system received more attention in firm strategy. The design of the linkages in the value system was said to be a product of the need for coordination and relative bargaining power.

Konstruktion och beräkningar av skogsmaskinshytt

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

Automatisk rengöring av produktionsbana

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

Balancing packaging complexity by introducing platforms - A study at Carlsberg Breweries

Many consulting firms offer tailor-made solutions within complexity management, but these are not general frameworks built upon theories. Carlsberg are dealing with a large complexity within their one-way glass bottles, as they are growing by acquisitions, and are not attained enough economies of scale. This thesis balances the packaging complexity, with platform theory as a foundation. Twelve platforms were developed at Carlsberg, containing 21 bottles, and the calculated savings potential for applying these are EUR 28,9 million..

Demonstrationsrigg för mätning av vätskors egenskaper

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

Revision - hur uppnås god kvalitet i små revisionsbyråer?

Syfte:  Syftet med studien är att belysa och analysera hur revisorn arbetar för att eliminera risken för att göra väsentliga fel i årsredovisningen. Studien ska även beskriva och skapa förståelse för Revisorsnämndens och små revisionsbyråers arbete och ställningstagande till kvalitetssäkring.Metod: Utifrån ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och med en kvalitativ metod utfördes personliga intervjuer med tre små revisionsbyråer och Revisorsnämnden. Vid val av informanter tillämpades ett strategiskt urval. I studien har en abduktiv ansats använts. Slutsatser: Åtaganden för att god kvalitet ska uppnås i revisionen är revisionsprocessen, rotation på revisionsuppdrag vart sjunde år, tillämpning av analysmodell och etiska normer, FAR SRS:s kvalitetskontroller, internt kontrollsystem och kvalitetssäkring från RN..

Revisionspliktens vara eller icke vara i mindre aktiebolag

Bakgrund: De senaste årens skandaler inom näringslivet har resulterat i att flertalet lagar och regler har skärpts. I Sverige har exempelvis nya och strängare regler för extern revision införts genom Revisionsstandard i Sverige, RS. I dagsläget gäller RS för alla aktiebolag och till följd av detta samt regeringens förslag att förbjuda kombiuppdrag har lett till en debatt gällande revisionsplikten i mindre aktiebolag. I många europeiska länder är dock små aktiebolag undantagna från kravet att genomgå extern revision.Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utifrån ett intressentperspektiv ge ett förslag på hur revisionsplikten i mindre svenska aktiebolag bör se ut i framtiden.Avgränsningar: Denna uppsats behandlar endast revisionsplikt i aktiebolag, eller motsvarande utländsk företagsform. Dessutom har kretsen av intressenter begränsats till att enbart gälla myndigheter och banker.Tillvägagångssätt: Genom intervjuer med Ekobrottsmyndigheten, Skatteverket och fem banker samt genom att studera lagstiftningen gällande revisionsplikt i Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Finland, Frankrike, Tyskland och Storbritannien kunde ett förslag till den framtida revisionsplikten i mindre aktiebolag utarbetas.Resultat: Jämförelsen länderna emellan visar att det med hjälp av redovisningsteorier är svårt att förklara varför vissa länder har revisionsplikt medan andra inte har det.

Linux hoist review : En undersökning av automatiserade auditverktyg

Manuell säkerhetsgranskning av Linuxsystems konfigurationer är en tidskrävandeoch mödosam uppgift. Det existerar flera automatiserade verktyg som säger sigkunna underlätta arbetet, upptäcka uppenbara säkerhetsrisker och genereraunderlag för manuella granskningar.I detta arbetet ställer vi oss frågorna; ?Hur väl klarar befintliga verktyg, på ettautomatiserat vis, att identifiera kritiska konfigurationsbrister i ett linuxsystem??och ?Går det att ta fram metoder som bättre identifierar dessa brister??. Arbetetundersöker detta genom att samla verktyg för automatisk auditing och testar dessa iavsiktligt sårbart konfigurerade testmiljöer baserade på vedertagna riktlinjer försystemhärdning. Parallellt med detta tog vi också ta fram förbättradeidentifieringsmetoder genom att utveckla ett eget verktyg som inkluderas iundersökningen..

Långsiktighetens triumf: En studie om värdeskapande i Private Equity-branschen

This study aims to build a deeper understanding on how shareholder value is created in Private Equity investments, especially during the holding period. The study is a qualitative study of the buyout of the access security company Bewator AB made by the Swedish Private Equity firm EQT in 2002. The buyout became highly successful due to various reasons. The study draws the conclusion, contrary to popular belief, that Private Equity firms create value through taking a long term view on business developing rather than being short term value destroyers. Incentive alignment is another important factor..

Indexeffekten : En studie gjord på Nasdaq OMXS30 och OMXH25

AbstractMaster thesis in Business Administration, School of Business and Economics at Linneaus UniversityAuthors: Patrik Larsson and Pontus GislénSupervisor: Håkan LockingExaminer: Sven-Olof CollinTitle: The index effect- a study on Nasdaq OMXS30 and OMXH25Introduction: A significant part of the financial literature is based on the Efficient Market Hypothesis which assumes that prices in the market reflects all available information. Anomalies, such as the index effect, indicate weaknesses in this theory as it has been proved that it is possible to outperform the market using public information. Hence, the index effect can be linked to market efficiency which makes it interesting to study from a theoretical perspective. The mapping of the index effect is also interesting from a practical perspective, as it leads to a better understanding of whether investors and firms should take this anomaly into account.Problem: Is there an index effect, how does it behave and what can explain this effect?Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the index effect.

Internationalisering av tjänsteföretag : En undersökning av svenska träningskedjors internationalisering

The study aims to investigate Swedish fitness companies positioning and strategic choices when internationalising in the Scandinavian countries and what has influenced this choice. Furthermore, the corporate risk and what obstacles they encountered will be examined.The study was conducted as a qualitative study with a deductive approach. The results are based mainly on primary data from interviews, as well as secondary data.The fitness companies? choice of strategy in internationalisation depends largely on its concept and positioning. The main obstacles in the internationalisation process are lack of communication, language difficulties and regulations.

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