7405 Uppsatser om Audience management - Sida 20 av 494
Kopplingar mellan interna prestationsmätningar och ständig förbättring
Kopplingar mellan interna prestationsmätningar och ständig förbättring undersöks genom fallstudie av IKEA Food Service. Uppsatsen genererar fem hypoteser kring ämnet..
Enhetschefsposition - Utmaning eller huvudvärk? : Middle Management - A Challenge or a Headache?
AbstractThis is a qualitative study on what motivates personnel to apply for middle management positions within the Värmland County Police Department. This study also looks at whether or not there are differences in motivation between men and women in regards to applying for middle management positions.The study has been conducted through in-depth interviews with 17 employees of the Police Department. The material collected was analysed using the Empirical Phenomenological Method (EPP). 29 categories were generated which were then divided into four themes.The result showed that motivation can be achieved by having a more structured middle management roll whereby, for example, there are clear guidelines on the responsibility and authority you have. Support and encouragement were also named as motivating factors.
Working Capital Management : En pilotstudie av svenska småföretag
Syfte: Working Capital Management handlar om rörelsekapitalstyrning och är enligt litteraturen av vikt speciellt för mindre företag. Anledningen är att deras kapitalstruktur består av en hög andel omsättningstillgångar och kortfristiga skulder. Working Capital Management innebär i stora drag att optimera rörelsekapitalet i företaget. Eftersom denna uppsats är en pilotstudie är syftet att göra en förundersökning om arbetet med Working Capital Management inom mindre och medelstora företag. Avstampet tas i forskningsfrågornaAnvänder sig mindre och medelstora företag av Working Capital Management?Känner de till begreppet?Metod: Den vetenskapliga metoden är en deduktiv, kvalitativ forskningsansats.
NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC ELDERLYCARE - Section heads' and caregiving staffs' perceptions of the existence and influence in public retirement homes
This examine illustrates the section heads' and caregiving staffs' perceptions of the influence of New Public Management (NPM) in public retirement homes in Malmö. A central theme is to investigate if the main features of New Public Management are noticeable and if that's the case, are the consequences an advantage or disadvantage? The main features of New Public Management in this examine are: decentralization, competition, internal market, cost- conscious, management by objectives with a focus on results and costumer focus.
To reach answers to the questions above, a quantitative and a qualitative approach has been chosen. The study is based on 41 questionnaires with enrolled nurses/nurse's assistants and four semi-structured interviews with section heads of retirement homes. Four different retirement homes have been participated in this study.
Innehåll och mening i coaching - en studie ur mellanchefens perspektiv
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Inramning av klimatförändringar : I svensk dagspress 2012 och bland unga vuxna
Something that all people have come across and more or less experienced is climate change. Climate change in itself is a very complex problem since there are no borders between countries that can stop the problem. The link between science and the public is largely in the hands of the media, since the media play an important role in defining environmental issues and to inform the public about research findings. In recent years, reports from the media showed a slightly skeptical and uncertain picture of this problem. This is despite the largely prevailing consensus among climate scientists that there is an anthropogenic climate change.
Ideella organisationers relationsskapande på sociala medier : En studie av tre miljöorganisationer och deras närvaro på Facebook
Social media seem to offer a great possibility for environmental non-profit organizations to communicate with their members and audience, if the organization aims to build and maintain a relationship to the users of social media. This essay has examined how three environmental non-profil organizations are communicating in social media. To create an understanding of the organization?s communication strategies a netnographic approach was implemented..
Lean Thinking ? Ett sätt för serviceorganisationer att öka sitt värdeskapande?
Syftet är att genom ett Service Management-perspektiv studera huruvida implementeringar av Lean Thinking i serviceorganisationer skapar möjligheter för ökat värdeskapande för såväl kund som organisation. Huvudfrågeställningen ser ut som följande: Hur påverkas värdeskapandet i serviceorganisationer vid en implementering av Lean Thinking? Vi har betraktat två skilda serviceorganisationer som implementerat Lean Thinking - Fritidsresor och Universitetssjukhuset i Lund - genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med intervjupersoner från respektive studieobjekt. Genom en litteratusstudie av Service Management- och Lean Thinking-teorier har såväl likheter som skillnader i perspektivens syn på värde och värdeskapande illustrerats.
säljledarens roll i organisation
Presentation av säljledaren och dennes roll i en försäljningsorganisation. Argumentation för att säljledaren skall arbeta aktivt tillsammans som coach med säljarna ute på fält..
Kostnadsbesparingar med standardiserat Client Management
Vårterminen 2006.
Vilka konsekvenser och effekter har VBSS fått för ITT Flygt?
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka effekter ett styrsystem som Value Based Six Sigma gett för ITT Flygt. VBSS har influerats av främst Six Sigma men även Value Based Management och Nimbas värdemodell. Dessa begrepp presenteras närmare i uppsatsens teoriavsnitt..
Risk och krishantering : bevarandepolitik och normaliseringsproduktion
In this essay, Risk and crisis management Conservation policy and normalization production, I discuss how societies, communities and individuals are responsible for the handling of catastrophes and crises. Risk and vulnerability analyzes are parts of modern risk and crisis management. The purpose of these analyzes is to prepare people and organizations for any crises. For managing this it is necessary to comprehend, be able to change mindset in creating concrete tasks and inform others.The purpose of this essay is to analyze modern risk and crisis management by studying empirical material, such as interviews, observations and literature. My aim is to combine these materials and study how they cooperate.One of the findings in this essay is that risk and vulnerability analyzes are of great complexity. These analyzes require a discussion in order to identify the development of the society's crisis management system, as well as the continued support of the individuals that have a responsibility for preventing and preparing their organizations..
Ålfiskeförbudet : en undersökning av olika aktörer och olika aktörers åsikter på förvaltning, kommunikation och framtiden inom svenskt ålfiske
The first of May 2007, a decision from the Swedish Board of Fisheries about a Swedish prohibition of eel fishery got legal force. This prohibition is one of the most challenged decisions that the Swedish Board of Fisheries has taken. In the town Karlskrona in the southeastern part of Sweden the prohibition has got a lot of attention in local media. Early in the debate, it was clear that the actors active in the archipelago of Karlskrona were against the prohibition. The aim with the master thesis is to investigate different actors' opinions and view of the prohibition of eel fishery, today's management of the resource and how the actors' think that the communication between the actors involved in the management of eel and eel fishery works and what need to be changed to be able to develop a sustainable management of the eel in the future.
Skötselmål som en del av gestaltningen : för parker i kommunal regi, med en studie av två parker i Landskrona
There are mainly two ways to transform the design of an existing park. You could either make a replanning of the park, an act that changes the design and the plant material in one swoop. Or you could use the management to change the expression of the park. To be able to develop the parks with the help of management, some form of goal is needed, that can make the management of the park strive towards an expression for the whole park as well as its individual parts. Among the documented goals, for individual parks and park management, which exist in the municipalities today, there seems to be a weak link between the all-embracing goals and the management that is carried out in the parks.
Personalliggaren : Hur har svartarbetet påverkats?
This essay was written at Södertörn University during the spring semester of 2010, in the field of Business Administration, and more precisely within management and organization. The essay is based on a case study of the management of the staff working at the commuter train stations in Stockholm. The study consists of a number of interviews with the management staff and with the personnel working at the stations, where the aim of the study is to describe how management works within ISS Trafficare AB and what the personnel working at the stations think of it. ISS Trafficare AB is the entrepreneur who runs the commuter train stations in Stockholm by an agreement met with Stockholmståg KB.The study is based on information from the interviews with the personnel and other material from ISS Trafficare AB. Research on the area of management have been used to put data into perspective and to further deepen our analysis and conclusions from the case.The essay shows that the management has tried to implement several changes on the organization in order to provide more service to the travelers.